
Acoustics Quotes

There are 590 quotes

"The Ross Ice Shelf is the largest of its kind in Antarctica, and when winds blow across its dunes, this collision creates vibrations that produce continuous seismic tones."
"The sounds were too low in frequency for the human ear to hear, but the sounds could be heard sped up by monitoring equipment."
"The massive Antarctic ice shelf named Ross Ice Shelf is alive with the sound of music."
"Jasmine Sullivan's voice is just...no Acoustics for real. To sound that good outside with that many people, it's just incredible."
"It's lower pitch and obviously the pitch of the note depends on the length of the tube."
"Sound is full of patterns from its very most basic essence."
"Placing a phone in a cup directs sound and makes it seem louder."
"Treat the room, that is way more important than anything else."
"The echoing tunnels are totally soundproof from the outside world. All we hear are our own footsteps."
"These acoustic panels seem to get rid of a lot of the big peaks."
"You don't necessarily have to get really fancy or go way out in never never land to produce a fairly good acoustic environment."
"Sound levitates - it's no longer this made-up fairytale thing, it really happens."
"Breaking the walls helps disperse sound in the room for better acoustics."
"Speaker size matters for the size of your room. Pick the right size speaker to match your space for the best performance."
"What is a formant and how does it change your voice so much?"
"essentially what you need to do is you need to find a place of comfort where you know how things sound and you can replicate that"
"Acoustics and thermals and the level of design and aptitude is mind-boggling."
"The acoustics in this room, we can hear everything, Leslie."
"For instance, doors are low-pass filters, walls are low-pass filters. So as I'm designing things for the escapes, I'm thinking in terms of, well, a wall is a low-pass filter, I need to muffle this sound."
"It essentially delays the audibility of these rear sound waves just enough for them to become additive rather than subtractive to the driver's forward sound waves."
"Because of how sound is measured, however, that 10 decibel increase between 90 and 100 decibels actually translates to a doubling of the perceived volume."
"I truly hope that it helps give you a better understanding of acoustic measurements and how you can use acoustic measurements to improve the sound in your studio."
"Amphitheaters are described as acoustically vibrant performance spaces that are circular, semicircular, or curved."
"Seismic waves are another form of surface acoustic waves. Cool right?"
"A pure sine wave is the only sound that have no overtone because that's how one frequency sounds."
"Reverberation is the result of sound waves bouncing off many surfaces, such as the walls, the floor, or the ceiling. It's actually present in any sound we hear in our everyday life, so we don't always pay attention to it."
"Cathedrals were acoustic frequency energy resonators."
"This is basically just to show you a very simplistic measurement that I believe is very telling of whether or not you have good room acoustics."
"This is exactly what you're looking for, this is like a straight line, look at how incredibly well controlled the room is."
"The room at low frequencies is acting much more like a system, low frequencies are going to travel in more like a wave-like pattern."
"We want things to be as symmetrical as possible... the more symmetrical the spaces, the more accurate your left and right monitoring is going to be."
"If we don't address the low frequencies, we're gonna end up with a room that is very imbalanced, particularly in the decay time."
"The more treatment you have in here, the less noticeable and impactful those extraneous sounds will be."
"The reason why people like acoustics is because there's like this raw thing to it"
"So if all you do is stick the mic in that position and take one measurement you have not captured what you hear even in that one position."
"The intersection of the side walls and the floor or the ceiling and the roots more better than putting it in the middle."
"Diffusers also make absorbers work better because they redirect some of their energy at walls where there's a reflector."
"A perfect diffuser would have a diffusion coefficient of one but in addition to that, there's this other thing called a diffusion coefficient which shows the uniformity of the scattering."
"So ideally, you want the decay time to be as even as possible with frequency."
"Good speakers, good acoustical treatment, and plenty of tuning time."
"I started experimenting with hemholtz and so we're going down the hemholtz rabbit hole. I wanted to see how much of a difference that would make in the whole room."
"This room sounds beautiful, it's the best sounding room I've had in life."
"The acoustics are important because ultimately it was the acoustics that determined the House Select Committee concluding there was a conspiracy."
"This cannot be seen when looked at from the front, and so if a priest were to stand hidden behind the bust and speak into the cavity, his voice would have become modified in the tube and resounded as if it was the statue itself that spoke."
"The flutter echo is all but gone which is really nice... I think adding the treatment up in the loft is really what did that."
"The shape and size of the auditorium have a big effect on one's voice."
"We actually realized now that we have such a perfectly balanced PA and the room is treated so well we can actually create a main mix that sounds both great in the room and sounds phenomenal online when it's sent to the video switcher."
"We've had complaints about the acoustics in this club."
"The acoustics in here are amazing."
"You could have a pair of Hans Zimmer thirty-thousand-dollar speakers and if you have them in a room that is not treated properly, they're worth exactly zero dollars."
"If you are at all handy even a little bit... you're just going to put that into a single 1X two wood frame... and cover it with an acoustically transparent Fabric."
"The closer you get to the source, the bigger the low end."
"...almost like the room the drum kit is in is expanding and contracting and we're altering the laws of physics with our drum silence."
"I'm sorry, you can hear this? All wood just resonates to a guitar. I was so pleased you bought the C24 back."
"More often times than not, it's the room. Sometimes it may be a bad sound engineer but I'm going to say more often times than not it is just the room itself."
"These sound waves are called standing sound waves and they are basically sound waves that reflect off of a surface and back through themselves creating small points called nodes."
"If you're sitting near a rear wall, all that bass energy is going to kind of think about someone throwing paint on the rear wall."
"...active room Acoustics of this type can allow you to create anechoic-like base response..."
"Depending on what sound panels you get, you can also add some sound dampening, you can sound proof it to a point."
"If your room sounds pretty good, you could also improve your recording by using a reflection filter."
"Every time you hang a piece of art on the wall, it helps with the acoustics."
"...when looking back on his performance there, Seager said, 'I love to play The Pyramid. The acoustics were a challenge but it was such a beautiful, eye-opening venue."
"It's important to put the sound into a room because otherwise, it's gonna sound too dry and unnatural."
"The prehistoric artists were specifically seeking out locations that had the best acoustics."
"Different woods are rated by how quickly vibration will travel through them, so a higher velocity of sound is generally considered a better wood."
"Surprisingly, for such a heavy wood, ebony sounds so good."
"The Acoustics are so good you can actually hear the palpitating hearts of our artists."
"Consider the room you're recording in. Nasty room reflections, air conditioner hits, traffic... you don't want that in your mic."
"So it seems that even slight alterations to any of these parameters can drastically affect whether or not we get a proper cardioid function at a particular frequency."
"After you've acoustically treated your space a little bit, definitely look into using EQ correction for your room."
"Experiment with subwoofer placement to find what works best for your room."
"The more measurement positions you take, the more data the Dirac software will have to produce a good Dirac filter for your listening space."
"So, once you find those two good spots, you've done your part."
"Best case actually it helps with the audio and helps diffusing the reflections which are coming from the wall behind me. Worst case, it's just a very, very cool-looking wall."
"You're making a waveguide out of the front baffle."
"All we have to do is comb 1/4 along the front wall and 1/4 along the side wall and boom now we have a virtual sub right there where we need it."
"Don't miss the forest for the trees in system tuning...don't hyper focus on a single measurement make sure you get good data don't be afraid to move that microphone around and see what's happening around the total audience area and move forward from there."
"Try not to find a speaker to suit your amp. Try to find a speaker that suits your room."
"Most people are completely shocked at how much their sound and enjoyment improves with the right acoustic treatment."
"They absorb frequencies starting in the lower mid range all the way up in a very linear fashion."
"Plants can recognize different sounds."
"I wanted to get the speaker set up as dialed in as I could and the acoustics, and it's a room within room design for that reason."
"So just being able to change the harmonics that way sort of heightens the fatness of the sound."
"The acoustics in here must be fantastic because with it being vaulted there's no echo whatsoever I love it."
"So make sense so far so the whole point of this is of course why and doesn't low frequency directivity cause head room?"
"Cone area is a different story. If we have more cone area, we can create low frequency."
"...out of all the rooms I've ever worked in in this province, I haven't heard one better."
"The room is responsible for half of the sound of your drum."
"Tom's incredulous cry echoed off the cathedral ceiling far above them."
"One thing I've learned is that I would rather buy cheaper monitor speakers and put money into treating my room than by really expensive nice speakers and put them in an untreated room."
"The biggest difference was getting acoustic treatment in our room."
"These speakers sound amazingly natural and neutral, and you can tune them to the room with the back panel."
"It's a very intimate setting so you can hear a lot of the nuance and detail."
"The farthest seats in the place sounded crystal clear."
"I really like the straight-up natural reverb in this room. Like, you could have straight-up recorded the vocals in there. I like it, every room that you hit, you go in, has natural reverb like even the room that I'm recording, it has natural reverb."
"They contributed the ability to build ceilings that were not only load-bearing not only fireproof but also could absorb sound and could quiet the spaces of busy train stations."
"I wanted a room that I can trust what I'm hearing in here and know that it's not lying to me when I leave."
"The less music that escapes through panel vibrations or through substandard materials from the car onto the outside of the car, the better the sound listening experience is going to be inside the car."
"...the cats weren't just lying around I could hear them testing out their exhibit's acoustics."
"I would lay underneath his piano and he would play and he goes, 'Why are you laying down there?' I said, 'The acoustics are fantastic,' so he would just play and I would lay there just funky snots."
"The acoustics in this room are incredible; that's why I think everyone sounds amazing in the shower."
"The human voice generates very different frequencies."
"The low frequencies are going to have much higher attenuation."
"The acoustics are great too; if you're a singer in the shower, this is the shower for you."
"With shorter hair, your high-end is your high frequency response is better 'cause you're not muffled anymore."
"Stopping those reflections between the floor and the ceiling is one of the key ways to cut down on audio reverb."
"The universe could be seen as ringing like acoustical oscillations."
"The way the math behind the filter equations works ends up expressing these choices in multiples of 6 or 12."
"It's a building built in a building; it's a real studio with floating floors."
"I would absolutely love them on my favorite things, which is the Strandberg guitar is weight relieved, it's chambered, so I love it acoustically."
"Room acoustics... super important to know how to tell if a recording environment is going to be good."
"See where your drums sound the best in your room."
"Everything echoes in this canyon."
"What is it that we want reverb to do?... to give an instrument sustain, to sing in a room and have the room respond back."
"Suddenly you get enough echo density so it starts to sound like a real reverb."
"We need to achieve that echo density quickly; if you don't, you get these prominent echoes."
"You need a pre-delay to emulate that moment when sound hasn't hit the wall yet."
"The speed of sound is constant within tissues."
"The second part's gonna be a nice listening room."
"It's got a really unique sound, the room is really fantastic, and the single mix just really sounds stunning."
"It corrects the sound of your room in your mix position."
"The best way of blocking the sound wave of soundproofing a room is to add mass."
"You're listening at a right angle to the speaker, right, and it's got a good response."
"Reverb is actually a natural phenomenon, and what a reverb effect is doing is sort of modeling or emulating this phenomenon that is naturally occurring."
"Dynamic microphones in general are better if you're in a less than ideal acoustic environment."
"They had a very particular shape to them which gave them a unique characteristic beautiful reverberant quality."
"The most important thing with this library is the sound of the room."
"One of the craziest things about these monitors so far is that they sound exactly the same in every position around the room."
"The Great Pyramid isn't just an architectural marvel but also an acoustic one."
"We go for a really accurate acoustic balance of what it would sound like in the room."
"Sound wise, you get incredible definition in the mids and the highs with great details and separation."
"That's full resonance and that sounds amazing."
"The physical phenomenon of sound is defined to be a disturbance of matter that is transmitted from its source outward."
"It's like we're connected but acoustically separated."
"Lateral reflections are critical to things like apparent source width and spaciousness."
"The speed of sound in air depends on the heat capacity ratio."
"Strings make noise; can we describe mathematically how they make noise?"
"All sound is made up of sine waves of different frequencies and amplitudes."
"Maybe come up with some new ways of using sound that we can't hear to measure things or otherwise make people's lives better or more fun."
"The properties of water do vary slightly depending on temperature, particularly when it comes to how it reflects sound."
"Every time you go on to that stage, it's a small stage for how big that hall is, but man, it sounds wonderful."
"You can't just do close mics anymore, you have to put the air of the room and do the real room."
"We can hear everything in this hotel."
"They are shiny, they are sonorous, they are malleable and ductile."
"It's not just the vibration of the strings, it's not just the vibration of the top, there's air moving around in here and there's air moving around out here, and all of that is what we're hearing."
"Just think of the music reverberating off these walls and off the ceiling and off these hardwood floors at night."
"It's a wonderful auditorium, and the acoustic is quite remarkable."
"The pairs of notes which to arya sound most pleasing are obtained by taking two different string lengths."
"It remains the longest distance traveled by any airborne sound in recorded history."
"That crest is actually hollow and it connects to the nasal cavity, so there's a lot of reason to believe that Parasaurolophus would force air through its nasal cavity through that crest to create these loud kind of honking noises."
"It's like trying to defy the laws of gravity; you're trying to defy the laws of acoustics, and you can't."
"It's a more resonant guitar, it's designed to be that way, its finish is really allowing it to breathe, it's really allowing it to move freely."
"Soundproofing is an incredibly complex subject and has very little to do with egg boxes or acoustic foam."
"The most resonant space is a sphere because there's nowhere on the surface of the sphere that doesn't face the center."
"The ocean is a noisy place, underwater sounds might have also been caused by earthquake, underwater earthquakes, or volcanic activity."
"It's like a drone, and it's basically the sound of the beat of quakes ripping around the planet."
"It's not just about filling a space with sound; it's about filling a space with the right sound."
"Light travels as a wave, sound definitely travels as a wave."
"Moving blankets or acoustic foam is a great way to help treat your space and make it sound a lot better."
"Everyone's room, everyone's ears and rooms, you'll be ending up with listening to something that's a bit different."
"These two signals are in phase; they start at the same time, and their polarities match, so these two waveforms will add together to reinforce and create a stronger, bigger sound."
"I've put soundproof absorption within the wall cavities."
"They're there for aesthetics but also help a little bit with the acoustic treatment."
"The bigger the speaker, conventionally, the more air it can move and the deeper and the louder the bass capability will be."
"Sound travels over water a lot further than it does over land."
"You almost swear you can imagine if you're playing in a venue where you've got lots of natural reverb."
"This is what helps produce a uniformity of sound for movies or multi-channel music listening."
"These cosines in time are what are causing the string to oscillate, which creates the acoustic waves that you hear."
"The soundstage on these extended far beyond where the speakers were actually placed."
"The speaker itself is a 2.5 way design using four 8-inch woofers and a one inch or 28 millimeters soft dome tweeter with a really nice waveguide."
"A cleaner sound throughout your space, even if you have to change seats."
"The horn flare geometry is mimicking the logarithmic spiral that you see in nature."
"Everything in speaker design, one thing affects the other. That's why I love it so much."
"The echoes are absolutely astounding."
"The voicing of this speaker is pretty clever."
"It sounds stages very well on these speakers."
"The sound stage was just open and perfect."
"Good sound stage, good imaging, good sense of air, sounds great, detail control on the bass."
"The whole point is to minimize the interaction between the speakers and the room."
"That is what I'm telling you about sound attenuation."
"Any sound made inside it echoes throughout the whole structure and can resonate within the human mind to affect the emotions."
"You're hearing more of the direct sound from the speaker rather than the reflected sounds, and that's optimal."
"Stonehenge worked as a Sound Chamber."
"Sounds echo within the chamber for nearly 10 seconds, allowing those present to physically feel the noise in their bodies."
"It's almost like a reverb because in reality, reverbs are basically just a bunch of delays smeared together."
"It really helps you to flatten the bass out in your room."
"It's just always singers in stairwells because of the acoustics."
"As a singer, the stair acoustics are amazing."
"The frequency of a sound wave is associated with the perception of pitch."
"The loudness of a given sound is closely associated with the amplitude of the sound wave."
"You want that lightness and strength because you want all that resonance."
"The best way to reduce sound is to break up the sound waves using layers of different materials of different densities."
"The overheads play a very big role in the overall drum sound because they pick up not only the cymbals but the whole vibe of the kit."
"And, if you're on the ground, you can actually hear this double sonic boom which is pretty impressive."
"You want those tweeters ear level and exactly the same distance from each other and from you, so an equilateral triangle."
"If you don't have acoustic treatments, you don't have a great sounding room."
"Professionals always ask for accurate, neutral, flat acoustics."
"The top of the violin is made of spruce because it's a soft wood and resonates well."
"These are called F holes; they are most important because the music made by the vibration of the strings and the body of the violin comes out through these openings."
"That's pretty interesting stuff, isn't it? You can see how dramatically small adjustments really affect the sound of the drum."