
Health Guidance Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"I worry for the millions of viewers, especially the young women... who were following what they were eating, who were inspired by their lifestyles."
"I encourage people to go look at the CDC's website for really good guidance on the appropriate use of masks."
"Please follow the directives of the World Health Organization and the health experts in your area to do your part for all of the people who can't."
"If we all play our part, if we all follow the very clear medical advice, then we can turn the tide of this virus."
"If we follow this prescription, we will overcome the coronavirus."
"Fauci said it's fine to go trick-or-treating. I mean, you're walking around outdoors, someone answers the door, masks, yeah, you're literally like messed up already."
"I get along very well with Anthony, but he did say don't wear masks."
"Every American needs to understand that whether you are in an area that's impacted by the coronavirus or an area where there's very few cases if you do your part to put into practice 15 days to slow the spread you will do just that."
"CDC does have recommendations on their website about masks."
"CDC recommends that people wear cloth face coverings in public settings."
"The CDC guidance is called guidance because it's not an order, it's not a mandate."
"Moderating your children's sugar intake is one of the primary responsibilities of adulthood."
"The thing to remember about CBD is that finding your right dose is important and everyone's dose is different so Feels offers a free CBD hotline to help guide your personal experience."
"If March, April, May occur, you accumulate a lot more information and you modify and adjust your opinion and your recommendation based on the current science and current data."
"To mask or not to mask? The answer is, to mask."
"Thank you for staying home and staying safe, so keep continuing to do that. Make sure you wash your hands often, you know the drill."
"The best access to what is good for you will not come from people who are not the scientists."
"Just because you get vaccinated with that second dose does not mean you should be participating in things like traveling in the middle of an out of control pandemic or that you're liberated from masks everything still applies."
"The most important lifestyle decision you make every day is what goes into your mouth, what's on the end of your fork." - Dr. David Harper
"Dietary changes... low sodium diet is instructive."
"Social distancing, face coverage, and hand-washing really does work." - Dr. Redfield
"If you're caring for somebody with COVID, you need to understand the course of the disease."
"Google's latest in the midst of the pandemic: they said they're going to block and pull down any video that disagrees with the health recommendations from the World Health Organization."
"It looks like the CDC and WHO are going to come out and say officially eventually that, yeah actually about that mask thing you should probably wear them."
"The CDC saying masks are no longer necessary indoors for most of the country."
"Keep vitamin D levels above 100 for cancer prevention."
"Even if you are tired of hearing about masks, maybe it's on you to correct people in a respectful way."
"Do what you want, do what's right for you. Get the vaccine, wear a mask, don't do those things – it's up to you."
"We should not have been telling people that they should not get masks."
"Remember, no contact is still the way to go."
"The evidence for mask wearing is overwhelming."
"We've got to be led by the science, by the evidence."
"Just talk to your doctor. But the point I'm trying to make... Just talk to your doctor."
"Avoiding excess consumption of goitrogens is important, especially with thyroid dysfunction."
"I am looking at having a list, kind of a doctor-approved Dr. Berg-approved keto foods on my website."
"With your help, we will slow the spread of the disease."
"The path back to something resembling normality should be clear: You get a vaccine, a double dose ideally, and you can get back to living."
"For minor cuts and scrapes, follow these first-aid steps: clean, treat, cover, protect."
"WHO reiterates warning against COVID boosters for healthy people."
"You gotta date on FaceTime, date on the cell phone, and stay out of the face-to-face until the health professional tells you otherwise."
"The timing of creatine in general is irrelevant."
"The strain coach is the best asset. You type in the strain coach and it'll tell you how hard you should work out based on your sleep."
"So, family, if no one has said it to you, let me go ahead and say it: wash your hands for at least 30 seconds, wear a mask in public, don't touch your face, do your research, get the vaccine, and be sweet to yourself."
"Hopefully, this gives you a very clear path forward, treating your hair loss."
"I'm only listening to Dr. Fauci, and if Dr. Fauci said it's okay, it's okay."
"He said I just cannot heal you because I get ill I need you to follow my protocol not what they tell you what I say but how would you know what they're saying is wrong if you don't study the true rules to."
"The best way you can help the NHS is by staying at home."
"Phas it up is not about strict rules; it's about giving you the knowledge to make it work for you."
"All we have to do to really cut down on transmission is to behave in really simple appropriate ways."
"Surgeon General Jerome Adams says people still need to wear a mask and socially distance after they've been vaccinated because it doesn't prevent infection, just severe illness."
"Don't fear fat and fat and protein come together in nature the best protein sources animal come with fat."
"If you just eat Whole Foods, you're going to be stepping in the right direction."
"I would suggest with all of these things that you find online and YouTube videos and courses and everything, you should always consider speaking to a specialist, a qualified clinician, especially one who specializes in whatever issue you have."
"Let's optimize it, let's really help you get from the start to finish down the right pathway and get it out of your body in a safe way."
"Aim for about five a day; this is how I think it works best."
"It breaks down all the different food categories into three categories: superfoods, neutrals, and best avoided."
"I hope you come back for part two, where I'll talk about renal and bladder calculi and give you a basic instruction on renal mass evaluation."
"A functional medicine physician is generally a good place to start or a holistic medicine doctor, registered dietitian that uses a holistic approach."
"Follow the World Health Organization, WHO, CDC, follow those."
"What should you do specifically step by step to get from the unhealthy region to the healthy region?"
"Let the old ways be your guide to good health and well-being."
"The nutrition guide had some amazing science-based recommendations approved by a dietitian, which I really loved."
"We're always going to follow the guidance of our health and medical experts."
"Cancer is not always one and done, so anyone who's a cancer survivor continuing to follow the same recommendations and guidelines that we put out for cancer prevention is an important thing as you move forward with your life."
"This is really worth taking the time and doing this assessment so that you can finally start figuring out what is going on and how you can best support yourself to get to root cause healing."