
Global Outreach Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come."
"The goal, the Northstar goal to me, is to continue to build WWE as a global brand."
"He brought races and denominations together toward a common purpose as he preached in 185 countries around the world."
"This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come."
"This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all of the world as a witness to the nations."
"This is our chance to help small business, it's our chance to reach out to the rest of the world."
"God truly is using you as we help people around the world find God and find life."
"Help is on the way, we're gonna leave no stone unturned anywhere in America or anywhere in the world."
"With this launch, we want to grow Apache as one of the most loved brands by the racing enthusiasts globally."
"Whitfield preached with an evangelistic thrust: 'The whole world is now my parish.'"
"The truth for this time is to be proclaimed in all parts of the world."
"We know the three angels' messages of Revelation 14 are going to the entire world."
"We go around the world telling stories about video games."
"Thank you for eating with us, we love you! See you Malaysia and see you, the rest of the world!"
"Our resolve to spread the message of the Gospel to the approximately 8 billion other people on Earth must be uncompromising."
"The gospel must be proclaimed to all nations."
"It's a holy mission of hand-holding to bring the truth of our experience to others in the world."
"It's important to us to be able to reach fans all over the world."
"We just want to be able to get the gospel to the whole world."
"The hand of God is on this material, this message, and it is going worldwide."
"The digital world is not an enemy. It is the new possibility that God gave to us to cover the globe with a message of salvation."
"Jesus strategically came to all nations to make us one in him."
"I just felt deep in my heart that God is calling me to go preach the gospel. I somehow had a sense I will go to the nations and I'll check the Word of God to the nations."
"Present a full Jesus to this world through your Ecclesia."
"Our aim is to touch the whole world, to have a global audience."
"So now you become the global connections Alaskan Connect, you know, you created that brand."
"We can literally reach the world with the Gospel in our generation."
"There is no cap e - the money we can raise, let's fuel this cause so doctors can go to every world to save the day IRL."
"We immediately just went to the optimism, how could we take someone across the world, deliver a meaningful experience to them, deliver a higher sense of connection to the work, to the impact that they could make?"
"Not one bit of this is for me. It's for everybody on the planet."
"We're broadcasting across the United States, into the continent of Africa, throughout the diaspora, and everywhere else in the world."
"Thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world."
"Global evangelism... This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world."
"Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of a ministry that is having national and international impact."
"The gospel must first be preached to all the nations in spite of the hatred the gospel is going to go to the ends of the world they will not stamp it out."
"The gospel is moving out to the ends of the earth."
"We haven't been able to dub the show in foreign languages at the rate that we hoped for, so we've got volunteer translation teams all over the world, and that's been really cool."
"One of my favorite things about my YouTube channel is that I get to connect with people around the world."
"I can't play no football but what I can do is I can bring aftv to these places I can throw a big Spotlight on the fans here I can interact with them I can show people back in the UK and around the world what you guys do."
"Just as an example, they did 160 plus in global charitable organizations."
"Anything is possible, and I'm talking about not just people in Hollywood, but I want to reach to that little village in Poland."
"BTS Army: spreading love, supporting each other, and making a positive impact on the world."
"Jesus came for the world, but he came to Israel... He came for the world God so loved."
"This is a very good thing. This is a massive step for the manga industry to reach its global audience."
"I'm actually broadcasting this all around the world right now."
"We're seeing Acts 1:8 take place: in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth."
"Move upon people to give greatly... for the gospel to be preached to the world."
"If they ever wanted to talk to us, I suspect it would be something like every person on Earth would get an email in their own language."
"Make disciples of every nation, turning them into students."
"In a way, the necessity for Bitcoin is a way to distribute it all around the world."
"I want God's heart. What is God's heart? For God so loved the world. He said, 'Now go out there and get the world.'"
"The Gospel must be preached in all the nations of the world as a witness as a testimony."
"We will continue to deepen exchanges with all countries and stride out into the world." - Taiwan President
"We're just gonna keep growing. The gospel must be preached in all the world."
"The gospel is traveling across the Earth much faster than we think, reaching people and places it would have taken longer to get to."
"I look forward to getting this music out to the world."
"We owe the world an encounter with Jesus Christ."
"Be my Witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
"They've been able to light a million lives in almost 20 countries in four years. I just think this is incredible."
"Every person on earth will hear the gospel and will have a choice to make."
"I had a great conversation with some ministers in Mozambique and other countries who were working on affordable housing."
"Jesus commands that the gospel be preached to every single nation and person around the world."
"The gospel must first be preached to all nations."
"Let us know where you're calling from. God bless each and every one of you."
"We're working in almost 70 countries doing humanitarian medical emergency aid work."
"The kingdom of God is being taught to All Nations, do y'all understand me? And if you heard it today, this is your invitation to come on in and get everything that the father has for you."
"Expanding abroad is carrying the torch of Liberty as far as you possibly can."
"We are simply providing fact-based information free of charge to the world world wherever you go one we go all feel free to share and and that's incredible and amen and key."
"This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world." - Matthew 24:14
"I really want to start some non-profit organizations like for children's and children and orphanages and just around the world."
"This truth is going out, I know it's not much but this is for the school that they are trying to put together on the other side of the world."
"Liquid's main goal... we're about creating and entertaining a global community of like-minded individuals with shared values."
"Islam is going to conquer the hearts of 8 billion people someday."
"I want this story to be spread worldwide to people suffering."
"Before I come back the gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached unto all the Earth."
"Our assured mission is to bring diverse content to a global audience."
"The gospel in Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania, North and South America, and in Korea is accomplished graciously."
"We've been able to give away over 37 million resources to pastors and leaders in 226 Nations."
"Many of these organizations and ministries had vast global um outreach efforts and so since this book has been published I have now heard from it got a lot of international media attention the book did which means I've heard from a lot of global Christians."
"We've partnered with some of the top MBSR teacher trainers in France and Italy and Argentina and Mexico South Africa really all around the world so that we can create that infrastructure to allow high quality evidence-based mindfulness interventions to be delivered."
"Khalsa Aid is an international NGO with the aim to provide humanitarian aid in disaster areas and civil conflict zones around the world."
"The height of Christianity has been able to know that you are one with Him and take it out to the world and be around the world."
"If the gospel stays in one little section of the world, it's not going to have the impact God designed for it."
"I'm trying to get more people around the world moving in the comfort of their own homes and feeling amazing at the end of it."
"God's message is going to go to the ends of the Earth."
"The gospel is global as to its extent. It is global as to its extent. To all nations, beginning from Jerusalem."
"Jesus was sent to Israel first and then to the world with grace and truth."
"We want to spread Cricket around the world as much as possible."
"There is no better way that you could spend your life than making his worth known among all peoples."
"...we expand our reach into a global perspective."
"We thank you for using us all around the world."
"Our team mission is to go into all the world and make disciples unto Jesus Christ."
"We spent the first five years of our career running around the world, trying to establish that brand name so that we could make it a career."
"We trying to spread this positive energy any and everywhere on the planet."
"My core calling of my life that I feel and sense is to preach the gospel to every country."
"This is the kind of vending machine that we should have all over the world."
"We're able to spend all of our resources on teaching tens of thousands of people all over the world online."
"Otto is a senior lecturer at MIT and he travels around the world sharing his core ideas with many people."
"How does my act, my silence, my service, my love, my compassion, my almsgiving, my taking the next plane to the Philippines, allow God to be there for the person in suffering?"
"My mission is to reach every student on the planet Earth before they're nine years old and share this with them."
"The gospel of the kingdom will be preached into the whole world as a testimony to all nations."
"I want to figure out my own channel to directly help people all around the world who make music."
"We're going to keep bringing happiness to every community and every club we have in the world."
"We're a non-profit, we want to help all people around the world to connect with their families."
"Go ye into all the world, and make disciples of all nations."
"For this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."
"The everlasting gospel will go to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people."
"Traveling the world, spreading love."
"We're not only helping horses in Northern California like we thought in the beginning; we're helping horses around the world."
"Mother Teresa was a person who loved them all, she had a charity without borders."
"We've spent a long time traveling the world and I think it's important to us to try and reach as many people as possible."
"The Ekklesia of Jesus was the Jesus movement that was launched for the specific purpose of reaching the world."
"We aiming for the moon and we aiming to get this message out there to everywhere on the planet."
"The goal is to preach, go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."
"‘I shall cause thy message to reach the corners of the Earth’."
"We can fulfil our objective of spreading the message of Islam throughout the world."
"It is necessary for this gospel of the kingdom be preached to all nations as a testimony unto them, and then the end will come."
"The use of social media has been key in helping the programs to reach wider, more global audiences."
"The church is the launch point for taking the gospel to the ends of the earth."
"The gospel will be preached around the world, then the end will come."
"It's a society based in Britain that looks after animals all over the world, and I just think it's great."
"My mission is to preach the gospel of the kingdom to the entire earth."
"We have to develop football everywhere, not England and Germany only."
"Until the trumpet sounds... there's a job to be done, there's a work to be accomplished, there's a world to be reached."
"The message of the renewing power of God's grace will be carried to every country and clime, until the truth shall belt the world."
"This program brings MIT's rigorous, high-quality curricula and hands-on learning approach to learners around the world at scale."
"The gospel is taken to people all over the world who never heard of it, never had an opportunity to hear the word of God."
"She just always had a heart to go out and help people around the world and preach the gospel around the world or whatever."
"You want to market your stuff to an international audience."
"The gospel goes out from Jerusalem, so shall the gospel begin to go out through all of the Earth."
"I get to go all over the world, put my hands on people, and watch God heal them."
"The heaven-appointed purpose of giving the gospel to the whole world in our generation is the noblest that can appeal."
"God's mission calls us to reach individuals from all places, nations, people groups, languages, and ethnicities."
"You receive power after the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in Judea and Samaria, and over all the earth."
"We want to make it as accessible as possible to reach many more people around the world."
"Go out into all the nations of the world, teaching and baptizing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
"We're not just only promoting that we are socially responsible for our own users but also globally."
"...we want to provide financial education for every family in North America and soon to be in the world."
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations," and "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
"We as Microsoft strive to support every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more."
"It's something that has been on the deck for a while; we need to get out into the rest of the world because it's so good."
"We believe that we have a role to extend a hand to many countries, to any country in need, to any people in need."