
Retail Investors Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"This is the first time where the retail investors get to front-run the big institutions."
"We need to make the market makers... a competitive field... let's control this and make it so that retail investors have access to a fairer, more transparent, more efficient, and less corrupt system than the one we have right now."
"That gives a retail trader the ability to in some respects mimic what we did as professionals and that's the whole idea isn't it."
"I think the questions and ideas posed by retail investors are actually the most insightful."
"For the first time, the retail investors strike back."
"Retail investors can be every bit as sophisticated as institutional investors and in some cases even more so."
"Wall Street was just upset that your retail regular investors were beating Wall Street at their own game."
"The small guy Robin Hood traders are now beating out billionaires."
"We have been given one of the most unique opportunities ever for a small group of retail traders to actually affect incredibly positive change for the entire Wall Street system."
"I think it's going to be the best thing that can happen for retail investors."
"The retail investor is my biggest winner for 2021."
"This was about the retail investors who were looked down on, degraded, despised, and ridiculed by the hedge funds and brokers versus Wall Street themselves."
"Retail investors intending to buy cryptocurrencies at this point being at 15% is extremely exciting because what's going to happen when it actually starts moving."
"They saved AMC because of the retail investors."
"It's the real Advantage retail investors have if a retail investor knows what money he needs in the next three five 10 years time doesn't matter."
"Short selling is not just done by large hedge funds or other investment entities, individual retail investors can also participate as long as it's approved by their brokerage."
"The shorts didn't cover. That's demand of retail buying, apparently a high majority of it."
"The gamestop saga showed the retail investors finally have the power to move markets and have their voices heard when they band together on online communities."
"Retail investors had actually accomplished something that seems to be impossible."
"Retail not capitulating. Retail investors staying in and buying more than ever. Added $20 billion to stocks in the last week alone."
"Retail investors are getting smarter, not being as fearful, and that's a fantastic thing."
"The roles reversing: the retail investors have outsmarted the smart money."
"Retail investors are now on the same footing as Wall Street."
"The scale of retail investor participation in the GameStop rally was truly amazing."
"Retail always piles in at the all-time high."
"Ethereum is where a lot of the retail money is going to go towards the end of the year."
"The massive participation of retail investors makes the market structurally unstable."
"Regular people beating Wall Street at their own game."
"Retail investors on average see opportunity where others may miss it."
"Throughout 2020 and 2021, the modern retail investor actually went mainstream and investing became pop culture."
"Investing went completely mainstream with normal people taking up investment like never before."
"It also happens to show me that they're shutting the door on U.S retail investors. You can't ignore it."
"Reddit investors from Wall Street Bets are shaking up the market and sticking it to the man by buying up stock in GameStop and AMC."
"Retail investors seem to understand the opportunity a little bit more than institutional investors."
"Individual investors poured more than half a billion dollars into Tesla shares."
"Retail investors seem to understand the opportunity... than institutional investors."
"It's never been a better time...retail investor."
"Retail loves to buy green, so stuff that continues to pump hard will probably continue to pump hard once retail comes in."
"Retail is the exit liquidity for the institutions and the multi-billionaires."
"If every person with a synthetic position in the retail market stood for delivery worldwide, we could crack the comex very quickly."
"90% of the quality that retail investors lack is patience."
"Retail investors are smart, highly educated, they make good decisions, and they want in the game."
"Retail capitulation is really interesting how it works because it comes in these massive spikes and it's usually representative of the bottom of the market."
"Those great companies should be accessing capital from retail investors too."
"When we think about what will actually cause the alt season that everyone loves and they yearn for ever since 2021 to arrive, you need retail to come back."
"To me, what I would want prioritized in all of this above anything else are the retail investors."
"We the retail people, we won big time."