
Archives Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"The libraries are vast archive complexes and research facilities housing the collated genetic information of numerous sentient species."
"The archives hold a vast collection of historical documents, manuscripts, books, and other records that date back to the 8th century."
"The Vatican Apostolic Archives contain an immense collection of documents, about 85 kilometers of files and 35,000 volumes of books."
"These archives are going to be super valuable and I don't think we even know how to value these archives yet because if you look at the marvel archive or the star wars archive these things just keep printing money year after year."
"Scouting the archives for data requires a lot of time and effort, but the information is invaluable."
"Ninety-eight percent of what's in the archives is useless to anybody the problem is finding those extra two percent."
"The FBI Vault serves as a repository for an extensive collection of Declassified files."
"What if we went to the old 3D Realms archives and we found this secret game they worked on in the mid-90s?"
"Vatican Secret Archives: the guarded repository of centuries of secrets."
"Oh my gosh, in these archives... multiple gold books!"
"The Vatican's secret archives... are the stuff of Mythology yet their presence is perfectly real."
"The Vatican secret archives are only made public when they have been on file for at least 75 years."
"Footage of these early plays exist within the lama archives in New York."
"Vatican Secret Archives: Finally, the legendary archives are being revealed."
"Their value as historical archives cannot be understated."
"Archives are not just places where documents are stored; they're witnesses to African-American and American history."
"...archives where one of the journalists left his material."
"The Vault records are collected through agreements with archives, libraries, and churches from more than a 100 countries."
"if you did not make our summer Family Bible Conference amazing it was really great but we have that on archives so you can still join us for a post-summer Family Bible Conference if you'd like go to awmy.net archives to check that out"
"But it's only on Tran tour that no it's not trentor is just someplace you can study brittle films and Dusty documents and turn brittle and Dusty yourself for decades."
"I would have found sitting in the archives all day that there was a sense in which I wanted what I did to matter." - Justice Kagan
"We rebroadcast things, so by listening to current broadcasts, you will also hear old broadcasts because, like one of the formats is we do, um, we've gone through all the Wednesday audiences."
"Archives are stuff that I don't really need right now but may want to come back to."
"You can grab them from archive.org or the brilliant win world website."
"It's like Disney's going to dig through the archives to find the one female version."
"Now archives made it possible for us to remember things far, far beyond our lifetimes."
"Fanfiction.net: the very first multi-fandom automated archive."
"Collections like the 'Papers of the War Department' offer new avenues for research, allowing scholars to search across entire archives and access born-digital materials."
"Y'all [ __ ] are starting to go through my archives, videos, they're seeing that funny [ __ ], that's comedy, homie."
"But there's gonna be plenty of content, we hope you'll check out the archives."
"My goal to have as much or if not all of every single piece of media for Nickelodeon accessible is really, really getting there."
"Truly the GOAT of archives and deserves literally all the credit available."
"The Louis Armstrong archives are a treasure trove of information about life and music."
"We capture our own story, we tell our stories, and we look into the archives and excavate the information that may have been buried."
"I'm telling you, I'm loving this archival stuff."
"The archives... enable us to be much more precise and specific about what happened, exactly where was it, how did it happen."
"Much to my surprise, of all the places we visited, the archives turned out to be my favorite."
"The Vatican's archives are impressive to say the least, containing over 35,000 catalogued items."
"This is one of the most amazing climate archives that we have."
"Special collections at Georgetown is a terribly important initiative."
"The taking of information to the U.S national archives to guarantee preservation of the most important government documents."
"The archive room is a real treasure house, the records really of an Irish Catholic Family over the last 600 years."
"What an amazing competition and session here in the archives."
"It's a real revolution in our ability to read this archive of the past."
"Living in southwest London in the UK as I do, I have access to the National Archives at Kew relatively nearby."
"The archive of Miracles and Paranormal Activity is rumored to contain a wealth of information on unexplained phenomena."
"The more archives digitize, the more we benefit."
"The Martin family saved everything in this attic... making this one of the finest archives in the United States."
"We're just going to have our own Jedi archives in here, that would be amazing honestly."
"Doing your research there on site, nothing like it with the kinds of records that they have."
"As they look into the depths of the archives, something starts to look back."
"Many of us as graduate students used the RISM archive materials and spent thousands of hours... enjoying and profiting from this amazing collection."
"The joy of research is that none of my family really knew what was there in the U.S. archives."
"The contents of the archives are rich and varied."
"The archival record remains the vital bulwark against historical revisionism."
"The loss of the 1890 census reminds us of how important it is that we preserve and protect our own archive of the past."
"I'm honored to be given a chance to work at The Archives Department."
"Here were almost 60 letters written by one of Scotland's most beloved historical figures hiding in plain sight in a digital archive."
"The Vatican Apostolic archive is an incredibly significant institution."