
Unexpected Outcome Quotes

There are 315 quotes

"It was supposed to be a minor surgery, just an hour under anaesthetic. You felt totally safe. Now, you've awoken inside a drop pod punching through the atmosphere of a distant RimWorld."
"It's possibly the greatest fight of all time, and the champion was not expected to come out the winner."
"She doesn't know it, but Melissa will be a murderer in 10 minutes."
"A big breakthrough in the South led to a huge unexpected victory."
"Wow, look at Matt Field pulling away from Forsberg, did not expect that."
"A wild shot landed and he goes down after the time for ends, and they're gonna have a chance for a seventh as well."
"The game ultimately surprised the publisher community and even the developers themselves with its overwhelming critical and commercial success."
"A victory coming from Vegeta this time and not Goku."
"To be frank, he did fairly well. Nobody would have expected him to match up to new form Vegeta."
"I did not expect them to destroy everything, yo this guy is insane."
"The fact that nobody predicted or very few people predicted that he'd win and he did win... sent a message to millions of Christians that this was divine intervention."
"Everything about that attempt, for some reason, had gone perfectly!"
"It was brave. I mean, you just don't see the protagonist lose."
"The Force of Nature: I was seriously wrong about it."
"Holy [__], my Sejuani support finally came to fruition."
"So, uh, yeah, don't take this the wrong way but I thought that punch was gonna knock you out and I would take the drive and save the day without any dead weight."
"The aliens won. Wait, no, never mind, the hero did."
"So far, this fight is going much better than I thought it would."
"Surprisingly, there has been overwhelming support."
"No, no, she didn't see that. I've hit like 800 things, you see your wheelchair doing burnouts?"
"United through to the next round, we would have expected that, but we might not have foreseen that scoreline."
"It looked perfect and when they hit it boom the place pop because they figured well these guys been doing jobs to everybody else they're not gonna win but they did."
"He won. This is a movie where the villain gets to win."
"A perfect sweep for NRG. Nobody expected that to happen."
"Conor McGregor just lost to Dustin Poirier in the second round."
"What a twist on the last lap, it's George Russell who takes the win."
"How did this happen? That's what we all thought."
"Oh my god what a move he just made one small move and then all of this [__] happened oh my."
"Thrown up for grabs and it somehow found Brandon Aiyuk for the score."
"Everybody said, 'Oh, everybody the whole ring said he was going down, bro.'"
"We were very very dominant in that game a lavash beat Leon bow two goals to nil I didn't see that coming."
"Ken was still believed to be in his prime at this point and many people thought it would be too much for Tito to handle, but he didn't come home."
"Lewis somehow with three wheels left on his car takes the win. I mean, it was the most thrilling unexpected end to today's race."
"Interesting that fairly late in the season Maple Grove took the first set actually against Champlin Park."
"That's crazy, that was in my mind not even best case scenario, like that's crazy, you guys are awesome."
"A complete shock on the stage of the LEC, the MAD Lions looked like they were down."
"LT smoked him. It's the cold, Amanda Vaughn LT, sorry Dave, won't be that close ever again."
"This outcome wasn't even supposed to happen... but honky tonk man did not want to drop the Intercontinental Championship to Randy Savage."
"Andre Drummond, not Wallow Mount Beal, is your finals MVP."
"It was stunning, it was beyond anything that people thought was a possibility."
"I still can't believe I ended up with 15 ingots and eight nuggets, but there's nothing I can do about that right now."
"With no utility, with no help, just walks in and headshots two players. It's not supposed to be that easy."
"This game was so trippy, dude. I don't know how we won."
"A shocking upset... heavily favored Clippers."
"To see a Democrat winning in Alaska in a year so unfavorable towards them means that something is off about the expectation for November."
"Unbelievable, I did not expect the father to have involvement in defeating this demon at all."
"But as soon as he does, the bouncer knocks him out cold with a single punch."
"I didn't see it coming, but Tesla is pretty nice."
"Nobody actually expected a 26,000 gold lead in 28 minutes."
"Unbelievable from Saladin. We start off day 1 with an insane result."
"She stunned her supporters and the entire nation."
"I wanted High 2000x but now I've got a fever and the only."
"What ended up happening is kind of ridiculous guys, it's insane."
"I still can't believe that when given the option... Simmers picked laundry and knitting."
"I did not expect to actually get it. I finally got it."
"The unexpected winner of The Game of Thrones."
"His grand heist was thwarted when the fire brigade had to excavate the coal-covered criminal from the chimney, after he became thoroughly stuck."
"The squirrel is able to somehow break free, and the hawk flings him. Unreal!"
"Many of his performances are so raw and chilling, you forget that he's acting."
"Let me tell you, folks, for the first time ever in the history of Name Your Price, none of you got it correct."
"I have no idea why they surrendered. I'm pretty sure they were gonna win that fight."
"In the end, it turned out very different from fatal attraction."
"Things started out fine enough for the Colts... But then it went very bad very quickly."
"After the snake tried to eat the cow, the cow proved too big and burst out of its belly."
"What a great clutch. I mean, it is beyond my wildest dreams that I would have hatched somethin' out this when I got these eggs two months ago."
"The result of the fight is Mandarin gets blown out of a window with no one giving chase."
"Bottled it. Max should have beaten that, to be fair, if it wasn't for Nicholas Latifi binning it into the wall in Abu Dhabi."
"This has been a clean sweep for the Audi, I don't know about you Nick but I've never ever said that before in an Audi versus BMW versus Mercedes drag race."
"He's like, 'I have kids, you know?' And then he evaporates or whatever."
"54% of you said that Fulham would win this game after 20 minutes Chelsea are two-nil up."
"Slicer says, 'I've accepted I won't be adopted, and that is okay.'"
"Draven two at three-five, that is some donkey nonsense."
"Wow, what a massive flop and Queens just gets out of there."
"The fact that so many of you are starting to receive money... is like..."
"So flush in the pocket nothing could stand nothing yeah it's bowling see the pin action across the face of that pin and then behind it and somehow left standing Wow huge break for Tommy Jones absolutely terrible."
"I can't believe we literally got away with that, like, I am so stressed out."
"Eventually, Joseph's car ran out of gas... he just passed by it."
"Oh, he's dead! Oh, harvest it. No, please, not like this!"
"Overall, the smaller enemy Force had brought blue down to rough parity which was a victory for the enemy."
"Our stats got fucked up there but the crown is active."
"Despite Wesley's troubling early behavior, few would have imagined he would grow into a man capable of murder."
"Oh, did you lose your eyebrows? Do you still have your eyebrows at least?"
"I just threw that game so hard, Ross killed Quig right in front of me and I said, 'He let him go with it.'"
"This is the only movie where the villain wins, and the villain wins in such a way, it just rips your guts out and stamps on it, man, stomps."
"I hope none gets spilled... I thought it was made out of camels."
"Despite being eight times smaller in size and 20 times smaller in terms of military equipment and supplies, the Ukrainian Army has achieved surprise success against Russian forces."
"I just did it for the laugh, and I just sat on the last cart, and I did it, and uh, it wasn't funny, and it wasn't sad, it was just sort of stupid."
"Oh fiddlesticks! Oh no, a minute on the clock and Mattias Delict has scored for Chelsea."
"How bad do you feel that you had the audacity to hit a girl and she still beat your ass?"
"Lightning strikes twice, and the Braves walk it off. This is unbelievable!"
"The complete decimation of Big Mom and her entire pirate crew, taking out the ranks of the Yonko, that I would be very surprised if that went down."
"Strangely enough... the dog killed the summoner."
"You knew something was gonna happen, something had to give. Down goes the fusion core."
"This was not a success for the Russian army, it was a success for the Ukrainian Army."
"And in the most ironic fashion, Billy Joe Saunders was forced to retire from the fight due to a broken orbital bone, the same injury Daniel got that he mocked."
"Just make sure you don't stand on grass and then he instantly stood on grass and I exploded."
"Flakes faked a flip reset and Letthemair accidentally rebounded it into his own net."
"Honestly, this ending was crazy and certainly not something I was expecting to see in this game."
"I was bracing myself for pain, but we already got a win: Levi is alive."
"A failed flex turned into a beautiful fail flex."
"Heartbreak as it cost him the win and just a wonderful irony that not only did Ferrari stop itself from winning any races this year managed to stop Bottas winning one on what was one of his best weekends."
"Mysteriously, the flames went out, meaning that the perpetrators were soon caught and sentenced to life imprisonment."
"It's Brock. Does the point here just kill? I've never, uh, I thought so. Yeah, I made it. I made it murder."
"I'm betting the champions of France to finish bottom of the group."
"You had it done, it was yours, you stepped from stand-up, some dog ate the bacon."
"Despite my best efforts, Twitch chat is officially smarter than random inputs."
"Honestly was not expecting to take him out in one bite but uh that's pretty sweet."
"Oh my God, I'm not a million dollars for a [] horse? [], and you got 21 of them?"
"Liverpool lost, it looks like we're celebrating, that could be it, West Ham United Premier League champions!"
"I thought that would activate King Tower but then the arrows killed my monk."
"I knew how good he was, but I didn't think that was going to happen."
"It's a flip, they stole it. Graves actually stole it!"
"Oh oh but asses about what oh no Vettel span but then bought our span at the same time and all of a sudden bought ass is facing backwards and he's down to B12 what happened he was nowhere near anyone he was just trying to keep up with the Ferraris."
"Went from being a 20-yard loss to a 50-yard touchdown run."
"I was expecting to go down and hit the reef, but somehow it shot me up."
"She was sitting there getting treated and like I didn't know if I knocked her teeth like or what I didn't know and she just had a fat lip and she sat up and she said is that all you got Jericho kind of like huh and I was at all thank God."
"Pound for pound the best in the world, well there is a stunning outcome not upset, a huge upset."
"I have a feeling he probably scouted that... oh, he didn't Scout anything. What the hell."
"RevZ ahead by two for the fourth game in a row. Can he win a third game in a row? I did not expect this."
"It could be the most miscarried disaster and I still wouldn't. I'm just on cloud nine right now."
"You try to speak but instead choke and cough up a six of clubs which somehow got into your mouth."
"The finale really blindsided me... it did not go the way I thought it would at all."
"A creepy discovery turned into a heart-warming reunion."
"What I thought was going to be one of the worst experiences of my life turned out to be a life-changing one."
"He was circling the runway, we all thought he was going to land the plane, instead he crashed it."
"This is actually a way closer fight than I thought."
"The Mummy opened in theaters on May 7, 1999, and went on to defy expectations..."
"Drama at the final Corner, can you believe it?"
"It's really quite remarkable that he survived two nights."
"Twin flames tend to have a mission. They've come to this lifetime with a desire to do something in particular."
"Last night the 76ers beat the Celtics, they lead the series three to two. I don't think anybody's seen that one."
"So he gets away he gets away never it's a suit he and the suits damaged because he like over bloated it with the electrical he's not like naked what the hell."
"When I saw the throne, oh I thought the title was gonna be 'I got Greg nits at 52 my baby is also Greg me in my stomach and I almost got hypothermia me too.'"
"Well, that Deli hearing didn't quite go as expected... Color Me suspicious."
"When those girls jumped over those chairs, the judges were like, 'whoa,' like, they weren't expecting it."
"Can we just say that our stupid plan worked?"
"I can't believe that one goal, didn't think it was gonna be that incredible."
"The knife inexplicably altered its trajectory, curving away from Fung and striking one of the attackers instead."
"All that fancy military armor didn't save his ass from a sledgehammer."
"Spectacular news, something sane actually happened here in California."
"The goal of every Republican government official is to not do anything. They want the smallest government so they want to do absolutely nothing for you."
"We released the bell and it just went crashing down to the cavern below."
"We got Ricardo and Norris P1 and P2, can you imagine?"
"Are you kidding? Oh my God, we got something dangerous!"
"This date is going way better than I expected."
"The unexpected element is, it's actually going to be okay."
"none of the surprise Why Nots or the randomly exploding Pokemon got a single kill but the one Pokemon that I knew to expect every single time somehow managed to get the only three kills of the entire run"
"Wow, that's really excessive police force. I truly didn't think a bubble would stop them. That worked so much better than it had any right to."
"Off the Moose. No, did I just, did I just go into that moose's butt? Is this penguin lost in that moose's butt forever? What a way to go, that's a sad way to end it."
"Maybe this is the way we can surprise everybody that I actually accidentally made a family movie." - John Waters
"A story which was going to culminate the way everyone expected it to with Oren finally losing ends with him winning huh."
"Perhaps the most daring thing about the story of The Lord of the Rings is that its Lord fails."
"Instead, they brought the cannibals their dinner."
"Gold was discovered in California in early 1848 no one expected anything like this."
"Technically that was a success because I did get a free burger."
"Coutinho's time at Barcelona unfolded differently than expected."
"I flew free of the trees and straight into the side of the fence at the base of the tower."
"The amazing thing to me would have been if Lee had come out of the war with no animosity toward his former opponents."
"...truly an unexpected and amazing outcome."
"I feel like I just gave birth to an accountant."
"What we got instead was a genocide or purge."
"the New York Jets are the world champion in a stunning upset"
"Who would have thought that after this their morale would skyrocket?"
"...everything here is redirecting you towards a different kind of outcome than you could have possibly imagined for yourself."
"16 hours after initially dosing, I suddenly wake up in intensive care, completely refreshed, no trauma, no anxiety, no bad feelings at all."
"White killed me when they actually won. I never thought that I would say that, but thank you for killing me. I can use some of this."
"Yesterday, Claire would have never imagined the answer could be yes."
"I was not expecting a win like that at all."
"It started off as just, 'Oh, I'll have a couple of nights little adventure,' it ended up as a full-blown campaign."
"Styles may still be the champion, but I guarantee you this was not how Styles wanted to walk away from this match."
"...I was very surprised when the listing actually ended and then actually the gentleman contacted me afterwards."
"I never thought this Dam skill will be a cursed skill."
"You just barely you did that thing where like you're on the ground in an action movie and you see the attack coming you like roll over to the side really quick and it just barely misses and now you're covered in milk."
"Velma won by doing absolutely nothing."
"The mosquito helped to transform the fortunes of the bomber offensive."
"It went through the first one, into the second one, but did not come out of the second. Wow, that's crazy."
"So as ridiculous as it was for him to drop the belt in 18 seconds, what it led to is something that I don't believe the company was banking on, but they, boy, did they get lucky because it was the first time the fans really started to get behind Daniel Bryan in a very big way."
"A moment that defied expectations and practice paid off."
"It's always more than I would have ever thought it would be, you know? Standing ovation."
"We thought you lost crossing the river,"
"Yep she claimed find us Keepers didn't quite work out."
"I did not honestly expect to see mold underneath the vinyl."
"Then something we didn't even know was part of it, co-winners of the talent contest."
"I'm really surprised by that still."
"Sorry, well that didn't quite go exactly how I thought it would."
"The sequence was so quick... you definitely assumed that she led to his death... Arya was the one to end the Night King."
"Luckily for Terry, the same wolf also ate Little Red Riding Hood's Grandma, which turned out to be too much, and he threw them both up."
"I feel like it was kind of like a Bob Ross painting it was kind of like a little bit of a happy little accident."
"That did not go how I expected it to go at all."
"This reading took a turn, that's all I have to say."
"He was going to be healed and then he died."
"What a turn of events, a steal of three for Alberta."
"I'm confident to say we're not going to see a watermelon."
"It's like Frieza holding up Goku. Wait a minute, wasn't even a real [ __ ]. How did Kashi lose to a [ __ ] that wasn't even him?"
"One rat eating one piece of double bubble is like you eating this much and he goes in their stomach doesn't digest they die of starvation apparently in a couple days so I don't know it was amazing."
"That mean George should have won too then George this is a booty hole this like no he said out of nowhere"
"Certainly, didn't finish up quite like that."
"I really can't explain how good it is when you've got a mission like this where you honestly don't think you got that much of a chance of cracking it right on the nut and you do."
"You're the first damn person in the whole [__] world that sat up there and made the medicine what it's supposed to help you do reverse the [__]."