
Gender Reveal Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"My whole vlog at Universal Studios is about how I don't know the gender of my baby, let's try these old wives' tales, and then people watched Ryland's vlog and at one point we're just like joking on the escalator, and Ryland goes 'So he's a Virgo,' and I go 'Yeah.'"
"The California wildfire sparked by a gender reveal celebration taking the life of a first responder."
"An explosive device used in a gender reveal party has sparked a wildfire."
"Stay tuned for the gender reveal because we're gonna do it."
"We're having a boy, it's so exciting, I am so excited."
"I feel like if we're gonna have another kid, I would like to do a gender reveal, just so much fun, I will still stand by."
"Oh my goodness, it's blue, let's go, it's a baby baby boy."
"I was not even thinking, this is just like announce if it's a boy or a girl."
"Is it a prince or a princess it's a little prince if you guessed that we're having a baby boy you were right."
"I secretly hoped for twins, but I'm so happy it's a girl!"
"I'm ready to see, man, who's ready for the gender reveal?"
"Our gender reveal was lamb themed so this is so cute."
"Okay, more smoke bomb, oh, it's a boy, it's your boy, it's a boy."
"It's a girl, the old wives' tales were cracked by one."
"You really just don't know, and we're already going to be surprised whether it's a girl or boy."
"What? It's a girl! Congratulations, Grace!"
"Gender reveal fails: There's something for everybody."
"It's either a boy or a girl. Surprise bonsai tree. Surprise chicken wings. Oh my gosh, are you as surprised as I am? No, it's either a boy or a girl. It's 50/50. Ever flipped a coin and been shocked?"
"It's a girl," Indigo whispered as she fell into my arms, crying in earnest now.
"Peanut can you tell us what the gender is? Peanut is a... it's a girl, it's a girl! Yay!"
"In this complicated New World, the children are in charge of their own gender reveal."
"We are officially having a baby girl. I am so excited about it."
"Congratulations! Oh wait, I'm so sorry, it's a girl. Where's the trash can?"
"I'm going to need your help with the gender reveal just go ahead and buy some blue canons."
"We're going to find out the gender in a secret envelope so we can take it and get this surprise gender reveal going."
"It's a girl. Baby B is a girl, and baby C is a boy. Oh my god!"
"So, I'm going to log in, you're going to look for the gender, and then we don't want to know. Yeah, we don't want to know, but you're just going to write either girl in pink or boy in green. Green, and then fold it up some more."
"Time to find out what our baby is. Boy, my heart is literally or girl, babe, put it in the middle. Aie, aie, she senses that something is happening."
"Damn you TikTok. Oh no, it's a gender reveal."
"but then we found out it was a boy and it was was like okay it was God's plan we had two girls we weren't trying this time my game if you know what I'm talking about strong um got you we got you what up"
"We're having a girl! Oh my gosh, I am still in shock, Zamfam."
"Finding out the baby's gender is just like a bonus because it's just meaningless."
"As soon as we get that call from the doctor like, 'Do you want to know the gender?' I'm like, 'Yeah.'"
"I think today's gonna be the official day that I really feel like we're having another kid though just because we're gonna know the gender."
"I will be shocked if it's a girl. I will too but I was like thinking about it before like but it's 50/50 how sweet that would be if we had a little girl."
"But I was so convinced I think I like convinced myself that it was a girl for so long because I was super sick in the first trimester."
"Second trimester everything kind of calms down and you feel most like yourself but you just like also have a little bump and you get to see the baby you find out the gender and all of that stuff is just so much fun."
"She knows the gender of our baby."
"I want to be here for every step. I don't want to find out on Skype we're having a boy."
"We found out the sex of the baby like two days ago."
"I can see blue, I can see blue, it's a boy!"
"Hey, it's a boy!... I thought it was gonna be a girl."
"Our deals are due. The gender reveal will be delivered to your door."
"I just want to say thank you, it's gonna happen in two weeks, so we have the big appointment, yeah, where they're gonna say if our baby is a boy or girl, I think it's a girl."
"So what do you guys think, boy or girl? Let's do a little guessing game."
"Harry revealed their next child's gender is a girl."
"They'll say Dad, do you want to tell her what it is? He gets to call out what the baby is."
"I'm still shocked that we're having a boy."
"You can do a gender reveal if you want to as long as it doesn't hurt other people."
"She just knew that it was a girl, spoiler alert it wasn't."
"Are y'all ready to find out what the baby is?"
"You just hold it and pull a pin and if the smoke is pink, it's a girl. If it's blue, it's gonna be a baby boy."
"The only reason I wanted a gender reveal is because it is something my mother would have loved."
"The best gender reveal party is when the doctor says it's a blank and the parents cry from joy either way."
"I do know the gender; it's actually a very funny story which I will share another time."
"I'm so excited to do the gender reveal; I've literally been waiting years and years for this moment."
"We are definitely excited and we get to now move forward and plan all of that with knowing the baby's gender."
"I had a dream that we were having a baby girl, and I found out that I was right."
"It's a girl, it's a girl, there you go, we make girls."
"I refused my sister's offer to pay for my gender reveal scan so my girlfriend and I found out in August that we were going to be parents to our first child."
"What do you think the baby is? I'd love to know what you guys think."
"We were over the moon when we found out the baby was a boy."
"I'll be super happy if it's a girl or a boy."
"She's having a girl, that is amazing."
"It's pouring pink water orbs; it's a girl! I'm going to have a princess."
"I am actually very, very, very, very, very super happy we're having a girl."
"Absolutely wonderful, let's see if it's a girl or a boy... happens to be a girl which is great because I would prefer a girl because they get a little bit bigger."
"Oh my goodness, so obviously by now you know it's a boy. Yay, boys!"
"We found out the gender of our baby, this is crazy."
"The gender reveal parties should be the following: 'Ooh cake, let's cut into it, the color on the inside is the gender.'"
"We're having a girl, we're so excited."
"We're having a boy and they confirmed that at my 12-week ultrasound."
"It's a girl, really? Thank you so much!"
"It's a boy, I'm going to tell you guys, it's a boy."
"We're gonna make this the most epic gender reveal ever."
"They don't yet know the gender of the baby, so this project is not only going to be baby related, it's also going to be gender reveal."
"When we lift up the blanket, there's going to be some candy hidden inside that's going to reveal the gender of the baby."
"I'm getting so anxious to know if it's a boy or girl because I'm so excited either way."
"We were so right with our predictions using the old wives' tale."