
Societal Participation Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"A woman is someone who is included and respected and seen and participates in society, recognized by other women."
"You can't escape politics no matter what, even if you say that you're 'oh I don't engage in politics.' Yes, you do. Everybody does."
"It's easy to think of powers outside of ourselves, but we are both products and producers of our culture."
"If you want to participate in our society fully, you've got to get vaccinated. You gotta move to another planet immediately with all your belongings."
"We're supposed to live in a free society, and people should be able to take part in whatever they want."
"Handicapped people should be as much a part of the world."
"Life is not a kindergarten soccer game where everybody gets to shoot a goal... everybody can be on the pitch and try out for the team."
"If there is no justice for me then what's the point of participation?"
"Jury duty, voting, all those things are things you gotta do."
"It's about everybody coming together for the common good."
"Take your place in a marriage, take your place in a family, take your place in a community, bear a load. All the responsibility you abdicate personally will be taken up and used against you by tyrants. That's the iron law of humanity."
"I think you have much more engaged citizenship."
"Voting once every two years is like the lowest bar like you have to clear to be part of a member of society."
"I think everyone should be opinionated. There's not many things that I guess I don't feel like I have an opinion on."
"It's not as if black people don't want to participate in American society."
"It's a battle between authenticity and fabrication... if you don't join that battle, then you'll lose your democracy."
"It's really important that we all play a role, an active role, in understanding the actors and levers that move our society to hold them accountable."
"I think we should choose to allow trans people to participate in society."
"What would this place become if everyone realized they were able to participate?"
"I think for a vital functioning democracy, which I would like to live in, which I would like my kids to live in, a world that has these things, I am willing to do this."
"I don't want any of us to feel as though we are descending into invisibility."
"If you're not going to actually allow yourself to take advantage of being a free country then you may as well not have freedom."
"If we do our jobs as citizens, we become informed."
"Let us hear your voice... let us live with an open hand."
"You want to go do human stuff? Get two doses of this vaccine. Nah, thanks, bro."
"Law-abiding citizens are discouraged from taking part in society."
"Cancel culture is a participation sport. You can't be canceled if you refuse to be canceled."
"You still have to deal with the world, but you're not supposed to be part of it."
"Racism is a team sport, and whether you like it or not, if you're those people, you're on that team."
"People who don't care or don't know will always win."
"You're playing the game. You want to support one half of the culture war? Well, congratulations, you are in it, and now they're coming for you."
"The habitual and active participation of the entire country in the management of its public affairs."
"You have to be part of something that's bigger than yourself."
"Building back better meant building back with many more people participating and with environmental justice."
"Democracy really depends on people feeling safe enough to go out into the public square."
"And it's very important to show up there and to state your opinion."
"I think more people are becoming civically aware than ever in history."
"We live in a time of enormous innovation we live in a time where everybody actually has an opportunity to have a say and participate."
"By opting out of the game of life, you are arguably less conscious than the sleazy businessman who at least provides a fraction of value with the product he is selling."
"It's really fun, they don't want to be shut away, they want to be part of society."
"We would like to give him a feel that he can carry on being part of society, at least this gives him a chance."
"I'm just, you're not, no one, does anyone actually get canceled anyway? Why would you participate?"
"Ordinary people should be allowed to have a voice."
"Being just is what makes a man truly a social animal; being completely unjust pulls you out of society, makes you an animal."
"I want a country called India whereby everyone is and will become a part of the solution, not add to the problem."
"What they need is engagement. They need to succeed in the world around them."
"Public education is a public good to create citizens who can participate in this society."
"Are you trying to participate in our society? Then be decent."
"How do we create justice? What sort of a system do we need to build that actually establishes peace and justice and full participation?"
"People who participate in these systems are both women and men."
"You couldn't argue anymore that they weren't capable of participating in society."