
Canning Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"My goal in canning is to have a superior product than something I could buy canned at the grocery store."
"When you're canning tomatoes, all you're worried about is the taste."
"So I just added some lemon juice to each one of my jars, both pint and quart jars, for 20 minutes."
"Canning frozen food feels like one of my cheat codes."
"Canning is a lost art and so it's one of those things that we do a lot of every year."
"I have canned more in the last six months than all the other times I had canned."
"It was a busy day in the kitchen canning, and I am glad that we are focusing on crockpot meals to have an easy, delicious dinner."
"The awesome thing about learning to can your own items is you can control the ingredients, you can control the flavor profile, and you just have a lot more control over the food that you make."
"Canning is a science and the rules need to be followed."
"Canning season is not just a summer and fall thing; it is a year-round thing."
"I already hear them sealing. Look at that. Put all that liquid in there. So that's the liquid that they secrete on their own. And that is why you do not have to add anything to them."
"I hope you share this video around because of course, it helps me, but it helps everyone else see canning is not scary."
"Knowledge is power, understanding more about this big enemy to home canning completely does away with any fear."
"It's my kitchen my rules and canning spam."
"One of the main reasons to choose canning meat over just freezing meat is because of potential power loss."
"So why am I going to go through all the trouble of fermenting this just to kill them off in the canning process? Excellent question because I've had a lot of people request it."
"So they are wonderful people to learn about canning both water baths and especially pressure canning from."
"You want to make sure that the rim of your jar is really clean so that you can get a good seal with your canning lid."
"If you're just getting started out canning and say you don't have a lot of room for a lot of equipment, I would go ahead and just buy a pressure caner."
"Canning is the most obvious and familiar method."
"We're going to keep this really simple, stupid. I tell most people when they are starting to can, they should try working with a water bath. It's easier."
"I completely missed the peach season, and probably for the last 15 years I have consistently canned like 100 quarts of peaches every year because we love peaches so much."
"And because I do plan on having a lot more different crops I'm going to be preserving a lot more as well and having a pressure canner finally at my disposal means that I can start preserving more food in jars."
"What better way to heat up January and make it fly by than 31 days of canning?"
"Ready to do a whole bunch of winter canning."
"If all the signs look good, you have no bulging, you have a proper seal, and then obviously you are just looking at your preserves."
"Water bath canning... best place to start."
"Stovetop water bath canners... flat bottom preferred."
"Ball makes wonderful canning jars."
"Spring-loaded jar lifter... secure hold."
"Home canning is so rewarding and it is taking control of what your family consumes."
"25 half pints of jalapeno peppers done two ways, right, two ways, y'all."
"If you were with me out in the garden, I asked if you would be interested in green bean canning and a small batch of garden fresh pasta sauce."
"Guys, if you don't have a roaster, you gotta get yourself one; they are a lifesaver every canning season."
"I hope you enjoyed this, my rebel canning session."
"I'm really happy with them; this was my very first pressure canning and it turned out really well."
"We're going to do some rebel canning today in the kitchen, so if you're not prepared for that, strap on your seat belt."
"We're trying to expand a little bit more so we can have more food to can and to share with family."
"These little navy beans hold up excellent in the canning."
"Whether you are a home canner, homesteader, or just generally interested, I am going to show you the similarities and differences between the regular popular Mason jars and the German European type of Weck jars."
"Both of these systems are good for home canning, that is jam making, jelly making, marmalades, but also for anything you make in a water bath canner or in a pressure canner."
"I am just so thankful that I have this canner."
"I've canned 43 quarts of beans, and I don't think I could have ever done it without this electric pressure canner."
"I hope you enjoyed learning about the juice extractor and I hope you enjoyed doing a little bit of canning with me again today."
"In canning, the desired results are food safety and the preservation of food."
"Canning is the process where heat is used to destroy any microorganisms that can cause food spoilage."
"What we're getting ready to can here today is cream of celery soup, and I got a really good deal on really beautiful celery."
"It makes a great gift, so the half pint jars are awesome to give out to friends or family."
"You always leave a little air space so that when the tomato is processed in the water bath, they have someplace to expand."
"Thank you so much for watching and I'll show you the end results of this baked bean canning day."
"I feel thrilled and I can't wait, I can't wait till you come in here and see how many jars I got out of this."
"There is so much you can do with canning; it is absolutely amazing."
"I hope this inspires you to go ahead, try your hand at home canning."
"The USDA has accommodated us by publishing a way that we can safely can our own soup recipes."
"This digital pressure canner has changed my life when it comes to canning."
"Canning tomatoes is like a process that a lot of Italian Americans like, a pastime they engage in."
"It's a slow rainy day and my slow rainy day project today is canning up at least this box here of potatoes."
"We're going to chop them, put them straight into the jar, and pack that up as tight as we can."
"Pull a chair up to my counter and let's get canning."
"Any root vegetable should be peeled before being canned to reduce the risk of botulism."
"Modern canning guidelines state that we do not need to pre-sterilize jars or lids as long as we are canning for 10 minutes or more."
"I'm super excited to do another canning session with you."
"I will put a link to the National Food Preservation website to where you guys can actually read all about how to can beans."
"As long as they seal, you're rock solid."
"The all new Ball Book of Canning and Preserving... I highly recommend this book."
"This is a very important video... on basic pressure canning from start to finish."
"Canning is my hobby, and I love it."
"I absolutely love canning... it's just a relaxing thing to do."
"Canning saves you so much money, you can give it as gifts."
"I'm going to put 1/2 a teaspoon of canning salt in each one of my jars... these are going to be so good this winter."
"I'm honored and excited to be part of this January collaboration because it's an amazing thing to be a part of the inspiration that's coming from all of these canning videos all month long."
"Homemade home canned Rotel, you asked, you shall receive."
"Egg canning is a little bit different than the alum tanning, and it's definitely a skill that we think is worth knowing how to do."
"I canned a lot this year, I think I have over 800 jars filled."
"I hope you enjoyed this video, I hope this was helpful, I hope it inspires you to give canning green beans a try."
"We're gonna open up a can of tomato sauce and be reminded why we're doing this and sweating all summer long."
"This one did not fail, guys, try it out, especially if you want that canning feeling without actually doing any canning."
"I've been putting together baskets that are just like things that I've canned from the summer garden."
"I've canned all my life, but for the past few years, I haven't canned much of anything."
"I'm just restarting my canning journey, and it was Chef Jeffrey who sparked that passion again."
"Now with prices going up, it's a great time to get back into canning."
"Please don't just trust anything you see on the internet; dairy is really a no-no for canning."
"I'm really eager to see how my jars did; from the looks of it, all of them popped down and look like they're sealed."
"For me, this is a success. All seven out of seven of the jars that I did sealed."
"I guess my verdict on the Tattler lids is that I would use these again."
"This is going to be off the cob corn, pressure canned, not water bath canned, and it is fantastic."
"I love canning; this is part of cooking I absolutely love."
"I am remarkably fond of this pressure canner."
"I'm going to let this simmer for five minutes while I get my jars and all my canning equipment ready."
"I'm making some more blueberry syrup to can."
"She got so much joy out of canning and so much joy out of the pinging sound when she would have all her jars on the counter and they would start pinging."
"She'd get excited every time one did."
"We're growing a nice big patch because I want to have a ton of sweet corn to try canning for the first time."
"Well, there you go guys, 20 meals worth of canned green beans from our garden, it doesn't get much better than that."
"Jelly is super sticky, so you always want to wipe the rims of your jars before you get your lids on to ensure that you get a good solid seal."
"This is the time of year to stock up on your canning lids because canning season is just around the corner."
"Make sure that you use jars and lids that are approved for home canning."
"Always use an approved mason jar for the canning process."
"Too little headspace may force food under the lid, causing siphoning or breaking of the seal."
"Canning is so much fun and it's really rewarding and totally safe if you follow the correct procedures and guidelines."
"For canning, you want them a little bit on the firm side, not super hard, but just a little bit on the firm side."