
Jest Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"When I say civil war, it's meant to be somewhat in jest, like the cultural issues and social upheaval we're seeing is some kind of big conflict."
"I wasn't even serious, and I was just kidding around."
"No, you didn't do that. But if you did, that is hilarious."
"Oh yeah, I'm kidnapping you guys."
"He's not that great... just kidding, he's perfect."
"Guys I'm gon to play for fun JK I'm obviously J it's all for jokes and laughs I'm obviously Juno"
"Paul, you gotta choose my ingredient. What a loser!"
"What does Santa say to the Lord of death? Not today."
"Do you want a servant? Is that what you're saying? Yeah, so get your little Butler outfit on and make me a dinner."
"Who ain't got no jawline? Who ain't got no jawline?"
"Hot tub party, everybody's invited. Clothing optional. I'm joking."
"All the treats, but no, I'm serious."
"I'm joking. I'm joking. I'm joking."
"That's a good joke bro, but joke with your father not me."
"I'm kidding. I appreciate you watching."
"Should I do yours? What the hell."
"That Miss Piggy balloon has the same hairdo as your mother."
"Li milon. I ain't gonna lie to you. The way you talking right now, if I wasn't so fat and old, I'd go down to Lifetime Fitness and cook somebody the way you talking to me right now."
"I always joked that Blaine was a vampire."
"I'm going to take your honey, pal."
"All I got to say is this doesn't pertain to anything. I might have sealed a deal for you to get a little kiss on New Year's."
"I'm going to scam my little sh*t."
"I deserve a one point lead after the William the Conqueror thing in the last one, no we're not, I am not letting that go."
"You are the actual gold digger in this family."
"Josh, I hope you get shot tonight."
"He made a joke of it asking for some beer."
"I was just joking about the fight club earlier."
"just kidding I love you the absolute most"
"Alright, let's just do a kick bump and we'll see you all tomorrow in jail."
"Look at that hoe, not just kidding, I just is."
"I'm just joking, have a good day though."
"I just finished the review so guess what that means... I gave the curse to your best buddy."
"It would be rude if you didn't call me king of the vegetables at this point."
"I always tell them that joking around."
"Thank you, I'm gonna kick you in a minute."
"I was just pulling your leg into the disc, that's all."
"Just teasin', I'm feeling it in my chest."
"What is another name for blonde? Q-tip."
"I think it'd be fun to just jump off or drive off a bridge. No, I'm kidding."
"Not all right and I say it jokingly of course."
"I'm just kidding, my boyfriend came over and built the car for me."
"I took a shot. If it was wrong, I was joking. If it was right, I'm immortal."
"If you make this shot, your firstborn is fitting."
"You're like a joke. Don't believe in the house like that you want a hoodie that says rat that's what you need lad."
"It's time you're moving, I'm joking."
"Actually, yes. You, yeah. 'Cause I, you've done it. You've done it. Because I could blame whatever crime it was on you. Right? Or right, if I'm about to get attacked in the jail... A human shield. Yeah, yeah."
"I'm not doing any sort of like... I'm not going to intentionally murder you unless you draw my iron."
"Oh, that's good. I'm just kidding, I love the Swedes."
"Honestly, I was planning on seeing if the queen is single."
"Miss ma'am, are we losing it a little bit?"
"I am joking, what I said previously was a joke."
"All right, so today we're going to be using Jest and Testing Library to test our Next.js app that we created using TypeScript."
"Nothing, nothing, I was just joking, relax a little."
"Welcome to this comprehensive video course on JavaScript testing with Jest."
"Jest is a powerful and widely used testing framework."
"That's a joke, that's not even half of them."
"You're my worst favorite sister now, oh my gosh."
"Why was the lemon acting up? Because it was out of lime."
"This is all friendly competition, so stop complaining that all the trash talking is making you look think bad about us because we're doing it in good jest."
"It's time to finally take a perfect car and mess it up... just kidding."
"Did somebody bring an extension cord? Just kidding."
"I was just joking with you; hey, Sporty James is a man with a sense of humor."
"Love isn't real... I'm kidding, that's a joke."
"What the king said yesterday must have caused you grievous hurt, Matthew, and for me to be made part of his evil jest gives me great sorrow."
"We were getting together, all the core contributors from all over the world, to just think about where Jest is gonna go."
"It's really, really useful. It's one of the major benefits of using Jest over some of the other testing libraries."
"I think he should be worldwide handsome."
"This three-faced jester of the underworld knows just when to jest, but scaring people is what he does best."
"John Elway walked into a bar, and the bartender said, 'Why the long face?'"
"Throw it in the trash. No, I'm just joking."
"I'm just kidding, I love you all, of course."
"I'm kidding, it's not, but it totally is."
"The rapture is going to occur October 12th... no, I'm just kidding."
"The answer is 42. Okay, I'm just kidding, of course."
"I'm the chosen one, I'm just kidding."
"Whenever you guys tell me not to do something, and I like to do something, I'm just kidding."
"After migrating to Jest, our tests started running in about the sixth of the time."
"Just is more than a testing framework; it's a testing platform."