
Dependency Injection Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Dependency injection itself is not a product; it is an architectural design pattern."
"Dependency injection is a concept... where the framework injects the object rather than you creating it."
"Dependency Injection means that you shouldn't have to do it, it will inject things for you."
"Dependency Injection takes it that next step where it says I don't want my class to know which one it's constructing."
"We're gonna say it equals DI.Get(). DI will take care of constructing it and dealing with the construction of it."
"By using dependency injection, you get better code reusability due to the coupling between components, and testing becomes easier since your class dependencies are well-defined."
"Inversion of Control is a more flexible way to manage object dependencies and its lifecycle through dependency injection."
"Dependency injection... instead of in our code we have to instantiate some new object, Spring is actually instantiating this object."
"Dependency injection is much cleaner; this is a true unit test now."
"Qualifier annotation helps specify which bean to inject when there are multiple beans of the same type."
"We can now inject the instance of GameStoreContext that has been registered in the service provider."
"Dependency injection is not overly difficult; it's about moving implementation code to components."
"Dependency injection: the true power lies in swapping behavior."
"Dependency injection: making it easy to add new implementations without rewriting existing code."
"Dependency injection: the concept is not difficult; it's about rewriting classes to be generic."
"Dependency injection: it's all about making methods for behaviors."
"You don't put models into your dependency injection."
"Use Dependency Injection in Nest.js to enforce the Open-Closed Principle."
"Dependency injection is a key feature in Net Core, with three ways to register dependencies: transient, singleton, and scoped."
"Dependency injection in Azure Functions by injecting the IMessageProcessor."
"Dependency injection is built into .NET and Maui, which is really, really cool."
"In this lesson, you will learn about the dependency injection design pattern and the multiple benefits it brings into your applications."
"This is the principle of dependency injection."
"So this is a very high-level overview of dependency injection."
"Partial application can be used for dependency injection which is really nice, you don't need a special dependency injection framework, it's really simple."
"With .NET Core, we also have a built-in support for dependency injection which saves a lot of time and is extremely helpful."
"It's really just that easy to start using dependency injection inside of your iOS, Android, Windows, Mac application with Xamarin Forms."
"We can easily swap our real dependencies with mock implementation during testing."
"We could use standard dependency injection in ASP.NET Core."
"Dependency injection... when you pass a class in as an argument to a method you call it dependency injection."
"With dependency injection, your dependencies are obvious and they're part of your API."
"Dependency injection... anything that you want to go and produce which has a bad dependency inside of it should be injected through the constructor set through a setter."
"Dependency injection is awesome, and you should be using it."
"The DI container simply put is just a class that has information about other classes which enables it to resolve classes with their dependencies."
"That's really one of the greatest benefits of dependency injection containers."
"Dependency injection is an anti-static mat for your code."
"With the help of dependency injection, classes can request dependencies from external sources rather than creating them on their own."
"What we actually want to do is we want to change this by having access to our server through dependency injection."
"So that's dependency injection, guys, in a nutshell. All it is, is that you're passing these properties or your data, you're using your service or your manager or whatever, you're just passing it in either through a property or through an initializer."
"Make sure your dependency injection approach is not opinionated."
"You get dependency injection at every level of your stack."
"The infrastructure layer uses the dependency injection and inversion of control to inject its methods and data into the application layer."
"Angular 2 provides a single consistent API for injecting all the dependencies."
"Dependency injection is one of those features that you don't see the value of right away, but the bigger the application gets, the more value you get out of it."
"We can go ahead and use dependency injection and inject Firebase Auth into any controller, factory, or service that we want."
"Dependency injection is not really a testing technique; it is an object-oriented design technique."
"It provides a completely new and richer dependency injection scheme."
"Angular says, 'I got you covered, I'll inject that with dependency injection.'"