
Financial Resilience Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"When they get any shocks, like somebody gets sick, you are much more likely to deal with the shock with your own money rather than by borrowing."
"There is no way to make your finances recession-proof, but there are things that you can do to make your finances more tolerant to uncertain financial times."
"That is indeed a massive, massive recovery from what was an exogenous shock to the system."
"The check still clears, the money's still green." - Gabrielle Union
"Gold offers resilience... an allocation of physical gold in one's portfolio provides many benefits but ultimately provides protection and resilience."
"Don't give up if money is slow for you right now. You have what it takes to make more, but you also have it in flow coming."
"Don't stop investing... the only one that gets hurt on the roller coaster is the one that jumps off in the middle of the ride."
"HODL through and think long term; history shows that prices are likely to recover eventually."
"Their massive commercial real estate portfolio has allowed them to weather the 2020 insanity with relative ease."
"Even though I'm down 60k today, the last thing I would do is panic sell."
"When you feel pain is when you should be investing."
"Buying the dip may save you. And the beauty of the space is you can buy the dip all the time."
"A recession doesn't necessarily mean a market crash."
"Bitcoin has been quite resilient holding above 32,000."
"Live and learn, get assigned, go back, sell a put against it, collect some more premiums, do the wheel, and you'll be fine."
"You want to know how well your plan would survive when you hit turmoil and chaos."
"Bitcoin will come through... staying strong."
"Buy things that will sustain themselves even if the market continues to go down. That's what we call a risk-adjusted return."
"When your business is struggling, do you still feel rich? That would be another example of that."
"Foreclosure and bankruptcy are not the end of the world. I trust me, you can rebound from that."
"The real thing about Donald Trump was it he was somebody who was prepared to say do and be anything and didn't care what anybody said."
"Don't fall prey to fear in the market; consider buying during dips for long-term gains."
"During black swan market events, you get this very quick V-shape recovery."
"We need some apes with diamond hands now. We don't need no more zombie apes, family."
"Bitcoin is still Bitcoin, if you have lost faith in these exchanges and these altcoin projects and these leaders right that are giving you false hope well don't lose hope in Bitcoin."
"I think Bitcoin is here to stay in fact I think the recent issues with the banks has even put it more kind of in the DNA of the financial system now."
"The only way we get off that floor is when the market believes hey we finally finally are actually responding to the fact that we might be inducing a recession."
"Every single time we hit big numbers and it gets pulled back very far, you have to ask yourself who is buying this dip."
"Projects that pay you during crashes are great. That's how you come out on top."
"You won't be derailed by the unknown unknowns."
"...the miracle has been pulled off and this is a multi-trillion dollar miracle and maybe the stock price draws down 50 from here but I'm not gonna pretend like I'm gonna be a smart ass and pick up pennies in front of a steamroller..."
"Patagonia managed to grow during the 2008 financial crisis, reach $1 billion in sales, and become a muse for high-end designers."
"You have passed some sort of test here. If you've gone through any financial tests... this is almost like you passing some sort of test based off of something."
"A lost decade is only lost for the people who only invest once and then never again."
"Long-term investors get separated from people who think they're long-term investors."
"These are the hard times where diamond hands really get tested."
"You have to work in this bear Market. This is where the millionaires are made. We told you all during the bull run, the millionaires are made in the bear Market."
"Recent developments in the market have reduced the pain tolerance of crypto investors that were already reeling from the May crash."
"A 50% crash in stocks is terrible, but for bitcoin, that is just a mild correction."
"Every debt that you pay off will make it that much easier for you to survive the financial turmoil."
"Bitcoin is showing amazing resilience, it's really beginning to show its value as a store of value."
"Don't panic sell in the event the market goes down."
"You're the one that's going to be around when everybody else and their Grandma are getting their cars repoed."
"Everyone in the market is losing their gains right now but you have to focus on the long term and buying fundamentally strong companies when their valuations get cheap and the risk is taken out of them."
"If you could have a losing year and still support your family, you're doing pretty well."
"All the baby boomers who are now mortgage-free homeowners went through paying interest rates three times what they are now."
"Find things that don't go down in a global crisis and you're winning big." - Strategy for financial stability
"The dollar is going to outlast any of these negative predictions."
"Do not mistake short-term dips for long-term losses. You haven't lost anything, just hang in the game."
"I wish I could share what I've seen lost in my portfolio in 2018, lost in 2020, regained in 2021, lost in 2022, and you're bitching about a thousand dollars? Bro, get a PS5."
"Markets are definitely prepared for these smaller Community Banks... it's much more pertinent to discuss the market shrugging that one off."
"Finish strong... it tells me that a lot of people saw it get down there and say hold on here and it pushed it back up."
"Why fear? Long-term bullishness lies in higher lows."
"Everything that's happened has proven the need for Bitcoin and Bitcoin only."
"It's not about losing money and how much money you lose, but it's about whether you can stay in the game, and you can fight and you can make it back bigger."
"Morning, the dip buyers showed up again. This is a sign of strength, a sign that the dip buyers are here for the bears."
"There's no scenario that's going to make me more fearful than than that time unless Bitcoin Falls to two thousand dollars and either involves to fifty dollars right like there's nothing that I haven't seen so I'm just gonna keep TCA."
"A market regime not supportive, yet still competing."
"No one can handle volatility better than crypto-owning people."
"Never broke again, even when we were actually broke."
"Bitcoin has demonstrated its resiliency far beyond what I thought it was capable of doing in its short lifespan."
"Don't let whales and market makers bully commoners into quitting our long-term financial dreams."
"This market will continue higher no matter what's thrown at it."
"Even if there's short-term bearish action, we have seen historical precedence for actual upside in the price of these things."
"I'm investing in good companies that I think will weather this storm."
"The key to making money in stocks is remaining in the stock market and holding on to quality companies."
"There will always be fans and critics. You can't please everyone. But at the heart of it, the most important thing is the story."
"We've recovered a lot of the losses; Bitcoin is literally all the way back at 42,000 where it started."
"Income protection is knowing that you know how to make money when everything is fine but you also know how to make money when the economic growth stops."
"As investors, we have to recognize that we're going to go through our fair share of bear markets throughout our investing career."
"Even if the market tanks 90%, I'll just keep holding."
"Bitcoin is strong, crypto is strong, we will get through this."
"If you manage your risk correctly, you can go through these ups and downs and still come out on top."
"High-yield bonds have been amazingly resilient."
"Hang in there my friends, wait for it... do not transfer your wealth to the whales that so desperately want to take it away from you."
"You need that emergency fund to make sure that if life happens, when life happens, that you can go to that immediately."
"Art can not only protect your purchasing power but it's not just them just look at this new research from UBS showing the art Market's resilience since the pandemic."
"Annual stress tests gauge large institutions' ability to weather severe downturns and continue lending to households and businesses."
"Earnings and revenue particularly earnings growth has been significantly resilient."
"Don't let anything stop you from engaging in covenant practice; it's the only way out of harsh economic climate."
"How do you stay on track with paying down debt when unexpected expenses come up? Your emergency fund."
"Confidence is going to be your biggest key, right? It's not the money, the money can always come back."
"The vibrant financial sectors of the Bahamas to the robust trade activities in Guyana have demonstrated remarkable resilience and optimism for the future."
"The difference between investment success and investment failure was the single mistake of mistaking the temporary declines for a permanent loss."
"When things fall by 10 to 15%, I buy. When it falls by another 10 to 15%, I buy more, and if it falls by 10 to 15% again, I buy more aggressively."
"Life doesn't stop us from building wealth; emergencies now for me have really turned into just inconveniences."
"And ninety percent of trading is just staying alive until you catch the one, two, three good trades that really make it worthwhile for you."
"Mortgage borrowers entered the pandemic with stronger balance sheets than in the mid-2000s and are therefore better prepared to handle a drop in home prices."
"A contextual trader can survive in any market."
"The stock market will always go up, even if it goes down."
"Whether the market goes up this year or down this year, left this year or right this year, I know that my portfolio can weather this storm and it can provide for me for the rest of my life."
"You can literally go down to zero dollars but as long as you still have your health and strength, you're good."
"That's how you take losses properly."
"Anyone can make money in good times, the question is can they make money in complete market cycles."
"In order to come out of you know, bring out financial resilience, it is very important that you know you need to create something called financial literacy."
"I am capable of overcoming any money obstacles."