
Global Market Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"We look forward to all companies, especially Chinese ones, understanding and implementing fair and transparent principles in global market competition."
"Frankly, I think if there are not trade barriers established, they will pretty much demolish most other car companies in the world."
"In 2020 alone, the global market was valued at $45.8 billion, and it's expected to grow to $108 billion by 2031."
"The demand for Starbucks coffee by our customers domestically and around the world has never been greater."
"India definitely will stand by the world to be the next big manufacturing hub to source and get products developed for the world market."
"Why would you want to invest so much if you're going to pay the same as if you were still just making it back home or in another country?"
"China's electric vehicle manufacturers are now gearing themselves up to take on all of the majors all across the globe."
"Almost half of all online purchases made, all over the world, are through Amazon."
"By next year they expect to sell twenty million cars globally, almost doubling sales in just two years."
"US$1 billion all-time gross, 44 percent from outside Asia" - Revenue achievement
"Organized crime, unscrupulous buyers, and a world market that seems to be hungry for these metals."
"Let's break out of the confines of the domestic box office and look at the top five movies internationally."
"Final Fantasy 10-2 generated 38 billion yen worldwide."
"People in the US aren't completely aware of how liquid and how global investing has become."
"The real estate market is the largest market globally... it's where we live."
"Love and joy are the only things that really matter."
"People are selling their heirlooms that they've had for 200 years, smashing and melting silver. But that, I believe, if you look at the charts, is going to feed worldwide demand."
"They re-released it in China, and this could be indicative of what we're all about to experience post-COVID."
"If they can jump over the cliff, they can reach a land of opportunities and they will become an international player."
"Thank you to everybody for joining us it's an exciting time for us here at real vision and really across the entire global financial world."
"Silver's physical buying is off the scale globally, and that also puts COMEX silver into the crosshairs for delivery this month in very large size."
"I don't care so much what country it is, what I care about is the quality of the product."
"The plan now is to capture 10 percent of the global market within the next seven years."
"Experts estimate global oil demand to rebound to over 100 million barrels by the end of this year."
"Germany has 1,500 hidden champions, small firms dominating global market niches, thanks to local community banks funding their growth."
"Indian movies are competing head-to-head with American movies in the world's biggest market."
"The world is thinking, wait a minute, there's money to be made here."
"What competition came out of Japan or Korea years ago will pale in comparison to what we're seeing coming out of China."
"This will have a major impact on the global economy and on asset prices like stocks, real estate, crypto, and everything else."
"Ukraine controls at least a quarter of the global market despite being home to fewer than one percent of the world's population."
"China's overcapacity distorts global prices and production patterns, hurting American firms, workers, as well as firms and workers around the world."
"If Dune catches on and becomes a hit, Warner Brothers could have a global hit on their hands before the movie even gets to America."
"The demand for bluefin has increased worldwide."
"Tesla officially opens a brand new factory in China."
"We've achieved a level of momentum in the global market."
"If you are going to be investing for a long period of time, it makes sense to put as much as you can into global stocks."
"Selling things online means that you're not restricted to a location, you can sell to anyone, anywhere in your country or the world."
"The global market is something like an AI in an intelligent system that is running parallel process on human compute."
"If you see anything that's made in Italy, Europe, even the USA, they always try to follow the EU certification because a lot of the products are now, you know, shipped worldwide, they're sold everywhere."
"Sales reaching $350 billion globally."
"Lotus sold just 6117 globally in all honesty I'm actually surprised it was that many."
"This is a car that I can sell good, bad, and indifferent any day of the week, all over the world."
"Our job is to make the global market system work for everybody and planet and whether you like it or not, whether you like it or not, it really, we really have to do that."
"Education is a strategic tool for countries, and Romania needs to understand its role in the global market."
"...whenever you create a product you can literally sell it to anyone around the world whereas physical products you can't do that well you can but it's a lot harder."
"There's no better place to sell in the world, end of story."
"The ktc g42p5 is expected to be released across Europe, China, the US, and the UK at a retail price of around 1,100 US dollars."
"Maybelline Baby Lips were a hot commodity. I think they were a hot commodity all over the world."
"So as much as those vehicles are easy to buy for North Americans, if you're looking to go global, you need to do some research if your vehicle exists in the places that you're going to."
"...in around two or 3% of consumer spending globally takes place on the internet today..."
"The vast majority of cacao that's supplying the global market for all the big industrial brands is coming roughly 70 percent from two countries in West Africa: Ivory Coast and Ghana."
"Portugal's economy continued to expand... matched by a strong global economy."
"Training is not a luxury; it's a necessity if companies are going to participate in the global and electronic marketplaces."
"We needed the company that we felt would really and truly help grow Gymshark in the right way into a truly global brand."
"China represents our passport towards the markets of the whole world."
"If you're really serious about making fonts and making money from fonts, because it is a very lucrative field that you can do from anywhere around the world."
"Your book is not only going to be sold on the US marketplace, it's going to be sold on every other Amazon marketplace."
"The global cashew industry has experienced significant growth over the past few decades due to increasing demand in both domestic and international markets."
"This isn't just a British business; this is a British business selling worldwide."
"Universal is already making money off of this movie, especially with the worldwide number."
"Goldman Sachs... has decided to suspend fundraising in the United States, pivoting instead to seek investors in the Middle East and Southeast Asia."
"China was exactly just simply excelling in the global market that the United States dominated."
"They will provide great dynamism for the stability and recovery of the world economy and broader market opportunities for all countries."
"Did you know that in 2020, the tattoo industry made 50 billion dollars in revenue worldwide?"
"The M3 Hub is available right now globally for $129.99 US."
"I think that if Comac can get their plane sold around the world, especially within Europe or, of course, North America, this plane could be wildly successful."
"Your books are going to be selling to people in America, people in the UK, in Canada, Germany, Japan, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia."
"The foreign exchange market is one of the most influential markets in the world today."
"Our farmers, ranchers, and growers will now be able to compete fairly in Japan against major competitors worldwide."
"Remember, guitars are all over the entire world, so you gotta remember your foreign markets."
"Over 95 percent of tea from Kenya is exported to the rest of the world."
"I would like to emphasize once again the importance of looking outside the box and having influence in the global market."
"All around the world, paying all this money, they want a car that works."
"Countries are importers when they buy goods and services from other countries; countries are exporters when they sell products to other nations."
"It's so hard to raise money here; we have to go overseas, and by doing that, we're losing really great talent and really great opportunities."
"We're an open trading nation as part of the biggest free trade area in the world."
"There's absolutely no excuse for not starting a business in crypto because the market is so big, it's global, anyone can do it."
"There are eight billion customers out there; there's no shortage of money on this planet."
"Imagine, one stem will cost around 2500 pesos in the market globally."
"It's indeed very important for American wood companies to keep an eye on global developments."
"There's a huge demand today for trusted talent."
"Open up to the forces of international capitalism, trade, and compete in the global market, and everyone will be better off."
"Crypto trading happening outside the United States is 80%."
"These digital shares are tradable 24/7 on the global market, helping bolster liquidity."
"The price of oil is determined in the World Market, so everybody around the world's going to be paying this higher price."
"Your equity risk premium should reflect where you do business, not just where you're headquartered."
"Supply chains can allow poor countries to start manufacturing goods for the global market."
"The global market, a huge piece of the puzzle."
"The free flow of information, capital, movement of people and goods make it really an ideal place for businesses from all over the world."
"99% of those phones that you see... they're either from China or Dubai."