
Elders Quotes

There are 265 quotes

"One of the things that I feel is very important is that we learn from different places, but a lot of times we don't realize how much wisdom lies with our elders."
"Our grandparents... who have built this country. We must protect them."
"The old person is your reference, is your encyclopedia."
"If you don't have an old person in your home, you must be pitied because you have no reference."
"Talk to old people, they'll tell it like it is."
"There is a disrespect for the lack of appreciation for the experience of the elders and the family unit."
"Saturn is elders and and wise old people and sometimes Wise Old spiritual people and so you could in the investigating learning and studying from people who are older and wiser than you even going on a pilgrimage or a retreat."
"Let me go try and beat it into the elders, no guarantees but I'll try."
"We urge you to accept the efforts of the elders to help you return to the congregation."
"Holy crap, those old people really put the work in, eh?"
"Be attentive to advice from a trusted elder family member or friend."
"That's your Kupuna, that's your elders, that's your tutu communicating to you to guide you, to steer you to make the right decision."
"I learned very early to respect your elders."
"Respect your elders, AKA don't f with the oldtimers."
"You should respect your elders wisdom comes with experience not age."
"I've always accepted the old man and the retired veterans."
"The primary effect covid has had on elders in long-term care is isolation from family and friends."
"One of the elders gets informed about Shi's reawakening after 9 months of slumber."
"For him, he's helping these elders have a second chance at life."
"The three elders directed their magical powers into the portal."
"Elders are going to have to demand respect."
"Shout out to Elders, shout out to grandparents, you know, I really appreciate my grandma for being so supportive of my career."
"How about valuing the wisdom of our elders, people who reach that retirement age?"
"One of the Ghanaian traditions is that when you enter a village, you sit down with the community, with the elders of the community."
"She's my elder, she's my mom. I respect her."
"I love old people cuz they got stories."
"I've got no respect for me Elders don't mind telling you that stop giving me season up on the bus about six years ago can I have your seat can you [ __ ] you haven't even paid to get on."
"The more that I started like listening to our elders and people who actually grew up in Cherrytown, I started to paint like a larger picture."
"Getting older is a privilege because a lot of our elders didn't get to make it."
"Do not neglect your gift which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of Elders laid their hands on you."
"Elders always asking for respect that they don't deserve."
"Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor."
"You've got to respect and take care of your elders."
"And I miss sitting around with my elders, listening to all their wisdom, all their skills, all their knowledge of just life."
"It's important that you respect your elders and that we be kind to one another."
"You try to build relationships with like the local elders and stuff."
"Accept the vision of the elders, listen, and witness with your full being what is being presented moment by moment."
"Old people know a lot and the crazy thing is they want to share it. They have a lifetime of wisdom and they got nothing else to do with it but just share it."
"Relationships with our elders uncover experiences and perspectives that can only be found in someone that has walked on this Earth a little longer than what you have."
"The elders of our society have not only gone through many life and energy cycles that we if we are younger haven't yet gone through so their wisdom their knowledge their voice is really important."
"It's fascinating and one other point of interest while we're talking about the Ohara incident is despite the fact that it took place now 22 years ago in the current timeline the five elders look pretty much exactly the same now as they did then."
"Elders can extend their focus and care to anyone within the limits of their ability, however, the Bible gives elders special responsibilities to care for a specific group and a specific community of people."
"It's the ability to sit in humility at our elders' feet and sometimes just accept that the silence is the lesson."
"Just respect your elders, everyone, regardless of their achievements or otherwise."
"I paid for it though, but I still had to let him because he's older. Yeah, you have to do that for the respect, your elders, you know?"
"Naruto had avoided the clutches of the elders for now."
"Respect our elders, take care of each other."
"Respecting our elders makes them feel happy and appreciated."
"Take care of your elders. Take care of your elders, you know what I'm saying?"
"No one would ever speak to an elder like that."
"our elders have told us that our job is to remember to remember"
"The elders love it when their flock returns home, but they also breathe a small, secret sigh of relief every time spring comes again."
"I find myself revering them like ancient elders of the community."
"If you have old people in your life, get to know 'em."
"You gotta have enough respect in your goddamn little finger to say I'm not gonna disrespect my elders."
"I think there has to be Authority established, a sense of respect for people, especially Elders."
"To say he was furious with the elders was an understatement."
"Elders have received detailed scriptural training on how to deal with the sin of child abuse."
"And the elders fell down and worshipped."
"Presbyteros, translated as 'elders,' always referred to men with age, character, and experience."
"Revering our elders for wisdom and life is important."
"Listen to what the old dudes say because they know."
"In life, we seek wisdom from our elders. That was a gem of wisdom I'll cherish."
"In life you seek your elders to give you wisdom, and that was a very strong piece of wisdom right there that I will relish."
"You ain't bigger than your history. You gotta respect your elders, those that came into this before you."
"Even demons have morals, unlike you and those stupid Elders."
"In that span of time I lost that information that I should have been getting from my elders."
"We need elders, we need them, don't despise them, honor them."
"Your life will actually be more blessed if you are more intentional about sitting under the counsel of some older folk that have been there and done that."
"He's doing his job... we respect our elders."
"The elders...without the elders we wouldn't be here, and we need to respect our elders."
"Listen to advice from older people."
"...let's forgive let's show love to the elders..."
"Let's always be real nice to old people."
"Love your old people, that's what we as a nation of people got to do."
"These great women, these pioneer women, they would always care for our elders as they growed older."
"We have not valued our scholars, especially the elders of our community."
"I wish people could have more conversations with old people. The old people aren't like, 'Oh I went for it, it was the worst decision ever.' They were talking about things they didn't do and I think that's really important."
"...respect our elders' work. And I've got to thinking about just one dance in particular."
"Respect for elders and everyone is essential."
"Respect your elders. It's all we ask."
"Our elders did their best with what they had at their disposal."
"What an elder sees sitting down, you can never see it standing up."
"Prepare elders, tell future elders they will need to be more self-sufficient."
"You ever talked to old dudes? Some stuff, man. I met them people who be putting you on. They be dropping some gems on you, make you start rethinking things how you moving out here."
"If your parents reach old age with you, don't ever say to them or roll your eyes or show any displeasure."
"You know, we can learn a lot from our elders."
"The root key here is to have this complete ultimate respect for your elders."
"Go to your elders for the wisdom that you are seeking, for the wisdom that you need."
"The further I go along my journey, the more time I spend with the elders, the more I recognize just how little I know."
"We are so blessed to have some incredible Elders still in this country."
"We got to respect our elders, all of them, your aunts, your uncles, your mothers, your grandmothers, everybody real."
"It's important to recognize and respect your elders."
"Respect your grandparents, that's a good lesson."
"This is pretty impressive, the elders have a great showcase of chapter, it's unbelievable man."
"Learn from your mistakes, learn from your elders."
"I had a dream. In this dream, there was a lot of old gentlemen, old, old Ho-Chunks. And they were all speaking."
"Elders are important people with wisdom and knowledge."
"All everyone is considerate of the elders in the grand hall of Balian sect."
"Find your grandparents or someone of age, pay some respect for the path that they paved; to life they were dedicated, now that should be celebrated."
"Sometimes I wonder, do they ever think about us elders being out here instead of being an elder out there on the reserve? People forget about us."
"In many Asian cultures, respect for elders is ingrained into society."
"Discovering that the place is run by a group of power-mad senior citizens known as the village elders."
"We treat our elders with double honor."
"It's like our elders sacrificed so much."
"Listening to the old-timers who would tell stories especially in the evening... that just really inspired me."
"It's so easy to take older people for granted... talk to people and ask them how life was before you were born."
"I think it's wonderful to learn from our elders and learn how they did it and how it sustained them all these years."
"Elders seem to be much more respected in Chinese culture than in American culture."
"I could learn a lot from my elders."
"Many elders love to do their gardens because that's like when you visit their places, you can see their homes are very beautiful with flowers or greens."
"But don't take the elderly for granted; without them, we wouldn't be alive. We need their knowledge."
"I really respected my elders and whoever was around me."
"Our plan wasn't to harm innocent people; it was to overthrow the elders and nothing more."
"Being able to pay homage to your elders is a big part of my tradition and our tradition."
"You're a strong young boy, show some respect for the elderly and carry your grandfather's bag."
"I am intentional about supporting our elders and making sure that they enjoy their life down here to the best of their ability."
"The greatest thing your dad ever taught you... respect your mom and the elderly people."
"The touching of the feet, especially of elders and spiritual leaders, is a common gesture of respect and devotion."
"It's important for us to understand that we don't respect our elders' stories as much as we should."
"We owe a debt of gratitude to your grandma and to her peers."
"The older people in our lives are so, so special."
"Learn as much as you can from the older people in the community because the knowledge there is a wealth of knowledge and more so than in any book."
"We have to learn how to pay homage to the elders, to the people who paved the way before us."
"I'm going to promote the concept of our elders giving us advice."
"Sharing our problems with elders will definitely help resolve the problem."
"Listening to your elders is a better idea when your elders aren't angry and xenophobic."
"We used to have kids that always respected their Elders."
"If you take away seniors and elders in a community, you're essentially removing the pillars of those communities."
"I have a lot of respect for elders and fathers."
"I should respect myself, but overall I should respect the eldest and listen to them."
"God, we thank you for the protection that elders provide for your church and for your kingdom."
"Hey Gramps, just drink in silence and take your leave."
"I'm fine, many many thanks to the senior."
"Our elders are busy and active and happy."
"I think elders appreciate the effort because it's so hard retaining that culture."
"Be good to our mother. And keep respect the elders."
"I want to give a shout out to all the elders; we respect the elders."
"To me, you're my elders, you're like people that I respect, I look up to."
"Always have respect for your elder, everybody, until they give you a reason not to respect them."
"I've shown that I respect my elders."
"I would like to pay my respects to their elders past, present, and emerging."
"It really hurts my heart sometimes when I see older elders working at places that don't pay that well."
"When an elder speaks, you kind of take that not for granted."
"We need to look after our elders; she gets quite lonely since my granddad passed away."
"I will be respectful to my parents, family, teachers, and other adults."
"We're thankful for what our elders do for us."
"In the Mexican tradition, we can't deny our elders nada."
"We're trying to rekindle the connection between the youth and the elders so that our future is guaranteed."
"Everything I have today, I owe to the brothers and sisters, especially the elders."
"I respect my elders to the fullest."
"In Korea, there is like this really strong elderly respect."
"When an elderly person like myself scolds you, you have to take it with respect instead of retaliating."
"Sit at the feet of the elders, let them tell the stories, and there's so much wisdom, so many lessons."
"This space is also about opening up to elders, to community knowledge, to that knowledge that has been passed on through farming practices here in Barbados."
"They all bow down to someone older than them because of their sheer respect for their elders."
"Love your mothers, listen to your elders, listen to those that have good wisdom."
"Saturn is our reference; it's our scriptures, it's what the elders have experienced."
"It's the divine words of an elder and the elder who is attached to ancient to the ancestors."
"Honor older people; if you will not give him money, shut your mouth because you don't know what brought him there."
"'The people will always be in good as long as they take their knowledge from their elders.'"
"We should have reverence for our elders and continue their work and correct their work in a manner that is befitting of African people."
"Respecting elders is so big too because they have been through so many different types of experiences."
"I think respect's a big thing, right? Because I respect all my elders."
"We are to show respect for those older than us with gray hair."
"Pray for these elders, no one loves you like these elders do."
"Be nice to the elders in this country; they deserve it, they earned it."
"History was kept alive by old men who were like living encyclopedias."
"Old-timers know about these things; they just know about them."
"We should always respect our elders and work hard to support them in their old age."
"It's a time of festivities, it's a time when we need to talk to our older people."
"Inspiring like when you see two elder people that's still lovers."
"They respected these people, the elders, his Elders, James Smalls, Dr. Ben, Dr. Clark, they all respected them."
"Always respect your elders, okay?"
"Respect your elders, respect your prophytes, respect the people who are joining with you."
"You always gotta respect your elders, man."
"Whatever decision these elders would take, will be beneficial for everyone."
"We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and future."
"I was raised to respect my elders... there's got to be some stuff that they know that I don't, you know? And I'm going to ask. I want to know their wisdom."
"We gotta respect the elderly for the last."
"When the old folks are speaking to us, that's the knowledge."
"There's a lot of good men out there, there are many of these Elders that are sincere, they're nice guys and they just don't know."
"These stories are gifts from our elders."
"Start with the oldest people in the family because they're going to have the longest memories."
"I think it is very important to listen to your elders."
"Appreciate the elders that are with us at this time; there is a lot of wisdom."
"In my culture, our elders are revered."
"I'm thankful that my elders kept our culture alive all these years."
"We take this time to remember our elders who lost their lives due to what really happened."
"Elders move with wisdom; that's why we respect them."
"I would sit with the older men and watch them play, so I might not give it, but if when I tell you that's who I learned from, then you got to give me some kind of respect."
"Respect your elders, all your elders, respect them."
"Let's continue to pray for the homeless, let's continue to pray for our elders, help our elders."
"Respect one another, respect our elders."
"I've seen unconditional love in our elders' relationships, that's what I want."
"Start with your eldest family members first and have a conversation with them."
"You take care of your elders, you know. You have to make sure they're okay."
"Give the elders the respect they are due."
"I feel very lucky to still have my grandma and grandpa around."
"They look at older people as elders; they are given respect and asked advice until the day they die."