
Ordinary People Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"I think what's incredible about the evacuation is that it was the regular people, the ordinary people who came in and changed the course of history."
"Hope is found in unlikely places, that inspiration often comes not from those with the most power or celebrity, but from the dreams and aspirations of ordinary Americans who are anything but ordinary."
"It's great to be back. I've moved to focusing on what makes ordinary people become heroes."
"This is Revival. It isn't hype; it's ordinary people who are hungry."
"Our focus must be on the needs of ordinary people and not just large corporations."
"They ain't supermen. They're ordinary people who learned how to do it and then went out and did it."
"Populism is a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups."
"We want to showcase how ordinary men and women came together to accomplish the extraordinary."
"Most of the characters have a kind of realism to them, not because of anything remarkable, but because they by and large are portrayed as being ordinary people in dire circumstances."
"Sometimes the people who really make a difference in the world aren't politicians or royalty but people who are just trying to earn a living."
"Britain's history...made by a whole host of ordinary people doing a lot of really terrible jobs."
"You don't have to be an extraordinary man to do extraordinary things."
"An unlikely hero, an ordinary man who simply took a stand."
"Ordinary people are able to participate in these markets."
"Our nation's history has been built not just by leading characters, but by a huge supporting cast of ordinary men and women prepared to do some really lousy jobs."
"It's ordinary people who do extraordinary things that change lives, save lives."
"This is about ordinary people doing extraordinary things, brotherhood, camaraderie."
"A hero is an ordinary person who does extraordinary things."
"Wars were not won by Prime Ministers, they were won by the Defiance of ordinary people."
"These people aren't special forces interesting, they're just normal resistance fighters."
"Revolutions are fought and won by ordinary people."
"Every day ordinary people are given the opportunity to do extraordinary things."
"All we need to change the world is to have more Ordinary People willing to make courageous decisions."
"There's something powerful about an everyday average person testifying about the Lord working in your life."
"The everyday man who decides to step up and do the heroic acts."
"Ordinary people can make truly heroic almost saintly choices."
"Cesaro is just an ordinary guy who excels at his craft that's better than everybody else."
"Extraordinary things happening to ordinary people."
"We have this situation where we have a Revolt of ordinary people against that condescension."
"These were ordinary men in extraordinary times."
"What was achieved on June 23rd was a remarkable victory for the little people, ordinary people, decent people against the big corporates, the big banks, big politics, wealth power."
"Our nation's history hasn't just been built by leading players making a lot of big political decisions but by a huge supporting cast of ordinary men and women prepared to do some really lousy jobs."
"You see people on TikTok who literally become kind of celebrities in their own right, and they're just everyday people."
"God specializes in using very ordinary, everyday people."
"There's so many people that are just they've turned from regular folk just trying to survive in you know this world that we have anyway into Heroes."
"Oftentimes models are just regular looking people."
"Everyday ordinary people doing extraordinary things."
"My heroes are in fact the ordinary soldiers."
"Tonight we have seen four stories without endings. Four stories in which ordinary people have been thrust into the center of an unsolved mystery."
"God cares about the daily lives of ordinary people even with all the other things that are going on."
"It's about the Ordinary People of this Galaxy and the pressure that they're put under."
"God uses ordinary people with an extraordinary message to do his work."
"It was an important battle to fight, and the way in which we won that battle was through the resistance of ordinary people."
"It's ordinary soldiers who are making great sacrifices."
"I like stories about ordinary people in extraordinary situations."
"I don't think one should ever underestimate the resilience of ordinary people."
"Among all the important ideas raised in the series, perhaps the most valuable one is that the main characters can be ordinary people who just take matters into their own hands. They are not perfect, often make mistakes, and have a dark past."
"God uses Ordinary People, God uses you if you'll just let him."
"The Night Watch is a painting about perfectly ordinary people standing up to tyranny."
"The church as an abstract thing... is actually the ordinary praying people in every place who are getting on and doing the stuff that the kingdom of God is actually all about."
"Humanity is the story of ordinary people living and struggling"
"There's a growing body of literature on very ordinary people talking about really extraordinary experiences."
"We saw how ordinary people were so brave."
"Ordinary people regularly discover in themselves the resources, the compassion, and the capacity to meet the impossible in extraordinary ways."
"History is replete with stories of ordinary people who, when called upon, performed in an extraordinary manner."
"History is not just about elite decision making; it's also about how ordinary people formed their expectations and made choices."
"Out of that upper room came a hundred and twenty ordinary people like you and like me filled with the power of God."
"The lives of ordinary people, if they are narrated well, are considered to inate for history in an unusually vivid fashion."
"What makes William such a great poet is that he does speak about and to ordinary people."
"I believe in ordinary people doing extraordinary work collectively when they work together there is extraordinary work that happens."
"History is not always about great battles or famous leaders. Ordinary people make history too."
"It's ordinary people choosing to do extraordinary things."
"As a result we can do incredible things as ordinary people to help others."
"It's very much about that, about paying homage to ordinary people, regular guys who don't really get seen by the world but have a lot going on."
"History is replete with stories which introduce us to ordinary people who, when called upon, performed in an extraordinary manner."
"Heroes are ordinary people. It's the heroic act that's extraordinary."
"Populism is support for the concerns of ordinary people."
"It's understanding the history of the struggle of Ordinary People."
"God uses ordinary people to accomplish His divine purpose."
"It's very clear by going from room to room that these were the epitome of ordinary Roman people."
"I truly believe in the wisdom of ordinary people, and we need to learn from that."
"The great events of this country's history hadn't just happened because of kings and queens but because of a lot of ordinary people at the bottom of the heap getting their hands dirty."
"There's always been something captivating about watching ordinary people answer trivia questions or display a unique skill."
"These are five ordinary people like you and I, but they worked hard and have achieved incredible things."
"These ordinary men doing extraordinary things."
"It was this focus that really just inspired people; it was amazing to see what just regular people could achieve."
"We're just ordinary people doing extraordinary things."
"The future of the Great Commission is in the hands of ordinary people."
"What gives ordinary people such extraordinary confidence and effectiveness is the knowledge of the power of the Spirit within them."
"God only ever uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things."
"It's honestly pretty easy to look at others who do what you consider to be amazing things and view them as larger-than-life heroes when they're really just ordinary people like yourself."
"Ordinary People, Extraordinary stories."
"The future belongs to ordinary people with a story to tell."
"They're made of steel, ordinary guys age 45 to 50 with an AK74 sitting in a trench; for me, that's a true hero."
"God does extraordinary things for His glory through ordinary people."
"Extraordinary choices made by ordinary people."
"It shows you that God can do amazing things through ordinary people who make mistakes."
"Sometimes ordinary people can be extraordinary and get caught up in adventures."
"Every day we've been reading about regular people, ordinary Americans who made history because they got up and fought for something they believed in."