
Star Wars Lore Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Order 66 is the most pivotal moment in all of Star Wars."
"There did, however, come a time when a Mandalorian named Tar Vizsla became the first of his kin to be inducted into the Jedi Order."
"The High Republic was a period of time that occurred roughly around 200 years before the Clone Wars started, representing a time of belief in the central government and Jedi Order."
"Supremely tragic aftermath, the burial of these heroes who became victims of a cruel plot in their last moments, this arc serves as one of the greatest series finales ever made."
"Ancient Dark Sider users believed that the Dyad in the Force was a nearly unbreakable bond between two force users which allowed them to share life essence and become stronger as a single unit."
"Palpatine's contingency: a masterful plan to ensure his survival and return, even in the face of a failed Empire and apprentice."
"Psychedelics have transformed my life so significantly and my understanding of myself and reality and mankind that it's impossible to understate or I mean it's impossible to overstate just how significant it was."
"This is the way, as I like to say. So, Boba Fett has somehow found out that his father Jango Fett actually was a legitimate Mandalorian."
"The Revanchist movement had grown to see the Crusader as their courageous and intractable leader."
"Before the Empire, before the First Order, before the Rebellion or the Resistance, the Old Republic stood strong for thousands of years."
"So Qui-Gon's fighting for Anakin and that's why it's the duel of the fates, the fate of this child."
"Green lightsabers were designated for the most powerful wielders."
"Anakin Skywalker is stated to be as strong in the Force as any Jedi who had ever been on the Jedi Council."
"Recognizing the self-destructive nature of the Sith, and wanting to avoid future infighting, Darth Bane created the Rule of 2."
"The X-Wing was easily regarded as doubly superior to the ARC-170 and shockingly even more nimble than the Z95."
"So that's how the X-Wing came to be: from separatist wonder weapon to Imperial pet project to eventually the fighter that destroyed the Empire."
"These were a group of Force-sensitive warriors who kind of viewed the Force as a tool to enforce justice, law, and order."
"The story arc is always about what George has always said: Star Wars is about the dark and the light, selfishness and selflessness."
"Anakin Skywalker brought balance to the Force not by killing the Emperor, but by sacrificing himself."
"These flashbacks are answering that question he's seen the lawlessness that affects the people's lives on tatooine and he thinks that he can do better."
"Zanna is still by far the most advanced force wielder and the only true SIF master of the three."
"Kyle Katarn is on his way to becoming one of the most powerful, important Jedi in all of the extended Star Wars canon."
"The real reason that Kylo Ren isn't a Darth is because he wasn't really a Sith. He was playing around with the dark side but not every dark side force user was a Sith."
"Darth Plagueis spent his time as a Sith searching for the secret to immortality, eventually discovering the ability to manipulate midichlorians to create life."
"If Rogue One showed us the power of a lightsaber in a world without lightsabers this scene shows us the power of the Force."
"Then Rogue One is the story of the galaxy in the Jedi's absence."
"A Jedi adopting a red synthetic crystal is almost an acknowledgement that the Sith do have some valid points, some, not many, but some to be sure."
"Obi-Wan's hanging braids tradition signifies maturity as a Jedi Knight."
"Maybe Finn's got it. Maybe he's force-sensitive."
"There's so much to be explored with the character of Obi-Wan Kenobi, and I know not everybody reads the comic books or the books."
"Anakin's fall to the dark side, culminating in the tragic events on Mustafar."
"The core of Star Wars and the original trilogy is the idea that you can redeem the very worst."
"Being a force adept and being a jedi are two different things."
"Mace Windu: one of the greatest blades beings the old Jedi Order had ever produced in its 25,000-year history."
"The tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise is still easily one of my favorites and probably one of the best scenes in the whole prequels."
"Star Wars should always feel like we're only experiencing like a small part of a much larger tapestry."
"With Sidious gone, the Jedi did, in a way, understand that there was a greater purpose to the inhibitor chips."
"If you're looking for the true lead characters of Star Wars, look no further than C-3PO and R2-D2."
"Force light is the pure lightside ability for one that actually harnesses the force in a pure way in order to produce a massive ball of light typically in their hand or manifesting it somewhere else."
"The acolyte is set approximately 100 years before The Phantom Menace."
"Sidious is unmatched in skill, the ultimate Victor of the Rule of Two."
"Self-education as soon as possible. Everything that I've learned how to do, I taught myself."
"The force creates life. Midi-chlorians are responsible for inducing and sustaining life in almost all species. Jedi and Sith have a high count at birth." - Darth Plagueis's Research
"Her ultimate goal was not destroying the Jedi but ending the Clone Wars and all of the violence."
"Remember, only two things are responsible for all the events in Star Wars history: the Force and the Mandalorians."
"Anakin taught that to Ahsoka, and you can say an argument can be made that Anakin was right."
"The outer rim sieges have got to be one of the least well understood and under discussed aspects of the Clone Wars."
"The Dark Trooper project has a very, very interesting origin story."
"The much-maligned scene where Leia uses the force to pull herself back into the ship thrilled me because in one moment had told us that she did not spend the last 30 years trapped in amber."
"Kenobi earned his place as one of the greatest Jedi in the order's history."
"The Rule of Two was the only true path for the Sith."
"Darth Sidious did indeed lead the Sith into ultimate power."
"Rey is the reincarnation of Anakin."
"Boba Fett was such a small character that his first appearance was in the Star Wars holiday special, not in the original Star Wars."
"Revan was one of the most complicated and interesting men that have ever existed in Star Wars lore."
"The Sith and the dark side had a natural symbiosis and they thrived off it."
"The codification of the Sith ideals was the birth of the Sith Order."
"The test is strong in my family. My father has it. My mother has it."
"The skull of the Mythosaur would become the primary emblem for Mandalorians."
"The Force used the voices of the past to help Rey and help her understand the important place she holds amongst the Jedi."
"The Armorer mentions Mandalore the Great and his battles against the Jedi long ago."
"Everybody has access to the Force, but not everybody can access the Force."
"It decides to embrace what's always made Star Wars great and to be true to the lore and ideologies that have always been what Star Wars is about."
"It's not documented on any schematics; Kaminoans keep a lot of secrets."
"This place has Force users that view the force very differently than the Jedi and the people that we've met before in Star Wars."
"It's about that chip in there and the Chancellor telling them what to do because they don't serve the Jedi, they don't serve the Republic, they specifically will serve the Chancellor."
"Darth Bane, the ancient Sith Lord you are. Darth Bane, created the rule of two you did."
"This is the kind of stuff I wanted to see in those prequels, just badass Jedi Knights fighting and the forming of the Empire and Rebellion."
"Following his own unique path, Tarre Vizsla created his own unique lightsaber called the Darksaber."
"Anakin has joined the ranks of the upper echelon of cosmic beings within the Force."
"The Sith Lord Kreia once prophesized that the Mandalorians would experience a slow decline for thousands of years until only one remained."
"I love exposed Kyber crystals; I think they're the coolest."
"Recruited in their millions through the Imperial academies around the galaxy, they were an evolution to replace the original Clone Trooper of the Republic."
"There's a lot of nuance and they're introducing parts of the Empire that aren't just the big bad; there's actual divisions in it that make sense to the story."
"Leia has the Force. That was even mentioned in a recent book that Yoda wanted to train her over Luke."
"Anakin's turn to the dark side happens when he intervenes and stops Mace Windu from killing Palpatine."
"You know that large dent on Boba's helmet? Yeah, that's a shot from Cad Bane himself."
"The whole idea of going forward after Darth Bane is that they would stay off the radar and thus the Jedi wouldn't think of them as a threat or even think about them at all."
"The prophecy about the force was all about balancing the dark side with the light side."
"The Jedi, by the events of the prequels, had grown too dogmatic and stuck in their ways."
"The whole promise with Grogu's character much later in the timeline is that we'll see Grogu take the Jedi Order in a completely new direction that's completely different from the Jedi that came before."
"You've never heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise."