
Imperialism Quotes

There are 248 quotes

"Russia badly needs decolonization because it's a failing imperial project."
"The alternative [to cultural protectionism]... It's like an extension of imperialism."
"People who wish to dismiss these issues always call it people "being offended." The problem with Bond as the avatar of imperialism isn't simple "offense." The problem is what it projects as "good" and "civilized" and what it projects as "bad" and "beastly.""
"Imperialism is going in and taking over other people's countries without their permission."
"It's possible to oppose Russian imperialism and U.S. imperialism at the same time."
"The archipelago of Empire: the bases that we have around the world, hidden in plain sight, are the real territory of our Empire."
"Wells’s tale about Martians invading Earth is widely interpreted as a commentary on British Imperialism."
"A call to action for African leaders to resist manipulation by imperialist forces."
"We may have reached our imperial sell-by date."
"He believed that America could not be an imperial power abroad and continue to be a democracy at home."
"We in the West, we invented the argument that he's an imperialist that he's bent on conquering Ukraine."
"National character: 'Some nations have been successful in building and maintaining empires...'"
"Bernie Sanders is the Empire. He's the one supporting imperialism 100% with all the strength he has as one of the 50 most powerful people in the world."
"Data capitalism is essentially data imperialism, digital colonization."
"We are living in the imperial core and we can't even reap the rewards of all that [ __ ] bloodshed."
"Atlantis: a critique of western capitalism and imperialism."
"The Empire of Japan had a relatively short history, but it made itself infamous during those decades."
"Neocolonialism is imperialism in its final and most dangerous stage."
"What the imperialists are doing around the world and what they are doing to America and the working class of America are the same."
"The competition between private empires fueled imperialism."
"If you're not against the imperialists, you're kind of gonna move in the direction of socialism anyway."
"China is an opportunistic colonialist power."
"Why are we not criticizing the Chinese government for current imperialism?"
"To think about Haiti in terms only of these specific crises is to completely ignore the continuous role over 200 years of US imperialism in Haiti."
"Russia is not satisfying the definition of imperialism."
"There are also examples of U.S imperialism failing and further radicalizing the revolution."
"British imperialism then was much like American exceptionalism is today, very ethnocentric thinking that they were the best of the best of the best."
"The client system’s economy of force also aided continued Imperial expansion."
"The Opium War started a century of humiliation for China."
"He sees that the primary beneficiaries of his and his Marines' interventions are the banks, our Wall Street, our American politicians, and then he sees the ways in which imperialism abroad gets re-imported as authoritarianism and fascism at home."
"Themes of imperialism, colonialization, Marxism, and workers' Revolution are very much baked into what this game is about."
"The rainbow flag is the symbol not of the traditional American Nation but of the American Empire."
"The anger that people feel towards America's imperialism is underestimated."
"Imperialism is the highest form of capitalism."
"America could not be an Empire abroad and continue to be a democracy."
"You know I'm not one to try to advise imperialists on how to do it better but I mean come on guys look what happened with World War One... it's happened before right?"
"The idea that Crimea is always Russian is imperial, wrong, and silences the history of the genocide of its native population."
"China is an expanding power, an imperialist power."
"The imperialist U.S. is like the biggest thing that China has to struggle against."
"It was a stark sign that the age of European imperialism was over and that a new international order had taken its place."
"America gains Guam, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines."
"The Athenians argued they had a right to their empire and could now not just simply give it up because they'd become powerful."
"Judaism was born as a protest movement, a protest against empires and imperialism."
"Manifest destiny: a glitzy PR term for just do whatever you want."
"The most racist thing we can do as a country is continue on with our imperialistic ways." - Jimmy Dore
"Dan is falling apart, yeah this is the end of the American overseas Empire."
"It's not a migrant crisis, it's an imperialism crisis."
"Economic imperialism is real. Owning all of the business, that's actually real."
"The Chinese people understand the historical legacy of Western imperialism."
"Imperialism is an equal-opportunity exploiter."
"They see this hypocritical American Empire drunk on power."
"Imperialist wars privatize natural resources and exploit labor."
"But for the past three years another sun has been rising that of Imperial Japan."
"Being taken, these decisions were meant to break the first chains of slavery, imperialism, and neocolonialism."
"The real effort of imperialism of colonialism of white supremacy has been to disarm us of our empathy because our empathy is what allows us to see each other."
"Imperialism is the history of Western Civilization."
"Imperialism isn't always necessarily bad, sure, but I don't think that grounds to Tred to Annex Mexico and Panama."
"Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism."
"This press corps we have is the PR department of imperialism, whether they're attacking journalists or attacking civilians."
"The dragon becomes synonymous with Imperial power."
"If you want to criticize actually existing socialist countries, you have to address the fact that imperialism is setting the conditions by which socialist countries can navigate and develop."
"Questions of empire are not distant or abstract or academic, and they're not only questions about the past either."
"The British favored the idea of a soft empire which allowed them to dominate trade across the world."
"Imperialism is the idea of coming in and imposing your religion and your language on a group of people."
"Contemporary globalised financialized capitalism is imperialist, it is still siphoning value and resources from the global South to the global North."
"Imperialism is the systematically entrenched set of power relations through which development in one region is systemically connected to underdevelopment in another region."
"Republics can't go into the conquering business and remain republics; militarism leads to military domination, military despotism, imperialism smooths the way for the Emperor."
"Imperialism... victimizes the working people of your own country."
"Imperialism benefits really a very small portion of the population."
"Empires never stand naked in their violent injustice."
"They create a desolation and call it peace."
"The Middle East is littered with the remains of great powers who believed they could impose their schemes, their dreams, their ambitions on smaller ones."
"How will we cope with our decline? Will we cling to the Absurd dreams of an imperial superpower and the fantasies of a glorious tomorrow or will we responsibly face our Stark new limitations?"
"Brits nativize words because they’re imperialists with no regard for anyone else."
"At the end of the day, it was the Empire that won and that's the theme of War. There are no true winners besides the people who profit on the misery of others."
"I have just captured the Aztec empire. They have so much gold, it's unbelievable how much gold they have."
"We conquered these places but we didn't want to bring the people fully into the American project."
"The British Empire committed genocide in numerous countries, especially the Indian subcontinent. I mean, in the case of the Bengal famine in 1943, at least three million people died in an intentional famine caused by the British Empire."
"White people know that over all over the world people of color have been brutally and unjustly treated by white imperialism."
"Cultural imperialism is the set of ideas, concepts, and agencies used to structure the behavior of a people."
"And then remember this, the Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural."
"Imperialism was never uncontroversial."
"It's a corrupt, decaying imperialist democracy that has to put a good PR spin on its actions."
"Indiana Jones was an American imperialist thief. All we take is pictures."
"Folks are much more aware nowadays about European powers and how they ravage the world during their days of imperialism. Back in those days, if you were behind on your tech tree and Europe found you, well, you were basically done for."
"Cuba's failures are not born out of their structure of governance, their failures are a direct product of having incredibly limited trade partners due to the largest imperialist superpower stamped on top of their asses right there."
"How did an Empire that owned parts of the Americas, Asia, Africa, and even Australia eventually come to an end?"
"What good is all of this imperialism if you cannot feed all of your children inside of your own borders?"
"The growth of China, Russia, and the BRICS Allies are the alternative to imperialism, replacing imperialism with Empire without Mutual gains."
"Imperialism is rooted in the contradictions of capitalism."
"The high point of imperialism is reached already in 1914."
"There's a white supremacist attitude that a lot of people have towards that kind of conquest in the third world."
"The experience in Afghanistan speaks volumes about the futility of trying to impose Western ideals and control on a region resistant to foreign intervention."
"The Afghan War underscores the dangers of imperial overreach and the hubris of assuming Western superiority."
"America is so proud of being the biggest economy, the most powerful military force on the planet. It’s become the Empire from the perspective of a lot of people around the world."
"The IJA swiftly swept down coastal China, seizing every port except for the British colony at Hong Kong."
"Imperial support was offered to religious institutions of all kinds to promote peace, unity, and loyalty to the Empire."
"I think sometimes discussions of Empires these days can provoke a sense of nostalgia, but I don't think that we should be mourning the passage of those Empires or expect or anticipate for them to be reconstituted."
"It made me feel ashamed of belonging to these overpowering, technically superior countries fighting against what seemed to be defenseless people."
"The tectonic plates on centuries of Western Imperial domination are shifting with the decline of American Imperial power."
"Policing surprising no one with common sense has roots in British imperialism and colonialism"
"Annexation was an agreement between a small group of Americans who wanted this to take place to simply take the independence and the land and the dreams of a whole group of people and shift them over and give them over to the United States." - Dr. Jon Kamakawiwoʻole Osorio
"Where the agency lies is in providing the ground for the critique of this subjugation in the first place and secondly in the imperative that naturally results in recovering other ways of knowing and being in the world that do not seek imperial domination over the entire globe."
"Empire abroad means tyranny at home."
"Two ways to conquer and enslave a country: one is by the sword, and another is invited."
"That is the reason, ladies and gentlemen, that there are no Tories in Australia, only Labor and Liberals, but I can assure you, they all believe in that great idea we call the Empire, an idea we can make work gloriously if only we put our backs into it, all together."
"Ideologies of empire began to emerge."
"This was imperialism masquerading as rescue."
"The myth of protecting the route to India gave Britain an Empire, not all parts of it, but some parts of it. Britain took over territories because there was an off chance that there would be a threat to the road to India."
"Empire is never for the colonized; it's never defeated in battle. It is for the benefit of those who wage war, defeat other nations, then occupy their countries."
"For the first time, the East India Company turns from simply a trading power that shipped Indian textiles around the world into an imperial power that owns great chunks of territory."
"They never got Thailand. No, United States ran out of destiny to manifest, so they're looking for more."
"Imperialism has an up and downside for sure, a lot of people suffered a lot."
"Seward's vision of empire which doesn't come to pass during his lifetime, doesn't even come to pass during the 19th century, but ultimately becomes roughly the American empire."
"Empires of various shades often seek to exert a dominant or singular culture even as other cultural groups exist within its boundaries."
"When we removed the Taliban and Saddam Hussein, this was not imperialism, for these oppressed people it was their Liberation."
"The Empire is arrogant, they don't do their research, they don't consider previous history, local culture, or do a cost-benefit analysis."
"...he's a great imperialist what sort of Empire does he want to create what's his vision for his Empire he wants to create the most important and the biggest company dealing in the most important commodity in the world today which is information."
"Not only did they construct buildings for practical use, but architecture became an imperial tool to demonstrate to the world that Rome was culturally superior."
"France has a pretty big Empire too."
"The face of imperialism reveals an endless carnage and an endless slaughter parading under the flag of humanitarian intervention or protecting the rights of a minority ethnic group in the area."
"Britain came to realize the vast productive potential of India and sought to protect this asset by any means necessary."
"The idea is not just the restitution of the old claims of Italian irredenta, but of Italy being the principal power within the Mediterranean, Mare Nostrum."
"The Japanese Legacy of the co-prosperity sphere is that effect we have no ill of that have only been an extension of Japanese expansion itself."
"It's unarguable to me that America has colonized the unconscious of the world in the 20th century. That's true."
"Authentic imperialism always was in this sense multicultural."
"...it would be better that the sun did set on part of the British Empire rather than it rise and shed light on the abysmal conditions of the poor of London."
"Imperialism was destroyed by destroying the capacity of the imperialist powers to continue as they have."
"Japan was also in danger of being overpowered by Western Powers."
"The fight for Palestinian Liberation is central in the struggle against imperialism."
"...African heads of state must stop behaving like puppets who dance every time the imperialists pull the strings."
"The impact of the Arab Spring had on the imperialists is extremely important."
"...build the IMT and build the forces of revolution in this country, in France, in the United States, in Russia, in China, in the imperialist countries because you cannot have African liberation without the overthrow of imperialism everywhere."
"The Hawaiian Kingdom was invaded by the United States on 16th January 1893 which began its Century long occupation to serve its military interests."
"An emerging threat to Britain's Imperial Ambitions during the 19th century came from the Russian Empire."
"What happens in the Melian Dialogue is the Athenians come in and say, 'Hey, look, you're part of the empire, and if you don't like it, that's tough because we're going to kill all of you.'"
"In Imperial Moon, the British Empire unsurprisingly won the space race before it even began."
"Imperialism was sort of the final stage of the development of capitalism."
"Imperialism is one of the fundamental causes of World War One, period."
"Hobbesian rationalization of the state made colonialism and imperialism possible by depicting non-European societies as potentially in a state of nature."
"Every American president has been devoted to military primacy in the world... I think it's called American imperialism."
"The safety of their empire requires subduing all independent islands, which would lead you to Sicily."
"Imperialism does not change its nature; it only changes its front."
"It is bad enough that our economies, as a legacy of colonial rule, are imperialist controlled."
"For Japan, World War II provided the golden opportunity for imperial expansion whilst Europe was preoccupied fighting an angry man with a nervous twitch in his right arm."
"Du Bois directly engages with Western arguments about race and imperialism, challenging the notion of race as an essential quality."
"So, this hierarchical world in which empires run the world basically, most of the world is under some form of imperial control, blows itself up in 1914 because the empires decide to fight one another."
"The real imperialism is these white academics trying to tell people in the former colonies what they are and are not allowed to think about their own histories."
"The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort."
"The British acquisition of Hong Kong and opening of new treaty ports in China marked a key moment in the decline of Imperial China."
"...what makes the so-called spread of democracy a viable strategy for neo-liberal imperialism..."
"The collapse of the British, Dutch, and French rule in Asia was the first stage in the collapse of the European Empires on a global scale."
"Overthrowing foreign governments became a habit for the US, especially starting with Hawaii in 1893 and gaining momentum with the Spanish-American War in 1898."
"Neocolonialism is a more abstracted version of colonialism, with mechanisms like the IMF and globalized systems."
"Imperialism and colonialism merge into one another in the modern era, with examples like settler colonialism and neocolonialism."
"The West won the world not because of the superiority of its ideas or its values or its religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do."
"Many years later, the commanding general of the U.S. Marine Corps, General Smedley Butler, blew, as it were, the whistle not just on Wilson but on the whole imperial racket."
"We are a generous people whose checkered Imperial interventions in the past rarely proved profitable or exploitive."
"Colonialism is the movement of people and ideologies out of Europe to the rest of the world in a systematic process of domination."
"One of the founding documents of the new Imperial American Imperium is the National Security Act."
"European powers sought to exploit China's weaknesses, invading neighboring nations and challenging Chinese authority."
"Public clocks had become symbols of British domination. The Indian people had resisted."
"An informal empire means you don't have to have a physical, military, or administrative presence."
"Japan's occupation of territories in Manchuria showed that the consequences of violating the rules of the League of Nations were minimal."
"Imperialism in recent times was imbued with a great deal of optimism and self-pride."
"The IMF is focused on regime change, incredible neo-colonialism."
"Imperialism, an attitude of furthering the glory of the crown."
"The Roman Road to Global Empire was always smooth as when they affected a generous and honorable stance."
"Spain established supremacy across the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia."
"Reparations prioritize the apology rather than the resolution of the present-day problems which persist as a specter of British imperialism. I propose that the improvement of today's situation is the most important part of Britain's apology for its Imperial abuses."
"The ultimate aspect of western strength was the possession of colonies and the Japanese government was keen on joining this club of powerful nations."
"Imperialism seems cool. Sick, I mean we got the ships at that point."
"European imperialism created this barbaric situation, so European leaders must lead in addressing this humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean."
"The country moved quickly to ready itself for the creation of an American empire."
"Imperialism is a very contradictory phenomenon."
"Imperialism really has these two phases: the phase of total domination of one power... and then you have the phases when that breaks down."
"It's a mix of geography, American imperialism, Cold War paranoia, moral puritanism, and economic factors that create a paradoxical nation that is both the most expansive empire but also an informational prison of their own making."
"The Napoleonic Wars... saw the degradation of imperialism inside of Europe."
"Imperialism crushes democracy abroad and it harms it at home."
"Imperialism leads to the imposition of a national security state, which is very harmful at home."
"The picture painted by George Joy became one of the iconic images of Britain's imperial adventure: The Last Stand of Gordon of Khartoum."
"It's called the debt trap, the new most convenient and successful form of imperialism."
"The United States has been an empire this entire time, and that's really interesting."
"...control of land matters less and less, and that's why you get a transition from a colonial style of empire to a pointillist style."
"When Libya dared to challenge such projects, the forces of imperialism came in and started using military conspiracies, military bombings, economic warfare and so forth."
"Libya is not just the legacy; it might be the future of imperialism as well."
"Me and you are reflecting on this, saying imperialism would end badly..."
"...the discipline of glaciology experienced growth and support as a result of European and U.S imperialism and geopolitical expansion."
"It was Japan's first step on the road to imperial glory, a path that would be fleetingly triumphant but would in just 50 years lead to catastrophe and humiliation."
"It united people to fight against imperialism."
"We are fighting a capitalist imperialist machine that was put in place over 500 years ago in the West."
"It's possible to fight back against imperialism and win."
"The wealth of the imperialist nations is also our wealth at a universal level."
"During the 19th century, the British and Russians competed for dominance in Asia during the Great Game."
"The Treaty of Paris is going to get us Puerto Rico and Guam, some lovely tropical destinations for our Americans to go sunbathe."
"A defiant refusal to accept a world remade by global empires."
"Japanese imperialism is no longer seen as a dark parenthesis to be forgotten but a fundamental stage in the country's progress."
"We're Great Britain, are we? The sun never sets."
"Britain pursued a distinctively and expansively imperial vision of its place in the world order."
"The English amassed a fortune... the wealth that they extracted from the Spanish colonies in the Americas was used by the English government to build the British Navy and basically enrich and build the British Empire."