
Political Campaigns Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"We are going to continue to spread these messages and make sure that the American people truly understand the stakes of this election."
"The campaign is going to come down to entertainment versus substance."
"The American people don't want to see us spending six months to a year tearing each other down."
"Biden is trying to show Americans that democracy itself is going to be on the ballot this fall."
"If all of these candidates are too afraid to run an openly anti-Trump campaign, how can they expect to come out at the head of the pack?"
"It turns out that this sort of stuff is going to drive a Trump vote. It will and it should drive a Trump vote because if you're going to react to the complete takeover of the intellectual underpinnings of the country by this anti-racist garbage..."
"No one's gonna hear it, I mean, here's the crazy: why did he drop out of the race?"
"We have to go to where the people are at. That is how we win."
"This is wrong, and you know what? This is one of the greatest campaign messages that Republicans can do."
"We need an alternative. That's what this campaign's probably about."
"I want it to be more about the people than the candidates."
"Maggie's quest to get 150 signatures to join the ballot sort of serves as a montage that kind of shows us building her confidence a little bit more."
"The formula for winning these is the same formula everywhere right which is turn out your voters and try to get as many people in the middle as you can."
"The Allens campaign becomes one of the wildest and most entertaining campaigns you'll have a play."
"Trump in his element... unless someone can match Trump on this sort of stuff, he has a very good shot at running away with the 2024 nomination."
"Remind people to vote through advertising—it's the only one that really works."
"Bernie just brought out more young people in Iowa than Obama did in 2008."
"If it is accurate that he did more meetings with voters than all of the candidates combined then I think he will do very well in the vote on Monday."
"Bernie Sanders is on a trajectory to be the Democratic nominee."
"I raised ten million dollars last quarter in increments of only thirty bucks each."
"You should not be running for president of the United States on character."
"Now he's trying to walk it back as if we didn't hear everything he said last week, and then he goes out on the campaign trail and he goes back to Dark Brandon again."
"The best campaigns are when the true essence of the candidate is what the electorate is thirsting for."
"We can elect people who will do what they say."
"Television revolutionized election campaigning."
"Things only get worse as Barbara's husband Sam is up for re-election."
"Sanders campaign did their job, but the media didn't pick it up, they did not inform enough people."
"I Told You So would be the new Mega. All he needs to do is add a new product called I Told You So."
"Money's not enough, you know if you're a big enough jerk the country figures it out no matter how many ads you buy."
"I believe that Bernie's campaign is historic... the strongest force that Sanders was up against was just how traumatized people are by Trump."
"Trump utilized social more effectively than any human being in history in 2016."
"It's gonna be one heck of a campaign season. Buckle up, everybody, we're in for a ride!"
"Labour's poll ratings grew from around 25 percent to 40...probably the biggest campaign growth by any main party since polling began."
"He's underestimated, always been mocked, always been ridiculed going back to the 87-88 campaign."
"If a candidate will spend a ton of money to get elected, guess what they're gonna do once they get elected?"
"It feels to me like Ron DeSantis for the first time in this campaign has found his authentic voice."
"It forces a presidential candidate to have appeal across different regions."
"It is hard but it is possible, and runoffs is a case where organization and enthusiasm decide the outcome."
"We believe we can win these races if we start early."
"It wasn't just against Bernie Sanders because all they really didn't know who was gonna be the leader, I thought. I mean, and you know, in the beginning, they were trying out every single type of candidate."
"Can we at least agree that children are off limits in this campaign?"
"This campaign took a long time, it took six weeks, but I bet it was worth it."
"What I always loved about your campaign was the feeling that I wasn't living in ossified Washington."
"We investigated and found that engagement on release the memo hashtag was overwhelmingly organic and driven by strong very important tweeters."
"A campaign season like we've never seen before."
"In a democracy, the people deserve to hear from candidates for office. Democracy only works when we have informed electorates."
"If our votes truly count, these should form the basis of electoral campaigns."
"Our campaign is about thinking outside of the box, beyond the discussions in Congress or corporate media."
"You can run the best campaign, become the nominee, and have the election stolen from you."
"He's ready to get back to the campaign trail."
"The very early start of the electorate, the very early start of the campaign season. They helped build the momentum."
"The thing of value that somebody in the campaign would have to be offered at, which they would have to receive as dirt on Hillary Clinton, was kind of difficult to ascertain a price on."
"How do you overcome that? I'm proud to say that a poll came out that showed..."
"All the negative ads in the world can't change the truth."
"Bernie showing strong in Hispanic Nevada caucuses also presumably Bernie is rising in a lot of the minority polls"
"Elections are always about the future, never about the past."
"The single most shocking message conveyed during the Brexit referendum campaign was 'don't trust experts'." - Richard Dawkins
"The main candidates, they're so far left, it really makes me believe that the people who are in charge of these campaigns and debates are looking at who gets the most retweets."
"It doesn't matter what you convince voters of it doesn't matter if you convince them you're right or there's some good or something bad what matters is do you get the ballot"
"I wish Nikki Haley can get momentum over the weekend."
"Her energy is so strong and all persuasive that yes joe is the candidate but yeah actually it's really all about this woman."
"I do actually think it will have a significant impact. I think that there will both be a number of legitimate significant uses of AI, particularly generated AI and large language models by the campaigns."
"There's a lot of ways in which these technologies could make the campaigns more efficient."
"These tools actually can be a boon for campaigns."
"The technology could help with finding audiences, segmenting audiences, and figuring out where those audiences are getting their information from."
"Rock Solid evidence of institutional and structural malevolence against Carrie Lake's campaign."
"You have to make it a choice, not a referendum."
"If you are not going to take on the top dog, why are you even running?"
"Every single election should be a get out the vote campaign."
"Running for president isn't really about trying to be president... they want press attention, they want to sell books, they want speaking fees." - Tommy Vitor
"This clip came up from some time ago where she explains that people should hire her, elect her because she would never do the things that she's been accused of doing."
"I think one of the exciting things that has gotten lost in some of the recent media infuse drama is that actually Bernie has more labor endorsements than every other candidate."
"The more people you reach, the better chance you have of winning."
"Hillary Clinton was the first candidate in history who wasn't expected to garner votes through campaigning. You just owe them to her."
"Media is so powerful; it was the main factor in Bernie's loss against Joe Biden. Media is the only real avenue when it comes to driving interests into electoral politics."
"We have to establish an economic message." - Celinda Lake
"It's not often that you see immediate results from announcing a political campaign."
"Do not allow them to get you demoralized by showing you that Joe Biden is ten points ahead. It doesn't matter what the polls say, it's all psychological."
"It's probably anyone's to win from here depending on how the campaign teams perform and the leaders perform."
"We're going to see the latest on the one and only Donald Trump absolutely running away with this nomination."
"Make America Nazi free again." - Marketing Campaign
"To me, this just seems to be the next step or the evolution of these campaigns and it's not going to go away."
"Our candidate has to run a very smart campaign."
"If he loses Iowa, loses New Hampshire, he has no momentum going into South Carolina."
"Both campaigns used tech for their 'get out the vote' efforts, but the Democrats seemed to have been substantially more effective than the Republicans in this dimension."
"We shouldn't be getting ahead of ourselves...sometimes in these campaigns things get a little bit out of hand."
"We provide a safety net for new and exciting progressive leaders at all stages of their journey, helping them run efficient, strategic, grassroots-driven campaigns while feeling supported throughout the process."
"The moral authority of the DCCC to blacklist or to come down on anybody who endorses primary challengers at this point is severely undercut."
"Voters do not care about you until they know you care about them."