
Sea Quotes

There are 616 quotes

"He released the two seas meeting side by side...between them is a barrier so neither of them transgresses."
"The real answer remains elusive, hidden deep within the unforgiving grasp of the sea."
"Guardian of the underworld and the god of the sea."
"The sea god and the devil the sea are the same person."
"I'm terrified of going in the sea... that's fear."
"This is nice I can't believe how calm the sea is today."
"True sailors have great respect for the sea's immense power."
"Being the king of pirates is the one person in the world with the most freedom on all of the seas."
"The Aian Sea spread out before them like a vast life full of promise and plans."
"She has always smelled like the sea."
"There are tales from ancient times of sailors encountering giant octopus-like creatures that they knew as the Kraken."
"There is some comfort in the emptiness of the sea, no past, no future, just the present."
"Ancient song and soul of the sea, awaken the cosmic awareness within."
"We got a breathtaking sight of the sea."
"Where the river meets the sea, stories unfold."
"A pirate ship on a stormy sea, that's my favorite place to be."
"We are sailing on the sea, yes, what could be better?"
"The wind roared, and the waves rose higher than the enemy ships’ mastheads."
"The sea is gray and choppy, the sky streaked with amber and gold."
"The sea is perfectly impartial; it cares not for who or what you are."
"The world was originally mostly sea with one D-shaped long ring of land that made up a supercontinent."
"A bad day at Sea beats a good day at the office" – That's not true. One, a bad day at Sea is really scary. And two, a good day at the office kicks ass. I mean, it's just fabulous. It's exciting and you're watching things come together."
"A bad day at Sea is really scary and a good day at the office kicks ass."
"They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep."
"Ninety percent of all trade travels by sea. Our food, our fuel, our clothes, everything we need or use comes to us by ship."
"The sea completely defines life here."
"He brings the entire sea, he stops their sharks and yeah friends."
"Sea Ranger is all about safety at Sea, peace of mind when Motoring in isolated areas far from land is a Priceless commodity."
"The sea sparkles beneath you, a brilliant blue that merges with the horizon."
"I'm sure he is happiest on the sea, back to where he belongs."
"The Sea for me has a fascination. I like being on the sea. I sleep better on a boat. I like the smell of it, the taste of it, so it's somewhere where I'm happy."
"The Sea Spirit's onboard programming offered lectures by the ship's Expedition guides on everything from Seals to photography."
"Why don't more businesses own the sea?"
"You've got the sea, you've got the beaches... perfect for two or four wheels."
"Mad respect to anyone who works on the sea. You have to respect the sea."
"...the difference in living space and sea-kindliness and capability, safety and comfort."
"The sea isn't a child's game. It's dangerous."
"I love the sea because she keeps me widey honeycombed and wild, and I hope that what I share with you here will do the same for you."
"The sea is cold, but the sea contains the hottest blood of all, whales weep not."
"I wiped my cheek thinking that the sea had splashed me yet again, but I was met with an abundance of tears."
"There is no longer a need to feel uncomfortable while at sea."
"Ninety percent of all we consume is transported by sea."
"The whale used its tail to shatter Salvino's boat."
"The sea is just so blue and clear, oh stunning."
"The sea is the one thing which emu and the world government have proven unable to conquer."
"There is a vast difference between the mysteries of the sea and those of the infinite space beyond the envelope of air that surrounds us."
"I like seeing things in the sky and things in the sea, especially under the sea in the deep sea cuz it makes me scared and I think that's why I like things in the sky cuz it also makes me scared."
"I've been doing some googling about how to fish at sea. The problem is, I don't really understand what half of this stuff means."
"The sea did more than feed and nourish the Colusa, it furnished the building blocks for their homes and villages."
"The sea is a continuous miracle. The fishes that swim, the rocks, the motion of the waves, the ships with men in them. What stranger miracles are there?"
"He had seen too many queer things on the sea to say that ghosts did not exist."
"They're not really cruises anymore. They're floating entertainment zones at sea."
"What you need is to take to the seas and alert them that you're coming with boat music."
"Seeing the sea, I can smell the sea. The drowned god has not abandoned me."
"The scent of the sea makes you think of warm summer days on the coast."
"This is the life: the sea, the sky, and the boat sailing by."
"A storm of unprecedented size put to Sea from British ports."
"This makes me so happy to my core. I love being by the sea. It's why we live by the sea. It just makes me feel good, like that sea air, the calmness, but also how the sea can change, I just find it amazing."
"I love the smell of the sea. Don't you?"
"He who is enslaved to the compass has the freedom of the sea."
"She never seemed content to stay on the shore always finding one reason or another to return to the Sea."
"The crew who had faced death with bravery now faced death in the tempestuous sea."
"It seems like a glitch in the universe, like all of these people seemingly vanished from the face of the Earth while the sea wasn't directly responsible for these disappearances, the sea was an indispensable cause for their vanishment."
"There’s an old sailor’s saying out here, that only the sea and love wash away the ink of borders, and I think it’s true."
"Of course, if there's a horrible storm on the sea at night, that's when the big storms happen."
"There is in fact more earth than sea."
"The desolate aspect of the sea filled me with an idea of chilliness, although the air was quite warm and muggy."
"...a hint that John sees the chaotic powers of the sea as calmed by divine sovereignty."
"The sea is everything. It's breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert where a man is never alone for he feels life quivering around him on every side."
"Everything now comes to me from the sea, and everything will one day return to it."
"Ninety percent of all trade travels by sea."
"It's like a colorful sea. It's so gorgeous."
"A living man can find the sea more easily than a dead one."
"The brown water means shallower depths, different type of ship needed than on the high seas."
"Anything tied to the sea, anything tied to the ocean in the sense of fish, shrimp, clams, conch shells, any kind of shells and maybe even like sailor stuff like rum or sea shanties... that's what I see a lot of people give as sea shanties."
"That's a lot of silverware at the bottom of the China Sea."
"According to Legend, the Kraken was so large that its body could be mistaken for an island."
"...if they found someone in the sea they would be rescued just whether or not they were friendly depended on whether or not they were a prisoner or just lucky to be fished out of the water."
"Roar of the sea is, in my opinion, the coolest name in all of One Piece."
"Melville tends to take his novels out on the high seas, where certain elemental conflicts are bound to occur."
"Strange things can happen out at sea in the dark."
"That's it the heart's just gonna be lost at sea again."
"I've always loved the sea. It's not that I'm a sailor or anything, but growing up around the coast means I've always felt close to it."
"Swimming in the sea can be kind of like a video game, only on hard mode."
"As far back as man can remember, Sailors have prayed to the sea or to some entity they conceived of as the god of the sea."
"There's something really powerful and potent about walking towards the north sea."
"People have returned and look again to the sea for their livelihood."
"Wasn't that the best time that time when we were young at sea young and have nothing on the sea that gives nothing except hard knocks and sometimes a chance to feel your strength."
"Once I was out somewhere in the South Pacific it was calm and sunny where we were but there were large storms past the Horizon on pretty much all sides in this calm sea we saw a wooden raft floating."
"Is this your idea of proper behavior? Is it lying around on the sea while people die? Oh, very well done!"
"Some people also think you come from the sea."
"The sea can be a friend to those chasing adventure, but also an enemy to those sailing the waters."
"Despite efforts to understand and manage marine life, such encounters serve as reminders of the untamed nature of the sea and its inhabitants."
"Successful drug seizures at Sea are often triggered by Foreign surveillance aircraft."
"Mother nature is a powerful beast, yeah. Especially the sea."
"Sunrise is my absolute favorite time at Sea."
"What better way of enjoying that interaction with the sea?"
"Ah, the sea, the sea, the sea. What a majestic feeling to stand beside the sea, the North Sea."
"Njǫrðr is often called the god of the sea, but we have to be careful about those labels in Norse mythology."
"We're really coming to appreciate a lot the sea."
"I love being at sea. It's awesome."
"Foreign invaders of the sea obviously helps us get the term sea peoples."
"Still, the Titanic inspires all, lying broken at the bottom of the ocean, an eerie eternal testament to the limits of human ambition and the power of the sea."
"Outer space is almost like another version of the sea but just on a much bigger scale."
"A table near the sea with the sea going by and a glass of something, just yeah, take it all in."
"Whosoever commands the sea commands the trade, commands the riches of the world, and consequently the world itself."
"Pirates are free. They do what they want, be it good or bad. Pirates belong to no one but the sea, they take orders from no one but their Captain."
"The seas look so tempting, don't they?"
"I've always had an affinity to the sea. My father was in The Merchant Navy as a younger man."
"There's just nothing better for me than like standing out and looking out at the sea."
"Standing out and looking out at the sea just makes all my worries completely leave my mind."
"Alone, alone, all, all alone, alone on a wide, wide sea."
"The North Sea still calls to us, its Waters filled with promise and Peril."
"One never knows what trials the sea will pit against you."
"'Maybe liking the sea for the first time in her life.'"
"...three men embark on an epic journey under the sea with the mysterious Captain Nemo aboard his submarine the Nautilus."
"Makes you feel really safe at sea."
"The Buccaneer's legacy endures etched in the salty winds and The Whispers of the Waves."
"It had been 51 hours since he'd been drugged and fallen overboard into the sea."
"Top tip for your last night on board: place a towel through your hangers. It does stop them from clattering around if you've got some lumpy seas. You're welcome."
"They dance on the sea's surface and do not sink."
"The presence of the sea with its incessant rhythm."
"Surfers Paradise Beach, the renowned Gold Coast, showcases its remarkable trio of sun, sand, and sea along its iconic three-kilometer beach."
"I find it hard to put into words the utter euphoria and elation that washes over me at sea, followed by sheer contentment and an overwhelming gratitude to be alive."
"Full of our lives on the line and set out to sea, even though we don't know anything."
"The Kraken has become a symbol of the untamed power and danger of the sea."
"Everything that dies at sea, sailors, sea monsters, sea creatures, just anything, is being all drawn to one place."
"Any day in the Caribbean sunshine at sea is going to be a good one, isn't it?"
"Strange things have been seen in these waters."
"The bridge between the land and the sea."
"How he manages to remain calm, only the sea God knows."
"The weather is rarely favorable, especially in winter; autumn and winter, there are storms, so you never leave the bridge."
"In a sense, to be rescued isn't easier than to rescue."
"The beauty of sunset at sea never gets old."
"This is the siren's call of royal seas for untold centuries; it is beckoned man to the sea."
"Saw the sea, beautiful and mysterious."
"Why would you look outside yourself when you have the sea?"
"I saw her, the captain's rambling and ranting, repeating himself and gesticulating wildly at the seas around them."
"Gazing at the sea, he wondered if she had any fears that her own children would treat her with such hostility."
"She's going to be heading out into the ocean for tuna, going to be up in the San Juans, Puget Sound, you name it, this boat is going to be exploring."
"The ship is most likely overwhelmed by a wave, pulled down by the weight of all the expensive wine to a watery grave."
"I'm more comfortable a thousand miles in all directions from land than I am like in half the social settings making small talk with people."
"The sea can throw so many things at you. It can throw, in a heartbeat, an unwelcome circumstance that profoundly changes your life, and in the next moment, it can throw an incredible moment at you that can also change your life."
"A gentle breeze was blowing in from the sea beyond."
"The Sea Breeze is so fascinating, guys."
"The sea is one of Nature's most generous resources."
"You are not afraid of the sea, my dumb child," said he, as they stood on the deck of the noble ship.
"I have asked to be where no storms come, where the green swell is in the havens dumb, and out of the swing of the sea."
"Look at the color of the sea, like a milky blue."
"The fish in the sea ask Allah to forgive the one who imparts knowledge."
"That is one of the most unusual things that I have seen at sea."
"There was the color of the sea in her wide eyes."
"I was far from home and the spell of the eastern sea was upon me."
"Life under the sea is better than anything they got up there."
"We're having a lovely afternoon on our day at sea."
"The sea is calling, and we must go."
"He always thought of the sea as la mar which is what people call her in Spanish when they love her. Sometimes those who love her say bad things of her but they are always said as though she were a woman."
"Once you're at sea, you're in control of your own destiny."
"Listen to the sound of the sea crashing in."
"There are the neverending sounds that belong to the sea, the voices of wind that moving water."
"This sea is truly my home, especially when I'm on a sailboat."
"It's so lovely in the morning to wake up to the sunrise with the sea here."
"The sea is like a sheet of glass today."
"The sea is full of little flakes of gold like tiny pieces of glitter; it looks amazing."
"I want to live. Take me to the sea with you."
"I couldn't have been more wrong, the sea down there is absolutely incredible."
"There is only one king under the sea, and that's me, Namor the Submariner."
"For all its beauty and splendor, the sea can be a cruel teacher."
"Survival at sea, especially when stranded on a kayak, demands quick thinking and resourcefulness."
"And those to whom that music comes, here it ever after in their hearts, and longing for the sea never leaves them again."
"The sea is the main reason I moved here because I do open water swimming."
"Gentle sometimes and soothing, then suddenly flying into a rage and dashing things to pieces."
"The smell of the sea pleased him so much that he wanted one day to take it in pure and unadulterated in such quantities that he could get drunk on it."
"In those blissful weekends of his boyhood, Mark became utterly enchanted by the sea."
"Out in the open sea, Steve relished the solitude, feeling like a sea creature."
"You just can't stay away from the sea and ships and sailing men, can you?"
"Where two seas of different hues unite in a breathtaking blend."
"Heading out to sea in the new world to see all the adventures that have never been before seen by the man himself."
"The sea wouldn't have delivered them to me if I wasn't supposed to save them."
"The sea gives and takes in equal measure."
"The sea on my lips with the taste of tears, and the whole white night shouted and wept."
"The sea, the sea, the sea, it holds our secrets."
"It's a lovely day, there's no wind, the sea's calm."
"The incredible story of Tammy's survival at sea is one that will have you amazed and inspired."
"We found sunken pirate treasure. It's been great being out on the Open Sea."
"Night, but at sea, delivers rest for some but disaster for the boarding party."
"Yo-ho-yoho, it's out to sea I go."
"I really haven't found a sea that this boat doesn't like; it handles well in just about everything, especially for a four and a half meter boat."
"There's something so special about the sea; it feels good for my soul."
"Returning to the sea is the main portion here that we've incorporated with the environment."
"Whenever you go paddling, make sure you never turn your back to the sea."
"Sometimes the sea bests all of us."
"That really is the best way to start your day, with a little dip in the sea."
"I had just sailed the seven seas and was returning home with a bounty, but the ocean had other plans."
"It was almost as if like baptized by the sea maids, by the sea mothers."
"Epic, just boating, anything to do with sea."
"If you keep your eyes out on the horizon, out at the sea at all times, pay attention to what's going on, you're gonna be okay out there."
"The sea waves are very beautiful."
"Fancy a life on the high seas if you can smile, dance, sing, and act non-stop for countless nautical miles."
"The sea and the beach here is so blue, like the bluest water ever, actually crazy."