
Happiness Philosophy Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Happiness does not depend on outside events, but rather how we interpret them. Happiness, in fact, is a condition that must be prepared for, cultivated, and defended privately by each person."
"Happiness comes from living virtuously not from chasing pleasure."
"Happiness isn't found by seeking it. It's found by being engaged in the world."
"There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way."
"Money can't buy your happiness and I think that's really true."
"It takes great courage to be happy. It's a defiant position."
"Real happiness... is a fundamental happiness, not a superficial happiness."
"There is no unearned happiness. It's all earned."
"Your happiness is all based on your circumstances."
"Comfort is your biggest enemy because there is no actual happiness in comfort."
"True happiness has so many limitations and vulnerabilities. True happiness... is only to love and to be loved."
"Happiness is not a destination, you know, it's kind of a state of being or just a marathon, a journey."
"Love is happiness, and happiness is the best thing in the world."
"Happiness is not something you find, it's something you create."
"You should be able to be happy broke or rich."
"True happiness is not going to come by fulfilling our desires and becoming essentially chemical heads constantly."
"Happiness is about enjoying less and less and less not needing more and more and more."
"You have to be constantly working towards something to be happy."
"Boredom gains happiness by learning how to want the things you have already."
"The real secret of happiness is feeling it's okay to be good, not perfect."
"Misery is the price of knowledge. It's easy to be happy when you're dumb."
"Happiness isn't solely measured by materialism."
"Money can't buy happiness, kids. That's right. Money can buy you a lot of cool stuff, but it cannot buy you happiness that comes from within, you know?"
"Everything happens for a reason, so basically my life philosophy revolves around training your mind to think and become success, to think and become health, think and become happiness."
"Money does not equate happiness, and that's the truth of the matter."
"That's the key to happiness, taking pleasure in other people's success."
"Happiness comes from within; financial reward creates stability but may not necessarily bring happiness."
"Happiness comes from being nice to and doing good to other people."
"Money could just buy you a new car but after a while those new cars they just happen to sit there your money just happens to be there money means doesn't mean what doesn't equate to happiness and I always say that."
"If you're not happy, you're not doing it right."
"Freedom maximalism is the way we achieve the greatest happiness, the greatest wealth, and the most satisfaction of human wants in the world." - Robert Breedlove
"Happiness is essentially and inevitably a by-product; it comes invariably by indirection."
"It's not where you are on the Maslow's hierarchy of needs that determines your happiness."
"I believe that the root of happiness is to get out of yourself and to help another fellow human being."
"Getting more isn't always happiness; often, it's emptiness."
"Change the way you focus or obtain your happiness. Don't obtain your happiness through things; obtain your happiness through you. That is the most important part."
"People are as happy as they make up their minds to be."
"The key to happiness is not more; it's an art to be studied and practiced."
"Happiness is a conscious choice. You can either choose to assign positive and empowering meanings to the circumstances of your life and be happy as a result of where you are."
"Money can't buy happiness. You think it's Tick-Tock followers?"
"Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy?"
"The paradoxical thing about happiness is if we can be satisfied with the fact that we will never be satisfied, we will therefore always be satisfied."
"The idea that you're going to be happy by trying to make other people happy."
"You gotta be a happy, whole, complete person with your shit together. A woman should be a compliment to your life, not the source of your happiness and purpose."
"I read a quote from Bob Marley my mother said if money is what it takes to make you happy you'll never be happy."
"The foolish person seeks happiness in the distance; the wise person seeks it under [his] feet."
"The way to get happy is not an end result; it is the process itself."
"You don't find happiness, you just are happy."
"Happiness consists in living for a higher purpose."
"Happiness is not external; happiness depends on what you are."
"Every person on Earth has to learn for himself that happiness is not external."
"Money doesn't buy happiness. Fame doesn't buy happiness."
"You can't always be happy, and it's that precise notion that allows happiness, when it does come, to be so consuming and enjoyable."
"Happiness is a disposition, not circumstantial."
"Be happy, happiness is the goal and the priority in life."
"Happiness is not something to be achieved in the long term."
"If you can't be a complete genius, at least be very happy. I was not a guy that smiled a whole lot, I'm still not that guy, I'm just not Mr. Happy go lucky."
"Happiness doesn't correlate to anything, devote yourself to a cause greater than oneself."
"You can't be happy if you expect a painless life."
"Happiness does not come from the things that we possess."
"Happiness, contentment is not complacence."
"Happiness is not something that you can buy for yourself, or get for yourself, or you can't get it by loving yourself."
"Happiness is not in the object outside you; it is right within you and it's coming out of your system."
"I believe you take way more than money to be happy."
"The first consideration of happiness is cessation of pain."
"I don't equate happiness with stuff; I don't equate having a life by square footage."
"Money does not create happiness; a balance of life, a full purpose of what you're doing, plus money creates the whole package."
"Eudaimonia, happiness, is a good demon, or a good thing."
"We feel that we can't be joyful because we've got so many problems... but really we got it the other way around."
"Happiness is a choice in the moment, and it's a lot easier to be happy when your hormones are actually taking over."
"Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a jet ski."
"Happiness is not a destination, it's not a thing."
"Happiness is the cure for everything, right? Even when things are bad, don't let it steal your joy."
"No one's always happy. I think the issue with happiness is it fails to be happiness and it fails to be something worthwhile and meaningful if there isn't an opposite action and feeling to counteract it."