
Presentation Skills Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"Speak smoothly, speak at a moderate pace, resist umming and ahhing, limit restarted sentences."
"The trick to giving a good keynote presentation has nothing to do with the technology; it's all about the presenter."
"Presentation style and personal confidence are as important as the actual content of your presentation."
"It's not just content that you can use in the presentation, it's content that you will be able to use really in answering any kind of job interview question."
"Show up in a way that your prospects like, instead of driving them a bit mad."
"I've got some questions but I'm gonna be polite and save them until the end of the PowerPoint."
"Using confident body language... make sure that you use the stage to your own benefit."
"He's an incredibly awkward presenter, lots of pauses and mumbling and dead air."
"Top performers are engaging their prospects even throughout the presentation."
"Picture your ideal audience when speaking to the camera."
"You really employed your gift of bringing this subject to life in a way that people really need to experience."
"We've done a really good job of presenting clear, concise ways of understanding the information."
"I congratulate Randy Pitchford and the folks over at gearbox for a phenomenal presentation."
"But now it's time we have saved the best for last."
"Rubin is also able to present his ideas as new and, in some cases, revolutionary."
"Presentation dynamite prototypes that show clients, teammates, and even your boss that you're a cut above the rest."
"Learning how to communicate will help you present your idea, articulate that to others, as well as ask really good questions."
"I still keep that in mind every week when I choose my projects and how to present them."
"When you can't see my hands, you wonder, What is she doing back there?"
"It's easy to make PowerPoint slides. It's hard to do mass-produced high-quality reliable cars."
"When somebody challenges you and this really invites the audience in, which, you know, when I started doing that in my especially in my public talks, people started getting my material just so much faster."
"If your player is not engaging with the content I submit to you that it may be because you have failed to present it dramatically."
"Even if you have some golden ideas to improve product but if your answer is unstructured or random it's very hard for you to get thumbs up from the interviewer."
"It's not what you do, it's how you present it."
"A deck is very important. It is how you as a founder can actually communicate what you're doing, how big the market is, and why you're the ones to do it."
"Sandra Oh obviously understands how this dress works and knows okay I have to do this in order to really showcase this gown in the proper manner that is Brilliance."
"His presentation is very rough around the edges... not judging a book by its cover."
"That was a fantastic presentation, we really appreciate you sharing your insights."
"Applying visual design principles will make your work more professional."
"We're all experts at listening to talks, why can't we just translate what we know we want as an audience member into how we give a talk as individuals."
"You can't control everything, but you can control how prepared you are and how you present yourself on stage."
"We need to make them all the best presentation and get it out where people can see it."
"If you don't have a good presentation, you will lose people."
"That presentation... they did a really good job. That's how you present a game."
"So I give up I give my 20 pregnant presentation about bagels and everybody is obviously roused by the amount of excitement that I have for the world's greatest breakfast food."
"Sequence words are the key to clarity and coherence in your presentations."
"You've got to be able to talk to people, you've got to be able to have a conversation, you've got to be able to present."
"Plating matters, even at home. It's about making your dish enticing."
"You did the research, I can tell you put in the work. This is a great presentation."
"Everything about this presentation is specifically crafted to create and mimic the actual ingredients for flow and simplicity."
"The presentation is where you get to be creative and have the most fun. It's a million times more worth it in the end."
"Using sections will help make Zoom much more useful for us, so if you have a PowerPoint presentation, I would highly recommend adding sections before you start adding a Zoom to your PowerPoint presentation."
"Congratulations, well presented, seasoned well, Liverpool Derek!"
"The goal of presenting your work is not to overwhelm the employer but to convince them why they should hire you."
"Try to show that you are human and someone relatable. Make the presentation personable, be positive, smile, and also make sure that you are upbeat at all times."
"Practice, practice, practice. The more you practice your presentation before the big day, the more confident you will be."
"I'm not going to do that a lot here in this presentation."
"By considering all these types of little details, you're basically taking away reasons for your audience to think that this is a trick."
"Starting with a hook is a really good way to ensure success."
"I wish I could do a PowerPoint presentation, make it exciting."
"If you wanted to do a good presentation, we need to train you how to do a good presentation. This is the thing that changed my career. This is the thing that can change your career in IT."
"...the single best thing in PowerPoint that you can use to make your presentations look consistent."
"The trick is, if you do need to look at your notes, put body movement into it."
"I'm really bad at presentation and gifts. I'm really not good at wrapping stuff. Maybe I should be better if your birthday is trying to be better this year."
"Now, let's show you one more thing."
"So, we know danger zone, you've got to face the camera, you've got to be pointed at the camera, toes at the camera, otherwise you're signaling lack of interest and not that competent either if you're not paying attention."
"To give an effective presentation you'll also need to be flexible."
"Your gym's presentation needs to be dialed in. Rehearsed and part of your sales strategy."
"Don't limit your presentation to what's included in your slides and try to paraphrase key points in a narrative."
"It's really important when you're bundling books to make sure you put the most important things towards the front of your title."
"I could do an enemy 2000 presentation for a weekend like you want to geek out like that I could do."
"Personally, when I make PowerPoints I don't like to have a lot of text on the screen."
"Presentation is an important part of data science."
"Get feedback loops. Use those feedback loops throughout your entire presentation."
"It teaches people how to present in many different positions whether you're presenting a topic or whether you're presenting as part of someone else's speech or whether you're presenting the person to come up on stage."
"Through the presentation, the audience must recognize the existence of a need and listen attentively to the solutions."
"...the challenge for me is to try and make it engaging and entertaining."
"Your most important goal is to sound comfortable, natural, confident."
"So now that you know what not to do, I'm going to walk you through how I would tackle a presentation."
"Being able to stand in front of a group of people and speak confidently."
"How you present information is just as important as what you present."
"You're going to have to learn how to present your work."
"You have to change your mindset when you're starting to build your deck to think about who am I talking to, how am I going to help them get unstuck."
"I'm sure that was the most seamless introduction I've done thus far."
"If you stay with me this entire presentation, you're going to come out with an entirely different perspective and understanding of flipping and pitching."
"When presenting examples, remember to detail the 'so what'—the outcome, the evaluation."
"Change your mindset around presentations; think of it as an opportunity to show your subject matter expertise."
"Hooks are a crucial step to any great presentation."
"I find presentation is an important part of doing concepts; you're always selling your idea."
"Josh is an excellent presenter but he's truly motivational as well, he really gets you excited to go off and try the things that he talks about."
"Good presentations always have three key ingredients: brevity, levity, and repetition."
"Focus on what you could do for this presentation rather than worrying on all the worst-case scenarios."
"Your introduction needs to do a couple of important things: first, grab your audience's attention; second, establish why your topic is relevant; third, establish your personal credibility."
"So hopefully you can see why a visual database can actually lead to a powerful change in the way you create presentations and how long it takes."
"There was a great presentation, and I would certainly have to agree with that comment."
"Focusing on the opening, the ending, and just make one part in the middle of the entire case study really pop up."
"Whether it be you or me, I just know that we both put on some great presentations."
"Remember, the key to a successful interior design presentation is making it all look real."
"I would like to consider myself to be a highly effective presenter who has an understanding of how to deliver complex lessons that would otherwise be difficult for students to understand."
"If you're a good presenter, if you couple that with a really nicely, well-planned, well-designed Prezi in a conversational style of delivery, then you are away to the races."
"The ability to capture someone's attention, take them on the ride, and get them to take action is a skill that most presenters do not have."
"At every job you should be able to clearly present and defend things that were your work and that you completed."
"It wasn't just jumbled, you know what I mean? You just flowed."
"The way you present is equally important, if not more important, than how you present it."
"The goal of a presentation is to leave a lasting impression."
"I've studied many languages and I'm also a writer, so this presentation is perfect for me."
"The learning objective here is simply to demonstrate the subtleties of presentation in order to elevate a merely adequate medical HMP to a great one."
"Good presentations anywhere, anytime, always have three key ingredients: brevity, levity, and repetition."
"This course did a phenomenal job in walking through the process of actually getting your analysis and then showing you how to present them."
"Bro, how he make the presentation look so good though?"
"You would really stand out for your clients or internal or whatever."
"It takes time to learn those things, how to present your ideas to an audience."
"Turn your presentation into a story to effectively inform, persuade, or just to entertain your viewers."
"So now you can consider yourself a proper YouTuber, I know you've got a PowerPoint."
"Make sure to put your best highlights at first... they want to be connected."
"The best presenters speak from what they know, and their visual aids are in fact aids for the audience rather than notes for them."
"Students should be able to deliver presentations and take part in discussions."
"Some of the diagrams I've seen have been a knock-up in PowerPoint; it borders on impressive."
"She's pretty good in front of the camera and pretty smart."
"Use relevant concept presentations to showcase your ability and provide good reasons for millennials to say yes."
"I think we should translate my presentations into Japanese and I should try to do them in Japanese to the best of my ability."
"It's not as much the scripting but how this person is showing up: their energy, tonality, confidence, certainty."
"It is an incredibly difficult task to craft a presentation that is at once substantively deep and faithful to the source material on the one hand, and yet engaging and understandable to even the non-specialists among us on the other."
"If you stand still when you're talking to the camera, it just looks like you have much better control of what you're doing."
"You're an amazing presenter and person, you're an inspiration to so many because of your determination, personality, and dedication."
"Show the judge what is different about it in a way that's easily memorable."
"I will promise you two things: the content will be high quality, and the presentation will be competent."
"This presentation is six to eight minutes... it's your chance to show us that you can take the argument that you made and now transform it into a presentation that is engaging."
"Each presentation, each opportunity to connect should be done impressively."
"The most important thing to consider is your audience."
"Over the past several videos, you've learned the basics of case comps, everything from entering the room to how to paint the story."
"Fantastic presentation, really well done."
"No matter how good our presentation is, if the message doesn't get across, the presentation fails."
"I fell in love with multimedia presentations. That's how I learned so many things on the computer."
"If you don't start off your speech well, if you don't have a good foundation, then you're not going to capture your audience's attention and their interest."