
Burial Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Cyril refuses to depart before giving the fallen warriors and dragons a proper burial."
"To deliberately bury someone means you are purposefully doing something to the body after death, which may have meant there was an emotional concern about what happened to the body, suggesting a belief in the afterlife."
"Retrieves dismembered heads for a proper Christian burial."
"Abraham's sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him together."
"The first body to be placed in the Capuchin catacombs was that of friar Silvestro Gubbio, still carrying a placard bearing the date of the event."
"Baby Doe can now be properly laid to rest, and his killer will now be held accountable."
"Everyone in Europe wanted to be buried there. It was the place to get buried, baby!"
"The remains of Cyrus were interred in a mausoleum in the capital of Pasargadae, named after his tribe."
"Peter disposes of the body the only way he knows how: respectful burial... Cremation? Guess again, friends."
"Final tribute to Lugosi" - Lugosi, buried in Dracula's cape, may have also worn the iconic amulet, a fitting tribute to his iconic role.
"The end of his shovel piercing the dirt again and again, until he’d made a big enough hole to consign the case that now held his own brother’s mangled body."
"The bodies have all been laid to rest with a long line of Romanov tsars in Saint Catherine Chapel of the Peter and Paul Cathedral in Saint Petersburg."
"The sacred bulls were buried in these granite sarcophagi that weighed between 60 and 80 tons."
"About 26,000 years ago, three teenagers were laid to rest in a common grave."
"There's something very particular about this grouping of burials that seems to zing through the ages."
"I'm not able to have children, but what I was given was the chance to bring peace in the form of a proper burial to a child whose real parents were unwilling or unable to give them one."
"Every inscription of her has been mutilated; her coffin was ended, actually, she wasn't buried in it."
"It's the first undisturbed boat burial ever to be found on the British mainland and appears to be the final resting place of a high-status Viking leader who was buried around 1,000 years ago."
"The Black Prince... wanted to be buried here even though the nation felt his status demanded a place at Westminster Abbey."
"Anything you bury in there, whether it be man or beast or car or Mr. Mercedes, they will return."
"The biodegradable burial pot turns your body into a tree. Plant a walnut tree on top of me so people can eat my nuts forever."
"the body of Varys was sent to Caesar but in spite of the disaster it was honored by Burial in the Tomb of his family"
"Bonnie's burial was attended only by close friends and relatives, which numbered about 150 people."
"Determining whether or not the burial is Christian is now crucial to the investigation."
"Burial of the Dead is evidence for religion."
"...a ring and buries it in Asahi's grave."
"I feel like we should just examine them a little bit more and give him the good burial that he deserves."
"I'm going to have slipper buried in the grounds of the chateau."
"She was buried next to the Duke of Windsor."
"They were buried like this so that the king had a companion on his journey to the afterlife. Lovely."
"Elvis's burial was a grand and emotional affair."
"We now know that crucified victims could be dignified with a proper burial in a family tomb, just as the Bible describes Jesus being buried."
"The warrior who was probably a participant in or victim of Julius Caesar's Gaelic wars passed away and was buried somewhere around 50 years before the birth of Christ."
"I buried her there. Said goodbyes."
"Women take care of the burials, and this still happens in highly patriarchal societies still today."
"Richard III's remains were carefully handed over in 2015, and he was granted a full funeral and burial that was Fit For A King."
"'They buried them all here,' he then said grimly. 'All of them. They turned this place into a prison for the dead.'"
"He buries the fox with great reverence and respect for the life of a fellow creature."
"in this cold ground dearest henry"
"This is the grave of two ancient infants in modern-day Austria dated to 31,000 years ago. It is the oldest known burial of identical twins in the world."
"With any energy they had, they dug out a small grave and buried Max."
"Coffins are not one size fits all... you don't use the same kind of coffin for everything."
"I'm going to be buried in the Stretford End."
"Not everybody who was afforded a lavish tomb burial in ancient Egypt was a pharaoh. Sometimes you didn't even have to be a member of the royal family or belong to an elite family."
"The fact that they were all discovered together suggests that they were buried deliberately."
"Despite its reputation as one of the world's most beautiful cemeteries, it houses the disturbing burial of Rufina Caceres, a young woman who was accidentally buried alive."
"...you have no idea how many former mob guys are buried in that cemetery."
"With his salary, he may not be able to afford another burial."
"We therefore commit their bodies to the deep, to be turned into corruption, looking for the resurrection of the body when the sea shall give up her dead in the life of the world to come."
"And then, suddenly someone hands you a shovel, and then you're putting dirt on your mate's grave."
"I want to be buried inside of a meme."
"He had one request before he was hanged. Dr. Holmes asked if he could be buried and encased in thick concrete."
"The church says the dead must be buried. If the church has another way to keep the dead from rising I'll be happy to bury them until then light the pyre."
"Just bury them straight in the garden."
"She was buried in a new vault in the Henry VII Chapel in Westminster Abbey."
"Hearing of this, a local priest appealed to Queen Victoria to give Catherine Parr a better and deserved burial."
"We had the big big burial mon right here."
"I don't get why people bury people, people cremate."
"Clarius would then be brought back to his village where his burial would subsequently take place the next day."
"One actually becomes a cemetery, the other, it's there's a monument that a four where Bob it is just alone by himself buried out there."
"He wants to be buried there. That's it. 'When I die, bear me in a pyramid.'"
"If I die, please bury me in one of two poses: T-pose or 'you know I had to do it to 'em.'"
"Hindu tradition favors cremation, a ritual seen as a key part of the journey of the soul, reflecting a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, while Islamic practices advocate for burial, aligning with the faith's emphasis on dignity and respect for the deceased."
"This is the burial plot for Civil War veteran Hudson Henry Acer."
"People knew that these bodies were less likely to be protected both in the graveyard and by the law."
"He now lies in Leicester Cathedral."
"The dead don’t care how they’re buried. It’s the living that cares and pays."
"They just wanted their loved ones to rest forever at the happiest place on Earth."
"Some coffins were fitted with bells or strings attached to the deceased's finger."
"I think we're looking at a group that have been buried together for a reason."
"If I could share with anybody about burials, and everything that I've learned, I would share with them, especially in Hawaiʻi, is not to go into caves, and especially if they know it’s burial caves."
"George Blake was buried in Moscow's Troekurovskya Cemetery in the city that had been his home for more than half a century."
"So with this, the general theory was that some Chinese fishermen found the boat and with the boat they found Scott's remains and so they decided to give him a proper burial."
"I mean, obviously when you're dead, you're dead, but like I want to know here in the comments I mean would you rather be buried underground or like a mausoleum would you rather be cremated like what are your like death wishes man I think cremation bro cremation yeah"
"It's believed there are still more buried here in unmarked Graves these likely are some of the settlers from the old fishing Village."
"So at the beginning of the lecture I suggested that the rich copper hoard found at the homie Shamar was funerary in nature, and then there was the pilgrimage site of July that also seemed to have human burials as a key function of the site."
"A terrifying revelation has been made thanks to some bizarre burials found in a group of Chinese tombs."
"On the 17th of July 1998 80 years to the day of the murders The Remains were interned in Saint Catherine Chapel at the Peter and Paul cathedral in Saint Petersburg."
"I'd love painting ocean so much, my kids once they asked, they said dad you know do you want to someday be buried at sea and I thought gosh that'd be great."
"Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI was laid to rest just before noon Rome time this morning Thursday January 5th 2023 in the grottos underneath Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican where the Mortal remains of many pontiffs reside"
"She's anointing him before his burial which is what Jesus said."
"The next day Tunstall's body was brought into Lincoln. It was buried behind the Tunstall and McSween store on a shelf of land overlooking the Rio Benito. Standing at the open grave was Billy the Kid."
"He just deserves a proper burial. He deserves justice, and we're going to seek it. Yep, we're not going to stop."
"Glorfindel is buried under a great can of yellow flowers and ever after this place would forever bloom with these great golden flowers."
"Four months after Dale Winton's funeral his ashes were buried in the southern Garden next to his mother Sheree in a private service."
"Modern researchers have determined that the fossils were given a burial suitable for a high-ranking official sometime between 1300 and 1200 BC."
"Bach was buried in 1750 in the cemetery outside of the church."
"In 2015, the long-lost remains of Richard the third were laid to rest in Leicester Cathedral."
"No one should be buried without the most simple things: your name, the first thing you're given when you're born. It shouldn't be taken away in death."
"He was interred in Westminster Abbey in a somewhat subdued funeral for such an extravagant man."
"When bodies are buried... there's a span of time... when dead bodies are put into their graves and buried over... it's a kind of human universe."
"They want to capture as much blood as they could and bury it with the body, because it was sort of the life-giving portion of the body as well."
"They tell me that 19 Kings are buried here along with 53 Queens, countless slaves, attendants, dogs, horses, and other animals and buried with them was gold and precious stones."
"Buried three bodies, uh, there are ways to save money."
"The most merciful way of burial is the one that you find in Islam."
"Being buried alive however is an even more common fear, even among those who aren't normally claustrophobic."
"A lot of holes in the desert and a lot of problems are buried in those holes."
"There's nothing quite as creepy as coming upon a burial ground deep inside the forest."
"EC3 would immediately be buried upon his arrival on RAW in 2019."
"This is the burial laying in that trench."
"Imam Zain Al Abideen returned to Karbala and took the responsibility to bury the bodies of Imam Al-Hussain and his companions."
"When a man wants to be buried with his wife, you can't do a decent job."
"The controversy about whether or not Mr. Cody should be dug up and placed in Cody, Wyoming, was settled once and for all."
"Burial metamorphism is really neat."
"That is the man that was buried in a stone wall to prevent him from rising from the dead."
"His death, which has still not been conclusively determined, mattered enough to whoever was around him at the time to compel them to purposefully bury him."
"There were also tombs in the rock faces that were used for burials at this site."
"We now commit her body to the ground. Earth to Earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust."
"The volsgaard burial ground was used for over 1 000 years with the elite members of Viking Society being buried here continuously."
"I prefer cremation to burial in space. I'm not much attracted by the idea of floating mummify by vacuum for the next few thousand million years. I'd rather be burned by the heat of my ship's engines."
"JJ's body was placed in a black plastic bag and buried like a piece of trash in Chad Dabell's backyard."
"Chad said you only dig as far as you need to, and JJ's burial was like a vault."
"She is anointed my body for the burial."
"If the Minoans were leaving things in the tombs, they must have thought the body needed those things after death."
"Still others were sunk in lakes or put out to sea."
"Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the council, obtained permission to take charge of Jesus's burial."
"Much of what we know about human history is down to how we've buried our dead."
"They will bury the dead so deep that their own ghosts won't be able to find them."
"Under the wide and starry sky, dig my grave and let me lie."
"The burial of Jesus: Jewish law required burial even for foreigners and executed criminals."
"That was the burial depth in plague-infected England."
"If you want to return to the Earth on the land that you lived on, that's totally fine by me."
"I'll chip in toward burying her, Doc."
"He made his grave with the wicked and the rich in his death because he had done no violence, neither was there any deceit in his mouth."
"The burial site of Abraham Lincoln's grandfather."
"Do not bury me in a metal box. You go out into my woods, and you cut down a tree, you make me a wooden box, and that's what I want to be buried in."
"Kings and queens, giants buried in burial mounds with copper crowns and treasures of pearls."
"For in that she has poured this ointment on my body, she did it for my burial."
"You can be buried with your pets."
"Before this pyramid was built, the elite of ancient Egypt were buried in flat-roof tombs called mastabas."
"If this really did happen, they were so respectful and they actually gave them a proper burial."
"Golden spells... were inscribed with magic spells and then buried alongside dead people two thousand years ago."
"A high amount of oil used on Tut's body during burial actually combusted inside the tomb in antiquity, causing large amounts of damage before it was even opened."
"Imagine being buried in a brand new convertible; that was the kind of extravagance that being buried in the boat was to the Vikings."
"It shows a burial of a small child and all the treasured items this child would have carried into the land beyond, the land of shades."
"The majority of New Testament scholars today concur that Jesus was in fact buried in a tomb by Joseph of Arimathea."
"The Toffit was a sacred site located outside of the city where young children were buried."
"The Neanderthals were more highly intelligent critical thinkers; they were one of the first hominins to bury their dead."
"The deceased were placed in flexed positions and enveloped in finely woven textiles, forming burial bundles."
"There it is: not among the Lintons, mind, under the chapel-roof, but in the open air, with a headstone; and you may please yourself whether you go to them or come to me!"
"The catacombs had become the almost last resting place of popes, saints, martyrs, and entire families of many Christians."
"The burial mound is enormous, measuring 130 feet across the center, with the suspected prince buried in his chariot right at the heart of it."
"It was customary to bury pharaohs with their most prized possessions."
"Heathcliff is buried next to Katherine with that side of his coffin broken open."
"The burial of Tutankhamun was actually a tomb within a tomb."
"The wolves are buried and the false stag done."
"This is the burial place of ancient kings."
"I want to spend my last days there and be buried among those mountains."
"In every ghost story I've ever heard, a spirit becomes unmoored from its body and it needs its physical remains to be buried."
"We finally know where he is buried."
"They were buried in coffins that were shaped like overturned boats."
"...she was buried with over 750 Jade objects nearly all of them made from nephrite..."
"...this was a Jade suit burial and here we're looking at the reconstruction of the suit..."
"...the tradition that we've been talking about this evening is one massive long chapter in the use and the use of jade the creation of jade forms and the practice of incorporating them both in life but more obviously in death through burial."
"If she is indeed a Victorian mourning doll, it would make sense why she wants to be buried."
"Attila buried in three coffins, one nested inside the other: the outer one of iron, the middle one of silver, the inner one of gold."
"You get Harmony's remains found, you have a proper burial, you have a proper sendoff, you have a proper funeral."
"These were places of burial and contemplation, sacred spaces that enfold you."
"The Scriptures do not say anything about required modes of burial for believers."
"The headrest was an important aspect of burial rights not only in Egypt but throughout Africa as well."
"Do not bury me in Egypt, but let me lie with my fathers."
"Ned tells his men to bury Lady at Winterfell."
"Send his bones back to Oklahoma so his burial can be properly finished; he can be with his ancestors."
"The centralized church, usually circular, served as martyria or the place of burial of a martyr."
"Jesus was buried by Joseph of Arimathea in a tomb."
"Slave women anointed and wrapped the corpse for burial, and Achilles placed it on a bier; Joseph wrapped the corpse for burial and placed it in a tomb."
"The Trojans covered Hector's grave with large stones; Joseph rolled a large stone at the door of the tomb."
"A graveyard is attached to a church, and a cemetery is not."
"Once the bones were clean, they would take them and put them into a jar, a large jar, and deposit them in a shaft tomb."
"He was grateful they at least had some answers and that they were able to bury these found remains next to her parents."
"If you look at the Hushed at burials, the people were buried in cloth dyed blue with dyer's woad."
"For those who romanticize a sea burial, the company is called Eternal Reefs. It offers an innovative solution."
"And when they had fulfilled all that was written of him, they took him down from the tree, and laid him in a sepulchre."
"I want to be buried just like this, with a tree planted behind the grave."
"Tree burials refer to the increasing trend in Japan of burying your loved ones next to trees."
"The King was buried and along the walls in there, there's all kinds of paintings depicting religious motifs having to do with the king's passage into the next world, the afterlife."
"The relics, the body of Saint Leontius, one of the early bishops here, is actually buried here."
"...the family decided to keep her buried in this spot because she had become sort of a local legend."
"Morgan, having learned the ways of peace, insisted on giving the deceased a dignified burial."
"I just want to do what's right for JJ and Ty Lee. I want them to have a proper burial."
"After Rome, Syracusa's catacombs are the largest and most extensive system of subterranean burial sites in Italy."