
Gullibility Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Gullibility is not something that people are born with and will always be like that. This is something that could be challenged."
"Religion is useful, but as a vehicle for the unscrupulous to manipulate the gullible."
"The combination of gullibility and cynicism is so dangerous and toxic."
"This looks like a con job and you're the suckers."
"You'd be ignorant and stupid and naive to just believe anything that people tell you."
"Get a small group for support. You were never intended to handle stress by yourself."
"I felt like such a fucking idiot for believing it mainly because of just how ridiculous the story was to begin with."
"Human beings are by nature pretty damn gullible."
"If you believe that, you are gullible. Period."
"As long as there are enough stupid people, you can just say stupid things and they will believe you."
"When people want to believe something, they'll fall for anything."
"When the average person is flooded with endless information, they become easily fooled into believing anything at all."
"People need to believe and nowadays they'll believe anything."
"Gullibility is an absolute precondition of social organization, of civil society."
"You can literally sell anybody anything. You can even tell them I'm selling you a bridge and they'll buy the [__]."
"It’s amazing how people... can just get totally duped."
"People are really, really, really just ready to accept whatever deception comes their way."
"Why stupid ideas can easily hoodwink credulous people."
"The abundance of people that fall for this is astonishing, even with the social stigma surrounding pyramid schemes."
"Shoda falls for their tricks as he gorges on a platter of expensive sushi."
"I really want people to understand, we can't be so gullible on the internet, alright? Everything's a joke until it's proven true."
"These kids are way too easy to mess with."
"You got me. I didn't see the camera. I completely believed that you were pregnant."
"The moral of the story is the Internet is really dumb because you can say basically anything and a lot of people believe you."
"I know you gullible, but you ain't that damn gullible."
"One thing that I've learned from being on YouTube for the last several years is that a lot of people will fall for really dumb stuff on YouTube."
"People fall for this stuff, and it's so funny to me."
"Humans are the most gullible of all creatures."
"The mother's stupid and she fell for the damn okie doke. For the okie doke she wanted a solution so damn bad."
"The worst thing that can seem remotely plausible is the thing that people go all in on."
"That's so true though, we really will believe anything."
"Now, come with so much to stay has made him the gullible one just as gullible as Butters."
"Nowadays, people might believe anything."
"You're the easiest mark out there."
"There is a sucker born every minute."
"Some people are very gullible, and they should not be."
"It was all a ruse and many of us, myself in a big way, fell for it hook, line, and sinker."
"If he was gullible, he would have accepted the crucifixion, and clearly he did not. If he was gullible, he would have accepted the gods of the Quraysh, but he did not."
"People have morals unless they're young children who are extremely gullible and don't know right from wrong."
"Ha! I'm not winded, I was just... testing you, and you're just as gullible as I predicted."
"A mixture of gullibility and cynicism has been an outstanding characteristic of mob mentality."
"Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and to deny the possibility of being deceived."
"I feel like every generation has fallen for some type of hoax."
"I don't know who falls for these things."
"The problem isn't Q, it's gullible people who lack critical thinking skills and gain a massive ego boost in thinking they have a secret."
"The scariest part of the story of the Dale, the world's first space-age automobile, is how because of the oil embargo, Americans and the press were so willing to buy claims that in retrospect were outlandish."
"You guys always fall for it every now and then."
"It's unbelievable what people will believe that comes out of someone's mouth."
"I sent a million dollars over to this Nigerian prince."
"There's so many people who just believe what they're told."
"Everybody's always willing to believe other people fools."
"We live in a society where people will buy miracle water and think they're gonna win a million dollars."
"No matter how absurd conspiracy theories are, people will believe it."