
Pediatrics Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"Child neurology is an incredibly rewarding field."
"A child is not just a mini adult; the brain is so different for children, and yes, we do need to treat children differently."
"I recommend one because it's really okay for kids to get adjusted."
"You know what that medicine is probably the closest to Pediatrics right because patients can't tell you what's wrong you sort of got to figure it out."
"Actions speak louder than words, and your actions show that you are very interested in pediatrics."
"Remember, pediatric cardiology is a specialty in its own right. It's not a grid training module, so it's actually followed by general internal medicine."
"Knowing milestones is very very high yield."
"Dermatomyositis is very high yield in pediatrics."
"One of the key test taking strategies high level for Pediatrics is that pediatric questions frequently test congenital abnormalities that affect multiple organ systems."
"One of the principles that was going on in JFK Partners was a very strong focus on early intervention."
"I am graduating medical school this year and I was able to match into a residency program for pediatrics and so I'll be taking care of little children."
"Most doctors assert that vaccinations are necessary for young children."
"Children's Motrin is the pediatrician's new choice for high fever."
"This toxicity profile was fantastic, and this is the standard of care for Pediatrics."
"What's been your favorite part of nursing school so far? I love peds classes and clinicals, clinicals are super fun."
"Nurses can specialize. I'm interested in possibly ped's or possibly ortho."
"I hope this gave you a little bit more confidence to enter your pediatric setting that you might be going into, and I hope you'll love it just as much as I do."
"I love children and I love working with children in primary care."
"Peds is usually hopeful, most of the time they get better, most of the time they do well."
"Peds is such a cool area where you can make such a difference."
"Respect breathing in neonates and children in general."
"A simple febrile seizure lasting less than five minutes... can be very reassuring to these caregivers and parents."
"One dose of vitamin K given to your baby after birth can be the solution."
"A case of severe antegrade obstruction in a young child."
"It's a pediatric problem of major medical importance in many areas throughout the world."
"This ER and all the people who work here are uniquely equipped to deal with children."
"Pulse ox is a valuable tool to measure the oxygen saturation in a pediatric patient with respiratory distress."
"Prevention is better than cure, and we need to look at this in our pediatric population."
"In babies, we have two kinds of reflexes we talk about: the Deep tendon reflexes just like we look at in adults and the Primitive reflexes."
"The studies that are done in a pediatric format make it easier for the pediatric cardiology surgeon to interpret because they are anatomically correct."
"Fever in Pediatrics... the severity of the fever does not indicate the severity of the illness in the child."
"One of the most important things that Dr. Hill has done was he was just one of the leading clinicians who's really brought celiac disease into the forefront of pediatric medicine."
"We should never lose sight of the fact that at the end of our ventilator, there's a baby."
"The most unique thing about being a pediatrician is the long-term relationships that you have with people."
"...if a child gets admitted to the ICU for any number of reasons: trauma, sepsis, after surgeries."
"I am board certified in Pediatrics and also in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine."
"I'm a critical care physician at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital."
"In my experience, the treatment of CRPS in the Pediatric setting is a multi-disciplinary activity."
"Let's build the perfect hospital for our babies."
"Untreated pain in children has a negative impact on their further development."
"Assess cap refill in infants and children; assess perfusion by evaluating skin color, temperature, and condition."
"Everything in pediatrics is weight-based."
"It's not like their age is important. It's the weight."
"If we're going to be giving medicine to a child, we should know their most accurate dosing based on their weight."
"She was looking forward to being a pediatrician."
"In this lecture, we're going to talk about pediatric asthma and how we should approach a wheezing child."
"Asthma represents by far and away the most common cause of wheeze in children."
"The one that I liked the most was pediatric history taking because we've never really been introduced to the topic at all really."
"In children, the commonest site for osteomyelitis is the metaphysis of the long bones."
"Fever is not dangerous for your child; fever is your body's attempt to fight off the virus or the bacteria."
"If you suspect a baby has toxo, then the best first step is to get antibody titers."
"We've been asked to provide some really focused education in the context of increasing volumes, specifically on how to manage young children with bronchiolitis who may need escalating respiratory support."
"It is critical for all physicians caring for children to be able to recognize eye disorders and provide early referral to pediatric ophthalmologists."
"Rickets will appear clinically as the widened growth plate."
"Osteosarcoma is the most common malignant lesion in pediatrics typically and it has a sunburst type of pattern."
"I hope to become a pediatrician and treat little children."
"The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends 400 international units a day of supplemental vitamin D for all children through age 18."
"I'll introduce support group services to them, being in a cardiac floor, lots of times for kids that is a lifelong type of condition."
"It's so important for every pediatric therapist to know how to spot the early signs of autism."
"In pediatrics, the work of the child is play. That's how they learn about their environment, that's how they learn social interaction."
"Amblyopia is one of the most common conditions we see in children in regards to vision disorders."
"Children in respiratory distress are considered true emergencies as respiratory muscles can fatigue rapidly."
"The Pediatric Assessment Triangle provides an effective tool for the rapid assessment of the severity of the pediatric patient’s illness or injury."
"Appearance can be one of the most reliable signs when assessing the pediatric patient because infants and children who are physiologically unstable or critical look sick."
"Thyroid gland and normal development through pediatrics is necessary; you have to have a thyroid gland to develop normally."
"The American Academy of Pediatrics released a clinical report in support of premedication for nonemergency endotracheal intubation in neonates."
"The mantra in pediatrics is never miss an opportunity to vaccinate."
"Osteosarcoma is the most common malignant bone tumor in children."
"The biggest mistake I see... when people are sewing up kids, they're kind of fighting."
"The field of Children's Dentistry is a very great one and a growing one."
"She wanted to be a pediatrician; she was smart enough to be anything that she wanted to be."
"It kind of speaks for itself, it's pediatric Advanced life support."
"I want to be a pediatrician, that's what I want to be."