
Career Challenges Quotes

There are 349 quotes

"That was the toughest part of my career, physically. Still mentally, the Silva fight for me was a barrier to get over, mentally."
"Our jobs are so full-on... it's hard to find a balance because you go from being overworked to having time off... I hate waking up without a goal."
"If I can't even be the one percent in what I'm good at and what I'm passionate about, how on earth am I ever going to be the one percent at this engineering firm?"
"Being a starving artist is cool until it's not."
"Regret is something I constantly think about, and life after my win did not pan out smoothly."
"What we do is a noble thing, and I ask you, it's a rough road ahead, but I ask you to not forget it and to be proud."
"Social anxiety in job interviews is probably... oh my gosh, if you can make it past the interview, you're home free."
"The most difficult task for any manager is telling a young kid he's not going to make it United."
"It's a crazy story of how four Pretenders went head-to-head with one of the industry's biggest hit makers."
"The biggest conflict you always hear of course is that you can't get experience unless you have a job and you can't have a job unless you have experience."
"I think drivers like Lewis, they need a new challenge."
"For the first time ever in my career, it feels like I'm losing what I have built."
"Chad has been trying tirelessly to succeed in the industry for well over a decade now, which is honestly more than can be said for most actual kpop artists."
"K-pop idols spend years training for their entire lives."
"The lengths to which those in this strata go to remain successful is increasingly relentless."
"Every artist I've spoken to, they'd say that they wish that it didn't have to be this way."
"Every day before I go in to start shooting, I want to throw up just because there's so much to live up to."
"Sadly, you kind of have to do this today in attempts nowadays to get a record."
"So much of our professional lives is totally out of our control."
"That's the thing, for everyone thinking 'yeah, but they could all just go to AEW,' it's not that easy."
"Even if you're not on you're working a day job and then you're doing stand-up at night trying to make that a reality so you're never really just like chilling."
"It's a mind-bender because you're working at this level where you're like everything I'm doing is worth this amount."
"Going to college is relatively easy, but finding a job in your field is a whole 'nother thing."
"There's never a level of comfort, even if you are good."
"Entertainment is the kind of world that will chew up and spit out anybody."
"It's not easy to be vulnerable in your position with the career you have, in the way you have."
"There are always roadblocks in a combat sports career and in most cases fighters will constantly return to the drawing board for reinvention and self-improvement."
"Earlier on in my career, I literally struggled with 'Do I belong here? Am I supposed to be in this space?'"
"When you bust through that glass ceiling, it's not without a heavy cost."
"Saving up for a down payment just isn't feasible for most people early on in their careers and lives."
"Negativity in my career over the years... fuels me to do better."
"He never backed down even despite of his career."
"Maybe I'm not good enough for this... maybe I shouldn't be doing stand-up, I don't know."
"Experience doesn't necessarily correlate to skill set... Roxy's first title shot was no doubt her toughest."
"I lost my job and lost my dream because of it." - Bruce Prichard
"A YouTube career can be a terrifying landscape."
"His dedication to his craft and perseverance in the face of adversity showcase his resilience as an actor."
"Bray Wyatt's whole WWE career could be seen as a fight between him and his bosses."
"Once fans unanimously think you've fallen off, it's almost impossible to regain momentum regardless of the music."
"He was good, but it's his ego that gets the better of him."
"It's always been my dream to become an idol but little did I know that this journey wouldn't turn out as I expected."
"It's an incredible experience to work with him. It was a scary thing to jump back into."
"Being a comedian, it's tough balancing the half-empty glass mentality."
"This man is not good enough for the job. The job is too big for him, the job is clearly too big for him."
"It's [ __ ] possible - touches me in my heart someone said that this ending there this movie was like very steel bur good message you're saying."
"It's not about getting on, it's not about getting noticed. The hard part really starts when you get on and staying on."
"It's a lot more work than people give credit for."
"You're the right guy for the job. The hate you got with Tesla got you a PhD in handling hate. The hate you're about to get with Twitter will earn you your own planet."
"Failing lots of interviews is not a good indication of your future as a software developer."
"Such is the precariousness of modern football management."
"At the time, the guy that was running development with me came to me and he was like, 'I don't know, a lot of mileage, a lot of issues there.' And I was like, 'Dude, he's custom-made for what we do.'"
"If I skyrocket it's like you can't recreate it's hard to recreate that or it's just like it's just like long jeopardy you feel me."
"I'd rather do this impossible job and try than walk away from something that I love. I respect that about Solkjaer."
"Trying to make a living while being blackballed at the highest level."
"Darius Butler: 'It's definitely discouraging as a black coach trying to get in there and move up the ranks.'"
"This is ultimately on a much larger scale the problem Dave Steve has always had the ball is now out of his hands."
"Part of the reason why we always congratulate and glorify successful lane role swaps like ambition like xiaohu is because it's so risky and difficult."
"The worst situation to be in is where you're tied to a job because you have no other choice."
"When Kevin De Bruyne was forced to abandon his Premier League dream at Chelsea..."
"It's a nightmare situation for a content creator to lose OnlyFans."
"I think now with Dean Henderson in, I feel like this could be De Gea's last chance in the sense that this is the last chance to get that kick up your backside and I guess show us if you still have it."
"It's been the most annoying year in my career it's not even close."
"This is Hollywood, they can chew you up and spit you out."
"With success comes the worry that the success is gonna go away."
"It's so much luck to break into Hollywood because you have to be exactly what they're looking for at that right moment, the right time."
"Rising in fame during this trial and error period can bring worries of the future if you're not prepared to adapt."
"It breaks my heart to see developers work on their game for years... because they've neglected marketing."
"We never had nobody facilitate our talent to the gatekeepers."
"I learned how to be a pro in the hardest system possible."
"These are the two trophies they sent out, I got to figure out what to do with the one that I didn't receive."
"All those years when I was hustling to make it and was being ignored because I was too black to be white and too white to be black."
"Wall Street was not a place you walk into. You were born into it."
"They're just gonna show you that they chew you up and spit you out."
"The biggest challenge is not getting tired of the grind."
"Career tanks have a very, very hard time climbing the guild ladder because it's all rooted in complacency."
"You're literally doing your career as an only. You can't be talking sh."
"You are up against a big battle... trying to build a demo reel that will be able to compete."
"The realness of this, the business of this, the other side of this."
"Difference between hard work and being mismatched."
"It's a small world, and you don't want to be at an audition someday and have the choreographer go, 'Oh, don't use her, her mom pulled her out.'"
"I disliked my job. I disliked the work I had to do. I disliked the things I had to fulfill for that investment."
"If you're not already one of those things, you basically don't have an opportunity to ever prove yourself."
"Being the top and the best at what you do is not for everybody."
"It's gotta be an adventure and it's gotta be something, it's all in part of, if it, if you knew now that everything you've done on that series, if at the beginning on day one somebody said to you this is the task, this is what you're going to do."
"It's not hard to get to the top, it's hard to stay at the top."
"You're essentially doing all the work and it reaches a point where you're like wait I'm getting kind of screwed here."
"Barry's job as a hitman is less exhilarating, more soul-sucking corporate gig."
"I just think it was fun, you know what I mean? Like, okay, maybe how many girls do you really know that are really climbing the corporate ladder?"
"The gender pay Gap, listen dudes if you come out here to make it into Hollywood as a dude they're gonna hand you a mop and say make the floor not sticky you piece of [__]."
"Being a flight attendant does not seem like the most fun job in the world right now."
"Trading is the hardest thing in finance, discretionary trading is the hardest thing to do in finance, choosing direction is the single hardest thing there is in all of finance."
"They pretty much told him he can't continue making videos about what his channel was built on: football."
"I think I was having trouble getting my first job."
"You do know you win an MVP, you heighten the expectations. You know how that works."
"I think a player sometimes emotionally needs to go to a lower team and then find out, 'Do I still have the fire to be good or was it just what was keeping me down?'"
"Our story begins in early 2012 when a then 23-year-old Connecticut college student by the name of Patrick Brown began a website titled popularmmos.com."
"People who typically blow up overnight from zero to 100 quit completely or burn out or just like have a crisis in their life."
"Mickie James made her way back after the women's Revolution unfortunately when she was released she opened up on how she was treated getting back her belongings in a trash bag."
"Sun squaring Pluto on Sunday may bring career challenges, but step into your power."
"If you're not an established artist and your music hasn't hit yet, that's the biggest thing."
"I feel like mentally it's probably when I got let go from Ipswich at the age of 16."
"A career of submissive deceit, many presumably went into the field with good intentions yet quickly learnt that they must toe the mainstream line if they were to survive."
"Hip-hop is a young man's game, and it's a shame really."
"Why do child actors become broken adults? Trust for former kid actors is just really hard."
"It's tough not to just feel for director Elijah Bham, this dude had his big breaks scuttled by stuff completely out of his control."
"One of the harshest truths you will learn as an artist is that oftentimes very talented people are never recognized for their work their entire career can pass them by."
"It usually is like a slow death when somebody gets out of an MLM."
"This showcase is probably the biggest case of make-it or break-it that I've ever seen."
"Have the courage to face the things that are not working in your career."
"I was fired from every job I had before Jackass because when the pilot was going on for Jackass, I was working on a cruise ship as a clown."
"Despite some professional missteps and personal issues, he is one of the greatest actors."
"The music business really is a cruel and shallow money trench."
"Those roles scared me, you know, I didn't have anyone to go on these sets with me."
"Strikers just end up becoming workhorse donkeys."
"Naomi Osaka just [__] quit at the height of her career because of stupid archaic rules regarding the press and interviews."
"It's tough but you gotta stick with it. It's a climb, it's a claw, and yeah, there's a lot of discouragement. But you just gotta stick with it."
"I feel like media was never really a career path because, you know, we have kind of a real thin line between love and hate relationship with the media."
"It can't be more than five years, even I'm sure you've had burnout at some point man, like at some point you're just like I can't dude, I just need a break from this."
"I could do this job 24 hours a day and it wouldn't be enough."
"High flying bird: When you lose fun for the game, the passion, that's when everything goes downhill."
"Maybe career and relationship stuff isn't going to take off for Rory at least not right now, but she still has a real shot at finding herself."
"It's not getting in, it's like staying in, that's the hardest part."
"All the other time I do the job without facing Pep Guardiola, which is quite good to be honest."
"A completely different world for these drivers."
"Expectations can kill a career, you know? Sometimes, expectations can do that, it just robs the joy of just going out there and just enjoying the game."
"Getting to the top is easier than maintaining it."
"If you want to be an influencer, it's so hard now, so hard. It's so oversaturated."
"The industry, man. It's not the same. Doesn't have to do with talent. It's about playing the game."
"I feel like it was so recent that it lingers, and we as women still need to work our way to the top even more."
"Unfortunately, there's gonna be a lot of artists that pass away young because this is not regular."
"Making the league is tough... It takes a lot right... Are we training right, are we year round staying consistent? You gotta have a full package to be in the league."
"I cannot imagine doing a video just not having fun anymore."
"There's a risk in doing what he's doing right now and and I think that that's a motivating factor."
"If you are a former network news anchor even a local news anchor who's been kicked off the air because you told somebody that they looked good you may be entitled to compensation."
"Exist, the current in-game leader of Ninjas in Pyjamas, is a player where for CS:GO fans, just for more modern-day fans, it's going to be quite difficult to actually understand the full context of his career."
"Rejection is just a way of life when it comes to jobs. Unfortunately, it happens."
"It's the mid card that's been getting clapped... victims of these random crackhead decisions."
"Our first sign of adversity, but that's okay, that makes this career mode fun and interesting."
"As much as Nick Dinsmore did what he was told to with the character, it was a job he should never have been given in the first place."
"One especially dangerous and stressful aspect of the career though is when personnel are sent in to investigate a completely unknown anomaly."
"Success is not smooth, it is not smooth and easy."
"Anyone who goes into any sort of content creation strictly as a means to make money isn't going to get very far."
"If you're a stand-up comedian, you've got to think, once you've fought the thing and then written it down, you then got to think, 'I'm willing to drive to Stoke for no money to tell that story to four people.'"
"I want every single one of them. Whoever is the hottest topic, whoever is looking the best, whoever's the hardest matchup supposedly for me, bring it on."
"I've had a failed social media career before... We grew it up to a couple hundred thousand subscribers unfortunately you can't really monetize covers."
"You're gonna get more and more tests in my career as I as I go and I believe that my I'll rises a level in my competition."
"Every big YouTuber I know has an existential crisis about their YouTube channel."
"So, if you're lucky and do everything right and make zero mistakes and have zero market collapses while you're... you know, imagine being a top agent in Manhattan right now, right?"
"This is what being a video creator is all about. There’s going to be ups, there’s going to be downs. It’s figuring out how to deal with the down and enjoying the ups."
"He had to take a lot of crappy films because of some of the financial burdens that he had."
"It's kind of like the egotistical driver who didn't make it."
"Everything I've been working towards gone in like five days."
"I had to work as hard as anyone else to get my movies made."
"Let me share with you some of the things that happen behind the scenes at almost Christmas so that you understand why Monique is unemployable in this business."
"Comedy would be trash if I didn't have to bomb."
"People don't really understand the work ethic that's involved within that."
"I had felt so rejected and like I had missed out on my chance and that I was never gonna get a job in animation and then suddenly I have these two offers at once."
"Nobody ever dreams 'I want to grow up and make music but never go anywhere.'"
"But it's going to be hard to be successful when you've got that long list of things against you at your last place."
"I feel like it's harder to make it as a white rapper but once you make it through it's way easier." - Millie's
"There's a lot of dream jobs out there that are hard to get into."
"What makes me really uncomfortable is how many young people want to do YouTube and don't understand that it's like saying I want to be an Olympic swimmer or gymnast and give up my childhood."
"It's work, it's fun but it's it's not easy to do because you have to come up with these things on the fly."
"I could see that it was manipulating people; I could see that the only way that you could get ahead in the business was by being willing to sort of dismiss your own personal ethics."
"It's rare you can just fall into creative jobs."
"Maybe I have to create my own roles if I don't only want to play like one."
"That's been the history of my whole career man, people clipping me out of context, making it sound like I said [__] that I never said."
"It's a complete bag for the vast majority of people, that's impossible."
"Adaptability's really important because sometimes you don't get to do what you're good at. Sometimes you have to do things that are out of your realm of comfort."
"Robert Downey Jr. 'he's path to stardom was inevitable but to say it's been an easy ride would be an outright lie."
"I think he's got a massive job on, and you know he's at a club at this moment in time in Ajax that's very different to Manchester United."
"In the end, Vince McMahon was no different from those old territorial promoters he went to war with, like them, his career was derailed by the actions of Vince McMahon."
"What if overworking is the reason that you're not getting anywhere?"
"We're in the wrong profession if we're too cowardly to say that."
"I began my career as an activist it was not a job working for women's rights organizations in Canada and East Africa before moving into well that way well in East Africa didn't it it's the previous statement indicates it didn't go well."
"You're literally gambling your 20s and 30s and if it doesn't work out you're starting over at 28, 35, 40 and it's a scary thing."
"The Spice World Tour would unfortunately be the beginning of the end of the Spice Girls."
"Just because something is a tradition, that doesn't make it inherently a virtue."
"Being an idol comes with its own trials and tribulations, but imagine being at the peak of your career and subtly losing your ability to perform overnight."
"I started out being a cartoonist at school but I went into Cal Arts to study... I got fired because I couldn't draw the ponies well enough. It was a horrible show."
"I think people would be willing to do the grind but they can't deal with the uncertainty."
"Being a rockstar, cool, how about this? Sing the same song for the rest of your life and also, by the way, being on a bus with five other guys all the time, enjoy that s***."
"You have to remember we are talking about a player who hasn't had a real full season at any level since his high school days."
"It's the very second they're trying to replace you by younger and cheaper."
"These past 10 years have been some of the most fun, challenging, exhausting, and yet personally rewarding I've ever had."
"It's extremely difficult and everyone who does it says don't get into this."
"Embrace challenges when it comes to your career."
"I've booked so many characters just being like, 'I don't think I'm good for this, but yeah, I'm gonna do it anyway.'"
"The past year has probably been one of the most stressful Worst Years of my career."
"Princess Carolyn's story does justice to both the rewards and the pitfalls of the working woman character type."
"What are you willing to sacrifice for what you want? Are you willing to sacrifice your entire life and body for this? Yes, that's why I'm upset about this whole thing right now."
"Tyler Perry's Journey's been no walk in the park. Word is his ego might have gotten a bit out of control leading to clashes even with heavyweights like Oprah in Hollywood."
"Once your foot is in the door, which you unfairly got in, then you have to work almost twice as hard and be twice as good."
"I don't think I could thrive as a rapper being healed all the way. And I'm scared of that."
"How hard is it really to have a career and be a single parent to seven children?"
"I think for a lot of artists it's gut check time. I think with Six Nine, trolling may not work or be as effective as it used to be."
"Chris shares how Bud struggled to find his footing after the unexpected loss of his comedic partner Lou, unable to replicate their previous success."
"I couldn't make a living just writing about climbing, so half the stuff I wrote was about art or political science..."
"Every one of us who are professionals, there are days you get up that you don't feel like doing it."
"How do you stand out? That getting into Fang is really difficult. Most people never even end up getting past the resume screening process, let alone actually landing a job there."