
Daylight Savings Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Seasonal Affective Disorder causes a lot of people to become depressed during the winter due to the lack of sunlight, and shifting the clock has been shown to relieve the symptoms."
"Daylight savings time has some unusual effects, and making it permanent might create some long-term benefits."
"Since 2018 nine states have passed bills to make daylight savings permanent."
"I don't like daylight saving time. It makes me sick."
"I'll get rid of daylight savings, we'll do that."
"Something about daylight savings time makes me ultra productive in the mornings."
"Daylight savings time is about to convert back to my preference where there's more daylight in the evening. I love it!"
"I think we should always be in daylight savings time, because the sun won't set at 4:30 in the afternoon."
"It's that time of year where if you don't want the sun to come in because it's daylight savings and all that."
"Should we just get rid of daylight savings time and just not lose an hour or gain an hour whatever it is?"
"There is a global experiment that is performed on 1.6 billion people across 70 countries twice a year, and it's called daylight savings time."
"I'm a huge advocate of erasing daylight savings time."
"The great thing about daylight savings is that it's not dark yet."
"The girl of the hour, the hour that we got back this morning when daylight savings time."
"I just realized that there was daylight savings time and we gained an hour."
"Thank goodness for daylight savings because now, like, it's not so dark."
"I am loving this Daylight Savings Time change... it is almost seven o'clock out and it's beautiful."
"Daylight savings time is upon us and I feel whole again."
"Now that daylight savings has started and the days are getting longer, it seems like the sun is out a little bit more. I honestly cannot wait for spring."
"It's daylight savings time. Winter's starting, the days are getting shorter... I've been trying to stay in high hopes and high spirit, and honestly, it's worked."
"Daylight savings was yesterday, so the sunset at 7:30 which is just so nice."
"I'm cutting rap time short like daylight savings."
"It's only like 7 P.M. right now, but you already know with Daylight Savings Time, by 4 P.M. it'd be looking like it's midnight outside."
"I feel like the bright sunny days and the longer light that we have since daylight savings have totally affected my mood."
"In Florida, they want to do away with daylight savings. Good, we don't need it."
"Honestly ever since daylight savings, I've been in such a better mood."
"I am pro sticking with daylight savings time forever."
"Daylight savings happened yesterday, so we got an extra hour, amazing the best thing on a gloomy Sunday."
"Daylight savings time clocks an hour ahead tomorrow. Cheers, almost spring!"
"I don't even know if Benjamin Franklin is really like the biggest proponent of daylight savings in the United States."
"Daylight savings times really mess things up."
"Does anybody like daylight savings time as much as I do? I'm kidding, I don't like daylight savings time."
"We're big fans of daylight savings. We can go fishing, play a little golf, and just also not feel like we're getting out of here at midnight."
"Daylight savings is here and it just puts me in the best mood because the sun is out later."
"Thank God for daylight savings, that the sun's still out, which is beautiful."
"I'm really excited about the fact that we are nearing that daylight savings time and more vlogging opportunity is on the horizon."
"Don't forget it's daylight savings Saturday night before you go to bed, turn your clocks ahead an hour."
"Get rid of daylight savings time. It's dumb. Just keep it how it is right now, we get our extra light."
"Can we agree that daylight savings time should be all year round?"
"Time zones are complicated, calendars are complicated, daylight savings time is very complicated."
"I don't understand daylight savings."
"I'm just so happy that the sun is out and daylight savings started."
"Daylight and it's not even savings baby, let's go."
"I don't like daylight savings time because I like when the sun is out in the morning."
"Following the transition from daylight savings to Standard Time, there is a 16% spike in collisions the week following."
"Daylight savings time is increasingly hard to notice when my digital devices are like 'What? Nothing happened. We know what time it is,' and my stove is left blinking and screaming 'It happened! Time shifted unnaturally! They're all lying, only I know, only I remember.'"
"We lost an hour of sleep, those of us who celebrate or lament daylight savings time."
"I'm not a huge fan of daylight savings time, but I love the extra hour of daylight."
"I'm really excited though, we're getting longer days. Daylight savings is coming."