
Speculative Theory Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Despite all that has been revealed, the true nature of the Emperor, his intentions, and his ultimate goals, in truth, no matter how confident the theorizing, remain entirely unknowable."
"Are we in a somewhat stable, even if secretive arrangement negotiated by powers unknown to us over the management of Project Earth?"
"The zoo hypothesis is basically that idea where we are being basically cut off at the legs in our ability to observe other extraterrestrial life."
"I think eventually we're looking at a multiverse reset."
"Did humans really exist on Earth 100 million years ago and were they really walking alongside predatory dinosaurs?"
"Humans are a genetic creation of an extraterrestrial race."
"I feel like Elon's a time traveler and he's just punking us."
"Asians might be the closest related to aliens."
"Favorite solution to the Fermi paradox: We're in a zoo."
"Aliens from all over the universe are already walking among us. Meetings of the third kind are just around the corner."
"What if Quicksilver from WandaVision was a variant? Would that mean that the TVA was involved in the events of WandaVision?"
"But hey, that's just a theory, a cannibalism theory."
"Could there have been an ancient nuclear war we've never been told about?"
"What if this isn't just a scary tale about the gods' weapon but a brief historical report of actual events?"
"One of the theories that I would buy into is that this is terraforming that there is a deliberate attempt to change back our climate to what it was in the antediluvian world." - David
"Maybe that's what we've always been doing. What if aliens created life on Earth, basically planting the seeds of a human slave population?"
"This was another parallel universe shift which may have some sort of relation to the Cloud City phenomena."
"For all we know, the theory could keep going." Perhaps all the stones were a combination of Galactus power. Destroying them all unleashed him back on the universe. It's certainly possible.
"Listen, it's just a theory, it's just a game theory."
"That's an intense theory... the citizens of Whoville doomed to live in constant fear of obliteration..."
"Essentially rewriting past and thus future events."
"Could this have been some transfer of technology from a forgotten civilization in our ancient past, perhaps contact with a group of offworld beings from a distant star system?"
"Aside from simply being a pile of dust which can only be reversed via time travel, the most popular theory is that those who are dead are now trapped inside of the soul stone."
"There is a theory that the entire movie is all in Joker's head."
"Was the Moon ever in danger of falling through? According to one theory, it could have been hollow."
"Emergence could describe the resurrection of the deviants which might be seen by the celestials as a population control protocol."
"The Great Pyramid is probably an extremely old structure, maybe 100,000 years back."
"Maybe they are the aliens that helped us get to where we are right now."
"Even if aliens aren’t responsible for the sound, it marks an almost equally fascinating discovery of a previously unknown cosmic phenomenon."
"The Blue Rock... an artifact that has traveled to our own Earth from a parallel universe."
"Coachella is like the Illuminati meeting for the new generation."
"The ancient Egyptian connections were interesting coincidences… but that’s all wound up being, Loyal Theorists. Coincidences. Film coincidences."
"Could a mother ship from another planet be circling the solar system and launching teeny tiny probes to investigate planets?"
"Could the legend be nothing more than mass hysteria, or does this creature truly exist?"
"But hey, that's just a theory, a crazy, crazy theory."
"It was dynamite. Sharon Carter is the least bad of the bad theories."
"But what if this Theory isn't true? What if sooner than we'd like to imagine, weird Galactic creatures will indeed try to reach us?"
"People in the contracting phase would live their lives backward... they would return to the womb."
"So then, what if some of these structures, such as the Ellora caves, the Egyptian pyramids, and many other places, were actually built by the same civilization?"
"If we are a petri dish then that suggests...the visitors...are introducing...things into our environment to see how we react."
"Why is it so difficult to suggest that maybe we had help from aliens? And they didn't maybe didn't build it but maybe helped us and told us how to start pouring stones."
"I think the Bermuda Triangle is like a portal into time travel, call me crazy just a thought."
"The evidence Lightfoot presents for the theory is that…the two men sort of look alike."
"But if you're more of a Speculator some people suggest that Amelia was actually shot down by Japanese military forces or at the very least was captured by Japanese."
"Things are happening. It would make a world of sense if a fake FISA application now."
"All of this is why Drive Knight has been the mad cyborg hiding in plain sight this whole time."
"I personally do not think that he killed himself and the only way that I could see this working out is if he hired someone to come and kill him. That is the only way I think this even makes a bit of sense."
"Maybe this whole space alien thing... might just be one of the answers that they give about where all these Christian people went."
"The CIA celebrates Pride maybe the CIA designed Pride."
"If we're being dealing with non-humans who may go back in history 270 million years or more."
"Extraterrestrial probes may be drawn to water on Earth's surface."
"ETs are not our future selves; they're separate beings."
"Could this be a way of letting the public slowly ease into the idea that we may not be alone?"
"Sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, right? But for those who subscribe to the Anunnaki Theory, this isn't mere fiction but a plausible explanation of human history."
"What if there's some kind of insect eggs, thousands maybe millions of years old," Mulder speculated.
"If Alice Rivers is related to Danelle, then there may be a daisy chain from George to go from Alice Rivers to the current Starks."
"This might explain all the mysteries behind Bermuda Triangle."