
Game Evaluation Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"It's a matter of acknowledging the game's impact and influence but also accepting its shortcomings."
"Is Elden Ring good? Because it absolutely is. The question is, is it the best FromSoft game? Yeah, probably. But it's not my favorite."
"Is this the definitive version of the Wind Waker? That's the big question I'm trying to answer here."
"The surge provides the player with one of the best combat systems in any third-person action game ever."
"For a free game, I don't really think it's bad. I think you've done a good job putting some stuff together."
"We're at a league fixture, but because this is a cup game, I'm really pleased with the win. It feels like three points, and we go again."
"FNAF is a horror series, and you can make a strong argument that the only important metric for evaluating the games is: 'were they fun and scary?'"
"In the battle of FIFA 21 versus FIFA 11, the victor was pretty clear."
"God of War for me succeeds on every level of being a video game."
"The gameplay itself is where the Modern Warfare campaign really shows its age."
"I can confidently say that this is the best entry in the series on the GameCube."
"We're not playing well and we don't exactly deserve to be leading but we should have had two penalties in my opinion."
"The roster in this game is easily one of its most impressive features."
"Setting aside my nitpicking, I think this is a very effective horror game and deserves to be remembered more than it has been."
"Do you have that little voice in the back of your mind asking, 'Is this a contender for like the best game in the world?'"
"Is it a great game? Not necessarily. But it is an important one."
"In evaluating strategy games, choices should feel influential."
"Dominion had brought some pretty cool ideas to the table as well and in my opinion was the best thing Halo 4 had to offer."
"It's almost guaranteed that Simpsons: Hit and Run Is Not As Good As You Remember."
"I genuinely think Halo Infinite's campaign might be my new favorite after playing it."
"It's very rare a little lose games... it's very rare you question if they give a f*ck."
"In about 11 days time, Call of Duty Cold War is going to become one of those underrated COD titles that fans look back upon fondly."
"Judge on the game itself, and that is 40k games."
"It's easy to ERV a hyper game if you're a fan of the franchise or the characters or even the developers."
"It feels like an evolution of Dark Souls 3, I think it's the best of the bunch quite easily."
"In terms of core movement design, the first Jack is amazing."
"Everyone wants to know two things: is Grounded worth your time and do I really have arachnophobia?"
"I can't recommend people play the vanilla game other than to just kind of see how it was."
"This might be one of the best Final Bosses in Zelda history. There's just so much behind this that works so goddamn well."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 is ahead of the curve in nearly all of them and it is this combination of well executed factors that earn it a solid 9 out of 10."
"It's not a perfect game... but it just does so many things right."
"Love me some Macross... best Macross shooter ever released... had me salivating."
"Poppin is one of the best and most playable twin b games... an easy a for me."
"Pathfinder, just due to its name, is about you forging your own. Let's find out if it did a very good job."
"This game holds its own, even with the flaws of classic survival horror."
"Quake 2 is probably the least that can be done with it: a technical marvel that is a good action game; a well-oiled machine fueled by blood and explosions."
"It's truly the most immersive Call of Duty experience I've ever played."
"I think it definitely has completely legitimized itself as a full sequel."
"You can't judge a game that took years to make in 24 hours."
"For this being one of the first Mega 10 games to be released on a handheld console as early as 1992 in Japan, Last Bible really isn't bad."
"This game had a couple bugs a couple issues but I was actually really surprised... for what we got I think that that's a benefit to everybody."
"The abject failure of this game really falls into place when you stop for a second and think about what Forces actually is."
"This is playable, definitely worth the price of the subscription service."
"From the 13 seconds that I saw, the game looked not trash, and it's a horror game, so honestly what else do I need to know?"
"I was honestly surprised how consistently effective the werewolf was throughout."
"I rate games by their own merits, and Hogwarts Legacy is a master class in exactly that."
"You may find that you discover a habitual gem by giving the game a go."
"Despite all the controversy, this game gets one of the most important things right: it's absolutely fun."
"Halo is better than good. It deserves better."
"God of War is looking like a pretty damn good candidate for a game of the year."
"But even with the great ones that I've left off, and the great ones that did make this list, at the end of the day I will say the one thing I have no hesitation about saying and choosing, is that Hades is my absolute favorite game of the year."
"But when I look at Ratchet 3 today, do I still feel the same way?"
"It just doesn't really make sense to me what does make sense to me is to look at it as a fan of the core game and whether or not I feel as though I got what I paid for."
"Judge games not just on how they compare to what's popular but how they stand on their own merits."
"Overall, the game's PvP framework is its best attribute or one of the best."
"There's a vast majority of what I played in this game that I felt was worthwhile."
"Pokemon fans to the 3rd gen games nowadays: They were good games, we just couldn't see them."
"This was my favorite stage as a kid and even now it's still one of the best ones."
"Burnout 3 and Revenge are the pinnacle of arcade racing games."
"Even today, it’s still considered one of the best RPGs of all time."
"If you're not a big fan of the game, it's not worth it. Even if you are a fan of the game, if you are a fan of your living your life, don't get this platinum."
"It's a bunch of play to earn games, it looks pretty decent and well put together."
"... it would be a travesty to put Cut the Rope any lower than S tier."
"I don't think I see a move that I like for Black in response to Queen g4. So even though Knight d5 is acceptable and, you know, on c4 maybe you still have Knight before, maybe this knight's not out of the game. Concretely, I don't see a good answer to Queen g4 here."
"How good or how bad is this state \( s \) is this terminal state \( s \) for this player \( p \)? This is also known as the objective function or a payoff function."