
Energy Drink Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"The Call of Duty League is brought to you by Game Fuel, victory in a can."
"Guys, I'm having a sugar-free Red Bull. Cheers, not a sponsor."
"Welcome to the 2006 tournament of champions presented by Sovi Adrenaline Rush."
"Anxiety dissipating, anxiety dissipating. I had a [ __ ] Red Bull before this, so I'm jittering a little bit."
"G fuel is an energy drink that zero calorie tastes amazing and has a myriad of great flavors it ships quickly and it supports y'all boy definitely pick some up."
"Total Package Energy, my favorite energy drink whenever I get on live."
"Guardian 8 energy drink inspired by Halo? Count me in for the novelty alone."
"I'll shut all the [ __ ] down, now let's lock the doors and let's drink some red bulls because we'll be here all night."
"G fuel is an energy drink that boosts your focus and alertness all with no sugar and just 15 calories."
"Every time you can get someone to not drink an energy drink that has a bunch of crap in it, we want it to be healthy and there's no sugar in there, no artificial sweeteners at all. Oh, that's really good."
"Honestly though, I've taken an energy drink before and then just added like a shot of whiskey to it and you absolutely cannot taste the whiskey, it's actually kind of like a magic elixir."
"The best energy drink in the world, 10 times better than nausea."
"The energy was awesome that day. We blasted back the monster energies and we're both just like puking after drinking it because we don't drink stuff like that."
"Look at cheers we got our Red Bull we're all prepared thanks."
"Now you can work really fast after you drink Red Bull."
"Thanks for the Red Bulls in, I believe, Toronto. You saved me. I was tired."
"Gamer Fart is the greatest energy drink on this [ __ ] planet."
"I should have stopped to get a Red Bull on my way but we were kind of running laid and so I was like you know it's fine."
"Miraculously, we have made something that gives you all the upside of an energy drink. Meaning, you will feel energized, but later you won't be coming down with multiple diseases caused by this thing that you put into your body."
"Without Red Bull I don't know if I would have been in Formula 1."
"Red Bull made me feel like a kid in the Chocolate Factory."
"Total package energy, we love it, you should love it too."
"Red Bull gives you wings? Nah, gives me heart palpitations and the shakes. But I like it though."
"The math doesn't add up the way you think it might. Just so you know, you don't get 10 hours of energy. What you get is like a 45-minute panic attack. It's terrifying."
"I don't even have an iced coffee right now because it's approximately 7 p.m., but worry not, I do have a Red Bull."
"That is the best energy drink I've ever tasted."
"With G fuel, I can perform feats of epic Gaming such as defeating Galactus in Marvel versus Capcom 3."
"Red Bull in the morning. Gives you wings."
"I haven't felt knackered like I usually feel. I haven't needed those Red Bulls to get me home, and I think that is awesome."
"Massive energy. Tell me, why are you fine if you heard about it? It's called wild thing. What do you think? It's your energy drink. Yeah, it's been a slow starter."
"Big shout out to Celsius, check them out."
"Twinkie is the drinky for young people on the move. If you dig action, you'll love Twinkie, and you'll be in the groove."
"Whether it's a workout or whether you just need a nice little pick-me-up to your day, Celsius is an absolute no-brainer."
"It went from non-existent to the fastest growing energy drink brand in the United States."
"I'm skipping the coffee and going straight to the Celsius; it does make my day."
"Bang Energy's slogan is 'Fuel your destiny.'"
"I have to give props to Bang Energy for being so colorful."
"Red Bull, it just, it has the 'it' factor for me."
"He wants to provide a healthier and more functional energy beverage with clean labels."
"Power Tabs is the first and only effervescent energy drink in Canada with Health Canada marketing authorization."
"Here we see a pair of goths drinking Monster Energy."
"Red Bull, the world-famous energy drink, has its roots in Thailand."
"Live life every day like it's a Baja Blast, because it might be your Baja last."
"I'm so happy I have Red Bull in my life."
"We are starting our morning with a Celsius; we're just gonna drink this on the way to the gym."
"I went and bought a white monster, and it seems to do what it says on the tin."
"Turn up the heat with Celsius clinically proven and proprietary formula."
"Why buy a can that gives you brittle little wings when you can smash like a monster?"
"Got the Red Bull because your girl can kind of taste now."
"Energy is back, great like I drank a power drink."
"I'm going to the fridge for a Red Bull."