
Technicality Quotes

There are 319 quotes

"Who says powerlifting is not technical? That's so technical."
"All the time when you're doing long exposures, thinking about the artistic side of things, it's not just a technical exercise."
"Truly talented authors bridge between the two, constantly underlining technical complexities with characters who shoulder the consequences of that complexity."
"Film emulation can be very technical, but it's also very artistic... I don't want for any of you to place the importance of the technical accuracy above what I would consider the artistic expression."
"What it lacks in modern technical prowess it makes up for in endless charm and enjoyability."
"Nothing is technically a vegetable if you want to be technical."
"I'm okay with a category I care to technically a logic in the Nano post study Cannavaro native world."
"While caliber is a factor, the type of round is often more important than the dimensions of it."
"Characters are meant to move, so topology is crucial for believable deformation."
"It's clear that there are some configurations of short AR pistols with stabilizing braces that could theoretically still be deemed as AR pistols not SBRs."
"Shinobi Free: Return of the Ninja Master is technically probably the best game in the series."
"Is it the car that has to cross the finish line or is it the driver?"
"This was a match where if you are a professional wrestling fan and you are a fan of the more technical aspects of wrestling, this was right up your alley."
"Lenses are one of the most important aspects when it comes to gear as a whole."
"Cutting capacity in swords is a really interesting, sophisticated science."
"The slope...or angle of attack...is very steep."
"She knew that her sister was technically wrong but not morally wrong."
"The more technical machinery you have in your arsenal, the more creativity you need."
"This was a really technical fight where both guys also took lumps out of each other."
"It's still not technically the perfect 355."
"That was a lot of fairly technical stuff to get through."
"I've never been so glad for a technicality in my life."
"technically speaking alcohol is a solution"
"...what that does is just make sure that they're nice and long so that we can actually see them..."
"I recommend selecting the d-log m because I like having that widest color gamut available."
"The biggest thing is trying to get the colors the way you want them to look. Um, so colors and exposure and stuff and white balance."
"I don't think there's going to be any problem unless the SID is bad, which I find that highly unlikely that it is."
"There's really no other magical thing that you change. Now, people will argue and say, 'Well yeah, but you could change the voltage.' The voltage could vary, and that is true. That is true. That's not generally what goes on though."
"Technically when you own real property, you own all the way to the center of the earth going all the way up to infinity."
"The red line is technically an island."
"So when it comes to this drain remember what I said that you can't expect it to drain because this has a negative air pressure drain pan."
"What WED does is called Imagineering, the blending of creative imagination with technical knowhow."
"If you've got dual overhead cam, if you've got quad overhead cam that are fully variable, or whether you've got a single one in the middle of this thing with the sticks that push on the side of it at the top with the thing, they're all at the end of it."
"I mean, you know, if you want to get technical, I mean if you have somebody, if you've got a cinematographer or a lighting person doing this, they're going to tell you there's too many harsh shadows everywhere."
"He is very smart and technical too, but he hasn’t got endless diagrams of high-tech devices in his head."
"With that radio put back in, putting this top vent on is a little bit tricky."
"Technically, it actually is bee vomit."
"He goes from 9 to 52, yeah, and some of that is we do a couple songs during the set that are in drop tuning, so this way it doesn't get flubby when you drop it down the extra whole step."
"It's quite technical, isn't it? The tiny subtle changes make the difference."
"Because of the offset right here if we look at the top regarding how to mount the fans this would also be how we're mounting radiators."
"They had a great riff, dude. Sneaky technical."
"this is very technical it's very very entertaining"
"Didn't he get out on a technicality? Yeah, which is like the biggest technicality of all time."
"The center is the only spot to put the littlest baby in and I'm not that type of technician."
"...hopefully what you can appreciate at this point that the eddy viscosity model forms a framework which the other turbulence models sit on top of."
"We're going to try to fix the timing issue because if you look to the other videos this thing had so much timing it would diesel and not shut off."
"There are things that I see that I can pull from within myself, but more so just the technicality and the overall balance of emotional artistry is incredible with this film. It's scary good."
"And this is going to be a technical and Marcus Smart just got thrown out of the ball game, and he's still a little bit animated."
"I love the technical aspect of that sport enormously."
"You've taken care of the entire bubble around the speakers and the human head and the microphone."
"But like you said with the dev box or you know you've got a policy that you know everybody's got to have unique id or something and this one application can't do that because it's an old app and it only has a single user account."
"Your corners are still technically two chains."
"This is really kind of a nightmare of a scope to zero if you don't have a proper bench clamp setup to do it on."
"It really doesn't matter whether I'm turning this knob or another knob that's also sending voltages to the filter."
"But normally you would take your microphone from the back of the radio, snake it underneath there and run it up to here."
"Thankfully, I have all these figures, although technically if I didn't, I did say I was only buying all the retail figures and these aren't retail figures, so I could have won on a technicality."
"It's not all big opinion-based. It's like almost majority of a routine is judged on technical aspects."
"The surface area of a 35 caliber boore is significantly more per inch of barrel length than it is with a 30 caliber boore."
"I'm not a grow light expert I am not a super techy person I don't have a light meter I don't know all of the specs about every single light."
"Edge angles: sometimes I'll talk to people about these angles and they'll say, 'Oh, I have a half degree on the base and a three degree on the side.'"
"While I mostly took inspiration from the M3 tankhead for the chest and armaments, it’s armour is too curved and specific to be easily replicated."
"...as I'm going through and I'm doing my different setups to try and get that gear pattern the way that I want it."
"When you're dealing with extremely large resistors like gig ohms and terra ohms then you need like a really properly shielded and properly designed test fixture."
"So when I'm talking about the transient peak of the waveform, it's referring to the envelope of the sound."
"I want the audience to note this just blasphemous technicality. But this should really count against you when the poll comes out."
"And it's like the infrared or whatever of Neil's face and it kept cutting between him and Vincent and back and forth, back and forth, so yeah, I mean just an amazing movie technically wise and performance wise."
"The track was really cool... it was very technical."
"The level is getting better and better I have to say I think that technically and tactically it's it's right up there and I think the tempo of the games getting quicker and quicker."
"...the first thing that you're going to look at is the fact that the rudder shaft is of a similar nature to that of a small battleship."
"If our cross-sectional area is x amount, our motor is this amount, this thing is going to pretty much stop at x amount rpm."
"Each evolution of camera and lens that Leica comes out with offers new creative possibilities without limiting you from a technical standpoint."
"If you want to tell it's a double precision, put the number sign after, and it still works, but it's not double precision, obviously. Interesting."
"Dynamic range is a camera's ability to maintain detail in the image in the very brightest parts of the image as well as the darkest parts of the image."
"...so what i'm going to do since this could be the heavy spot of the tire we're going to take these have these spin balanced anyway i'm gonna put the stem here on this side just to counter that weight i guess right who knows who cares."
"Upgrading to a better aftermarket dampener is going to help damper not dampener."
"This suspension is very technical, it is very advanced, and simply putting spaces or springs or anything like that isn't going to solve the issue with the Ranger suspension."
"Rear caps on these Pinnacles sometimes didn't happen because the kind of fiberglass that they use in these rear caps is sort of similar to what some sort of Windmill Farms will tend to use."
"I'd imagine I mean I'd be able to sort this and actually have that poking out of the assembly as it should be in my opinion."
"Blender automatically accounted for distortion, so we have to turn that off."
"The generator provides all the power the board needs. It goes with this cable to a distributor, and the distributor distributes the power, unisolated."
"Final gather quality does get rid of the noise."
"Despite anything else that's wrong with the film, the technical qualities... are outstanding."
"Is perfect. Well I haven't been able to prove it's always perfect so it's perfect out to 106 bits which is great."
"...but there's no way to easily run, say, sequencer A with sampler B or synth B."
"So I'm gonna be careful to not get a twist on our core wires."
"... let's rewind it and see it played back at a slower frame rate the charge did detonate but the poor ratio of ammonium nitrate to aluminum results in a weak explosion ..."
"I'm gonna press s to scale to scale the plane down to the head."
"I don't expect if I open the hood to be looking for a hood you know manual Hood prop strut to put up whatever it is."
"...there's a difference between a knock event and a knock reading from the sensor on the engine."
"We're going to attempt to get this unit to work both air conditioners off of one 3,500 watt generator."
"Assuming that he focused on those aspects that had a technical element to them, then clearly his answers to them were potentially at least disclosable."
"I think for me at least with Annihilator, the technicality that they bring was almost unprecedented."
"Technically the front would be the rounded part."
"...George doesn't run this because she doesn't want enough boost and it's quite a to need these..."
"It's just as strong, technically rich, and can also work commercially in the west without it just being a gimmick."
"Now, that's everything you need to get the track working. Everything after this point is just aesthetic preference."
"Now if you ever look through the full list of these, you'll find that it's very long and some of the functions are actually doubled up."
"It's a moral problem, it's a behavioral problem, it's not a technical problem."
"It's actually 4,000 of these individual pulses in order to be able to push this all the way down."
"...you're getting that temperature and you're doing superheat and sub cooling, you know that's what I'm happy about."
"There's an eighth degree cleave on the end face of the fiber, as opposed to say UPC which is more than 90 degree cleave."
"...you're able to actually use the current side in a different IAL mode and therefore uh get a fairly accurate measurement of both the voltage and the current for my DC load."
"...the G string is the worst offender in terms of needing to compensate..."
"To like load the steel line that wide as possible."
"So you can see that Gap there and that Gap there now that Gap means that no terminals can flow."
"That's the beauty of good music. You'll be like, 'That's a really cool song,' and then after the fact, you're like, 'Whoa, that's actually pretty technical.'"
"The craftsmanship and technicalities of this speaker are impressive."
"But sometimes a larger size lens is necessary for its light gathering ability for shooting in low light for instance."
"To reduce common mode currents, ensure tuner and radio match the antenna."
"The router could be ten sixteen zero ten or twenty or thirty or forty it wouldn't matter."
"Shane O'Neill, arguably the most technical guy out here, and you've seen it on display."
"So in order to use this wire, we have to make a hole through the layout and through the roadbed."
"So now the wire can feed down through and we'll be able to control the turnout using this controller."
"This took skateboarding in a different direction where the technical aspect was unreal."
"If you threw a Model 50 in the Hudson River it would probably sink intermittently."
"He's in the ATM mix, not the best A tier boxer, but he's in the mix of A tier because I think he's a slight step above these guys technically."
"It's like you almost want the video file to be a tiny bit ahead of the song."
"The ideal place to mount a nitrous bottle on one of these late model Mustangs is here, straddling the rear subframe back in the trunk."
"The challenge with this is, again, you have to be careful because trapping the metal between here and here, it has nowhere to go."
"That's evidence that it can charge at three-phase."
"When you lean it out, you're in essence decreasing the amount of fuel that's going into that cylinder."
"That long take was insane! It required so much effort and computing power."
"V3 is not going to be in the blue plane."
"V1 plus V2 plus V3 is controllable in this case."
"Technically the company introduced this car back in 2020."
"Why do you think the subtonic storm is so peaky?"
"So when you start trying to get really loud, I mean, you're doubling power for every three DB."
"Yes, it's important that we talk about the technical things on how to build models and algorithms, but at the same time, in order to get anything out of them in terms of its value for improving care, we have to think a bit broader."
"If you're driving this vehicle in first gear and when you're accelerating, torque is going through the sprag into the sun gear and the carrier is trying to rotate counterclockwise."
"When you start putting all these numbers and you start sounding nerdy like me about cars you really appreciate how the drive is."
"I don't want people to read what I write and say, 'Wow this guy Ta-Nehisi is technically correct,' and then walk away."
"So make sense so far so the whole point of this is of course why and doesn't low frequency directivity cause head room?"
"And it does have this almost like, I keep saying tinkering, but that's really what it is, like you're trying to technical components, yeah, so an added technical layer to the lifts that you may not get with raw."
"Technically, is this the most difficult piece that you have ever played from the sheer--"
"Noise is a really interesting thing when it comes to wildlife photography."
"The Mamba has exceptional technical detail all along the fuselage."
"...if it's just a technical exercise, that's all very well, but a solo has to lean towards the primitive."
"Major kudos to anybody who is skilled is technically advanced in these areas."
"My talk was kind of technical but what I feel about for that I'm sort of giving the people this information that they might hard for them to find elsewhere."
"It was a really fun project to do because, you know, my dad isn't creative at all but he's like a really technical sort of guy so he taught me all the sort of practical skills that I use in my videos."
"It's hard to get creative mode when you're in technical mode it's impossible."
"Performers could pull those drawbars to different positions in order to change the relative volumes of those harmonics, and as it turns out, the relative volumes of a note's harmonics is basically what timbre is."
"Roca is the coolest technical brand in motorcycling."
"So what we're really talking about here is making good decisions and trying to become the best possible thoughtful technical climber."
"It's undulating, it's up and down, it's challenging, and I think it's one of the more technical tracks."
"Being here, learning all the technical bits of it and the engineering parts... only adds to what I create with my own music."
"Communication is so important, and it's technical communication that I think is so important."
"It's just beautiful, it's fast, it's technical, it's everything you want in a drift event."
"The most important thing we need to do is put an equal amount of heat into both components."
"ATC claims that their bumper pulled toy haulers are all half-ton towable, and that is technically true."
"The technical side of audio definitely fascinates me."
"Knowing how to apply musical techniques to your technical work, that's just a no-brainer."
"The music guides you, and the technical stuff supports the music."
"The unit was really easy to install, and I don't think you need to be overly technically minded to install one yourself."
"Flatness is kind of like straightness, right, but in this case, what we're doing is we are defining two planes that are parallel with each other."
"The aperture is literally how large the hole in the lens is going to be or how much light a lens is going to let through to touch the strip of film or the digital sensor."
"This is more of a strange technical thing that I'm not super sure if I can explain very well but I can try."
"You have to take all those things into account when you're tuning a car."
"Others watch for the technical aspect to learn stuff."
"The focal length of a lens determines its angle of view or field of view and thus how much the subject will be magnified or reduced for a given photographic position."
"Trust your ears; like if something's not technically right but it sounds good, then it sounds good."
"This is exactly the technical performance I'm looking for."
"Nymphing catches more fish... it's the most technical way of fly-fishing."
"There are some books which are really technically challenging, and that was probably the most technically challenging book I've done, but one of the most rewarding as well."
"This is Planes, Trains, and Automobiles in the most technical of senses."
"The fundamental most important factor of picture quality is contrast."
"The multi-level analysis is a random effects analysis which is technically a bit more complicated."
"It's a great resource to have; it can be a little technical, but it is solid info on a broad range of topics within the hobby."
"And that's where red teaming can be a little more in-depth and a little more or technical."
"We're covering the tricky subject of character retargeting."
"This is what it should look like at top dead center for number one."
"Cybersecurity is both a technical issue and an education issue."
"Make no mistake, pier fishing is very technical but there's a tremendous amount of opportunity."
"Endgame is a far more demanding film from a technical perspective, requiring the brothers to juggle an mind-boggling number of moving parts while still delivering earned character moments."
"It's been a technical experience for both these guys, in a learning curve too."
"The fantastic thing about eMegaWeb is it really just exposed me to all these different aspects of business, both the business side and also the technical side."
"We're not just talking about what does it take to be technical, but what does it take to actually deliver true business agility."
"Instrumental guitar played to a very high degree of technicality but it's melodic."
"You're going to start becoming a more technical and strategic player."
"I'm going to do a cam timing check, I'm going to measure the cc's in the block, measure the deck height of the pistons, measure the height of the valves, and we'll film all that too."
"It's going to be a hot one here today, and the track is difficult and technical."
"Technically speaking, he's not really a murderer; his victims kill themselves."
"I'll be reviewing this figure from a technical and an artistic perspective."
"It's crazy how technical and just in-depth the sport is."
"It's a very mechanical, very technical interior complemented by this lovely sweeping line that comes around to envelop the driver in the cockpit of the car."
"Do you go for really technical stuff and take more time, or do you do simple stuff and get it done really quickly?"
"I get a kick out of the technical side, the strategic side."
"Passing the test of academics is passing the test of technicality, not necessarily of progress."
"I like being technical about things, especially vocals."
"The filter is where you spend 50% of your time designing patches."
"It's not just a technical thing, it's a very personal thing, a very family thing."
"So many of the technical things we do are means to an end, but that end is creative improvisational freedom."
"Technical drawing for fashion... it's really great for drawing flat drawings which just about everyone in the industry wants."
"We've got white balance that's set at 5600 Kelvin, that's daylight color temperature."
"It is now 20 years since cart racing first arrived in Great Britain, and in the two decades since its introduction, the sport has progressed into a highly complex, technical high-speed business."
"The most important thing when working with a green screen is lighting."
"It's very technical, very like an art form."
"GitHub Wiki, set up collaborative docs especially for people that are more technical."
"The focus of this tutorial isn't really on creating NFT art itself; it's more on the technical process of how to create the smart contract, deploy it, and then how to list your NFTs for sale."
"It's below 200 milliseconds, it still has this peak, this bass peak down here which is really kind of high and that makes it really thumpy, really punchy."