
Economic Potential Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"Who's next? Which corner of the world is set for a similar dramatic rise in the coming years?"
"There is so much opportunity in crisis, it is absolutely extraordinary."
"Bitcoin is what gold only wished it could be."
"We have one of the biggest moments of opportunity finally finally at our footsteps once again."
"If you have a trillion dollar industry that could define the future and create thousands of jobs, try not to screw it up."
"Once it disappears, Korea's going to be a very, very, very exciting place to invest."
"When we think of renewable energy, we see American manufacturing, American workers racing to lead the global market."
"If you can make a hundred thousand dollars, y'all, you can make a million dollars. I promise you it is not that far."
"That's when we're going to really see the parabolic explosion in ADA's price."
"A whole new world is emerging, and with it, multi-trillion dollar opportunities."
"Southeast Asia and India will be the best parts of the world just like China did, even better than the United States."
"Take away the boundaries, the different currencies...think about how explosive growth could be."
"The industrialization of space I think will be one of the great economic booms of this century."
"If you open the 38th parallel and have a free movement of products trade money people, it would be a very exciting place."
"Even though it takes a while, there's not that many fields that you can self-teach and make a six-figure salary."
"Price to value: There's no ceiling to your income."
"The recent discovery of oil in South Africa holds significant promise for the local population."
"If all of black Americans unite and it became its own country we'd be the 26th wealthiest country in the world."
"What Cuba is doing is pretty good, I can't imagine if they were unembargoed and had the money like that they deserve what it would look like."
"The opportunity to disrupt utilities is the biggest investment opportunity of our generation."
"There's a ton of money to be made in that country, implementation is a problem."
"Cannabis or ganja as it's traditionally known here has been decriminalized and that's led to a bonanza potentially worth billions of dollars."
"Anyone that is an artist or content provider that has a hope to make more money, well they will praise the blockchain."
"Can you imagine how many hundreds of billions of dollars would have been made if there had been a thought process behind that?"
"The total affiliate marketing industry is worth over 10 billion dollars currently and it is still growing a lot meaning there is tons of money to be made."
"Is it possible that Ukraine will be rich one day?"
"The london economy is capable of bouncing back very strongly."
"Bitcoin could eventually reach a price tag of six figures."
"One small part of Tesla may soon be worth a trillion dollars."
"Proving that real-time strategy can be popular, it can make money, you just gotta do it the right way."
"We are just getting started, we're just about to break through that total market cap."
"Personal assistant AI has the potential to generate life-changing money."
"The EAF would have a combined GDP of 472 billion US dollars."
"The layoffs also mean a reshuffling of the talent market in the industry."
"It's full of rare earths, it's full of gold and minerals."
"Especially if only one percent of the world's wealth flowed into Bitcoin, it would be game over."
"I mean, if we can get some fuel from the moon... whoever cracks the nut to get to the moon first... they're gonna have a license to print money."
"Solana... it settles extremely quickly and extremely cheaply... there's a lot of DeFi applications already being built on there and NFTs on there are just blowing up."
"The potential for 100 million bots earning $100,000 a year in revenue... crazy money."
"Tamil Nadu will become the engine of India's growth if India is going to be the engine of global growth."
"The opportunity, the revenue opportunity for monogenic stem cell therapy is in the 2 trillion dollar range."
"There is the potential to generate many, many millions of high-wage, high-skill jobs."
"India is at a turning point and that the vibrancy of its market is unbelievable."
"There's a ton of money to be made in this industry."
"But can it do that really come on right can it continue to grow at this rate."
"The world travels by boat. The natural advantage, the historical advantages of Greece in this area are to be seized and exploited."
"People are missing out on one of the biggest opportunities in the history of the world."
"Digital property could be developed in many more ways."
"So there is a huge job market opportunity here that you could take advantage of and absolutely crush in."
"Demographic dividend is the economic growth potential that can result from shifts in a population’s age structure."
"We are sitting on two Saudi Arabia's worth of natural gas, we can power the nation and we can power our allies around the world with Pennsylvania resources."
"Will Texas be the next internal economic superpower like California?"
"Space mining might just be the gateway, the stepping stone we need to conquer that final frontier."
"I think we have an amazing, amazing future ahead of us if this market holds."
"It's not clear that there is any limit to the size of the economy."
"We could effectively make everyone on the planet wealthy."
"High demand and low supply can create an infinite upside, and I'm not kidding when I say that."
"The cleaning industry is a multi-billion dollar industry."
"There's a lot of money in all this, yes, absolutely indeed."
"It motivates people to potentially make bigger and better content because they know there's that potential upside if it becomes very popular."
"Agromining can be an opportunity for small farmers."
"Hey Ernest, did you know that the Black community has 2.7 trillion dollars of spending power? Are you ready to see what you can do when you combine and recirculate our resources to expand the pool of Black excellence?"
"If a donkey like me in a ship like this can earn three quarters of a million credits, what can an actual competent battleship player achieve?"
"Imagine a 10 trillion dollar or 25 trillion dollar market cap for crypto. What do the prices look like?"
"Developers are seeing PC as a much more legitimate platform that's actually making the money."
"Calendar year 2025, the console market can reach 88 billion dollars."
"Imagine making a hundred and forty two dollars a day and doing absolutely nothing. That's an extra three thousand dollars a month and it's just the beginning."
"I think in the grand scheme of the cycle, approaching a 10 ADA is possible."
"Fundamentally, the magnitude of the total addressable market that the Tesla bot is addressing is the biggest market in history."
"There's evidence of at least two civilizations at work here, perhaps more."
"Nigeria is rich beyond people's expectations."
"There is real money to be made in the creator economy."
"We know that this is gonna be the next big kind of boom."
"The country is filled with a lot of natural resources, a lot of gold, a lot of diamonds."
"Bitcoin base layer is at this point robust enough to hold 10 trillion dollars of monetary energy."
"China and India seem to be two markets that are going to see massive growth."
"Your work for a few thousand dollars... then those numbers could quickly go up."
"The robo taxi network will be another masterclass in how to print billions."
"Trillions upon trillions of dollars worth of potential."
"There's never been a time, ever, where there's been so much opportunity in the world."
"Ethereum could potentially even be a deflationary asset in the long run."
"Mali could be an underdog. They make a lot of money and they're not that far away from South America."
"If we could use that money instead to build a productive society, oh my god, the wealth possibilities."
"A trillion is a logical endpoint for where this can end."
"This is gonna be a big money-making planet. Oh gorgeous lovely expand outwards!"
"Offshore wind could be for Atlantic Canada what oil was to Texas or hydropower to Quebec. This is monumental."
"Ghana is profitable, and we must stop making it look like we have no sense of self-worth."
"It's going to be exciting they actually jp morgan just came out with a study said the metaverse could be an 800 billion dollar market by 2024."
"Goldman Sachs estimates that in 10 to 15 years a market size of at least 6 billion dollars is achievable for a humanoid robot."
"There's a massive gap, and this gap is about $16 billion of opportunity for essentially brands to have more mobile ads on the Internet."
"Solana's growth rate is more valuable than standalone numbers."
"It's estimated that the entire country holds about 25 trillion dollars of untapped minerals and ores."
"Lithium is poised to become one of the most valuable substances in human history."
"When you create NFTs you create the opportunity for secondary sales and this secondary sales is a... this can make millions and millions of dollars annually."
"The deal has the potential to increase production by 186%."
"If you believe and as I do that that's going to work to some level well there's a lot of economic value there."
"The value of a fully electric autonomous fleet is insanely gigantic, boggles the mind."
"The future's very bright in Southeast Asia in particular."
"There's money here, there's an industry for stuff. We need more of those people."
"Minnesota's eighth Congressional District is blessed with an abundance of mineral wealth that would allow America to lead in the 21st century."
"If money could be linked, and it can be, to what we actually need and do and make, it could represent the ambitions we actually express in the present without being held hostage by the outcomes of the past."
"People in their 20s are economically outrageously attractive."
"Mexico is ripe for economic development."
"I think gaming is one of the biggest industries that will benefit from crypto."
"The metaverse represents a potential 13 trillion dollar opportunity."
"It wouldn't be too surprising if we start to see some African countries become powerful economic players on the world stage within the next few decades."
"This is the global game community that I'm passionate about building to unlock the true economic and creative potential of games and to make a positive impact on the world."
"Kazakhstan possesses huge oil reserves, minerals, metals as well as considerable agricultural potential."
"Jamaica could be making so much money they can abolish income taxes."
"Longer term, I think India has more opportunity."
"Gaining access to a hundred and ten million new consumers in what until recently has been a comparatively closed society."
"In the long run, this is the maximum potential output of the economy."
"We are one security zone, but the potential to be one economic zone is also very great."
"The country of Nigeria has about 300 different ethnic groups in it and it should be an economic powerhouse on the continent of Africa."
"It's a veritable treasure trove of potential wealth and economic greatness."
"This could be the catalyst for one of the biggest markets we've ever seen in the history of the United States."
"There is tremendous potential in North Korea, and I think he's going to lead it to a very important thing, economically."