
Enslavement Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"No one is more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they're free."
"There are two ways to enslave a nation: one is by the sword, the other is by debt." - Attributed to John Adams
"We have all been inculcated to be slaves, and the only demands we dare to pose are to be more enslaved or to redistribute the wages of slavery."
"If we're all going to agree that enslaving each other is wrong, we should extend that to other sentient beings who would also have a problem with that."
"None are as hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free."
"A history of enslavement is most likely true."
"Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free, but that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them."
"An entire generation raised on pornography realized they were slaves."
"We're slowly allowing them to enslave us again."
"Now, through these stories, we actually learn about BK's origin. He goes from Santy BK, you know, a couple different nicknames, he was an outcast to his fellow Wookiees on Kashyyyk and he ended up as a captive of the slavers, the Zhanti Brothers."
"This technology can either be used to enslave us or free us."
"The xenos strain later named by mechanicum biologis adepts as the osirin cybrids had Enslaved the populations of the cluster through Grand psychic manipulation."
"I failed to mention that the reason the aliens want to enslave humanity is because apparently humans are literally a drug to these other alien species."
"Now why would anyone want to summon a demon? Well, in King Solomon's case, he enslaved them to help build his temple."
"Britney Spears did not win nothing about this is winning absolutely nothing can be construed as a win the woman was enslaved."
"We are the ones that enslaved ourselves because of the seven deadly sins that plagued us."
"the whole system down here is set up for for you to stay in debt in your body in your mind in your finances in your relationships it's constant it's just a constant enslavement type feeling"
"You cannot succeed by taking hostages. That is a new form of enslavement. One kind of human cannot own another kind of human. The universe will not permit it."
"Step outside of time... we are so enslaved to the clock."
"God says you're going to be enslaved regardless there's going to be control regardless now here's what the distinction he makes either you're enslaved to one or you're going to be enslaved to many."
"Jesus out of his own mouth said if you enslave a people, you deserve to be enslaved."
"Given the chance, many enslaved people tried to kill themselves, an act of desperation or defiance, or both."
"Trafficking is an indicator of enslavement but has materially distinct elements not subsumed within the crime of enslavement."
"...and so they enslave men who are better by Nature and while they themselves lack the ability to provide for themselves fulfillment for their pleasures their own lack of courage leads them to praise self-control and justice..."
"The monetary system is used to enslave you until you learn how to live in abundance. It's not going anywhere until you learn."
"Priorities: those are privileges, but the enemy has made us such slaves to pleasure and privilege that many times we hold onto the privilege at the expense of the priority."
"I love my master, I love my mistress... But I will kill you, too, first if I have to... Because I want to be free."
"In 'Digimon Adventure 2', the Digimon Emperor breaks down when he realizes he enslaved real Digimon for months."
"You're slaves to this box, you're a slave to debt, you're a slave to sports and entertainment, you're slave to your phone, slave to alcohol, slave to food. This is, I think, just a perfect picture of what modern-day slavery looks like."
"Desire becomes a tyranny, enslaving the tyrant's soul."
"Anything that you chase that's a sensation, you gotta understand you're a slave to it."
"You can enslave us... for 300 years the bodies of men... but you cannot shackle or imprison the minds of men."
"For by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved."
"By slow arts of cruelty were corrupted and enslaved, and thus did Melkor breed the hideous race of the Orcs."
"A phone should be a tool; it should not be something that enslaves us."
"We can't have the right to not be enslaved but then have laws that go against that right."
"These reasons and justifications can themselves be corrupted by ideology and that our process of trying to gain freedom can be our enslavement."
"Then there came to our country a big army, and killed many people; it took me and walked me to the big sea and sold me into the hand of a Christian man."
"The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution outlawing human enslavement except in cases of crime."
"Hundreds of thousands Tainos living on the island were enslaved to work in gold mines."
"The horrors of enslavement: babies, children taken from their mothers, from their families."
"He or she who abandons his or her culture becomes slave of another culture."
"If it's not me, then you're going to be looking at something outside of you, and whatever that thing is, it's going to enslave you."
"In carrying out the October Revolution, the working class hoped to achieve its liberation. The outcome has been an even greater enslavement of human beings."
"There is some sort of sea beast that lives in these waters that some of the raiders, or maybe Hogvendil himself, has enslaved to its will."
"How in the world can you discount all of the Africans that describe themselves as Africans during our period of enslavement?"
"They were enslaved people who had lives, who had families, who loved life, hated all sorts of things, and that is what's extremely important."
"The transatlantic enslavement trade... constitutes one of the greatest tragedies in the history of humanity in terms of scale and duration."
"Whatever else we build our life on will drive our passions and choices and end up enslaving us."
"You were just a slave to these things and you were a slave to the higher ups."
"The man who listens to Reason is lost; Reason enslaves all whose minds are not strong enough to master her."
"Wicked men took me by violence and sold me to the Christians."
"Those are the translated words of Amari Vince, born in present-day Senegal, he was captured and enslaved in South Carolina."
"Habit is a problem because what habit does is… habit takes control. You become enslaved by habit."
"If you want to truly enslave people, convince them that they're free."
"They did not bring slaves from Africa, they brought human beings to America and they enslaved them."
"The enslavement of the larger part of the people by a smaller part lies the chief cause of the miserable condition of the people."