
Training Advice Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"This is where you really want to invest some time. We can start to build some strength."
"When you're training, number one, you get the gear."
"Keep it short and focus on being able to take one, two, or three steps back."
"Why are you wrong about telling people to hit the slide stop?"
"You have made the action. Now seek the stillness. Do not rush your training. Be patient. Failure is a part of progress."
"It is so much better to have proper form than to prioritize getting in reps or using weight."
"You don't have to do compound movements to continue to progress."
"If you're trying to become an elite dribbler... I recommend you watch all of this."
"If you put an artificial divide between leg locks and position you're killing yourself."
"What can I expect from your workouts? At least two hours of weight training, preferably in the morning."
"For bodybuilding on average, volume is king."
"Train with that same intensity that you did back in the day. You have to be a fool not to."
"Never train a muscle until it's recovered. Okay, so if you got something scheduled to train but it's not quite recovered, just wait, take an extra day of rest or train something else."
"Consistency is the number one rule in training."
"I think most naturals can get yoked and look really good if they actually train their neck and traps."
"Please concentrate on feeling the muscles squeeze using proper mind-muscle connection as you go from the start position to the finish and back to the start yet again." - Coach Greg
"The dragon scimitar is what you should be aiming for as it's the best weapon for you to train with."
"There is a lot of information for you... hopefully, this gave you a lot of good information that you can take and apply to your training right now."
"Trust your gut 80% of it should be your gut. If you don't feel right, do not f***ing train, I'm serious."
"Performance in the gym, you can see it. Just take a go, take a training log with you and take down the numbers. And then take down the numbers. And seven days after a week on foundation, it's that good."
"If you've never trained for that L-sit or never really worked any of its progressions, chances are you're not gonna be able to do one right off the bat..."
"The key thing is to make sure you are progressively overloading your training."
"It's in every one of your best interests for hypertrophy to continue to use the same exercise as long as the fatigue per unit is low and the stimulus is really high."
"Remember guys, it's about enjoying your training and being consistent. That's what's gonna get you the best results."
"Intensity is the main driver of the results."
"Reps to failure are usually not the best example... reward the process."
"Cycling the exercises in the techniques would be the best advice."
"It's about putting in the reps, a little bit a day, consistently, for a long period of time."
"Be true to yourself I think and as far as like you know people asking me for sound bites and bodybuilding and training what's important there is if you're looking for a sound bite a one word thing I always tell people consistency."
"Don't despair, you can train hard as long as you're smart."
"And yes, it is a bit odd that I would be training here. If you'd like, we could team up."
"Go to an MMA gym. UFC gyms are gonna be more commercial. Go to a jiu-jitsu club, go to a wrestling club, go to a boxing club, go to a kickboxing club."
"Start practicing with your own animals because it will massively expand your experience."
"Don't overdo it with training frequency, more is not always better."
"If you spar with people who are on your level, it makes you cocky... You're never going to get better."
"I'm not suggesting that what I'm going to provide you with is how you should train."
"Train harder than last time. That is the message. Stop telling people a hundred different things."
"Stick to the basics that work, how many people aren't doing them?"
"If you only got an hour to train, you might want to change your split."
"Train with purpose, intensity, and consistency."
"We should always be looking at prioritizing the nervous system above all even outside of getting back into training after a long period of time off because the nervous system is what dictates everything else in the body."
"Start low and increase because you can always increase your volume."
"Remember, the first rep is the most important rep."
"Consistency will take you pretty far when it comes to weight training."
"Lab it up and practice... that confidence boost will carry you through those days."
"If you don't take any sets to failure I would say you are leaving gains on the table."
"Don't avoid the hard exercises and stick to just machines you absolutely want to have those those big exercises in there."
"Don't worry about the military part. You're not going to be graded on poor military bearing or poor, you know, the way you wear your uniform in properly."
"Get out there and hike, hike, and hike some more; that is the best form of training for you, trust me, it works."
"There's such a thing as resting too long."
"Consistency matters though with the lift, because that will mess people up too."
"Don't go too heavy too soon. Do not lift to failure in the first six months of consistent strength training."
"If you want to jump higher, you should be jumping."
"As a beginner, doing less volume and taking time in between each singular effort is very important."
"Take your easy days easy, build up that aerobic base."
"Train smart not hard, well and hard, but train SMART."
"Lift heavy weights for sets of five; that's how it's done, so that's the way to hypertrophy."
"If you're going to use heart rate in your training and you want to get better at running, you should start using heart rate in your training."
"If you can get out of bed, you can move around, you could leave your house, and you don't feel like you're gonna infect somebody, you should definitely train."
"If you have a t-shirt on and I can't see huge slabs of muscle coming out from the back of your t-shirt, in my opinion, you need to train the trunk."
"Make sure you don't go to the next progression until you've mastered the previous one."
"If you're not a performance athlete by any means, you shouldn't be training specifically like that."
"Form is so much more important than the amount of weight that you are lifting."