
Bedtime Routine Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"Develop a bedtime routine. Our brain likes habit."
"Finding a winddown routine before bed, like reading or doing a jigsaw puzzle, seems to help."
"I just started feeling calmer, ready to unwind, and ready to go to bed about three to four hours before I usually sleep."
"A warm bath before bed can help to relax the body and mind."
"If you can train your mind to understand that 10PM is the time for sleep, and your bed is the place for sleep and only sleep, it will do the work for you."
"Probably my favorite part of the schedule is the bedtime routine."
"Yoga poses that I'll do when I want to go to bed."
"I counted as the little one began to snore; in the mirror, there was him and me and one more."
"Prepping for an early start - editing videos and hitting the sack."
"There is nothing like a clean room before going to bed."
"I need to get in bed early on a Sunday night because I need to have that time just to read, recharge, scroll on Pinterest."
"Developing a bedtime ritual massively helps me with getting to sleep and then staying asleep all night."
"Sleep, sleep, sleep, good night, good night, good night."
"Teddy bear, teddy bear, teddy bear, good, good, good."
"Sleep tight, sleep tight, sleep tight, good night, good night, good night."
"I'm gonna try to go to bed early tonight, it's gonna be emotional."
"Tonight he's trying a new trick: he looks at pictures of an important museum on a book before falling asleep."
"Bye bye, I'm gonna get going. I need to digest and go to sleep."
"Night, baby boy. Night, baby. To bed, bedtime routine. This is what Bro and Aon do every night, and I've just been watching them do it for the past two weeks."
"I never take into my bedroom any device whatsoever, no cell phone, no iPad or anything like that."
"I also want to mention to put away your phone for at least an hour before you go to bed and do not touch it."
"Having a consistent bedtime may seem like that has nothing to do with weight loss but let me tell you that could not be further from the truth"
"Reading a book before bed will help you des stimulate your brain."
"If you can do your skincare routine, like your nighttime routine, an hour before you go to bed, that's way better than doing it literally 5 minutes before you go to bed."
"I put my sister to sleep and today she didn't have much time to fall asleep at all. She pretty much drifted off after a forehead kiss and some cuddling."
"Having a bedtime ritual is really important because it gives your baby these cues that it's time to go to sleep."
"Mitigate screen time before bed, engage in calming activities like yin yoga and meditation, and nourish your body with healthy foods to fuel your creativity."
"Before you get ready to go to sleep, take a relaxing dip in this new spa."
"There's nothing better than climbing into my bed with a mocktail and a good book in my comfortable sheets and my comfortable bed, winding down as my nighttime self-care ritual. There's nothing like it."
"The morning routine begins the night before when you plug your phone outside of your bedroom and you go to bed without your phone anywhere near you."
"You should always shower before you get into bed because how could you bring your daytime germs into your bed?"
"How can I get them to sleep? To make my little sister sleepy, my mum reads her a storybook."
"I wear perfume and deodorant and lotions and all of that to bed yes I do yes I do it ain't that I'm about to be stinking it's just that when I'm halfway waking up in the night and I'm rolling over and I want to smell goodness."
"The main thing that I really want to work on this year is at night I don't want to be scrolling on my phone right before bed."
"Instead of scrolling on my phone before bed, I read my Kindle and I finished a book that I've been reading for a long time."
"I take a hot and relaxing bath to prepare my mind for slumber."
"If you can if you are someone who goes to bed and has a shower before bed this may be one of those times where you have a shower and you put your hair up in a little bun."
"It's bedtime. As you can see, I have my little sleeping hat to stay warm. I did change underneath as well. I did add some thermal underwear, so I have a thermal shirt beneath my flannel shirt, and then I'm rocking these thermal pants."
"Know that your time before bed is sacred. You deserve to slow down and luxuriate in a mental holiday."
"Excitingly for me, it is time to get ready for bed, and taking my makeup off at the end of the day is just a joy."
"This has been my life. It's just I get in bed once it gets dark."
"I feel like when you go to bed in like matching pajamas or like a cute lingerie set it's like a form of self-love."
"I don't think it's going to be a surprise, I've spoken about it, but the 1-hour window before bedtime where I just stayed off my phone popped on sleep mode an hour earlier than I norm would and just left it, oh my god did that make a difference."
"He carried his son to bed and sat beside him till his breathing slowed to a deep sleep."
"We did it, it was successfully put him to sleep, and it's 7:25. He's been asleep for like 10 minutes, I think, but now we can finally wind down for the night. I'm gonna take a shower, and then I think I'm gonna edit, and then we're gonna read by candlelight."
"It's time for bed. Thanks for watching and hanging out with our family."
"Recite before going to sleep. If you decide, 'Bismillah,' Allah will send an angel to guard you the whole night."
"Stretch before you go to bed it'll both relieve muscle tension and make you tired enough to fall asleep faster."
"I usually shower the SEC like right before I crawl into bed because I like my bed to be like a place that's always clean."
"I'm gonna go take a wake up off but yeah good stuff. Yeah, I'm gonna go to my bed. I'll see you tomorrow morning."
"Never go to bed without a request to your subconscious."
"Before you go to bed at night, set a 10-minute timer and tidy up as much as you can."
"...journaling with pen and paper before bed helps slow my mind down..."
"When you go to bed, unless you are sleeping on a silk pillowcase... make sure that when you go to bed you're wearing your bonnet."
"That's one of my favorite nighttime rituals, it just makes me so nice and cozy and ready for bed."
"I'm just gonna change into my PJs brush my teeth and go to bed but I had so much fun hanging out with you guys today."
"Stretch before bed to loosen up stiffness and tension."
"I try to read at least one chapter in the book before I go to bed every day."
"Try to unplug from your phone at least 30 minutes before going to bed."
"if you want to see ASMR packing videos like study with me video style packing videos I watch them to fall asleep all the time they're like my favorite thing to watch before bed."
"Number five: brush your teeth before you go to bed."
"I literally used to go to bed at like 7 or 8."
"Reading paper books before bed can help relax you, good 30 minutes wind down and it takes away some of that screen time that's preventing you from getting good sleep."
"One pump of this all over your face and you're good to go to bed."
"Reading at night has helped me fall asleep."
"I might go for a little nap, maybe I can give you a hint actually for the books that I bought. Most of them are recommendations from you guys, like pretty much all of them are."
"Losing yourself in an imaginary world is a great way to turn down the volume of thoughts and worries at bedtime."
"The ultimate goal is to get out of the bed. Secondary is just do something that doesn't keep you awake for longer."
"Not every night, but a lot of the times we go to sleep at night holding hands."
"Just drink the tea right before bed and set the intention that this time is for dream work."
"This is turmeric water and tonight we're going to explore 10 incredible benefits of drinking it before bed."
"Taking in collagen before you go to bed can massively improve your sleep."
"I felt like telling a bedtime story."
"But he's taking the train to sleepy time Junction, somebody's so tired he can barely function."
"I'm going to go to bed now, I'm doing a little face mask to prep my skin."
"I love getting ready for bed at this time and just getting in bed and just relaxing because it just feels so nice."
"This Deep Sleep Pillow Spray by This Works... I just love spraying it every time before I go to bed."
"It's really important for you to maybe take a step back from being on the screen before bed as well."
"The kids give you no fuss about going to sleep early because it's part of their routine."
"Thank you for listening to Sleepy, goodnight."
"Clean your feet before bed, I just think that going to bed with dirty feet is kind of gross."
"How about we listen to some music before bedtime? Does that sound like a good plan?"
"There are three wins that every dog owner should have with their dogs in training before bed."
"Lavender being very calming and very good before bedtime."
"I always go to bed looking like a glazed donut."
"Eliminate the clock... exercise always a good idea... but you don't want them exercising too close to bedtime."
"We're making a healthy cup of hot cocoa tonight, it's the perfect end to the day."
"It's these little signs that tell me that it's time to go to sleep."
"Cooling yourself down pre-bedtime is actually a grand way to encourage good sleep."
"I'm getting sleepy, so here's my quick little night routine."
"Maybe get some movement in your body before bed, get some blood flow going."
"Curling up in bed at night with a soft furry stuffed animal actually does relieve stress."
"It's bedtime everybody, we'll see you all tomorrow. Good night, I love you all so much."
"It takes no effort, no time whatsoever to just tuck your children into bed on a night, tell them you love them, give them a kiss, and make sure they're going to sleep with positive, happy content memories of their life and their day."
"Warm milk will help you sleep well."
"I'm going to try and meditate before I go to bed."
"It's a way that we can unwind and relax before bed while also knowing that what we're putting into our body is good."
"I am going to start getting myself ready for bed, which it's all looking so cozy in there now, I'm so happy."
"I like to read before bed because it's kind of like a little treat."
"Good night, Gaga Baby. Good night, I love you."
"Every night before bedtime, she would make sure she gave every family member a kiss good night."
"The best thing to do before you go to bed is to have low light on, a hot shower, reading a book."
"I want you to stretch a lot before bed and I want you to drink lots of water and I want you to stay away from the sugary stuff, okay?"
"Before I go to sleep, I read Star Wars."
"The Illustrated books are a great way of getting them into the bedtime reading routine with Harry Potter."
"Herbal tea is another great way to help calm the body down and can be a great component of your bedtime ritual."
"There's nothing like going to bed with silky clean skin."
"I read right before bed because it relaxes me and helps me to fall asleep."
"They're incredibly hydrating like sometimes I would just wear one of these to bed because I find that this alone hydrates my lips."
"Sometimes just having a little book to read to a child before they go to bed is a really nice thing to have."
"It's just like a nice kind of soothing way to help me relax, get ready for the night to get really restful and sleepy and relaxed and calm."
"It's so relaxing; I use this before bed every night, and I get into this zen state."
"This just smells of my bedside table because that's what I use, and I also use the Sleep Mist every time I go to bed."
"Reading before bed, it's like a habit now. My body craves reading; it's hard for me to fall asleep if I'm not reading before bed."
"They help me feel happier, calmer, more focused, ready for bed."
"The importance of a bedtime routine... our body and our brain needs those cues to help us be at an optimal place to get good sleep and high quality sleep."
"I always have a fat glass of water before bed to rehydrate and cleanse my body."
"I love reading to her right before going to bed."