
Early Learning Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"We need to educate our children better right from the start."
"Anand learned to play chess from his mother when he was six."
"How it works very early... it brings you to a much higher understanding."
"If you learn this stuff young, you're the lucky ones, the true definition of luck in the modern world is those of you who learn early, you figure out your destiny early."
"Early education before school is really important."
"Getting taught from an early age the basic skills you need to carry you through life."
"Teaching kids about money early on makes them unafraid and empowered."
"It would be a great idea to start teaching personal finance early."
"The earlier you start teaching these financial concepts, the better off not only will those individuals be, but their families as well."
"There's never an age that's too young for kids to start reading."
"I learned to read and shoot even before I could read or write - indeed, almost before I could walk and talk."
"Lego Mindstorms is all about creating wireless Lego devices like robots, making it babies' first coding."
"Had it reinforced into him at a young age that your Investments should pay you dividends."
"Your parents talk to you about money from a very early age."
"Learning that people are different and that not all families look the same... these are important lessons that start early in life."
"I have to manage these tendencies and I learned at an early age that it helps to focus on discrete tasks."
"It is for many the place where the love of learning begins."
"Master the fundamentals early on to set yourself up for success later."
"First of all, I think someone has to be passionate about education... it's really important to start ahead early to get independent."
"I first learned to code when I was eight years old, on a paper computer, and I've been in love with AI ever since."
"Life is what you make it. When you turn a certain age, you know right from wrong. We know the basics in school. They started in kindergarten. It's important to have these conversations to let kids know early. The mental health starts early. The forgiveness has to start early."
"It's never too early for manners."
"People are so much happier when they learn early on what the expectation is."
"The world isn't fair. I learned that at the ripe old age of 4 years old."
"So, any form of education you're making, helping to good human beings to flourish as good human beings, the earlier the better, everybody agrees on that."
"Entrepreneurialism and business being taught really early on at school."
"There seems to be that there's something about learning a language early in life, regardless of whether it's sign language or spoken language, that actually helps people learn more language."
"There's something really special going on here about learning language at an early age."
"Education is just as important to dogs as it is to kids. In both cases, the earlier, the better."
"We need to start early, and that is the place to engage kids with food. And I've seen it. I've seen it with my own son. He would eat things out of the garden he would never eat on a plate, and things he cooked he was willing to eat, even exotic things."
"You know it's impossible, and they're learning that earlier, they have a head start on all these other guys."
"Maybe we should be teaching computational thinking or computer science or some notions of computing at early grades, early ages K to 12, not wait to teach computer science until you reach college or when you go to graduate school."
"The earlier you learn this, the more you're going to reap from its rewards."
"It's never too early to start teaching your son or yourself about sustainable energy."
"We're not thinking about words yet for this child, we're thinking about vocalizations or making noise."
"The fact that empathy starts to emerge in children as young as two years old adds another layer of intrigue."
"I knew how to wire up a whole house at the age of 10."
"I was taught to read by my grandmother, who was a teacher, by the time I was 3 years old."
"Hello everyone, today I'm going to be sharing with you my preschool and kindergarten learning area."
"Parents taught us about investing in compound interest at the age of five."
"I learned at an early age that the main person that I had to depend on was myself."
"Vinci technology for early learning to engage, to empower, and to inspire the genius in every child."
"This country must change its way of thinking about education clear back to the kindergarten."
"Our brain is wired to learn language at a younger age."
"What we want to expose your puppy to in the first 13 weeks is different people, places, and things in different surfaces and textures and sounds."
"It's never too early to teach your children."
"Most children can start picking up on letters and sounds long before they turn five."
"Ten frames are so important in helping our young students develop number sense within our base 10 system."
"The earlier you expose a child to a foreign language, the better his or her pronunciation will be."
"He taught himself to read when he was 18 months old."
"Morning work is great and I've seen it successfully used in kindergarten, first, and second grade many times."
"When I was eight years old, I taught myself C++ and algebra."
"He was a serious student of the Word of God from an early age."
"Phonological awareness is an important skill that children begin to develop even before they start to formally learn to read and write in school."
"We need to focus on making sure our students can read by third grade."
"I think the tax planning advice that comes out of Rich Dad Poor Dad, we should be learning that in kindergarten."
"It's amazing what these kids understand at a young age."
"It's really important to start speaking in the very beginning."
"Montessori teaches you independence and how to do tasks older people are doing when you're five."
"It teaches you confidence at an early age."