
Safety Advice Quotes

There are 284 quotes

"If you're running electricity to a shed, check with your local building code. Always check your local building code."
"If you ever get tased, don't jump in a pool. That's like rule number one."
"Stay in your lane, ego is the biggest killer of motorcycle riders."
"Just make sure you know where you're meeting, just make sure that it's safe and yeah you're all good."
"Put your own air mask on before you try and secure the air mask of your child."
"State's top health official is issuing a stark warning: 'Wear your seat belt, take medications as prescribed, reconsider high-risk activities that could land you in the hospital.'"
"From Iron Ron Swanson as always guys and girls, be safer out there."
"No phones and driving, guys. And also, no drinking and driving."
"Thanks for watching guys, take care stay safe and just prepare prepare prepare."
"If any adult ever in your entire life asks you to keep a secret, you should be extremely scared."
"Think about that if you find yourself hopefully you never do but if you find yourself in a dangerous situation."
"What a crazy ass thing to experience, you'd be safe out there man and don't quit hunting all right don't quit we don't like quitters."
"But this is a good reminder why you should never hike alone."
"If someone holds you at gunpoint in a public area and they want you to go into a private area, do not do it."
"Fasten your [ __ ] seat belt and keep your eyes on the road."
"Remain calm, do not succumb to provocations, and remain in your houses."
"If you ever go to a tactical training course and they have you doing [ __ ] like this, do yourself a favor and leave."
"Listen to your gut. If something doesn't feel right, don't get on the bike."
"Secure your mask before securing the mask of those sitting next to you."
"Get out there and motor, as is permissible, and do so in a legal and safe fashion at all times."
"Stay safe, stay off the streets, unless you should be on the streets."
"Concerned, be more concerned about putting a seat belt on when you go drive to your local market."
"None of Jillian's claims are based on scientific fact. Please do not make this concoction for yourself because you think there's a chance it'll actually heal you."
"Start evacuating if you've been asked to evacuate."
"Maintain social distancing and hand hygiene, crucial for everyone's safety."
"If you're still in Russia run leave now okay now's a time to go right when they start killing people is a time to get out."
"Using only one shell type is like driving at night with your lights off. It's strange at the very least. But most importantly, it's dangerous."
"Ultimately I think you're gonna be fine but like I think it's always better to be safe than sorry."
"If you run into a bear, make yourself look big."
"Just get away from the storm, that's the easy way to put it."
"Be in the most secure structure that you can be during the storm."
"You're going to be just fine if you just listen to what I say and what we say here at WFLA."
"Always go to your parties in groups and have a safe word with each other."
"If abuse is happening, you need to be reported to a trusted friend, counsel, and the police."
"Calm dive when storming, that's dangerous. Not a lot, that's true. Yeah, you also want to make sure the water's deep enough before you go for a dive."
"Safety First, wear protection. That is the best advice you're ever going to get."
"So with all of that being said, please be safe about whatever vitamins or supplements you might be consuming," she said.
"Run, hide, fight: the best advice in an active shooter situation."
"Pour the lye solution into water, not the other way around."
"Protect yourself at all times, anything can go wrong."
"If you can't identify your target, you probably shouldn't be shooting at it."
"If it is right to oppose this idea of inequality and we have identified that Islam is the source, is it therefore right to oppose Islam? Yes."
"Those days are gone... You have to be careful and pay very close attention."
"If you can live without it, it's safe to take."
"Know where you're at, I mean there's not gonna be a lot of guidance points but have like a GPS location device on you."
"The easiest way to not get bit by a snake is to leave it alone."
"Don't stick your hand in liquid oxygen. Don't try and drink it. It would be bad."
"Stay safe stay away from doppelgangers and I'll see you all very soon."
"I want to reassure Americans who are scared that we'll get through this. You don't need to be scared, but you do need to be cautious. Follow the medical advice."
"Just avoid feeding them directly and try to move your food out of the way."
"She should back into the hallway and demand Jerry drop the screwdriver, so she’s out of range of Jerry’s weapon."
"I think if you're in any situation, guy or girl, if someone says to you, 'Hey, before you lay down on this thing, do you mind if I put a drop cloth down real quick?'—run, just run."
"Check the weather before you leave, that's a key point," - Safety Tip
"Carry a real cheap plastic whistle, doesn't have to be expensive," - Safety Tip
"The buddy system has been proven to work. Run with a friend or in well-lit, populated areas."
"It's better to be safe than sorry and to be paranoid than dead."
"If you find something, don't touch it, call us."
"I hope this is the lesson to all of you out there: be careful if you're going to drink, get in an Uber. It costs you nothing compared to what it costs otherwise."
"Stay safe, stay home, stay indoors. We're gonna have a much bigger impact in this scenario if we stay safe, stay home, stay home, stay safe."
"Skinny people are easier to kidnap. Stay safe, eat cake."
"Some risk is unavoidable, but I think you should try and do everything you can to minimize avoidable risk." - Retired U.S. Navy submarine Captain David Markey
"Never jump off a cliff unless you're a trained professional."
"It's a classic golden rule of horror movies: if somebody has died in the house, you should probably leave as soon as humanly possible."
"Cincinnati police advised motorists to keep their windows closed for the time being."
"The big takeaway from sledding down the hills is to always remember the pizza before you french fry."
"Move higher inland, stay away from the water, there's going to be dangerous currents and you have to wait for the all clear."
"A knife is not worth your life though it's that simple."
"Stay safe, stay shine, stay away from them fireworks, okay?"
"Stay in the house... there's safety in the house."
"It's always better to be safe and then prepare for the worst and hope for the best."
"Too many people are not speaking the truth, too many people are not telling these young folks out here to be careful. It's not about victim blaming, okay? It's about being careful and not letting your guard down."
"But biggest thing is one charged phone you know on your person water food all that."
"If you go to a park and ask, 'Can I pet the tiger?' The answer should always be a resounding no."
"Don't try and think about knocking a polar bear out, they'll kill you."
"What should you do if an adult grabs you and tries to take you?"
"Remember, if a stranger offers to buy you a toy or a treat, you have to say no and walk away."
"The best thing to do is to remain calm, press the emergency button, and wait for help to arrive."
"Don't use them except in extreme emergencies."
"Protect yourself Storm, yes protect yourself and always wear protection."
"Please be safe, please watch everybody's safety, good health, social distance, wash your hands, please."
"Kidnappers won't wait for you to throw down your backpack before they snatch you," she used to say. I never really appreciated what she was trying to teach me until later when I actually had to put our practices into use.
"When you're getting shocked, your muscles contract. So, if you're grabbing something and it starts shocking you, your muscles contract in your hand kind of grips and you can't let go."
"Better to be safe and sorry." - Advice amidst uncertainty
"Don't get into any exploding cars, that's my don't get into exploding cars is the moral of the story."
"Chances are the water is going to go around you."
"No matter how great the view might look, stay on the ground."
"Just don't jump out please - please just be smart."
"You minimize your risk by not dating online. There is a 99% chance that you are about to get done dirty."
"Do not go to an abandoned place alone and without proper equipment because you don't know what or who is there."
"Please do stay home, stay safe, and save lives. See you very soon, bye bye."
"Stick to the classic psychedelics, they're the safest, most field-tested."
"Just don't try to cover a lot of ground when you're by yourself."
"There are really many things we don't know about earthquakes, but we do know one thing: the way to avoid disasters is to be prepared."
"Wear your helmet and your seatbelt, kids and adults."
"When a bartender tells you that they think you've had enough, listen to them."
"You can't go overboard with lights if you're driving at night."
"Put on your own oxygen mask first before helping others."
"Stay safe, stay inside as much as you can unless you absolutely have to leave the house."
"Everywhere is pretty dangerous around here. Your best bet is probably the school."
"This is a good reminder to not leave things in your car that a thief might find attractive."
"This is what matters right now... stay healthy and stay safe."
"If you feel an earthquake and you're near the coast or a body of water, that is your warning that a tsunami may come and you should evacuate to high ground immediately."
"If you can at all help it, use ear protection of some sort."
"Rule three: always be careful in bathrooms. Dying on the toilet is a terrible way to go, so avoid it at all costs."
"Stay inside, wash your hands, if you go outside wear a mask, be kind to the people, animals, and I'll see you back here again for more full attacks."
"The most important thing you can do is to ride defensively."
"Stay safe, please be prepared, and watch your six."
"Masks help, wear masks when you're out in public."
"Your light can save your life, maybe you're in a stairwell and a building that's on fire."
"We're going to find you, we're going to bring you home, and if you ever get an opportunity, find a phone, find a safe adult, call 911."
"Please, while you're learning, please please please make sure to wear gear."
"That's probably a good guy, doesn't mean you shouldn't listen to verbal commands."
"Pros and cons in every concealed carry method, but if you cannot carry on your person, a bag is your next best option."
"The fastest way to have an accident is to pay attention to what's happening in another lane of the road you're on."
"Better safe than sorry because things can get out of hand real quick."
"Think about what I've said in terms of protecting yourself as you go out to the store."
"Please make sure to do your due diligence when meeting people off the internet."
"Use appropriate tools, have enough space, don't wear tassels, and you should be fine."
"It is always best to be safe rather than sorry, and to avoid situations and individuals that could have dark motives."
"Do not mess with my corner, raccoon will come at you!" - Raccoons will fight back and if you ever see a wild animal and they're not scared of you, run!
"Break free and move yourself forward with greater insight and confidence." - Be safe in doing so.
"Stick to the inner cities, people. You don't wanna get got by Lara."
"Your best bet is to avoid and get out of that situation. Leave the violence as a last resort."
"My advice is to get a dash cam or a camera pointed at the car."
"There's a time to go in and a time not to go in, there's a time to go in and a time to leave."
"Remember, when you start seeing smoke, run. Hope is not a strategy."
"If you're thinking of taking a leak in the Amazon River, you may want to think again."
"For all you out there listening, if you are a caregiver to children and you live rural or you're taking them for a hike or an outing, you should bring a dog at all costs."
"Just don't use extra hot loads, okay?" - Sometimes, simplicity is the best solution to potential problems.
"Blind spots don't exist, pro tip: adjust your wing mirrors properly."
"Hope you guys are staying inside playing video games, watching anime, watching movies, all that good stuff. Don't go outside, don't get sick, don't catch anything."
"Remember, drive the speed limit, drink some water, love one another."
"One of my classic sayings: better safe than sorry!"
"If something's telling you to leave now, you're good. They're not going to do anything to you unless you don't leave probably who knows, right?"
"Always look both ways when you cross the street."
"Always use your parking brake, no matter what, that's more if you're on the flattest service in the world." - Kristian Harloff
"If you hear a rumble or see a rush of water coming, run the opposite way and get as high up as possible."
"Stay safe, stay healthy, don't make enemies for no good reason..."
"The whole thing was a setup to begin with... Don't ever meet a stranger somewhere that isn't public."
"It’s always better to report something than wait until it’s too late."
"We need to stop telling women to not go out at night."
"Do your research, do your homework, and don't put yourself in danger."
"Enough to cause severe weather... always be prepared, be weather aware today."
"Everybody stay indoors okay it's gonna be alright."
"Never pull over if you can drive your car. Drive to the nearest police station or a well-lit area."
"The best way to prevent this type of tragedy is to just don't drink."
"Stay safe, stay sober, and don't break the law."
"If you're careful, you'll be okay. You might hurt yourself, but still, it's just worth noting not to do anything stupid."
"You're better to be in any type of riding gear than no riding gear at all."
"Make good choices, be safe out there, take care of yourself."
"Don't go outside and stand on your roof during a thunderstorm."
"If in doubt, get a test because that is the most important thing that you can do to help control this virus across the country." - Matt Hancock
"Please be safe, please be careful, stay inside, make sure you got everything covered like pipes and such, keep your animals inside, make sure your food is ready, guys."
"Don't run with scissors, it's very dangerous."
"The most optimal way to deal with combustion is to dispel it."
"It really does help to wear boring and conservative clothing because most men who harass women are drawn to exposed skin."
"No amount of radiation is good for the human body."
"You can always be prepared. It's always better to be prepared, not scared."
"It's always better to be safe than to be sorry."
"An excellent reminder that the best way to avoid injury is not to get hit."
"I would advise you to start thinking about your own physical safety."
"Thank you both so much and be in touch. Everybody stay safe. Wash your hands. Wear a mask. And... Let's abolish police."
"It's like the most common idiom: never follow a right to a second location."
"Always make sure to check your surroundings."
"Wear a helmet so you can skate tomorrow, dude."
"Never take rides from strangers unless they give you candy, that's always my number one motto."
"It's better to be safe than sorry, isn't it?"
"Always avoid climbing into a dead tree, it's wise to climb into a live tree."
"Remember to keep your wits about you and to stay safe out there."
"When cutting a tree, you want to have an escape route."
"Be careful y'all don't meet random strangers in places that uh don't have like a police officer somewhere near it or a lot of other people."
"Don't ever take a chance with dangerous things."
"Pay attention to what's going on. If they tell you to evacuate, you probably should."
"Please always bring at least one friend along with you anytime you plan on going out."
"Things to keep in mind when you're down mining underground."
"When disaster strikes, staying inside your home is almost always your best option."
"Wear safety glasses, you only have two eyeballs, they're delicate, take care of them."
"Wear a seat belt. It's far more likely to save your life in a car crash."
"Remember, leashes on dogs, sobriety surprise while driving, there we go, we're learning today."
"Friends, don't forget to turn off the power from your breaker before you work on any electrical."
"It's very important to be honest. Do share your location in case anyone strays away from the party. Very good idea, but not necessarily only the party in general."
"So do be prepared, get ready for these storms and stay safe everyone."
"Wow, please stay safe, seek shelter, and get the hell out because apparently this thing is supposed to be monstrous around Tampa."
"If you're going to put it in your butt make sure it has a flared base."
"I want you to be extra cautious until the culprit is found," Antonio urged his family to stay vigilant.
"Voluntarily give up money or property requested and most importantly, remain calm."
"Now, if you meet an angry grizzly bear, never try to run away because the bear can easily outrun you."
"Experts advise never to try and outrun a twister."
"Any time you park, use the parking brake."
"Make sure that you're safe, make sure at least someone knows where you are."
"If you're not sure about anything berry wise, just don't eat it. Just walk away. Don't even touch it. Don't sniff random bushes. Don't lick any weird rocks. Don't eat any strange berries, please. Thank you, next."
"Be prepared and if you are going through an intersection, probably a good idea to slow down a little bit, look both ways."
"Please don't undertake any electrical work unless you are supervised or you have the right equipment and knowledge."
"If a fire starts from oil, you should never pour water on it."
"You don't give a kid a gun for Christmas."
"Do not forget this: a carbon monoxide detector. It could save your life for sure."
"Always tell your family where you're going and when you'll be back."
"Girls and guys, always, always keep an eye on your drinks. Have fun but make sure to be careful when you're out and about, okay?"
"Dark quiet shortcuts are not a good idea, especially late at night, and always remember to keep your doors locked when you drive."
"Stay safe out there, if you're not safe, you're not going to help anybody else."