
Practical Effects Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"Using practical effects and realistic designs helps make the film's feel timeless."
"Practical effects are a huge reason so many of us love horror movies. There's a sense of magic to seeing something grotesque and unnatural brought to life with prosthetics and animatronics."
"You can actually do quite a lot of really cool stuff directly in the editor timeline without using any of the advanced features."
"Practical advancements paved the way for even more integration between CG and practical suits."
"The word 'repentance' means more than just changing your mind intellectually. It includes a change in affections, desires, and results in tangible fruit."
"Batman tases the last guy on the throat showing that Batman's armor itself must be electro proof."
"Tarantino refused to use CGI instead opting for practical effects."
"Real world location sets, practical effects where they could with puppets and creatures, brilliant choices."
"It's like you're bringing out the practical effects to Star Wars."
"The practical effects and the overall success of the film as a whole is the testament to Cameron's vision."
"Roger Rabbit continues to this day to be a reminder of what true Innovation looks like in a day and age where Blockbusters are filmed almost entirely on green screen and the use of CGI outweighs practical effects."
"The Ingenuity and craftsmanship to create such believable effects without computers is just as stunning today as it was 25 years ago."
"Never have practical movie effects been so effective or so gross."
"The Guyver: Hollywood's first-ever anime adaptation makes use of some seriously impressive fully practical tokusatsu-style suits and effects."
"the the watching his [ __ ] snout grow and watching him look at his hand as it stretched and [ __ ] and they did all that with practical effects that [ __ ] still [ __ ] works to this day"
"Nolan's dedication to practical stunts is peerless."
"They used real fire in his sword with zero CG enhancements."
"The finished product: hard not to be impressed with the Stranger Things production team. They love to build as many practical pieces as they can."
"One of the most impressive practical sets I've seen for a movie ever."
"Arachnophobia used a mix of animatronic and real spiders with over 300 of bonedale spiders hailing from New Zealand coming over for filming."
"Hellraiser set the stage for a lot of practical effect horror moving forward and with good reason... every aspect of that movie works, it's so good."
"It's not always about getting the best effect, but the best given constraints."
"Christopher Nolan chose not to CGI the bomb scene."
"The t1000 was to be a new fresh never-before-seen effect on-screen but still couldn't quite exist without the help of practical effects."
"One of the most effective elements of this movie came from the animatronic shark malfunctioning constantly."
"In the allotted time it took to build a prop and actually shoot something practically where you actually get everything in camera, can you actually get to that same bar of quality using nothing but digital tools?"
"Directors... absolutely love and prefer practical effects on set."
"We don't defy the laws of physics. They're real cars and real people in a real desert."
"So much of what we do on the Practical side Works hand in hand with the CG Department."
"James Cameron actively wanted to pursue in order to keep the audience from tuning Titanic out as just another computer effects driven blockbuster."
"It's these kinds of practical solutions that I think make movies like Titanic work and hold up to today's standards."
"Terminator 2: Judgment Day - a perfect mix of practical and computer effects."
"Why can't we have practical wire work and practical destruction? It looks so much better."
"There's nothing cooler than practically shooting a tentacle."
"Twister might be the last great action movie not shot on a Sound Stage tipping his hat to a bygone era of primarily practical effects an on location filming."
"I would agree with that, I would also like to add that I think that a lot of the moves that we see in movies are actually just enhanced versions of practical techniques."
"All that time and effort that you're going to put into modifying this thing comes down to four different contact patches with the road."
"That would have saved them a lot of money right, you know a lot of money. Would have been important of the animatronics in those costumes for the first one so they would have kept it and kept using them all the way into turtles part 23."
"Fury Road happens to be one of my favorite movies of all time due to the Practical effects and stunts."
"It was just how many creatures, how many practical elements, how many of those moments were that George gave to me." - Panelist
"Sigourney Weaver is great, the entire cast is great, the practical effects from ATI serve as some of the best examples of how sophisticated this technology became in a pre-CGI world."
"It's all practical, characters are all practical."
"It's important for us to shoot the new Deadpool film in real natural environments like a quarry, using practical effects as opposed to making the movie indoors and digitally."
"As a practical effects department we tend to work very closely with digital effects. A lot of the best effects achieved now in TV and film are a combination of the two"
"The entire CGI versus practical debate is something the audience has invented out of sheer ignorance about how movies are made."
"Everything is done for real it's a one ton metal bomb that we roll keep it real keep it practical and what we did actually we did this for real"
"A solid and fun experience chock full of plenty of jump scares and peppered with some quite nice gore and practical effects."
"It's amazing look you can make fun of the lowbudget effects and star crash all day if you want and I certainly have but this is really the kind of stuff you no longer see in the CGI era."
"Christopher Nolan remains one of a select group of directors and filmmakers who are committed to doing everything as practically as they can."
"Practical effects are really the way to go."
"The practical effects work in this film is quite good."
"So fuck you haters, in a world saturated with computer effects, this film is a triumph of the practical."
"Chris Nolan's so anti-cgi that they actually grew the corn for the movie."
"The Practical effects of it no one had ever seen anything on the scale kind of like Metropolis in 1927."
"The entire film is essentially one massive chase scene, and almost all of it was done practically."
"I love practical effects, I love puppets, I love anything that just, I don't know, there's something wonderfully special about practical."
"It always blows my mind thinking about how they used to do practical effects for outer space back in the day."
"Why in god's name would you ever cover up practical effects in a horror film with [ __ ] CGI? Learn, stop doing that."
"The practical effects in this are legitimately amazing."
"It's refreshing to see modern action adventure movies that still stick to practical stunt work and practical effects."
"The sheer talent and effort and time that practical effects took... Outstanding!"
"The practical effects were fantastic."
"Just a perfect exploration of not only practical effects, but also just this isolated story of paranoia."
"I appreciated the fact that they had to actually build the sets... nowadays this whole movie will be shot on green screen so I very much appreciated that there was actual sets involved."
"It's all like practical effects, right? It's just something, I know this song from Simpsons."
"Using practical effects and physical sets are always the preferred option as the actors can react to what's going on in front of them live, allowing them to give a better, more believable performance."
"That was something practical, like the practical effects were [__] good."
"I love older movies when they use practical effects. It just adds to the frightening factor."
"There's just something transcendent about practical effects, particularly from the 80s."
"I know it's going to be super interesting seeing this, especially now because a lot of practical effects is something that, you know, I truly admire in any film."
"I always champion practical effects, especially for horror films."
"The practical effects, I think, are also really good or maybe not good but like charming and of their time."
"The practical effects on these kills are awesome."
"...between the use of amazing state of the art CGI, the Practical effects, it's 30 years later this movie is still incredible."
"The alien in Covenant is more or less entirely created out of CGI, and it looked good, but it pales in comparison to the practical alien in parts of the first and especially the second film."
"The saucer crash-lands into the surface in a sequence of shots that, believe it or not, was actually filmed entirely practically."
"I love the presence and reliance on practical effects in the movie."
"You can make it look real and do practical effects."
"'The Tale of the Dead Man's Float' delivers some of the best costuming and practical effects of the entire show's run."
"Without a doubt, the most innovative practical effect in Inception takes place during the hallway fight scene."
"You cannot beat practical effects."
"It's very cool that all of this was practical."
"The practical effects are totally like up selling the visual effects."
"So like I've already mentioned practical effects are one of my favorite things to see in a movie and this movie had them out the friggin wazoo."
"The kills...it's super super bloody. I think the Practical effects are very effective."
"The fact that both the old film and the new one use miniatures and real props instead of CGI makes the movies look better, be more grounded, and puts them at a higher league compared to the CGI green screen movies that we have today."
"Aliens remains one of the most awesome practical effects in movie history."
"I love practical effects because no matter how unrealistic they look, they are there."
"Mad Max Fury Road is 90 to 95% practical effects. When you see the stunts and action pulled off in the movie, it's mind-boggling knowing that it's almost all real stunts and effects."
"This is like such a big moment in the movie too because it's like wait, what? She's inflating. It looks so good, right? Yeah, it's incredible. This entire scene is practical, dude. That's incredible."
"It's a celebration of exactly the kind of practical effects filmmaking we are all obsessed with."
"It's a celebration of the exact kind of practical effects filmmaking I'm obsessed with and that we all love."
"Please use more practical effects in your movies."
"The practical effects are just really good."
"The compositing work was also decent, but anything that was done practically looked far superior."
"It's great having so much actually on set, practical. Because in the end, there's just nothing that's going to feel more real than reality."
"Some outstanding practical and visual effects."
"Special effects inevitably grow outdated and practical effects are somewhat timeless."
"Miniatures and practical effects are underappreciated things in film."
"It's a legal question for a court but takes account of the Practical effects of the law."
"The movie is almost entirely practical almost no CG and you can clearly tell."
"Hey, look at Turtles. Like we always say, like, you go back to the Practical effects even though they were stupid [ __ ] puppet Muppets like it's still so much better than the best money that CGI can buy."
"This overlooked classic reminds us of a time before CGI effects when great action Adventures could be done the old-fashioned way."
"Practical effects, man, they look much better than any CGI."
"It's the best example to show us why we shouldn't be completely going for CGI."
"Like we were saying with the first Fast and Furious, there is an emphasis on practical stunts."
"That was a lot of fun, excellent use of mixing in practical effects with screens."
"The pragmatic Maxim is a method for clarifying ideas by unpacking the content of those ideas in terms of their conceivable practical or experiential effects."
"The action in this movie, though, I thought was great, it was a lot, it was a nice use of practical effects."
"We don't cheat a whole lot, we don't do a whole lot of visual effects, so we tend to do everything for real."
"It's not CGI, the one that you see in the movie is actually one that they built and that works, which is absolutely amazing."
"I'm a big fan of practical effects in movies when you can."
"You never need CGI in a horror movie, you need creativity."
"It's cheesy, it's fun, and as a horror fan, when you see the practical effects, you'll just fall in love."
"I'm the kind of film geek who just dies over the practical effects in productions like Aliens and The Thing."
"I like it when the mix is like 30% screen, 70% practical."
"Anytime a filmmaker can utilize practicality in a film, it will always go further for telling the story than green screens or digital explosions ever could."
"I've always been a stickler for the practical effects... they give you a sense of realism and believability that there is something there that is trying to eat you."
"Its use of CGI was carefully considered and its inclusion of practical effects made it feel real."
"Star Wars: A New Hope... they did a lot of practical effects, which is why it aged so gracefully."
"The puppetry and cinematography have only gotten better and the fact that 95% of everything was done with practical effects and puppets, it's beautiful."
"It used all practical effects, so all the scenes where they were getting shot by arrows and everything was all done practically, no CGI."
"The Practical effects of when the monster does show up is... it might be some of the best practical horror effects ever."
"One of my favorite things about the spate of beautiful live-action Star Wars shows we're getting is their commitment to using models and miniatures where they can to tell their stories."
"Respect to them for using practical effects."
"It was a fantastic film, the directing, script, acting, and practical effects were on point."
"The effects are amazing, both digital and practical."
"It's still real, which means there's no CGI failing you."
"Practical effects are truly astounding and CGI is astounding all on its own but they're good at different things."
"That's an example where the practicality adds so much."
"This setup I've used in multiple movies."
"This is a compositing and an in-camera practical effect all put together to help us out here."
"Sometimes you just cannot beat practical effects."
"What I liked about Mabel mlay and Gus plus us is the use of practical effects and the artistic craftsmanship behind the shows."
"Taking the time to construct props and create practical effects sometimes starts to feel like a lost art."
"The practical effects here are top notch, second to none."