
Life After Death Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"But the main question that comes to my mind is, would you even want to come back to life, presumably many years in the future, after all everyone you knew and loved has long since perished?"
"The resurrection means to raise again, to come back to life, to come back from the grave and the death."
"Writing is the most powerful act you can perform to guarantee life after death."
"We never die. We're continuous. We always have been, we always will be."
"Life goes on after death, and life is eternal."
"Now you get to live and you never get to die."
"The soul is just nonsense. When you die, there won't be anything left of you for God to torture. So the threat is completely empty."
"Consciousness could survive the death of the brain."
"You're going to meet God, whether it's in judgment or peace."
"Charles really did somehow cross the barrier between our world and the next as a way of saying a heartbreaking final farewell."
"When you die, you're gone for good, but experience I do not believe ends."
"I have proof that this life exists, and that's proof of the next life. I have a faith I'm going to come back to life like I came back to life in this life." - Brother Faraz
"Christians can die better because we know what's next."
"We look forward not to the escape of the soul from the body, but to the resurrection of the dead."
"Consciousness could well continue after death."
"I hope this is what death is really like - we just wake up in heaven immediately."
"The incident of death is not the end for man, whether Christian or not."
"Jesus said, 'I'm the resurrection and the life.'"
"Tree burials offer a eco-friendly approach to burial, fostering new life in the form of a tree."
"Speak not of those who are slain in the way of Allah is dead no they are not dead."
"Your soul is eternal. When you drop this body, you are still going to be living."
"It really changed my viewpoint on death. If I continued past the point of my body's death, if I was up on the ceiling, who I was all of me, who I am, all of my thoughts and feelings were up on the ceiling."
"Life continues past the point of death, you are a spiritual being having a physical experience."
"Not one single person who has ever died ever came back... they all came back to tell us of their experiences."
"I was dead for an hour and 20 minutes and fully crossed over."
"Consciousness never dies even after death, it continues... just in a different way."
"The safety aspect to be safe from any dangers and fear, and Allah says that they shall never taste death except for the time they tested it before."
"It is important for people of the earth to know that after death life continues."
"What stands out for me is the fact that small children who've not been contaminated with adult ideas or concepts are telling us that something of us does survive death."
"The Capuchin friars and their fellow embalmers have perfected techniques to perpetuate at least a semblance of life after death."
"I once thought death was the end, but now as a warrior of Maldraxxas, I see that it was only the beginning."
"I feel certain that my mission will not come to an end upon my death but will begin."
"The fear of death was taken away, and now I'm just as certain that when I die, I'm going into another world that's just as real as this one."
"Death was merely a transition to another form of life."
"The Bible teaches that the dead are truly dead."
"Eternal life comes by believing in Jesus' death and resurrection."
"Humans thinking about what happens to them after they die, despite how it feels, it's a normal thought."
"Without Jesus, there is death and eternal separation from God. But with Jesus, there is life and eternal life with him."
"Near-death experiences are not likely to be hallucinatory or illusory."
"Are these reports really evidence of life beyond death, or are they merely hallucinations created by the brain to cope with the end of its existence?"
"Death is not the end, there's hope no matter what."
"We are justified by his death but saved by his life."
"At the end of our lives, we simply step into another realm."
"For the believer there is new life, but for the non-believer, there is nothing to look forward to."
"There is no end to anyone who has ever been born because you will live somewhere eternally either the Lord Jesus Christ or apart from him."
"We don't truly die; we simply change energy forms."
"When you're dead, your energy is not in the form that can observe time, time is meaningless."
"In the Easter story, death is not the final word, that there's something that comes after death, there is hope."
"Dying is a period, an exclamation point... for believers, it's just the beginning of a run-on sentence."
"If you find proof of ghosts, then you found your proof of life after death."
"Finance cannot tell you what happens after you die. Science cannot tell you there's an afterlife, but religion can make claims about what happens after we die."
"There are hundreds of documented cases in which near-death experiencers come back to life and report in detail actual events that occurred while they were dead and out of body."
"We have free will, and there is no such thing as death."
"The equipment, the tomb scenes, and so forth, they are literally screaming out life. It's encouraging the dead to live; they're just exhorting the mummy, you know, live again."
"Do you believe in life after blush? I do man I do."
"...hope is never lost... there is life after death even the death of a shared fantasy."
"Knowing that alone one goes beyond death."
"The dead is living because if I'm still able to connect while I'm here, there has to be something about them that's alive."
"I am not dead. I'm very much alive. I'm just not in the 3D. I'm not here where you can touch me, but I'm very much alive in spirit."
"We have such good news that life doesn't end at death, that suffering isn't meaningless, that our shame and our mistakes and our failures aren't who we are."
"The oldest question of all is the question, 'If a man dies, shall he live again?'"
"Life After Death turned 25. As well as the year that our dear friend Big Papa would have been 50 years old."
"I mean, if these past few days have taught us anything, it's death isn't the end."
"When we die there's no such thing as death, because energy can't die, it's reborn."
"They who remain shall also be quickened, will also be resurrected, brought back to life."
"Everyone who's born on the earth is going to get resurrected."
"Millions of people have undergone what have come to be called ndes or near-death experiences."
"The death of Jesus is what gives us life."
"All right, I understand that we survive. Suppose I believe this also that we do survive death just as we continue from childhood to youth to old age in the same way, we survive death and we go on to other lives."
"Your brother will rise again." "I know he'll rise again in the resurrection at the last day." "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live even though he dies."
"Are all of our memories still in there, even the ones we've forgotten? When we die, do we get to see everything that we thought we forgot during our time on this side of life?"
"I think it goes on, my personal opinion is that there's a preface and an epilogue for the soul."
"All the other ones are dead, they're not alive anymore, but Christ, he resurrected."
"In next life, they will not carry any movable deeds, they only carry the fixed deeds."
"People say death is the end; for me, it's only the beginning."
"Everlasting life, immortality, can one achieve immortality by breaking through the death inheritance?"
"Our old man is crucified... if we have died with Christ, we believe we shall also live with him."
"The life of the dead is placed under the memory of the living."
"Osiris has defeated Seth, which means that he has vanquished death."
"For most people, death at the end of our life seems to be the end, and in fact, we die only to live eternally in the real life."
"When people die, their beliefs, their hopes, and their dreams get passed on."
"Are we alone? And what happens after we die? Those are the two holy grails, the biggest questions there are."
"We do live on through death, we are reborn."
"It's not so much death that's important, it's that life continues after you."
"Thou must set before them life in place of death, heaven for hell."
"The land whose dead are living is first to experience the days of Messiah."
"When you read in the obituary that Bella Rodriguez-Torres died, don't believe it, for she's more alive than she's been in her entire existence."
"There is something beyond this life."
"I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me shall live, even in death."
"I do believe that whatever gives humans that spark of life remains after the body gives out."
"We ask big questions: Is it possible that consciousness continues on after we die? Are there ways to alter consciousness that will improve your quality of life? And if so, what does that mean for us as human beings?"
"Islam has depicted vivid images, has given true accounts, and has tried to explain effectively and simply of what is going to be the end of life and what is to happen after death."
"Truly, truly, I say to you, a time is coming and even now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live."
"You shall not come into judgment... you have passed from death to life."
"If you could make a dent in that, if you could elevate the discussion, support research that establishes beyond reasonable doubt that consciousness goes on, that we don't die."
"Loss was loss; death was permanent, but to lose someone and watch them live on, to watch them live life without you, that must have been real pain."
"Death is not an end, no, it's a beginning."
"If we live with Him, we'll die with Him, and if we die with Him, we shall rise with Him. That is an absolute certainty."
"I am the first and the last, who was dead, and I'm alive and live forevermore."
"Anyone that believes in Him, though he were dead, yet shall he live."
"The entire story of the Bible is the plan for God to overcome death."
"Christ was born, He died, He resurrected, and because He resurrected, we can resurrect."
"Death before the sun, and when you die, you start to live."
"Death is not the end of something, it's but the beginning."
"I never was scared when seeing him and seeing him constantly gave me such a perspective when it comes to when we die, that we don’t really die, we just go back home, where we really belong."
"Elijah Muhammad taught that heaven and hell were two conditions of life."
"The tomb is not the entrance to death but to life."