
Taboo Topics Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"The business that will tell you two things you should never talk about: You should never talk about religion and politics. You should focus on sports and others, but not religion and politics."
"We shouldn't be afraid to talk about it just because it's a little weird or it's unknown."
"The nature of comedy is to talk about the stuff you're not supposed to."
"It's the taboo subject that you're not allowed to discuss."
"Discuss death, and don't sweep it under the carpet."
"What is one thing that we're not talking about as a society that we really should be talking about? It's pedophilia and the erosion of safeguarding towards children."
"Taboo means that if you talk about that topic in the wrong context, people will feel really uncomfortable."
"Envy is deeply, deeply human and nobody wants to talk about it."
"It's a bit gross, and you've got to admit it does sound kind of similar to necromancy, doesn't it?"
"Instead of the first 20 minutes being taboo for me, it was where I made 80% of all my money."
"Is there room to explore these topics that we're not really used to talking about?"
"Consumerism is becoming a bit taboo in the West."
"It's such a frightening thought that I don't even like to talk about it."
"I want to be able to talk about subjects that people don't talk about."
"Secret time you're special is about is about how you just really say things you're not supposed to say."
"Cannibalism is probably the worst taboo anyone can get involved in."
"It's such a taboo subject to talk about vaccine injuries."
"Welcome to Girl Talk, a series where we talk about taboo topics that should be normal."
"Simply asking the question shouldn't necessarily be taboo."
"If we would all just talk, it wouldn't be so taboo and shameful."
"Sex addiction... something we don't talk about enough."
"When did it become taboo in this country to talk about getting healthy?"
"Hey listen, if they want to [ __ ] the dead let them be."
"Feels like I'm watching something I shouldn't be watching."
"I am just so grateful for the people that open up about these more taboo topics."
"Taxes, investing, money - nobody wants to talk about that."
"The phenomenon cannot be ignored any longer and taboos regarding it must be dropped and it must be openly talked about."
"Do you follow any of the old rules like 'don't talk about religion, politics, or sex'? Sex is the first thing I talk about. It's the icebreaker."
"There can be no taboos enforced by one community on another."
"Expressing a taboo feeling or emotion instead of repressing them."
"Once you've got all that money and all those factors... it's not taboo anymore."
"Jokes, guys, we gotta laugh. We gotta let it run, we gotta let it, because there are topics that we can't discuss until we can laugh at them. We have to make fun."
"The word pimp is scary. It sounds scary because it's real taboo. But I don't look at it like a noun like a person-placed thing. I look at it like a concept, you know what I'm saying?"
"I know these topics are taboo. You're not supposed to be divisive, you're not supposed to talk about religion, politics, that sort of stuff."
"Accidents happen every day, so they're desensitized to the normality of its occurrence. However, change the context to murder, suddenly death is taboo."
"Twitter's secret weapon is the normalization of discourse around taboo subjects."
"The sexual Revolution helped normalize formerly taboo topics such as contraception and premarital sex."
"I feel like the word 'microtransaction' has become the biggest taboo in today's generation of gaming."
"Every one of us is here because two people had intercourse together."
"You weren't allowed to talk about it. This wasn't discussed, too horrible, too awful."
"We were raised not to talk about how much money you make, politics, or religion."
"Criticizing Islam and renouncing it should not be taboo."
"I know that this approached a lot of taboo subjects and I know a lot of people are going to immediately disagree."
"I started asking those embarrassing questions... nobody wanted to talk about it."
"Everybody just needs to stop being so goddamn sensitive and afraid to talk about [__]."
"Nobody talks about them so we're going to talk about them."
"Yeah, and I'm always down to talk about death or any of the other unfortunate topics in life."
"Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders talked about poverty and inequality, which are now and have always been taboo."
"I wish we could go back to a place where you don't discuss religion or politics or money."
"Because back in the 50s, we just didn't talk about it. Right, right."
"The Golden Girls fearlessly tackled taboo topics of its time amidst the glitz and glamour."
"Talk about stuff like sexual relationships on stream... it's like a conversation to be had."
"It's gripping in a way that you wouldn't expect. I feel like this was just King spreading his literary wings at this point and being able to talk about things that other people didn't want to talk about."
"Don't talk about politics and religion at the dinner table. People's friendships could avoid a lot of issues if they just avoided that."
"I really, really hope this video was not only a bit of a laugh, you know. You are entitled to have laughed throughout this video because, although these topics shouldn't be taboo, you can 100 laugh at me. I don't mind at all."
"Taboo subjects should be discussed so they aren't taboo; if nobody is getting hurt, someone else's discomfort is really your problem."
"Never ever ever mention exes or previous relationships in your speech."
"This is a dirty topic, but someone's got to talk about it."
"Comedy is speaking the Unspeakable... it's a sacred duty to be a comedian."
"People are surprisingly open to talking about it."
"We can't talk about the undiscussables, and that's what keeps businesses from being profitable, healthy, effective."
"Let's remove the taboo of talking about money, income, all that stuff; let's make it a lot more normal."
"It's important to talk about things that people just don't talk about."