
Storms Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"Researchers from New York University Abu Dhabi have found that cyclonic storms appear to leave scars on the Arctic Ocean in the form of temporary holes called polynyas."
"The power of Mother Nature and the devastation storms like this can cause."
"It's going to be there and at the very least we're talking about some pretty strong thunderstorms."
"These are all record-breaking storms that at least make you think and make you reflect."
"Even storms serve to clear the air, scatter seeds, and nourish the soil for better things ahead."
"Thor's Well in Cape Perpetua, also known as the drainpipe of the Pacific, produces amazing sights during storms."
"Storms don't last forever with the healing rainbow."
"Despite numerous storms on our way, we weren't concerned with our own well-being."
"I love watching storms roll through."
"Supercells... bring high force winds, giant hailstones, sometimes flooding, and great flashes of lightning too."
"This storm is so big you could take two Earths and stick them right inside the storm."
"If you're going to live here, whether it's on the summits or in their shade, you best learn to love storms, clouds, and tireless winds."
"Taxis are notoriously hard to come by in New York on stormy nights."
"Witnessing today the storms that appeared to blow in blew out at least as far as the weather was concerned."
"A supercell storm is the granddaddy of all clouds. It's the mother of all thunderstorms."
"Tornadoes are the Russian roulette of storms."
"I am thrilled with the reliability, in fact, I'm amazed that it does work during the kind of storms that we've had."
"In life, you either headed to a storm, you're already in a storm, or you're coming out. There's no way around it. It's a part of life."
"I honestly just wanted to see the storms as they came by here, but I decided to go ahead and go live. Been live on TikTok now for nine hours and we're going to go much longer into the afternoon."
"Storms remind us of our mortality."
"Of course, if there's a horrible storm on the sea at night, that's when the big storms happen."
"Storms are a very important part of God's plan for your life because they are designed to reveal your foundation."
"We have multiple storms happening in Oklahoma right now."
"The planet is plagued by severe winds that often turn into powerful storms."
"Tornadoes and hurricanes are incredibly powerful storm events. They're like someone took a normal storm, cranked the wind speed up to 11, and forced the whole thing into a giant torpedo of Destruction."
"Tornadoes don't just happen during any storm. They happen during supercell thunderstorms. Cool science word: super thunderstorms."
"Wind is what carries most of the weather. Usually when it's windy outside, man, that's got a stormy outsider's home."
"If I had to be stranded in a hurricane, I'm glad it's with you."
"My message to the youth is, storms don't last forever."
"It's been a tough time of the year, the winter. We've had a lot of storms, COVID-19, and the Omicron variant."
"Just makes your blood run cold of the size of the waves that were sweeping down the decks."
"The lurking danger of great lake storms lies in the high frequency of their waves, bone-chilling walls of water."
"Storms create opportunities for a new revelation of Jesus."
"In a climate changed world of warming oceans and rising sea levels, storms are becoming more powerful and destructive."
"It's like after a hurricane, just had tropical storms kind of come on through."
"There are some storms that are worth remembering."
"Massive cleanup underway in parts of Texas after deadly storms and severe flooding."
"Some of you are feeling the effects of storms that you don't need to if you were just uncovering if you just understood the beauty of God's warm invitation to bring your mission your ways and your thoughts under his."
"Educate yourself about storms, it alleviates a lot of anxieties."
"You need like they need to have more sinister names for storms right to make people more scared like storm Agamemnon or something like that."
"Stay warm, everybody, stay warm and dry given the storms in the USA."
"If temperatures are warmer across the globe, both on land and in the ocean, we could see more moisture-laden storms. They could be more devastating."
"We're starting to see a lot more of these rapidly intensifying mega storms."
"I sit here and I watch the thunder and lightning storms. Not kidding, I mean talk about crazy beautiful."
"Storms are a photographer's best friend if you're a landscape photographer as I am."
"It's a very impressive line of storms."
"Sometimes God has to take us through intense storms to change our perspective."
"When the storm comes, chickens roost, but eagles soar."
"I don't root for storms at all; I've been through too many. We know the devastation together."
"I love thunderstorms; I love lightning."
"I sleep so soundly during storms, as long as they're on the outside and I'm on the inside."
"The storms are becoming more frequent and they're stronger storms."
"Storms are different from gales... storms, they are something different."
"Storms have always been my obsession and my passion."
"Don't be scared, be prepared, and you will be ahead of these storms."
"I've got quite a few flight hours, over 4,000 through 45 different types of aircraft, and penetrated three severe thunderstorms."
"Storms are real, but they will not overpower the purposes of God."
"I love thunderstorms, absolutely love them."
"I've had this in some pretty hectic storms and it's held up really, really well."
"A place where lightning storms never end."
"We are now well equipped to defend against storms."
"She was built for one purpose only: chasing storms."
"The gray man likes to warn residents of bad storms on the horizon."
"I love thunder and lightning storms."
"We've had the most beautiful thunderstorms, gorgeous lightning, absolutely beautiful."
"These monster storms are the most damaging, destructive, violent storms on planet Earth."
"The intensification of convective storms is an unforeseen consequence of burning fossil fuels."
"...it's a weather research severe storm research actually, tornadoes and squall lines."
"Global warming probably will not produce more frequent and intense tropical storms."
"As the planet as a whole gets warmer, you start seeing changing weather patterns, and that creates more violent storm systems, more unpredictable weather."
"Intense storms packing the threat for nighttime tornadoes."
"Convective storms are those that are driven by latent heat release."
"We're still in this pattern where I think we're gonna see central U.S. cutters come up through here and cause major winter storms and potentially some big severe weather outbreaks as we go later on into March."
"Who else likes thunderstorms? I love them so much."
"The Thunderbird was endowed with the ability to create storms; lightning shot from its eyes when it blinked, and thunder boomed when it flapped its wings."
"The wonderful thing about storms is that at the end of every single one, there's always a magnificent rainbow."
"Storms and showers are both necessary parts of God's plan for our spiritual development."
"The purpose of storms is not the only storm; my faith is being developed during storms."
"It survived hurricanes and all sorts of storms."
"The eye of the storm is the one place where you're safe during one of these events."
"You can definitely see the power of these storms."
"Researchers are warning that these giant storms will become even stronger in the future."
"Legends speak of its ability to summon storms at will, unleashing torrents of wind and rain upon foes."
"This year has been unprecedented for the number of summer storms rolling across the North Atlantic Ocean."
"I like storms... they're exciting, man. I just always ever since I was little just loved hurricanes and storms and tornadoes and stuff."
"Daily storm chances return this weekend; a few thunderstorms could be strong to severe on Sunday."
"A 20% chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon."
"Partly sunny with a 30% chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon."
"A few thunderstorms could be strong to severe on Sunday."
"I'm scared of the plains because the plains get powerful storms."
"If you're impacted by these storms, we want you to be in your safe place."
"Congratulations, you're well equipped to defend you and your family against storms."
"We are going to continue to monitor all of these storms."
"Neptune turned out to have all of these cool storms like the Great Dark Spot and other features."
"Climate change is all about increasing temperatures, increasing intensity of storms, and more unpredictable weather."
"The storms are really magical; that's why the summer here is great, the storms are fabulous."
"Not only is Mother Nature's fury amplified with these explosive storms, so is her beauty."
"I remember always being told that when it comes to thunderstorms, there's nothing to be scared of."
"The supercells are really magnificent."
"I think storms are my favorite kind of rain."
"To be honest, I really enjoyed storms like this."
"Storms are quite unpredictable, they just roll on through."
"Here, lightning strikes are more powerful than anything on Earth, cyclones defy time, and a single storm can swallow two or three Earths at once."
"The majestic gas giant with its swirling storms and powerful magnetism is an active participant in the cosmic ballet that shapes our existence."
"When life's storms rage and the world seems overwhelming, His comforting presence calms your soul like a gentle breeze."
"Not all produce thunderstorms tornadoes, maybe 25%, but they have been doing so tonight because the rotation has been tight."
"These storms have shown remarkable resilience to regenerate."
"Storms are not the time to build a foundation for your life; storms reveal what your foundation was made out of."
"I'm infatuated with storms, thunderstorms in particular, they're my favorite."
"There's just something about having big thunderstorms and life abounding everywhere around you that really makes me quite happy."