
Rooting Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Humans root for each other intrinsically all the time. It’s in our blood, it’s in our thoughts, it’s in everything we do, we want to root for each other."
"There's nothing wrong with rooting for your people it's a normal thing when people like when black people root for black people that's normal when white people root for white people it's normal."
"Somebody we can glom onto, somebody we can root for and live vicariously through."
"Everybody loves the underdog, it's not anything new."
"I don't watch this type of stuff, college football, and yet I was still rooting for Georgia."
"You have a lot more people rooting for you than you realize."
"Just know that I am here for you and I am rooting for you."
"This is the first movie where I rooted for the evil scientist to come get this thing."
"Physically outmatched, down in numbers, and full of a bunch of lovable underdogs, this tribe instantly becomes one of the most rootable tribes in history despite Sarah's best efforts."
"He is just a man you actually want to root for like how Moses actually wants him to change for the better."
"Now, I’m really rooting for these two to work out."
"A good season of Survivor tells a compelling story. It will grip you and have you rooting for someone and against someone else."
"I'm starting to root for George so heavily, and I'm just watching George just play this unbelievable round of golf."
"Countless people were rooting for him."
"I rooted for John Wick the entire time."
"I feel like fills in a background for her that I'm like all of a sudden like, 'Oh [__], you're an adventurer and I'm rooting for you.'"
"You have someone on the other side that is really rooting for you and they're really happy seeing you achieve things."
"Bo's charisma and humility made rooting for him an easy task."
"Who you rooting for today? Let us know in the chat."
"I'm rooting for him just as much as he's rooting for me."
"In World Series history, is there anyone more unlikely than Darin Moon? Most of me, of course, tonight will be rooting for my main man Phil Ivy, but part of me will be rooting for the logger from Western Maryland to walk in from the woods and walk away with $8.5 million."
"I'll root for her, but she's not surviving."
"I'm not gonna lie, I'm actually kind of rooting for Lucci."
"A lot of people are rooting for you more than you realize."
"...so it becomes like a really like uh dramatic story where you're really rooting for her to come out on top she's the underdog yeah."
"We were all rooting for you and we are still rooting for you."
"There's certain people you just naturally root for. It's in sports, it's in politics, it's in Hollywood."
"These are the players that you watched, that you cheered for, that you're rooted for, and now they are literally making roots in a brand new home."
"That's my three tips on how to successfully root your dragon fruit cuttings."
"...but I think that they still make him just likable enough to where you still want to root for him."
"While not everyone was won over by Beanie's performance, people still found themselves rooting for her."
"I think he's just saying this is the priority of who you root for. Okay, all right. Well, there. Let me get into this. This is us. Us poor, uneducated people can't root for anyone anyway."
"Yo, this really looks like a camp Chicken Run already, rooting for them."
"You can literally see and modify your system files and app data on any non-rooted device."
"The only characters we root for are the ones whose perspective we see."
"I'm glad you did the world is glad you did and everybody's rooting for you guys"
"I'm not jealous of you, queen. I was rooting for you. I was always rooting for you."
"Literally, I'm rooting for them till the end of life."
"You need someone to root for, right?"
"This book is different from that, it just does these back-to-back twists perfectly and you are rooting for our main character the entire time."
"I've never had a show like this where I've had to root for almost everybody."
"We're rooting for the killer in this one."
"I used to root for the Angels, but now I live in Florida."
"Everyone in America should be rooting for the Arizona Cardinals to go undefeated."
"...you understand completely where he's coming from but at the same time... it's hard not to root for him in an emotional sense at least for me."
\"If you're rooting against her, you're messed up about fighting a young blind girl.\"
"Their love is just so pure and beautiful and you just root for everybody."
"They're both gladiators, but we're rooting for Poirier."
"I just really wanted to see Luna win the women's title."
"For the First Time since season one I was actually rooting for a couple."
"I was actually kind of rooting for them, not gonna lie."
"This was the first time in the series where I was actually rooting for our protagonist to succeed."
"She's a heroine you're kind of rooting for all the time."
"I really really want Sway to win this challenge guys."
"Their romance was just so beautiful, and I was rooting for them so much as a couple."
"i was rooting for her like i really was."
"There are many characters to easily fall in love with and yet you're still rooting at the same time for Midoriya as he tries to achieve his dreams over and over again."
"Everybody roots for the underdog."
"The only couple I'm really rooting for is Amy and Johnny."
"You really want the audience to root for you, you want them to care about the relationship."
"What I mean by favorite is more of characters I found myself wanting to see succeed."
"None of these characters are likable, yet I'm rooting for every one of them."
"The fig is one of the easiest fruit trees to root."
"It's very easy to root for Charlie Brown."
"I'm rooting for y'all more than ever."
"Let's learn in the chat who you're rooting for."
"Every time you watch them, you're like, 'You know what? I'm rooting for you.'"
"Your child leaving, you have to root for it. It's like, 'Yeah, I don't want you to stay a child, you must continue on your journey'."
"The rooting is much better in the soil than it is in the water."
"She's the one you're actually interested in, the one you're rooting for."
"This video was interesting because the whole time I'm rooting for the sloth."
"Give them something to root for: young love."
"I just couldn't help but root for them."
"You can gain access to areas of your device that are normally closed off through a process known as rooting."
"I'm hoping these cuttings should start to root fairly quickly."
"He's a sweet, sweet guy, and I'm rooting for him."
"Right now, I am totally rooting for her."
"We always love the underdog because that's who we're left to root for."
"I'm rooting for you, as I always am."
"If a tree grows well from cuttings, you know that they root fairly easily under good conditions."
"Mary to me was a very relatable character, and so I was rooting for her."
"The love stories like I just was rooting for these characters from the very beginning and my heart ached for them the entire time."
"No matter what, when you're watching a TV show, you want to be rooting for someone."
"You want to survive with them; you feel like you're rooting for them the entire time."
"There's something about someone trying to make things work that you root for."