
Messianic Prophecy Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given... and His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
"Dub the Gabriel Revelation, the text painted on the stone refers to a messiah that lives, dies, and is resurrected after three days."
"The significance of rebuilding the temple: tied to the arrival of the Messiah."
"Many believe the Third Temple is a prerequisite for the Messiah."
"Jesus came the first time to become our savior and he's coming the second time to become our king."
"The Old Testament promise of God's future victorious Kingdom was inaugurated through the crucified Messiah."
"The Book of Enoch introduces the Messiah, the Son of God who sits next to God and will judge both the living and the Dead."
"Peace on earth will come when the Prince of Peace comes and no other way."
"Our future is that Moshiach is going to come."
"You will see the son of man sitting at the right hand of the power and coming on the Clouds Of Heaven."
"Jesus is Messiah, he's the one we were expecting to come to the world."
"I tell you with certainty, there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved except that of Jesus of Nazareth! The Son of God!"
"No matter how much we are commanded to expose the powers of Darkness, we have to always reveal the light of the Messiah."
"The Book of Enoch has the most explicit Messianic content."
"The reason why most people think of a king from the line of David when they hear the word Messiah is because David's story is the fullest narrative portrait of the anointed one in the Bible."
"There is a king that is coming and his name is Jesus."
"I'm going to have the Messiah. That's Christianity."
"Stop staring at the top of that mountain and start walking toward what you want."
"Christians, Jews, and Muslims all believe that a messiah shall come towards the end of time."
"He will return physically and Reign from Jerusalem once again."
"He is the king of the Jews, the Lion of the tribe of Judah."
"Let the king of glory return to this Earth, let the lion of the tribe of Judah be the king of kings and Lord of lords forever and forever."
"God promised to send a Messiah... who would ultimately defeat death and Satan."
"If Jesus Yeshua is not the Messiah of Israel Israel will never have a messiah."
"All the things written about the messiah in the books of Moses and the prophets and in the Psalms, those things were written about me."
"Messiah would rise from the dead, as prophesied in Psalm 16:9-10."
"And what a time it will be when Jesus comes as the Messianic King to rule the nations from Jerusalem."
"In the end they're going to win their Messiah is going to return."
"Matthew wanted to present to his readers Jesus as the promised Messiah."
"Jesus is our Messiah; he's everything Judaism has been hoping for."
"The power of Christ is failing, the Lord God is weak. He will send us one last chance, a new Messiah."
"The Messiah had to come through the lineage of King David."
"Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
"Psalm 110 is definitely and truly and best understood as messian."
"God's purpose was to offer restoration to the world through the coming Messiah."
"The context so strongly favors this pierced one being the davidic Messiah who dies for the sins of the people a Priestly function removes their sin exactly he dies for their sin."
"These are the people that God is incorporating into this Messianic line."
"It's all about who Jesus is because this message is still to the Jews Jews you must believe that Jesus is the messiah."
"Signs don't point to that, you're not seeking me for the signs. Signs don't point themselves, they point to him that he is the Messiah and there is only true life in him."
"Where is the indigenous Hebrew culture writing about their expected Messiah?"
"The messiah is to bring about a time of remarkable change in the world, of worldwide knowledge of God where war will come to an end."
"In those days and at that time, I will cause a righteous branch to spring up for David."
"These paradoxical prophecies are just too detailed and too complex for anyone to fulfill them unless that person really is the true Messiah."
"It's Jesus! He is the fulfillment of the ages, the long prophesied Messiah, the hope of all the nations."
"There is a prophecy that the Messiah would come."
"...the Messiah was going to be fully man, fully God."
"Millennialism often also associated with Christian belief as it relates to Judaism is referring to an age of peace and justice that is marked by the coming of a Messiah."
"This is a foreshadowing of the Messiah himself."
"Ruth the Moabit... chose to affiliate herself with Naomi's story, with Naomi's people, provides Naomi with an heir and not just any heir, but an heir whose line will give rise to David and ultimately the future Messiah."
"The lack of a temple lends itself pretty naturally to the idea of the Messiah as someone who will rebuild it."
"These feasts were a shadow of the Messiah who was to come."
"The Torah, the prophets, and Psalms... Jesus views his Bible as a unified whole that has one main purpose to point forward to the coming of the Messianic King, his death, his resurrection."
"The amazing thing about it is that they taught the Messiah would be God incarnate."
"By the time of the Messiah coming, the New Testament was written which has more information, more history, more prophecy."
"When the true mashiach comes, the knowledge of God will cover the world as the water covers the sea."
"For I say to you, from now on you will not see me until you say, 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.'"
"The Messiah is the Branch, growing anew out of this dying stump of the House of David."
"The scepter would not depart from Judah until the Messiah would make his appearance."
"He is truly the coming king of Israel and it's all over the Bible."
"These seven feasts depict the entire Redemptive career of the Messiah."
"The Messiah coming on the Clouds Of Heaven to those who are faithful."
"The Old Testament ends in really the only place it can, in desperate need of Jesus, the promised Messiah."
"We have found the Messiah (which translated means Christ)."
"Yeshua the Malit Sedc is going to come and bring peace to a family feud after a great war between kingdoms and nations."
"Don't be afraid of these worldly kingdoms; choose God, choose the future Messiah, choose the Prince of Peace, the King of Kings."
"So, God has prophesied through Micah about a Messiah that will come out of Bethlehem Ephrathah."
"The Torah is the schoolmaster that leads us to the Messiah."
"It's here that when Messiah comes, Jews believe that the temple will be re-built."
"Every eye is going to see him, and that's when Israel will realize that Jesus is their high priest, their King, their Redemption, and their deliverer."