
Audience Understanding Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"If your target audience doesn't understand something that you're trying to sell them, maybe that target audience doesn't want this thing."
"If you're doing market analysis, if you're trying to find out who's in your audience, if you're trying to find out what groups of people think in similar ways, this is an approach that you're probably going to use."
"Listen to the creators more, they know the audience better than you do because it's their audience."
"Effective communication has three ingredients: content, style, and knowing who you're talking to."
"I've come to the conclusion that you can pretty much explain anything to anybody, as long as you go about it the right way."
"Disney should go back to what they're good at. It's a fantastic company that used to make fantastic movies and hardly ever had a flop because they knew their audience so well."
"For one, companies need to know their audience."
"Understanding what your audience hears, what they find favorable, what doesn't ring true to them is the way you learn, it's the way you steer."
"Learning to recognize what people are looking for... is exactly what you're looking for."
"I feel bad that we're gonna go here, but I hope you guys understand."
"It's your own intuition. You know your viewers better than anyone else."
"I feel like if you watched all my videos closely enough you should have a sense of what I'm going to gravitate to and what I'm not."
"Good taste means you know what your audience wants 10 minutes before they do. That's all. You can't have good taste unless you have domain knowledge and understand genre."
"The clearer you are, the creator who understands the viewer best wins."
"Holidays of Future Past has the best sense of what the audience wants to see."
"Understanding who your target audience is... is the core that any product manager will tell you."
"The majority of you who watch my channel clearly understand that's not the case."
"The point here is that to craft truly effective messages, well you've got to understand who your market is."
"Think less about how many new followers you got today and more about who your audience actually is."
"Fantano didn't just understand his demographic, he was his demographic."
"Just because of us having the success on YouTube and knowing such a section of the audience is that teenage age."
"Representation isn't true representation unless it can be seen in the piece of media itself, understood by its target audience, and that you don't need anything outside of it to appreciate it."
"But it's just it's really frustrating because we put ourselves out there... a lot of y'all cannot do what we do."
"To get more views by the morning, you need to understand who your target audience is and what they are really interested in."
"Know who your audience is, not who you would like them to be."
"Dave had a moment where it became clear to him that his white audience wasn't getting the joke."
"I personally think if you still don't know like what your audience likes it's always better to make it yourself."
"Numbers don't lie... hope my audience understands."
"Indie games like this understand the audience better than AAA titles."
"Having a really clear sense of who you're creating for... is going to help you make better videos."
"The truth of the matter is when it comes to my followers, they're actually very well versed in the underlying facts."
"It's all about just understanding your target audience and then putting up free content on whatever platform that you're on every single day."
"Know more about your own channel and discover what works for your audience, and it's pretty simple, do more of it."
"It's amazing how you guys built this strong community. They know you inside and out."
"Know your audience. Understand where they congregate online."
"When you know at least a general idea of who it is that you're trying to reach with your content, it helps you come up with better video topics."
"Avoidable reasons for failure: not knowing your customer or your audience."
"It is better for writers to have too high an opinion of your audience than too low an opinion of them."
"The worst that can come from having too high an opinion is that not everybody gets every point."
"As a creator, it's deciding on those few things. Who is your content for and how is your content serving that audience?"
"The creators who understand the viewer the best win."
"Understanding your audience's problems and ambitions to the greater degree that you can do that, to the greater degree of impact that you will have."
"If you want to master YouTube search, you need to discover your audience's problems and ambitions and really understand your viewer."
"To the degree with which you understand your viewer and you can discover the audience's problems and ambitions at greater levels, you will experience more success on YouTube."
"Amazing trailer, and they clearly know the audience."
"James Cameron has the magical. He understands what human beings around the world love."
"To think that the audience is not going to understand that there are zombies because of a viral outbreak, it's just baffling to me."
"I hope everybody was able to hear this as clearly as I want them to."
"Behind all those dick jokes and stuff, they were actually thoughtful guys who really understood what their audience was going through."
"It's just crazy to me that we've reached a point with comic book movies that even mainstream audiences can wrap their heads around the concept of the Multiverse."
"We don't think people are stupid who are watching our stuff."
"He knew what people wanted to see and he wasn't afraid to capitalize on it."
"30 years from now, people wouldn’t understand it… It’s more important to have a body of work resonate with the reader than it is to have an individual gag resonate."
"Know your fan base and cater to them. Get them what they want and they'll continue to support you."
"Like, say what you will about the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise, but a lot of credit, I think, has to go to Scott because very rare is the game that has such a solid understanding of its own audience."
"Comebacks are not a one-size-fits-all it obviously depends on what you did but also how well you know your audience in order to come back from it."
"Understand your audience, it should tell a story."
"If you're someone who's worked in New Media then you have that as donkey gets into there is that sense of yeah well you understand how your audience think and how your audience work what they respond to."
"Your writing is limited by what the audience knows. You must always assume that your audience will have an understanding of these and other elements."
"Pizza Tower has a masterful understanding of what their audience wants and through its boundless design choices does exactly what Nintendo wouldn't dare to do."
"Marketability is not the same thing as quality. Please understand this. Yes, some stories are pandered to more of an adult audience that require specific things... but that does not automatically make your series untouchable."
"Don't forget this because you don't say that at the start then they don't know that but there's no things like content like this."
"We need a bad guy like I don't think a Secret Wars is not to knock the public but simple enough right for the kids to follow."
"Hasbin hotel's success comes from a deep and thorough understanding of its audience."
"It's not about you just started, it's not about how many views you have or you're not, it's you understanding that you have the new content that's good for them and if you don't have subscribers, they're right not you."
"I know my audience so well... I would never pick a product that I know they would never like."
"You guys deserve so much better and I completely understand if after watching this video you want to unsubscribe."
"Mr. Beast knows his audience better than almost anybody in the space."
"You're only going to be as good of a storyteller as your ability to understand your audience."
"Both of these films achieved massive success because they understood their core audience and how to appeal to them."
"I'm not going to make these jokes anymore because if they don't get it, I don't know, I can't do it."
"Once you understand what your goals are and who your target audience is, size doesn't matter."
"Nothing groundbreaking by any means but incredibly solid, absolutely understanding what its audience wanted."
"He knows his audience, he knows how to market to them."
"When you truly understand your audience, that is when you can unlock growth."
"You gotta understand your goddamn audience."
"Naruto and Gaara had so much in common that connecting them in this way made perfect sense to the audience."
"Character-driven comedy is more effective the more the audience understands about the character."
"Understanding your audience and what they like and what they want and what they need to see, give them a surprise every now and then."
"I love the way that they did this because I think they really understood the people out there that are watching these things and consuming this content."
"When you're understanding your audience and you can understand their emotions and you can actually read what's going through their brain, then that gives you the opportunity to create an emotional moment."
"The barrier is not that people won't like it, it's just so many times people don't know how."
"Understanding your audience cold, almost having a Vulcan mind meld."
"Knowing your audience's biggest desires is key to growing your channel."
"You've got to have somebody that understands story structure and what makes a great story but also understands the wrestling audience."
"Your audience should know exactly what they're looking at within the first five seconds of seeing it."
"Specific details are also a really subtle way... to show your audience that you understand who they really are."
"It's very clear to me what this channel is about."
"A character is defined by and the audience learns about a character through their actions."
"Media has evolved because all the insights and all the data and all the information that you capture from those interactions enable you to be more informed about the audience."
"What I've learned is some people get the channel and some people don't. That's good, I like it that way."
"I do understand the appeal of the movie."
"We have to adjust what we're saying and how we're saying it to how human beings in our audience actually have the capacity to receive what we're saying."
"These things are out there, and I hope your audience understands that."
"The best part about this strategy is that you're spending time scripting and all this time you're spending is teaching you all the skills and the information about your audience."
"I've been making content for over three years. I know what questions people have."
"The secret to growing a successful Instagram channel in this day and age is understanding who your audience is."
"It's really about our audience. We have to have empathy for our audience."
"The people running this understand their audience very well, they're terrific at marketing."
"We have to understand it from the intent of the author and how the original audience understood and received that information."
"Mastering search intent, giving the people what they want, and what they will click on is a big part of your YouTube SEO strategy."
"In terms of public speaking, the main goal is to deliver your message to the audience in a way that they're going to be able to understand it."