
Critical Times Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"I've never worked harder in my life, and I have a good team. We are doing the very best we can because these are the most crucial times of my life."
"This is truly a defining moment of our time, where collective efforts must be channeled to address the numerous challenges that we face."
"Safeguarding freedom of speech is critical right now."
"The idea that the religious community has a purpose couldn't possibly be more important than in a moment like this."
"It has never been more crucial to protect abortion providers."
"Now we're in the face; people are sounding the alarm."
"This is the hour for us to double down on our faith, this is the hour for us to double down on making sure that our house is built on the sure foundation of Jesus Christ."
"They want us to all fight because I really do fear that this fall we're literally on the brink of everything."
"These are extraordinary times and they're dangerous times."
"These ants were truly inspiring in many ways."
"Do not sleep we are in crunch time where all of our decisions matter."
"Let's pray because these are critical times."
"This is the time to be wise and use your discernment."
"We believe in freedom. And this is the point I made a day before. This is where the rubber hits the road. If we don't defend freedom now, when are we going to do it?"
"So let us seize this moment. It is a critical time, I feel it so deeply."
"But I had to say that because we're in some dangerous time family and it's not a time to play it's not a time to be a part of some group think some camp false doctrine cults whatever you want to call it this is not the time."
"Humanity is massively at a fork in the road which becomes more obvious by the hour."
"This is such an important time for us as citizens to actually make a decision."
"We're through the looking glass here, people. This is a very serious time to be alive."
"This is a very critical time for the American people and the American people deserve real information."
"Courage is contagious at this critical moment for the country."
"This is the most important time that we've seen in six plus months for these names to actually rebuild momentum."
"This is a critical time for us to not only better understand but better figure figure out ways to work together as we have never worked together before."
"This is a destined partnership and support leaned on your inner circle during this time."
"These are extremely important times that we're living in."
"We are really at the precipice here and this is an extraordinary time."
"Now people understand... that's what time it is."
"Americans are beginning to see the light, seeing clearly that President Donald Trump is the only one who can lead this nation in these perilous times."
"We are witnessing a time of great peril, a time of great adversity, a time of hatred instead of a time of prayer."
"At the time of our greatest need, God is going to show up."
"I do believe you are definitely one of those people that carry that wisdom from that last age and are giving us the warning we need now because we are at this kind of end time."
"It's for the times when literally millions of lives might hang in the balance."
"We are in a critical time in life for everybody."
"Please bring joy to those who've lost the ability to laugh and enjoy life because of this critical time."
"We have achieved a great duty in these critical times."
"Healing, Shadow work, self-love is critical for the times that we're in."
"We are in such a critical time where so much of this time is about how we love each other."
"We are living in very crucial times, and many of the decisions that we are making today will have profound influence upon our families and the world that we are living in."
"We are so happy to be together again during this critical period."
"He was left alone in a very vital time where he needed to talk things out."
"We are now in very critical days."
"This is the time we need you more than ever."
"A critical time to be alive and a lot of important information we want to impart in this show."