
Public Admiration Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"The queen sort of so epitomized steadfastness and that is what people so appreciate in a world that is so splintered and volatile."
"She was a beauty inside and out, and that's what made the British people, and people around the world, fall in love with her."
"Julian Assange is possibly the biggest hero in the world in my opinion who should have a parade and a day named after him."
"Many of Tokyo's residents stop and offer up their praise to the dragon slayer in that instance."
"Diana, Princess of Wales: the people's favorite, rain or shine."
"Witnessing Meng Chuan's exceptional combat prowess left the crowd in astonishment and admiration."
"I think Keanu Reeves may be the best actor who has the perfect mix of confidence and gravitas and charisma."
"His dedication to his craft and his contributions to the arts are admired by those who appreciate nuanced performances and thoughtful storytelling."
"His enduring presence and contributions to the arts have solidified his status as a respected and beloved figure in entertainment."
"Fidel Castro's history doesn't paint the picture of a man who shies away from adoration."
"History has seen few men as loved and respected."
"These big fights to take these risks is admired by the British public."
"When you're playing well and people are sucking you off, you love it."
"Everywhere he goes in Scotland, they know him by two words: undisputed champion."
"He's not 39 years old because if we look at his career stats this is just brilliant I absolutely love this people have loved it on Twitter as well."
"Starbucks has earned its place as the fifth most admired company worldwide."
"Taylor Swift: phenomenal professional success, oh yeah, unbelievable."
"One of the greatest awards is the love, respect, and acceptance from millions of followers all over the world."
"People love Vivian's designs, but more importantly, they love Vivian."
"They see you as the star, you really give them a sense of hope."
"But what's crazy is he's made a career of doing that exact thing and everyone loves it and wants more and I don't think anybody else has gotten away with being brilliant for that long."
"Even Zendaya, who was already top-notch... they're gonna be so just famous and even more cherished."
"More than anything the show spoke to how much bad bunny means to puerto rico right now and beyond."
"He's genuine, lovable, and funny, and that's what we love about Keanu Reeves."
"It's giving very like extravagant and expensive and I mean I'm here for it."
"Sam Elliott: the man men want to be and women want to be with."
"It's not surprising that Sam Elliott was wanted by both men and women."
"If you have skill and you're unique, people will still love you."
"Another reason to love Catherine, so she actually rewore this dress."
"Catherine is beautiful, classy, and stylish. Amen to that."
"They like strong men who stand up and speak up."
"This is someone that people loved, really looked up to, and she just disappeared."
"This is the most impressive young man you will ever hear from."
"Kate Middleton's dress... iconic, stunning, beautiful."
"What a beautiful couple, I mean God bless America."
"he captured the hearts of fight fans around the world"
"Despite being 62 years old, she still maintains her beauty and youthful presence."
"Even at the age of 66, she maintains a youthful appearance and a radiant presence."
"Dedication to the art continues to earn admiration and affection from audiences."
"She seems like she can be anyone's best friend."
"Always ready with a smile, Diana continued with her most treasured charity work."
"Not only a queen, not only a legend, but an icon."
"Everybody loves a hero how they stood in the rain for hours just to get a glimpse of the one who taught him to hold on a second longer."
"A celebrated war hero with a defiant larger than life personality."
"I'm going to make the argument that in the history of the league, Jaylen Hurts is the single best Podium quarterback I have ever seen."
"The British public have taken to this quiet, dignified fighter."
"It's so nice to finally have a champion's physique which actually looks somewhat admirable and attractive to the common man."
"I don't think it's a stretch to say that the Challenger is the people's car of modern America."
"I'm delighted to know that she has made such a success with her desire to become an actress and a singer."
"And this is one of the many reasons the boxing world loves Canelo."
"Fans and critics can't get over her signature style, and it's easy to see why."
"Embroidery to your jeans is really hot right now. I did a single line face drawing on some jeans and these are literally I get so many compliments whenever I wear these jeans."
"Neymar has saved my city, Neymar has saved his career, his reputation, his potential."
"You're seeing above people, they're putting you on a pedestal."
"Look at the crowd that's gathered to watch him, people absolutely love him."
"There's an uncanny, almost unnatural level of just anti-corruption running through the veins of our police. I love them and I respect them for it; it's fantastic."
"Diana was adored by the public as a fashion icon."
"Andy Cole is an absolute legend. That's a hundred percent fact."
"He's grown into his role as military leader and global hero."
"He just made it such a classy art form and just the public latched onto him."
"Johnny Ericson Tata she's really a National Treasure."
"Famous people had incredible charms that made people fall in love with them."
"They love what they know about you, they love your work, they love your art."
"That's why people like him, that's why people love him, that's why people want to go see him fight."
"If you can make everything look cool, people will love your art."
"Real is what people love, they want to be like, 'they're so real, they're so real'."
"I knew she was god-given who stole America's heart."
"Old men just stop and stare and young children shout 'Nice car, Mister!' So they do appreciate it and that really makes us feel good."
"He's the fellow that folks all talk about - none other than The Lone Ranger."
"He's a superstar already, the fans love him, the competitors are scared of him."
"People are amazed at what Brendan Fraser has pulled off."
"I think people appreciate her for exactly the talent that she is."
"He's what you call the people's player; people love to see him."
"He just quietly has an awesome career, does Christian, well maybe not Christian, but Hallmark movies, host things, everybody loves him."
"By the time she became a movie star in the highest grossing musical in movie history, everyone had fallen in love with her."
"Everyone loves a couple made up of two beautiful people."
"She is America's number one hero."
"She has the same effect on people as Lady Di; she was very popular."
"Every time I wear this, people, just strangers, you know, comment and I'm like, 'God, it's beautiful'."
"When he walked out of Madison Square Garden, it was bananas. The whole place was cheering."