
Restfulness Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"Be still, rest deeply, and know that God is with you."
"Knowing it is safe for now to sink down into the deepest levels of peaceful sleep and stay there for as long as it takes for you to be fully rested."
"Insomnia is the inability to get the amount of sleep you need to wake up feeling rested and refreshed."
"In the early hours the fire still smouldered and Robert felt refreshed and rested."
"Every hour of sleep you get before midnight can count as double the amount of restful sleep you'll get during the night."
"Finally, I can sleep, finally I can rest, finally I can relax."
"My yoke is easy and my burden is light...learn from me...and you will find rest for your souls."
"If you come to him you'll give you rest then...take my yoke upon you...and you will find rest for your souls."
"If your heart is thankful, you get a better night's rest."
"Remember that you have said all who are weary and heavy-laden they can come to you to find rest."
"I had the best sleep of his life after the stream."
"I had a full night of sleep and I didn't wake up like hours before my alarm."
"Adventures are so much better when you've had a good night's sleep."
"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
"Every stage of sleep is important."
"I sleep better, I feel more rested, and I really feel like my body's natural Rhythm throughout the day works a lot better."
"I felt completely rested and amazing."
"Sleep is like a cheap version of time travel. You know what I'm saying?"
"I sleep so well in Ghana, there's so much peace and so much joy."
"I had such a good sleep last night."
"If you've been awake for 20 minutes, then get up, go and do something else, and only come back to bed when you're sleepy. That's the general rule."
"The darker your room, the better you will sleep. Light influences your brain, so the darker you can make your room, the more time you will get in the restorative stages of sleep."
"What is more restful than a mind at peace, and what more toilsome than anger?"
"Contentment is this capacity to rest in the moment as it is, sensing that it's okay, it's like the purity of okayness regardless of what's going on outside us."
"As you drift off now into a sound and restful sleep."
"Slept really, really well and I can't tell you how awesome it is to wake up too warm from the back of the truck."
"The ultimate goal is to get out of the bed. Secondary is just do something that doesn't keep you awake for longer."
"Take my yoke on you, for my burden is easy, Jesus said. This burden, this is light, and I'll give you rest."
"A relationship with God will give you rest and it will give you overflow."
"We're actually resting as the infinite, timeless, attributeless being."
"Come on to me, I'll give you rest."
"I'm a heavy sleeper and can sleep through anything."
"I slept so well last night, this hostel is really, really comfy."
"Bear attention also brings a very great rest for the mind."
"I wake up feeling more well-rested and with the lasting energy to power through my day."
"Good morning, that's probably the best night's sleep I've had camping, definitely."
"Grateful for the night's rest and just feeling very peaceful, very peaceful."
"Sleep quality means you wake up when your body is fully rested, not when the flipping alarm clock goes off."
"Oh sweet bliss, the next morning we woke up rested."
"The image of the wool gatherers in that sleepy field drew me to sleep as well."
"After a second sleep, I've been having just a full good day, no afternoon crashes mentally or physically."
"I'm gonna sleep like a baby today."
"I'm happy it was a good and restful weekend."
"My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places."
"There are two types of people in the world: the givers and the takers. The takers sometimes eat better, but the givers always sleep better."
"Thus says Yahuwah: Stand you in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and you shall find rest for your souls."
"Blessed is the one who is too busy to worry in the daytime and too sleepy to worry at night."
"I just feel so well-rested and happy."
"Other times when life is easy, I rest, I sleep, I sit, I lie."
"It is so important because it sets up your night for a great restful sleep which leads to a better waking up and a better morning."
"They shall never get tired in Jannah, and they shall never be expelled from Jannah."
"It feels really restful mentally and physically."
"Come to me, all of you who are burdened and heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
"You can experience remaining deeply asleep throughout the night."
"Let's have a sleep, I feel so relaxed."
"Praise that wells up spontaneously from hearts that rest in Him has always a pure, sweet tone."
"Give us the grace to lean in and to rest into your wide open arms."
"Being at rest in the delay means I'm confident that God is my shepherd, God is my source, and God is my savior."
"We go from jazzed up to restful, this quilt is very peaceful."
"Morning coffee and last night's sleep was incredible, so let's enjoy this coffee."
"Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
"There's a balance between a very deep rest and a presence, or a conscious alertness."
"May they be the ones who rest in peace now, amen."
"Rest isn't something that you get on vacation; rest is understanding you have become the resting place of God."
"Sleep Bear has given me the best sleep I've had in years."
"You sleep too much, you wake up still tired."
"I'm pretty confident that once my mattress gets here and everything is settled, I'll be able to sleep really well in this apartment."
"Creating a sleep routine helps to manage your day better when you sleep more and you're more well rested the next day."
"I sleep so good, I wake up feeling so much more rested."
"I've never slept better in my life."
"He sleeps through the night and wakes up smiling, stoked for the new day."
"You feel secure and you're sleeping well at night."
"You will find refreshment and rest in me, for all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear."
"His resting place shall be glory."
"It's the whole body letting go, it's coming to complete rest."
"After that good night's sleep, I really think the Hatchery Store definitely made it easier for me to go to sleep and have a more restful sleep."
"Enjoy these moments of rest and release."
"Lay your arms alongside your body and a little away from your torso, palms face up, separate your feet, let them fall out to the sides, and rest your body."
"Rest in a state of deep and calm peace."
"It's just a beautiful morning out here, man I slept like a baby last night."
"I woke up way before my alarm and just had a really great night of sleep."
"I actually slept pretty well to be honest, I didn't wake up at all in the night."
"Restedness doesn't come from the pause button, it comes from the purpose button."
"The little petals rested there and maybe you know we could rest there too."
"I fall asleep faster now, I don't wake up with back pains anymore, I'm more well rested and ready to slay the day."
"A good night's sleep is never far away."
"We can work from rest and not from exhaustion, so we can bring the best to the party and the best to our families, and not the remnants."
"I've rested more in the last two days than I have in years."
"I have slept like a baby. I am so happy to be up off the ground."
"For I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
"Tenderness is natural. When we are in our natural state, when we are at rest, tenderness is naturally present."
"Every area that your eye rests is an area of beauty, something for you to examine, something for you to see."
"Come unto me all you're weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, for my burden is easy, my burden is light."
"You have everything you need; this perfect sleep fills you with every resource you need to drive your dreams."
"But even in our resting, there are interesting things to be felt."
"Thus says the Lord: Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls."
"We all just want positive energy when we're sleeping."
"Return, oh my soul, to your rest, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you."
"I'm back. It happened. I took a nap, and it was successful."
"I sleep like an actual baby the whole night, I don't wake up at all."
"We thank you for watching and we hope you sleep well."
"Every time I close my eyes, I wake up feeling so whole."
"I feel so well rested this morning."
"At this I awoke and looked, and my sleep was pleasant to me."
"The difference between resting and laying down."
"The Sabbath was given to us by God for our benefit."
"I'm here for it because I actually do feel more rested."
"When you're at rest, things will be set in order."
"Have a beautiful rest of your week."
"I slept like I was dead, you know when you wake up in the same position? So good."
"You have been wonderful today, I hope that you have a really really good sleep."
"We've all been disappointed in love and we've all been disappointed in our fellow man, but I have yet to be disappointed by a good night's sleep."
"Take my yoke, learn from me, for I am gentle and humble, and I will restore the deep rest for your soul."
"There's nothing better than like fresh sheets and then a shower, and just like that night's sleep is so good."
"I woke up with no alarm today, it was wonderful."
"Just let your body sink into the floor and rest."
"After three years of being on the road and feeling a little bit lost, it's so nice to be having a base where I can come back to and actually rest."
"Allow yourself a few moments of rest, mind relaxes, body relaxes, releases."
"My body is just less tired at the end of the day after sitting in it for a long period."
"Dominion is very restful, not inactive, but restful."
"When I fall asleep using Calm, I don't know, Harry Styles or Killian Murphy sweetly speaking into my ear, okay, I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer, and I wake up feeling rested and ready to take on the day."
"I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
"Take my yoke upon you, learn from me, and you shall find rest for your souls."
"He will not let you move tonight; you will be at peace."
"Stage three is considered deep sleep, no eye movement or muscle movements, difficult to awaken."
"You will find refreshment and rest in me."
"Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and you will find rest for your souls."
"Rest, trust, rejoice in my goodness."
"She slept all night long, it was so great."
"I'm doing by the grace of God a hundred times more than I've ever done, and I'm the most rested I've ever been."
"I'm gonna give this three and a half Z's. I was pleasantly surprised; it was a very good night's sleep."
"That's probably the best sleep I had in a long time, man, because like everything was just peaceful."
"They're happy to rest as long as they've had something to eat and that appetite is satiated."
"I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls."
"The mind's at rest and the heart's at rest."
"The twins slept really well the whole vacation, I'm really proud of them."
"May it be fruitful and restful for you."
"It's basically waking up without an alarm clock and feeling rested."
"Begin to direct yourself toward rest, letting go of all your effort."
"Stay in a posture of gratitude while you're resting."
"Just try to rest and receive the breath."
"Come to me, all of you who are weary... I'll give you rest."
"Learn of me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
"Rest now and sleep peacefully; you are watched over every moment, every night."
"You deserve peace, you deserve a calm mind and a rested heart."
"This is such a beautiful place to rest."
"I don't know how babies sleep, but if they sleep good, then that's how I slept."
"I feel like whenever I get in bed at night I'm so rested and I go to sleep quickly."
"There's huge payoffs in feeling peace and feeling able to sleep better at night."
"I'm going to sleep good tonight too."
"Sleep is so healthy and so good for you, and it can be so restful and so rewarding to just sleep and enjoy your sleep."
"I hope it's been peaceful, blissful, restful, and joyous."
"My rest is complete as I sit at Your feet, sweep over my soul."
"This is where you've been looking to rest and calm your mind. This is where your soul will feel at peace."
"Let's enjoy this feeling of rest, let's be happy when it's bedtime, and let's make the most of every sleep."
"This is what the Lord says: Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls."
"Experience true rest, where you actually really don't do anything."
"You will feel more rested if you wake up at a lighter sleep stage than if you wake up during a deeper sleep stage."
"I hope your day was wonderful and it was full of rest and relaxation."