
Financial Value Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"The total comes out to $258 for a savings of $108, which is very good."
"It means that if you have 50k in the bank, in 10 years it's going to be 50k still, but the equivalent worth of 25k."
"A broke [ __ ] ain't worth anything to anybody."
"An entire virtual economy emerged... worth tens of millions of dollars."
"These cards represent excellent value for the money."
"Half a million dollars is still half a million dollars for one game of basketball."
"Kanye added 1.3 billion dollars in value or more, minimum."
"It's actually downright cheap. It's profitable, generates a tremendous amount of cash."
"That single half decimal point adds a significant amount of value to it."
"May commanded him to hand it over... he signed over the lease worth eighteen thousand dollars."
"Wow, I'm worth about eight hundred and fifty-five thousand fucking dollars."
"Gabrielle Martinelli: signed for just six million pounds, Arsenal's top scorer and worth much more."
"We receive comments and feedback from our customers that say things like this is the best money they've ever spent."
"99% of people who are mad at Spence for not taking less than he's worth wouldn't take 20 off their own pay rate."
"Don't give me a plaque, give me the financial paper."
"Collectibles have become such a big thing, selling old things for tons of money."
"You've just seen a world record being set: 750,000 pounds. It's the most ever paid for a letter."
"Bitcoin is showing amazing resilience, it's really beginning to show its value as a store of value."
"The storage unit life isn't easy, but it's a lot of work. It is incredible when you find stuff that's worth money."
"The first stimulus check is now worth about nine thousand dollars."
"Definitely a ton of value there over a thousand dollars past what I actually spent which is amazing."
"This is like at least a thousand dollars a pop. CP really perplexes me."
"For the money this is a very very compelling vehicle."
"What I really was interested in were these old motor vehicle and motorcycle service manuals. The right person would pay a fair amount of money for this. This is a really rare find."
"Welcome bonuses: worth at least 500 if not a thousand or more dollars in value."
"Remember in my previous video I talked about how the transaction that led to this whole incident was somewhere in the realm of ten dollars most likely which means a man lost his life over a ten dollar transaction."
"Gold nuggets weighing 90 kilos and worth 3 million dollars found in Australia."
"That's millions of dollars standing on that screen."
"If we got all these graded like each of them psa graded this box like these piles alone actually probably worth twenty thousand dollars easily bro."
"The Versace brand was worth 807 million dollars at the time of his death."
"Money is not just money, it's the result of hard-ass work."
"The Lost Bactrian gold is worth billions of dollars."
"Chase Sapphire Preferred: 80,000 points, worth easily a thousand dollars."
"What gives Bitcoin value is that it's free from control, no single point of failure."
"The total value sixty-two thousand four hundred dollars so just in the past couple days - past three days it's gone up quite a bit."
"Personal brand on social media is worth millions."
"The vast majority of financial value from AI today is I think supervised learning."
"The official amount for the mole's pot is three thousand dollars."
"That's probably 10 $5 million out there on its own."
"If moms got paid for every single thing they did, we're talking about housekeeping, chefs, school tutors, financial managers... we're looking at mothers earning an annual salary of $184,820."
"At two and a half million dollars, you can expect that."
"NSPR team is like a solid yeah fifteen thousand dollars."
"Investing in real estate is an edge against inflation and this makes you have great value for your money."
"That difference becomes the value of synergy."
"We've tallied our comps over the past year and it equals almost $110,000 in free rooms, Casino play, and dining credit."
"Every dollar that you can pull together is going to be so much more valuable."
"Adidas has a 21% market share of sports shoes in the United States. It's worth 19 billion dollars, and its influence on the sports industry truly can't be overstated."
"It toughened me up and made me appreciate the value of a hard-earned dollar."
"Value is found in paying less today than what you think a company is worth."
"It's all about the value to worth of money."
"If you retire with seven figures in the bank... a million dollars in the bank is going to be worth a lot less money."
"The points earned on these cards tend to be much more valuable because you can use them in so many different ways."
"You can really see your worth, you can see your value."
"Things you own and they have a financial value, we call them assets."
"It's about finding more value and quality in terms of finances."