
Russian Politics Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"A major breakup of the Russian state is not something that we in the West should call for; it could be a calamity for international security."
"Russia badly needs decolonization because it's a failing imperial project."
"Western leaders should call for federalization, political, and cultural decentralization in Russia."
"And if your head is starting to spin, welcome to Russian politics, it's complicated."
"Ukraine is alive because Russian tyranny has lost control."
"Putin seeks division, so we must stand united."
"Senator Lindsey Graham calling for regime change, removing Putin."
"While the calls for Putin's resignation are rising all over Russia, nightmare days have begun for the Russian authorities."
"I've had a lot of experience with the Russians. They don't Bluff. They literally don't Bluff."
"Putin wants to recreate the Russian empire, he believes these countries have no right to exist in the first place."
"Putin took back the government's monopoly on violence."
"The only thing that matters is what Vladimir Putin thinks."
"The Russians can always find a reason, and if they actually could stage a successful invasion... they wouldn't hesitate."
"The only way that a Russian government changes course is when it collapses."
"Putin was able to fortify the economy of Russia to withstand further, more aggressive sanctions."
"Russia is afraid of Ukraine joining NATO because if NATO decides to become more western friendly and as a thriving happy and healthy democracy right there I think that's a threat to the autocratic rule of Putin."
"Putin is highly threatened by a successful democratic regime that's on his borders because it threatens his own rule."
"The possibility of a military Uprising against the current leader of Russia Vladimir Putin has been brought up by a former Russian Commander."
"Daughter of Putin ally killed in car bomb outside Moscow."
"They've confirmed that Prigozan has engaged in a mutiny, calling for armed conflict, which is wild coming from Russian Security Services."
"Putin's pattern he makes no attempt in other words to pretend."
"Putin is now isolated from the world, more than he has ever been."
"Putin, who declared an unjust war on Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, in order to create a distraction and to continue making moves in his own interests."
"There is a tendency to think that Russians who support Putin must all be like him... but there are incredibly inspiring people within Russia who are willing to stand up against him."
"I really despise anyone who wants to disparage Russia as some kind of dystopian capitalist and imperialist regime."
"The largest popular Uprising in Russian history since the Bolshevik Revolution."
"Putin certainly triggered this war, isn't evil human, and is the face of Russian aggression against a sovereign state, but that's not the full picture."
"After 70 years, the experiment of Russia's communist rule has ended. The Cold War is Over. Mikhail Gorbachev, the man who survived the August Coup and changed the course of post-war history, was now a president without a union."
"Putin clearly recognizes that this is not a war supported by ordinary Russian people, it is Putin's war."
"I think it's amply clear that Russian interference was at the heart of the interference in the 2016 election cycle."
"We learned today that Vladimir Putin murdered the main opposition leader."
"Putin made himself into the non-Yeltsin, promising stability and safety to a country buffeted by a decade of turbulence."
"A democratic Ukraine could unite demands for similar change within Russia itself."
"Putin is absolutely reckless and a direct threat to world peace."
"Russian oligarchs now coming out and stating that they don't support the war."
"The Russians think of war as the extension of politics. It's not either or, it's both and."
"Putin is about to turn into his own worst nightmare which is to have the same fate as his predecessor Yeltsin who was still President of Russia until he resigned but it was basically a joke and ignored by everyone."
"The collective West is trying to split our society, speculating on the combat losses, on the socioeconomic consequences of the sanctions, provoking a civil confrontation in Russia and using its fifth column to achieve its goal."
"We are suffocating the Russian regime. That's our goal."
"What Putin is, is a kleptocrat, and he is thieving and stealing and corrupting Russia like no other."
"Putin believes that Russia is the desirable target of the West, that the West wants to grab, take Russia over, to grab it, to split its resources, to take control over the country."
"Get a Peter the Great, you get Stalin, then you get a Gorbachev, and those dice have landed again on Vladimir Putin."
"I think that the Putin regime is on its last legs."
"Should we, in fact, be preparing for some kind of collapse or disintegration even of the Russian Federation?"
"Young Russians who were required to serve in the military began to abandon the country at airports and border crossings."
"Clearly the Kremlin is looking for a way out... It's anxious to stop the war as it is because it keeps losing lands."
"Vladimir Putin's decision to partially mobilize announced earlier had prompted many Russian citizens to leave the country."
"Pregosian's bold statements raise more question marks about Putin and his policies."
"Ukraine fundamentally doesn't trust Russia under Putin and probably Russia under whoever comes after Putin."
"Putin's ambitions have led to the Russian leader losing his 24-year-old Throne forever."
"As long as it's someone from that elite who's in charge, Putin's fine."
"Nobody's going to believe a word out of a Russian leader's mouth for decades going forward."
"The Russian people are not our enemy; they are the victims of thieves who've stolen their wealth and stolen their chance of democracy."
"The only way to deter any possible use of nuclear weapons is to make Putin believe the consequences of such use will be ruinous for Russia as a state and for him as its ruler."
"Putin very much wants to re-establish the former Russian Empire."
"Putin found it profoundly threatening that democracy can prevail in countries close to Russia."
"The bigger Putin's miscalculations, the faster he ushers in the defeat of the Russian military and his own downfall."
"Putin's obsession goes way beyond NATO expansion or a pro-western government in Kyiv. It is an outright rejection of Ukrainian identity and statehood."
"Russia has learned from Yugoslavia that it is incredibly important to not just maintain sovereignty and defend sovereignty but to chart a new world order."
"Putin stopped the collapse and he stabilized the situation and he began to rebuild the Russian state."
"We're talking about a politician who almost uniquely among the Russian opposition could appeal outside of that sliver of the 20-25% who would be inclined to be liberally democratically oppositional."
"He would have been able to snap the Russian opposition out of infantilized conflict they've been engaging in and would have been able to have a much bigger impact on what's happening inside Russia."
"There's nothing magical that says that you can't have massive mobilization in Russia very rapidly... certain things need to change."
"President Putin is confronted with something today that he didn't think was possible a year ago."
"Putin wants to restore Russia to its rightful place as a superpower, and that to him is more valuable than whatever wheat fields and oil advantages he gets."
"Following the explosion, Russian President Vladimir Putin was captured on television looking terrified."
"Millions of Russian citizens are currently counting down the days for their country to be freed from Putin's dictatorial regime."
"The Western countries that Putin described as enemies have now become the greatest hope of the Russian people."
"Putin is extremely unsuccessful in international politics as well as in state administration."
"Putin's dreams of spreading the outdated Cold War mentality were completely overturned."
"Rasputin made the most of his position, and before long he wasn't just healing Prince Alexei, he was advising on matters of state and influencing foreign policy."
"Putin isn't a threat to our legitimacy, he's a threat to us."
"Could these drone strikes, along with the visible weakening of Putin’s hold on power that has followed in their aftermath, really be the beginning of the end for Putin’s regime?"
"President Putin launched a massive Purge targeting the Wagner Group."
"It's no wonder Ukrainians don't believe Russian claims to be scaling down in the north. Lavrov is liar and Putin is killer."
"My father was a political visionary... He predicted that the current political line chosen by Vladimir Putin would lead exactly to those consequences which we are witnessing right now."
"Putin's war is a total failure, his paranoia still allows him to feel that."
"Russia is this dying monster that is collapsing."
"Putin is a war criminal and his regime must go."
"The question is not Putin anymore, the question is whether he will have enough people to carry his criminal crazy orders."
"Putin may run out of money at the end of the day."
"The other flag is the flag of new Russia, new free Russia."
"Red notice is a book that i'd recommend anybody listening who wants to know more about the the specifics of the uh kleptocracy that is russia like how does he funnel all this money into whatever."
"Putin's consecutive gaffes were the final straw for Russian generals."
"He doubts that the Russians will achieve their political objectives."
"It was a rare moment of outright descent directly to Putin's face."
"Given who's coming up next in Russian politics, Putin is a much more rational person."
"I'm saying that like the reason they may have perceived him as being manic was because he was genuinely terrified of some big story he uncovered."
"Putin is responsible for Nal's death. Putin is responsible for what has happened in Nal me. It's yet more proof of Putin's brutality."
"Anybody that thinks Vladimir Putin is going to stop if he takes Ukraine has what we say in this part of the country another thing coming."
"The russians have managed to establish a neo-orwellian information state."
"Putin's openness to joining NATO turned to annoyance with NATO and is now just opened hostility toward NATO."
"Suroviken's loyal soldiers began to side with the soldiers of the Russian Legion of freedom because they felt betrayed by Putin."
"Putin was able to restore the traditional subordination of the elite to the Russian state in just a few short years."
"There is a massive security structure around Putin."
"One of my fears is what will happen if Russia implodes, the Federation implodes."
"Nothing less than a humiliation is going to force the Russian establishment to think again."
"Over 260,000 Russian men had fled the country after Putin announced the mobilization."
"Many Russians have discarded clothing with a 'Z' on it."
"Russian aggression is not some novel response to NATO expansion."
"I will be replaced at where I am but I am confident that the fundamental pillar of the Russian economy and statehood and its political system will be such that Russia will be firmly standing on its feet and look into the future confidently."
"Vladimir Putin a virtual political unknown three months ago now clearly in charge of Russia."
"What if root Scoy had managed to turn the Russian military against Yeltsin in that moment which could have changed the history of Russia forever."
"Russian attempts to cause chaos... getting away with it for now."
"Lenin must also be buried when life here becomes common, when it becomes a continuation of our histories without a break between the before and after 1917, then and only then can we think about a state structure."
"Russia can't allow to happen that's a Russian defeat."
"There's an unbelievable crisis of the capacity for normative thought about politics in Russia."
"There is also scenario that Russia would collapse into several smaller countries."
"Step into the mind of Vladimir Putin for a moment, if you will. We know he is a died-in-the-wool Soviet. That's where he came from. He was a KGB operative."
"In Russia, Putin is under pressure from his own people. Tens of thousands have clashed with police at protests against the Russian president demanding the release of opposition leader Alexey Navalny."
"Lil uzi vert is solidified as a legend certified."
"Estonia has announced the expulsion of a Russian Diplomat." - Estonian foreign Ministry
"A growing Russian resistance movement has been gaining steam."
"More than just a war, it's a battle for hearts and minds inside Russia."
"Even if Russia were to take a more democratic path, it's not clear who would regain power."
"The chances of Russia invading the Baltics by 2030 are low, but they're not zero. Putin does want to give it a try."
"Russia needs a strong state or else they'll be absolute chaos."
"I think we're seeing early signs of serious political opposition to Putin's war in Ukraine." - John Brennan
"You study what's going on, and I'm not trying to deify Putin in any way, shape, or form."
"A military coup unfolding inside of Russia and potentially in Belarus."
"Wagner troops are just hundreds of kilometers away from Moscow mere hours away."
"The world's democracies must not overlook the task of helping Russian citizens gain access to objective information about the war and the Putin regime." - Vladimir Kara-Mursa
"Some of them have held on longer than others but it seems like the global uh Zeitgeist toward Russia one by one will destroy them all."
"Sadly we're in a situation in Russia where we're beyond people power really mattering."
"A majority of the Duma's deputies formed a Progressive Bloc demanding political reforms."
"We need to become more serious about eliminating Russian influence from our public life."
"Putin has turned Russia ever more authoritarian, effectively making the country a dictatorship."
"He had never shied away from criticizing the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, even from inside the prison."
"The absolute supremacy of the state in Russian politics is so important, you don't question it."