
Functions Quotes

There are 822 quotes

"The sigmoid function is used because it takes any input, any number, passes it through the sigmoid function, and you will get a number between 0 and 1."
"We must treat Y as a function of X, even if we don't know exactly what it is."
"Python comes with a lot of super handy functions."
"Functions are so important in Python; they're kind of programmers' bread-and-butter."
"Auto curry... you can just keep throwing arguments out of function and it'll just keep returning you a function until it gets all its arguments."
"In simple terms, very simple terms. calling a function inside another function is called a callback."
"It's when you can really achieve that sweet moment of victory where it's like everything's working just as intended."
"Functions are one of the main building blocks of JavaScript."
"A function is a block of code that is organized and grouped together in a way so that it can perform a specific task."
"Functions allow us to define a block of code which we can call and execute whenever we want."
"There is another major difference between a regular function like this and an arrow function."
"Index and match, another one, a pairing of functions that are perhaps one of my favorite ones inside of Excel."
"Commands can be used as requests, sarcasm, permission, begging, pleading, praying, commanding, advising, counseling."
"That's really wonderful and actually gives similar formulas for all the really famous functions, like the exponential function or cosine, etc."
"We should be able to treat functions just like any other object or variable."
"Returning a function from another function like this is one of the aspects of what it means to be a first-class function."
"At least half the children in our society today are used as blackmail material by the mother to extort resources from the father."
"All functions by default return the none value."
"The first rule of functions is that they should be small, then the second rule of functions is that they should be smaller than that."
"You're going to be able to use functions as if they are data."
"Zip with is very powerful... we could also use filter... and there you can see that pop that back."
"Functions that can receive other functions as a parameter are known as higher-order functions."
"Adding the inputs is the same as multiplying the outputs"
"Columns function: counting columns dynamically."
"VLOOKUP tells us it's in the second position. Is that not totally cool?"
"Mycelium is not only an externalized stomach, they're externalized lungs as I mentioned."
"A function if nothing else is very explicit about its needs right there in the argument list."
"Functions are kind of like the core building block of JavaScript."
"Think of observables as functions." - Ben Lesh
"Pure function produces the same output for the same input, ensuring predictability."
"Impure function does not produce the same output for the same input due to side effects."
"IIFE allows for immediate execution of a function without the need for a function name."
"When you're analyzing programs if it's broken up into functions that's often very very helpful."
"The nervous system has three overlapping functions: sensory input, integration, and motor output."
"The involuntary nervous system has two divisions: one that speeds things up and one that slows things down."
"Functions allow us to create reusable code in Javascript."
"You can return a value from a function with the return statement."
"Remap is basically a combination of both where you're doing both an inverse lerp and a lerp."
"And this is where easing functions come into play."
"Every function should return something."
"With functions, we can understand, model, and predict the world around us."
"If you can't represent every possible partial function, you certainly can't represent every possible partial function from naturals to naturals because those are even bigger sets."
"The arrows between numbers are simply partial functions on the numbers which can be implemented as programs."
"The functions of a healthy ecosystem are to create and support life."
"using just functions and parentheses, we have this beautiful concise easy-to-read way of expressing this logic"
"everything can be functions literally everything"
"Functions can be arguments to other functions. These are first-class functions."
"A function is a set of instructions to perform a subtask."
"A function pointer should point to a function that should take no argument and should return void."
"If the Sims were hosting a large function, all of these spaces could be opened up for dining or dancing."
"You have a lot of these different options with the functions, and there's so many."
"Functions can truly live up to their name and help us group together sets of instructions."
"...learning the map function is very useful. Now, the filter function is a bit different."
"Saliva is crucial for digestion, protection against decay, and wound healing."
"There are over 700 built-in functions in M code."
"And it will be a pure function and a total function because a mathematical function is defined for every argument."
"So we want to activate that filter, and we can do that with navigation functions."
"My favorite functions in all of DAX are X functions: MINX, MAXX, SUMX, AVERAGEX. Let's talk a little bit about what they do."
"There's also a ton of different functions that exist in DAX for doing time intelligence."
"The key to why the e to the X function and also functions like sine of X and cosine of X equal their tailor series is because their higher order derivatives grow much slower than an N factorial as you increase the derivative order n."
"Even though I've painted non-analytic smooth functions as the pathological villains of real analysis, they've actually got some redeeming qualities."
"There's a lot more to tailor series and approximating functions than first meets the eye."
"The total row allows me to run functions and aggregate data within the table."
"XLOOKUP is the new improved VLOOKUP. It's the Swiss army knife of lookups offering a versatile way to find and retrieve information across a table or range."
"The TEXTSPLIT function divides text into separate columns based on a delimiter which is way easier than the old left mid right function combination we used to wrangle."
"Easier than nested IF formulas, the new IFS function is a streamlined alternative allowing multiple conditions to be evaluated in a single elegant formula."
"With the LET function, you can say goodbye to repeating complex calculations and make formulas much easier to write and read."
"It's now time for us to move on and concentrate on the exciting part of Excel, and that is formulas and functions."
"A formula is a calculation that uses Excel functions."
"Inline functions are not necessarily evil."
"I do not believe there is any charge, you just buy the scan tool and it's got all functions activated."
"You can't breathe and swallow at the same time. When you're breathing, the pipe leading to your stomach shuts down. When you're swallowing, the gateway to your lungs temporarily closes."
"Function pointers allow you to store and pass around references to functions in your program."
"And so the root state of this store is the type of the output of get state what it just looked at."
"Functions and formulas enable you to organize, filter, or combine data in ways that suit your analytical needs."
"Functional programming is about composing those functions together."
"Try the function 1 over X. Its graph forms a vertical asymptote at x equals zero, meaning the height of the graph grows without bound as X approaches zero."
"Formulas and functions are a key again to make Microsoft Excel go to that next level."
"The first rule of functions is that they should be small."
"The cotangent function isn't defined for X being equal to Pi times K, which is one term that you have down here, so this is sort of like a factorization in the sum form around the poles or singularities of the function, so yeah this is pretty damn cool if you ask me."
"The delta function depends on the position xi, because the original functions before the limiting process depend on xi, but also depends on x, because the region shrinks towards the point x."
"Composition is like combining functions: you apply one function to an argument, then apply the next function to the result."
"Why is this better than index and match and vlookup in my opinion number one it's simpler number two it can return more than one item as we're seeing here it's returning both sales and location number three it defaults to an exact match."
"The function always increases by 1 at each prime number."
"Functions are great for wrapping up code."
"Using parameters in functions helps prevent naming conflicts and keeps code organized."
"Functions let us reuse code and they make our code a lot cleaner by removing all the duplication that we had."
"Functions just functions are things you can add to get other functions."
"But now that we have our own functions, notice that we can enhance this implementation."
"Functions are not scary. They take inputs, give outputs, and are themselves artifacts that can be passed around as data."
"Everybody's favorite: lookup functions."
"In leading that system, leaders perform two functions."
"All I really want you to understand is that you can still use return and parameters just like with any other function, although most of the time you don't really need it."
"F of G of X, which in our case is f of g, simply means anywhere you see an X in F, substitute 2x."
"So what we can actually do is encapsulate this logic inside of a function."
Countdown: "That right there is the premise of functions."
"Suppose we define three multivariable functions, f, g, and h, based on the given equations."
"These functions have the property that it doesn’t matter what order you plug the inputs in."
"Each projection function is actually two separate functions: one for x and one for y."
"In this section, we have learned what are functions, we learned how to use the sum, average, max, min, count, counter, and count blank functions."
"The IF function doesn't just return text but can also return the result of a mathematical operation."
"The OR function returns true even if any one of the conditions specified within the function is true."
"The SUMIF function calculates only the sum of values that meet the specified criteria."
"The COUNTIF function returns the count only of the cells that meet a specific criteria."
"Draw the graph of the inverse function. It's going to be reflected, isn't it? So I need to reflect this graph in the line y equals x. It's how you find the inverse."
"Callbacks are just functions really that are passed to other functions as parameters, so they will call that function after they finish doing their other stuff."
"So what does this system do in our body? Well, it helps with memory, it helps with mood, it helps with motor control, with eating, with pain..."
"The bulk of what we have here are functions, so if you're a developer, you'll probably be very familiar with functions."
"Pick function returns the nth expression in the list compared to match it outputs the expression rather than the position of the parameter."
"Functions are also very important because they help you to write reusable and readable code."
"Another great thing about functions is that you can return values from the functions."
"If you are writing a Java application, if you are writing a Python application or shell scripting, what you usually do if there is repetitive code in your script, you just try to put that in a function and you just try to reference that function wherever it is required."
"We have a value, we can give it a name, and we can reuse that name in other parts of the formula."
"We're also going to learn advanced functions, like VLOOKUP, Some if, and even average, if."
"So the nasal concha are there to slow the air that we breathe in, to help trap pathogens, help us smell better, and warm and humidify the air that we breathe."
"So the multiplying-by-constant function is a linear map corresponding to a matrix of this form."
"If you're familiar with regular functions, you know that the main purpose of a function is to allow you to write the code once, put it in a function, and then whenever you need that code you would just invoke that function."
"Logarithms and exponential functions work as inverses, undoing each other's effects."
"I'm going to focus it on the parent function... rewrite this in exponential form by exponentiating... now I can say hmm one third to the Y power equals X."
"Logarithms and exponential functions are inverses of each other, like squaring and square rooting."
"...for any M by N matrix, we get a function just involving the data of the K column functor or just involving the data of the J column functor."
"So, the naturality condition says that the composite of those functions agrees. Naturality is saying that you could apply the operation before multiplying or after multiplying and the result is the same."
"So, these are the main three, but there are other functions as well."
"Exponential functions and logarithmic functions cancel each other out when using the same base."
"No return is often quite the opposite of no except, as it's used with functions that throw exceptions."
"Natural transformations are polymorphic functions, automatically satisfying the naturality condition in Haskell."
"We're in C++, we have functions of more than one argument."
"Any math function that you can think of can be a link function."
"Epithelia carry out four major functions: transcellular transport, absorption, secretion, and protection against wear and tear."
"Delegateable functions ensure accurate filtering."
"Delegateable functions are essential for scalability."
"Should you actually use X lookup vlookup index match which one?"
"Vlookup is the one you should be using if you have an Excel version that is pre-exl2021."
"We're going to create some functions, include some SQL statements in these functions to create a script so we can go from all of this code that we've written here to just a single line of code."
"The three things I need to do with the survival knife are cutting, slicing, and chopping."
"Both of these terms F onset and F length are going to be controlled by additional empirical functions which I'm not going to go into too much detail here."
"Logical functions are probably some of the most popular and useful in Excel."
"You can use text as well in your if statements as opposed to always looking for numbers."
"Countif and sum if are really useful little functions for you to use as well."
"As we look at the other states, you'll notice that not every function here is shown again. In those cases, that's because we're falling back on the default implementation declared in this file."
"The really key point here is that the verb trains are higher-order functions that are identified simply by putting the verbs next to one another."
"Variational calculus tries to find a stationary function."
"If you want to count everything, so cells, it doesn't matter if they've got text or numbers in them or weird symbols, if you want to count everything, you would use counta which stands for count all."
"XLOOKUP has a lot more options than VLOOKUP."
"In rock, you don't need parentheses for function calls."
"Rock's pipeline operator is just syntax sugar for function calls."
"You can call functions without parentheses."
"XLOOKUP is part of the whole lookup family of functions...it's also a lot more flexible."
"...both super useful functions for you to know when you're working in Excel."
"Combining functions together to make a really powerful formula."
"The implementation inside the outer function or the higher order function really matters."
"The prefrontal cortex is involved in planning, empathy, and looking at consequences."
"These make sense quite cool really helpful if you want to just create small little functions."
"Using enumerations with functions enhances code clarity and reduces the risk of errors."
"Here's a very quick way to make a function, so now we've created that function storing it on the box."
"Cholesterol is essential for cell formation, cell communication, nutrient absorption, nutrient transportation, hormone production, and immune system."
"Map, filter, reduce: higher-order functions in JavaScript."
"In order to call function 3 only after function 2 is completed, we use callbacks."
"With the help of callback functions, we could able to call the methods as per our need."
"When you pass an object to a function and then you edit that object, and then it's edited for the person on the outside. That's because what you have isn't the value itself. You're passing a pointer into the function."
"Progesterone is involved in bone density, blood sugar regulation, libido, mood, estrogen balancing, fat metabolism, and energy."
"So even those functions just about every one of those that helps defend us from covid."
"Min, max, and clamp are three amazing CSS functions that make writing CSS a lot easier."
"It's powerful, with hundreds of functions for creating, manipulating, measuring, studying, and visualizing networks."
"When our functions are tied to objects, we call them methods."
"Some of these take in a callback right, they're higher order functions, they take in a callback and depending on what that callback does, these could no longer be what. They could go from linear to be something else depending on the callback we're passing into it."
"Functions are just sets of instructions. They're building blocks, it's how we build up our programs."
"...good old VLOOKUPs everybody loves VLOOKUPs it's one of the most popular functions in Excel..."
"Functions on functions on functions, we got functions as arguments."
"DAX is a collection of functions, operators, and constants."
"The domain represents the X values... the range represents the possible Y values that the function can have."
"And it is odd, so this is actually really comforting because we know that the sine function, if I actually literally draw a sine of x, it is an odd function."
"We can show that for some open sets u, every harmonic function is the real part of a holomorphic function, and for other open sets, it's not true."
"Functions are simply a set of instructions, reusable and they become the building blocks of our programs."
"So that's how you do a weighted average and that's how you do your average, average if, and average if s functions in google sheets."
"So whenever you have multiple composite functions, just work your way from the outside towards the inside, and everything is multiplied by each other."
"We can find lots of rational functions with at least three poles in a fundamental domain."
"...and then of course if both of those fail for you if you just prefer to fill out the index and match index and match which is a nested function will always be available."
"All the ideas that we had from before in linear algebra, around orthogonality in norms... we're going to have orthogonality of functions."
"But in the end, what that tells us is that what we either have f of x is always equal to x or f of x is always equal to negative x."
"Composite functions and inverses: unlocking the mysteries of function relationships."
"The functions of the skeletal system include support, protection, movement assistance, mineral storage, blood production, and triglyceride storage."
"This is real functions that have been added in C++ 11 in order to enable me to write proper generic code."
"Deep neural nets are essentially compositions of functions with multiple layers."
"This force one and force two these like functions called force 1 and force 2 are fed in as the f parameter here."
"Cool routines are suspendable and resumable functions."
"Index match is a powerful alternative to something like vlookup."
"X lookup can rearrange columns dynamically."
"X lookup supports wildcard characters."
"C provides a simple feature using malloc and free functions that allow a programmer to request a certain amount of memory be allocated dynamically, use the memory, and then return the memory to the C runtime library for reuse."
"Vector databases come with built-in similarity functions such as the cosine distance."
"Vector databases they come with built-in similarity functions."
"It's nice when you have a language that comes with functions among them."
"You should avoid using non-delegable functions."
"An inverse function undoes what the other function does."
"If a function has an inverse, then that inverse will be that function reflected over a 45-degree line."
"Inverse functions are inverses if you run it through both of the functions and get the same thing out no matter the order in which you execute that guy."
"Make sure you understand this concept because in the next lesson we're going to be calculating the inverse function."
"Async functions, they can be used as methods, functions, some special methods, there's things like asynchronous iteration and so forth."
"Maps are the most fundamental functions in programming."