
Industry Evolution Quotes

There are 194 quotes

"We see this as the next big change in gaming and Epic's evolution as a company."
"The industry has changed immensely, and we need to Future-ready ourselves."
"Anthem died so that a single-player offline Dragon Age game might live."
"It's actually a pretty awesome time for video games right now because if you told ten-year-old Dane that in the future, you can pursue playing video games as a career, I'd think that was pretty crazy."
"The whole EV game is evolving, and Chinese companies, especially trailblazers like BYD, have been quick to seize the trend, outpacing their Western counterparts."
"Every era has its ups and downs, and modern gaming has given us some incredible titles, but it's also changed so much of the heart of game development."
"Never stop learning and adapting; the industry evolves rapidly, and staying updated with the latest tools and trends is vital."
"The rise of resale now is akin to that of e-commerce 20 years ago."
"Thailand has been moving up the value chain in manufacturing and is a production hub for car parts, vehicles, and electronics."
"The era of the four-engine mammoths is becoming a thing of the past, and their heirs, the twin-engine giants, are starting to reign the skies all over the world."
"We went from taste and hunches to quantifiable."
"It's kind of like most things like it starts out really pure and innocent and then people come along and realize that they can profit and then it turns into something else."
"I love the direction non Disney/Pixar animation is headed right now."
"The computer reshaped work in science, defense, and ultimately industry."
"The arc of first hearing about a game to playing it is way different now than when I was a kid."
"It's important to remember that the crypto industry started with Bitcoin."
"It is remarkable how things have turned around there if you look back to the series s Xbox one s father and the Xbox one X whole DNA if X had changed completely all of this is gone yeah."
"The industry did change and we had to adapt."
"Wouldn't it be great if Blizzard tries to diversify content rather than developing a game on a playbook made 15 years ago?"
"I really hope that the WoW team tries to diversify content rather than developing a game on a playbook made 15 years ago."
"With the state of the industry now, chances are you're not playing something old, you need something new... you know what I'm talking about: mods."
"I think this is really great for the industry... there is this shift I never thought we'd see PlayStation games on PC but here we are, many of the big PlayStation titles are coming to PC not day one but they're coming there eventually."
"It started within a niche within a niche so exactly exactly it's really dope to see that."
"Looking at the evolution of Star Wars games is like looking at the evolution of gaming as a whole."
"Coding is not going away, it's just going to change."
"That's exciting, that's an exciting thing to see moving forward in the industry."
"The a340 500 perfectly suited the new wave of ultra long-haul operations."
"Yeah, it's like there were a lot of free movement open world games that people were trying to do."
"The industry's grown... It's totally different than that 20 years ago."
"Either you go out of business or you have to evolve. We're doing nothing other than what the Victorian bakers did."
"Taking storytelling seriously is a more recent development than taking mechanics seriously."
"Actors now have more freedom than they did in the past."
"If we keep talking about how well like teenagers right now... focusing more on player agency."
"I haven't heard anybody roll off top in on kick drum since the Miami crowd came along."
"Maybe in two years, we'll look back and say 'Wow, Sony at one point wasn't going to allow crossplay.' That was crazy!"
"This is an interesting opportunity, one that I'm very excited for. I'm very excited for what I can do for Gamefound, what Gamefound can do for crowdfunding, and how this space is going to shape up around us over the next 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 years."
"The industry isn't just looking to relive the glory of the old days But is pushing ahead, in search of new identities"
"The Golden Age of Pixar's over... but that doesn't discount the catalog from the Golden Age."
"A wider paradigm shift for the medium as a whole."
"Well, it was weird because we transitioned out of that phase like at the beginning, it was a hybrid."
"As the industry continues to evolve Russo's place in its history remains a subject of lively and passionate debate."
"You're still getting the historical issues that have existed within the music industry promulgated even as we see more black executives and black ownership celebrated."
"We do nothing but disruptive innovation because we have never seen as much disruptive innovation evolving at the same time ever."
"Traditional industries don't need to be disrupted and die. You could be disruptive and evolve and actually enjoy part of the future rather than be one that's trying to hold back onto a model that maybe worked a couple of years ago."
"Exciting times lie ahead as electric vehicles become the new Norm."
"I think what happened here is Indian Cinema just leaped over American Cinema."
"There's no reason why theaters can't coexist with streaming."
"Holy cow, talk about a success story with Dead by Daylight continuing to evolve."
"Shout out to Larry and everything that he did in this whole evolution of the streaming space."
"This could signal the first time in more than 20 years that we've had a real third player in the laptop and desktop space."
"Commercial music is becoming faster and harder than ever."
"What keeps it interesting is the new operators."
"There's been this logical feeling that a lot of us have had and it's like where is the next step for this open world genre or what is going to be next for video games?"
"2021, 22, and 23 are where we see EVs go from something on the outside... to super mainstream."
"There is a real respect for the craft of filmmaking that has taken hold."
"Video games have come a long way from the more Gra Roots throw sh at the wall and see what sticks approach."
"If we want mobile gaming to get to that next level, we really have to be willing to accept some compromise and accept some sacrifice."
"Keep your tap dancing shoes on... there's no saying where this industry will go."
"Does anyone else feel like we're past being early and we're actually in the point of mass adoption now?"
"Private lenders will pay the freight for new industries. The United States used to be a manufacturing economy and then it became a service economy. This happens all the time."
"It's strange to see them go away when another system for Microsoft is coming out this year."
"The 21st century has thus far been something of a growing up period for the games industry."
"This is a really exciting time in the wrestling industry."
"We are witnessing the prophetization of the video game industry in real time."
"Once dominated by Intel alone, we'll also see more competition as ARM-based servers are also becoming more and more relevant."
"It's such a big big buzz that wasn't you know um you know recognized by the Academy in anyway this one wasn't either is like a perfect time to kind of for the Academy be like look we're growing up let's throw in a horror movie in there..."
"Video games are just made different than how they used to be."
"It's an incredible time for TV writing because it doesn't matter when a show comes out."
"I'm enjoying the rebranding of what cannabis is."
"Like there are games that are breaking through that barrier and I think we're seeing it happen."
"It's always been a fun job but I think the guys who invented this industry wouldn't believe where it is now."
"It's easier for a technology company to learn how to make cars than for a car company to learn how to make technology."
"Tesla will be a part of all the other American automobile manufacturers and as time goes on I think their role will grow as the more these guys struggle."
"I love this work I love games in that way and it's fantastic to see all of us kind of remember that when we wind up coming to the turn of a new new generation so yeah super dope."
"Mobile games are just becoming more standardized now like maybe like eight years ago you know people were like super super against mobile games like they were complete trash."
"They are involved in the conversations that are gonna change cinematic history."
"There's no doubt in my mind that today's guitars are the best they've ever been."
"The aging business model of spamming ads all over the content is dying."
"But yeah, that's where DLC started taking off, and here we are."
"More change and more diversity in that space, man."
"Times have changed and the industry needs to change with them."
"What I want to end this video on is not to say you should hold out hope for a breakout adaptation, but that we've come to a point in anime where the rules we once thought they worked by are starting to bend."
"There's never been a period in history when more original films have been made than today."
"From the release of Olympic Decathlon in 1980 to the release of Mario Party in 1998, there were nine party games. In the same amount of time after 1998, there were 92."
"The game industry is always changing and it's never too late for an old classic to bring us the joy we experienced so long ago."
"I think this is a major shake up here but it's a step in the right direction."
"Streaming has come a long way in the past couple years, a lot of gear companies are starting to see the value in making products for the streaming market."
"I predict that in about five years video game movies are gonna pick up and suddenly be awesome."
"What competition came out of Japan or Korea years ago will pale in comparison to what we're seeing coming out of China."
"I think there has been leaps and bounds of change between the relationships men and women in the industry."
"The next logical step seems like a live-action remake."
"It's just so cool to be part of this growth, just watching NXT since we've gotten there."
"There was a time... the talent 20 years ago was just brutal. The talent now is awesome."
"The transformation of the porn industry has, as usual, reflected the direction our world is going in."
"It's this kind of new wave of YouTubers coming out as almost like businesses."
"E3 was at its best when the industry itself was also in a particular phase... the biggest brightest and most expensive games were also kind of AG... creatively aggressive."
"We're in a golden age of gaming, but nobody is forgetting about the old games."
"It's less about being the new streaming service and more about creating something completely new."
"We are at long last, we're in a golden age of video games."
"The idea of a traditional 'DevRel' is dead, replaced by a new era where developers are respected for their engineering progress and contributions."
"A thrilling time to be a part of the auto industry."
"You have to evolve with that or you're gonna get left behind."
"This game needs a breath of fresh air, it needs a shake up, it needs innovation."
"Digital vs. physical: A dilemma for gamers as the industry evolves."
"Massive amounts of cars revolutionized the automotive industry."
"Every other legacy automotive manufacturer will either follow suit or their name will only be something we hear about in history books."
"The way the world is changing so quickly at the moment, nothing is forever. Who would have said even four years ago that you would see triple A PlayStation IPs being published on PC?"
"Let's change the future of cars. That is how we need to evolve."
"Slowly but surely boom boom boom the industry led by Tesla started knocking those issues down."
"Twitch stream quality is about to enter a whole new era."
"For a decade or two Riders will be obsessed with bigger and faster and more powerful and then we come back to our senses and realize the value of smaller more economical and honestly more fun motorcycles."
"AMD are just getting started, and you don't have to remember that, as they keep reminding us."
"So let's hope the industry changes because, you know, in certain fields, a degree might not be necessary."
"We're in a position in a model now where Disney Plus by itself could generate 7 billion in profit all by itself."
"Unless you've been living under a rock or some weird cave in Antarctica, you would know that the car industry has changed."
"Perhaps problems such as horror stories that happened to Dan eay will be a thing of the past for UFC fighters."
"Technology is so serious today, you don't even have to have a web designer."
"There's been this slow movement away from the individual creator."
"I think the NFT space should evolve in a sustainable way... focusing on the long term."
"We are now in the optimization business rather than the learning business."
"I think it's a growth of the industry as a whole I don't necessarily think it's good or bad though I think it's just sort of inevitable."
"The video game industry is kind of going through what the film and TV industry went through 30 years ago."
"NFT gaming is going to be a thing moving forward whether you like it or not."
"Effects of calcifediol treatment: 2% ICU admission vs. 50% without."
"Remember when skaters didn't own and run skateboard companies? There's something special about that."
"The computer industry we're in today doesn't resemble anything that we came from. That's the beauty of it."
"Innovation is what's great about technology and growth, and just having people have new looks on things and the evolution of different industries."
"The entire hotel industry had been undergoing this transition from asset-heavy operators to asset-light, fee-based platforms for decades long before Airbnb existed."
"We are going through a platform shift."
"You don't book the same way in the 90s as you do now."
"Convolt was one of the original pure plays in backup and then we saw them move from backup to data resiliency and security."
"In the 2010s bed in the box, companies began popping up everywhere."
"The whole industry is just evolving."
"They're gonna change the motorcycling market, and you can either adapt or you can die."
"The robot industry is gradually approaching the point of radical change and a huge leap forward."
"There's a lot of change happening in the auto industry."
"The industry changes very very quickly, we've got different technologies, it's a constant learning."
"We are at an inflection point in biotechnology and biomanufacturing."
"Marketing... will continue to rise especially with the rise of digital marketing."
"The 300 millimeter wafer transition occurred at the same time as the semiconductor industry was starting to move on to the 180 and 130 nanometer process node."
"At the turn of the century, the $200 billion semiconductor manufacturing industry across the globe joined hands and underwent a massive transition, maybe the last of its kind."
"It's so cool to see how much the video editing landscape has actually changed."
"The best part of the evolution of our creative industry now is that so many people are willing to share what they do."
"I feel like the industry as we know it and the way that we think about it today is so different than the way we thought about it 20 years ago."
"The clock speed of industry has changed... bringing in computers just changed the way we communicate."
"Our industry is evolving rapidly, and we have to evolve with it if we want to succeed."
"This is an industry of frustration that has now been replaced by an industry of creativity and innovation."
"Things are changing in the world, things are changing in entrepreneurship, things are changing in our industry, home care, in-home care."
"Anime is not exactly quick to innovate, but there have always been a handful of creative staff determined to keep anime weird and innovative."
"The story of milk today is the story of progress in the dairy industry of scientific know-how and meticulous care."
"We always looked at sport, how can we just innovate, how can we make it more entertaining."
"Entrepreneurship and its twin venture capital has changed dramatically but subtly."
"It's about thinking through what it means to be a software business in the traditional automotive industry."
"I think making big moves like that, just like you said and like Universal's doing, they really don't have a choice at this point."
"We in our industry like to think that we know everything, but with the pace at which our industry is evolving, you can't know everything; it's impossible."
"Let's evolve, let's create a more sustainable surf industry."
"Making beats is not enough anymore... music in general is becoming much more accessible."
"It's interesting to see how the industry is kind of changing and evolving."
"As this knife world evolves and we start getting better and better materials and designs for less money, the budget part of the knife world is very important."
"What's changed since that 1984 article is what most of the industry is moving towards: machine learning based methods."
"It's crazy where the industry has gone, but it's also good in its own way."
"YouTube has become an industry... it's just been amazing to see that happen, especially to something that you're so passionate about."
"Every industry will change, so figure out where that discontinuity is in your industry."
"Hyundai, they've been around for quite some time, but 20 years ago people really weren't taking a serious look at them, but they are now."
"The vehicle changed, the industry changed, our process of thinking about the role of the estimator can't be the same way we were thinking about it when I officially entered in 1995."
"Indie studios are operating at the level that AAA used to."
"We're not going to be real estate agents anymore in the future; we're going to be media companies that specialize in real estate."
"It was the music business back then, now it's the business of music."
"For an industry that has really contracted as much as comics have, there's so many more opportunities for being able to make a career work nowadays."
"The watch industry rejuvenated itself during the 80s and the 90s by shifting the focus on luxury, status, tradition."
"Growth is inevitable; maybe influencers may die down, but it'll be replaced by other content creators."
"The nuclear power sector is constantly evolving itself to minimize any threats."
"The product and UI in UX design industry is evolving; tools are becoming more and more powerful, responsibilities are also increasing."
"It's just such a fascinating moment in the timeline of this industry and obviously the world."
"The shipbuilding industry has definitely changed in my lifetime."
"Analog tape has a long history in the music industry, going all the way back to its creation in the late '40s."
"This is The Rebirth of an industry, this is a Changing of the Guard."
"The modern era of Hollywood marked by the likes of Jennifer Aniston and movements like free the nipple is a testament to the industry's evolution."
"Ten years ago, many of us had BlackBerrys in our hands, and companies like Tesla, Instagram, and Spotify didn't even exist."
"I think that the entertainment industry has changed a lot."
"It's a different industry now than it was back in the 70s and 80s, 90s when we were young; it's a much different industry."
"...the rules are still being written for this industry."
"If you can't draw a younger crowd to your industry, your industry is bound to just keep getting older and older."
"Never stop learning technology... the whole industry radically changes probably every five, six, seven years."
"The entire software industry is progressing from waterfall development methodologies towards agile, lean, continuous integration, continuous delivery, continuous deployment."
"It was created by the publishing industry which in the early days of the printing press was a very different industry from what it is today."